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4.-Tom,what a pity.I almost succeeded yesterday.
-I told you to be careful before.___________(  )
A.One false step will make a great difference.
B.Where there's life,there's hope.
C.Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.
D.One tree does not make a forest.

分析 --汤姆,真可惜,我昨天差点就成功了.

解答 答案:A.A选项意思为"失之毫厘,谬之千里",B选项意思为"有生命就有希望",C选项意思"今日事,今日毕",D选项意思"独木不成林",由语境be careful可知答案为A.

点评 考查谚语的辨析,要平时的学习中,要积累这些谚语的意思.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

14.Since nobody gave him any help,hemust have finished(must finish) the research on his own completely.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

15.A new report says there are now more obese people in the world than there are underweight people.Researchers from Imperial College London wrote the report.
The researchers examined health records from about 20million people for what they called the"world's biggest obesity study."For the study,the researchers compared the body measurements of almost 20million adults.They found that from=1975to 2014,global obesity rates for men increased from 3.2percent of the population to 10.8percent.For women,it rose from 6.4percent to 14.9percent.The study found that more than 2.3percent of men and 5percent of women are considered severely obese.A severely obese individual has a body mass index (or BMI) of over 35kilograms per square meter.BMI is a way to measure a person's height compared to their weight.The study also found that about 1percent of men and 2percent of women are considered"morbidly (病态地) obese."Such people have difficulty with simple activities because they are overweight.The researchers say there are now=55million morbidly obese adults worldwide.
Majid Ezzati is the chief writer of the report.He writes that"the number of people across the globe whose weight poses a serious threat to their health is greater than ever before.He adds that this epidemic (流行病) of severe obesity is too extensive to be dealt with just medications.He says coordinated global initiatives are needed to  tackle this crisis.These initiatives include looking at the"price of healthy food compared to unhealthy food,or taxing high sugar and highly-processed foods (深加工食品)."
The researchers warn if the problem of obesity worsens,18percent of men and=21percent of women will be obese by 2025.
(本文出处:VOA April 11,2016)(略有改动)

28.Which kind of people are considered to suffer from morbidly obese?C
A.Those who cannot go around on their own.
B.Those who like sugar very much.
C.Those who do some simple things with difficulty.
D.Those who are fond of processed foods.
29.The underlined word"tackle"in the 3rd paragraph probably has the same meaning asD.
A.pass through       B.result from       
C.contribute to      D.deal with
30.The method the author uses to develop paragraph 3is byA.
A.informing and explaining       B.examining and instructing
C.arguing and discussing         D.comparing and evaluating
31.In which column of a newspaper can we probably find the text?B
A.Culture              B.Lifestyle          
C.People               D.Technology.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

12.All Chinese people deserve equal opportunities to enjoy _________ prosperous (富裕的) life,see their dreams come true and benefit together from_________ country's development.(  )
A.a; 不填B.the; aC.the; 不填D.a; the


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

19.As a young man,Al was a skilled artist,a potter with a wife and two fine sons.One night,his older son developed a severe stomachache.Thinking it was only some common intestinal(肠的) disorder,neither Al nor his wife took the condition very seriously.But the boy died suddenly that night.
Knowing the death could have been avoided if he had only realized the seriousness of the situation,he always felt he was guilty.To make matters worse,his wife left him a short time later,leaving him alone with his sixyearold younger son.The hurt and pain of the two situations were more than Al could stand,and he turned to alcohol for help.In time,Al became an alcoholic.
As the alcoholism progressed,Al began to lose everything he possessed-his land,house,etc.Finally Al died alone in a small bar.Hearing of Al's death,I thought,"What a totally wasted life!What a complete failure!"
As time went by,I began to revalue my earlier rough judgment.I knew Al's now adult son,Ernie.He is one of the kindest,most caring,and most loving men I have ever known.I saw the love between Ernie and his children,thinking that kindness and love had to come from somewhere.
I hadn't heard Ernie talk much about his father.One day,I worked up my courage to ask him what on earth his father had done so that he became such a special person.Ernie said quietly,"As a child until I left home at 18,Al came into my room every night,gave me a kiss and said,‘Love you,son.'."
Tears came to my eyes as I realized what a fool I had been to judge Al as a failure.He had not left any material possessions behind.But he had been a kind and loving father,and left behind his best love.
28.What directly made the author think of Al as a failure?A
A.His losing everything and his life.
B.His older son's death.
C.His strong addiction to alcohol.
D.His wife's divorcing him.
29.What can we infer from Al's son Ernie?B
A.His father's life was indeed wasted.
B.The love from his father made him what he was.
C.A great fortune must have been left to him.
D.He was not very kind but very loving.
30.What might be the best title of the article?A
A.Love you,son!
B.A failure father!
D.A skilled artist!


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

9.In the US,people prefer waiting for a table to sitting with people they don't know.This means a hostess may not seat a small group until a small table is available.even if a large one is.If you are sitting at a table with people you don't know,it is impolite to light up a cigarette without asking if it will disturb them.
At American restaurants and coffee shops you are usually served tap water(自来水)before you order.You may find the bread and butter is free,and if you order coffee,you may get a free refill.
Most cities and towns have no rules about opening and closing time for stores or restaurants,though they usually do make rules for bars.Especially in large cities,stores may be open 24hours a day.
Serving in restaurants is often large,too large for many people.If you can't finish your meal but would like to enjoy the food later.ask your waitress or waiter for a"doggie bag".It may have a picture of a dog on it,but everybody knows you're taking the food for yourself.
Supper and dinner are both words for the evening meal.Some people have"Sunday dinner".This is an especially big noon meal.
Tips are not usually added to the check.They are not included in the price of the meal,either.A tip of about 15% is expected and you should leave it On the table when you leave.In some restaurants,a check is brought on a plate and you put your money there.Then the waiter or waitress brings you your change.

