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It was near dusk, and Kim Cooper and her husband, Steve, were trucking through northern Kentucky transportation auto parts from Louisville to Detroit for a goods company. “Steve, wake up!” she shouted. “There’s a truck on fire!”

Inside the burning truck, Ronnie Sanders, 38, was fighting for his life. He’d been running a heavy load of tractors and forklifts from Georgia to Indianapolis when a van in front of him stopped suddenly in traffic on the icy road. As Ronnie bore down, he could see children in the backseat. The truck’s bulk would probably protect him from the worst of the impact, but the force of 23 tons would likely crush everyone inside the van.

“I figured instead of killing other people, I’d just put the truck in the ditch.” At the bottom, rocks cut a fuel tank, which caught fire. A tree branch destroyed the windshield and knocked Ronnie unconscious. He came to life a couple of minutes later to find the cabin flames and his legs on fire.

Steve dashed to Ronnie, who was hanging headfirst from the passenger door. Ronnie had used his pocket knife to cut himself free from the driver’s side seat belt only to get his boot trapped in another one. Steve climbed into the burning cab to free him.

He tried three times to pull Ronnie out before finally freeing him. But Ronnie’s legs were still burning, so Steve laid him on the ground, ripped off his own shirt, and beat the flames with it. He’d managed to drag him about 20 yards when one of the truck’s 150 gallon fuel tanks exploded.

Both Steve and Ronnie paid a price for risking their lives for strangers. Ronnie spent two months in the hospital and received skin grafts(移植) on both of his legs. Steve suffered smoke breathing and minor burns, and shrapnel from the fuel tank explosion broke a tooth.

In February, the Coopers received a Hero of the Highway award from the Open Road Foundation for rescuing an injured driver. Steve insists Ronnie is the real hero: “If he hadn’t gone into the ditch, he would have hit that van. It was his decision to drive off the road.”

“I feel pretty good about it,” says Ronnie. “A lot of people could have been hurt.”

47. According to the passage, Ronnie put the truck in the ditch because of ________.

       A. his concern for his own safety B. his poor driving skill

       C. the icy road                                   D. his concern for others’ lives

48. What probably made Ronnie come to life after driving the truck in the ditch?

       A. The noise from the highway.    B. The call from the Coopers.

       C. The pain from the burning legs.       D. The heat of the fire.

49. How did Steve put out the flames in Ronnie’s legs?

       A. He beat the flames with Ronnie’s shirt.

       B. He beat the flames with his own shirt.

       