5.Which of the following statements is true?D
A.American people like sitting with people they don't know.
B.A hostess always seats a small group at a large table.
C.American people never sit with people they don't know.
D.American people will not light a cigarette if the people who sit at the same table mind their smoking.
6.What is served before you order?D
D.Cold water.
7.What do American people always do when servings are too for them?C
A.They take the food home with a"doggie bag"for their dogs.
B.They leave the food on the table and go away.
C.They take the food home with a"doggie bag"and enjoy the food later.
D.They ask the waitress or waiter to keep the food for them.
8.What can you learn about"tips"according to the passage?D
A.Customers often add tips to their cheek.
B.The price of the meal usually includes the tip.
C.People are not expected to pay tips in addition.
D.Tips are supposed to be left on the table when customers leave.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

16.Why does most of the world travel on the right side to day?Theories differ,but there's no doubt Napoleon was a major influence.The French have used the right since at least the late 18th century.Some say that before the French Revolution,noblemen drove their carriages on the left,forcing the peasants to the right.Regardless of the origin,Napoleon brought right-hand traffic to the nations he conquered,including Russia,Switzerland and Germany.Hitler,in turn,ordered right-hand traffic in Czechoslovakia and Austria in the 1930s.Nations that escaped right-hand control,like Great Britain,followed their left-hand tradition.
The U.S.has not always been a nation of right-hand drivers; earlier in its history,carriage and horse traffic travelled on the left,as it did in England.But by the late 1700s,people driving large wagons pulled by several pairs of horses began promoting a shift (改变) to the right.A driver would sit on the rear (后面的) left horse in order to wave his whip (鞭子) with his right hand; to see opposite traffic clearly,they travelled on the right.
One of the final moves to firmly standardize traffic directions in the U.S.occurred in the 20th century,when Henry Ford decided to mass-produce his cars with controls on the left ( the reason was stated in a 1908catalog:the convenience for passengers exiting directly onto the edge,especially if there is a lady to be considered).Once these rules were set,many countries eventually adjusted to the right-hand standard,including Canada in the 1920s,Sweden in 1967and Burma in 1970.The U.K.and former colonies such as Australia and India are among the Western world's few remaining holdouts(坚持不变者).Several Asian nations,including Japan,use the left as well-though many places useboth right-hand-drive and left-hand-drive cars.

32.Why did people in Switzerland travel on the right?C
A.They had used the right-hand traffic since the 18th century.
B.Rich people enjoyed driving their carriages on the right.
C.Napoleon introduced the right-hand traffic to this country.
D.Hitler ordered them to go against their left-hand tradition.
33.Of all the countries below,the one that travels on the right isA.
34.Henry Ford produced cars with controls on the leftB.
A.in order to change traffic directions in the U.S.
B.so that passengers could get off conveniently
C.because rules at that time weren't perfect       
D.though many countries were strongly against that
35.According to the passage,which of the following is TRUE?C
A.Before the French Revolution,all the French people used the right.
B.People in Britain and the U.S.travel on the same side nowadays.
C.The Burmese began to travel on the right in 1970.
D.All the Asian nations use the left at present.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

13.Earlier this year,the social media website Facebook announced that it would work with several news organizations-including The New York Times,The Guardian,and the BBC-to place news stories directly into users'personal Facebook webpage.Stories published using Facebook Instant will load more quickly and keep the style of the original publisher,who will keep all the advertising income the stories earn-at least for now.The deal shows how important social media has become to news organizations,and is a clear sign of how the world of news is changing-and has been for a while.
When Google News began in 2002,many saw it as the death of the newspaper.It had no human editor.Instead Google used,and still uses,a secret computer program that selects and displays news stories according to the reader's personal interests.More recently,Associated Press and Yahoo!have been publishing computer-written articles.Both use special software to automatically produce stories about company financial results and sports reports-areas where the quality of writing is felt to be of secondary importance to the accuracy of the data.
Should we be worried about such developments?I think we should.One concern is that facebook,Google and other social media websites see journalism as a sideline,a way of putting people in front of advertisements.It isn't their primary function-so if it stops making them lots of money,they're likely to stop doing it.
There's also a concern that computer-written articles are not actually journalism at all,because what a human news team produces is actually quite complex.A well-written news story puts information in context,offers a voice to each side of an argument and brings the public new knowledge.
Though economics and speed of delivery mean readers will probably choose a computer-written story over a carefully shaped article-at least for daily news-I don't think the computers will be writing any in-depth articles for a while yet.

32.What is the main purpose of the article?C
A.To report on a new computer service offered by Facebook..
B.To advise readers against reading computer-written news.
C.To express concern about recent trends in online news.
D.To describe the process of online news reporting.
33.Computer-written news reports have so far focused on sports and finance becauseD.
A.these are the most popular topics for online readers
B.there are fewer journalists specializing in these areas
C.information on these topics is more easily available
D.writing style is less important than accuracy in these areas
34.What does the underlined word"It"in Paragraph 3refer to?A
35.In Paragraph 4,which of the following is mentioned as a characteristic of a well-written news article?C
A.The information presented is up-to-date.
B.The author's opinion is clear.
C.Different views on the topic are presented.
D.The language used is vivid.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

14.The result of the experiment was very good,which made us quite satisfied.

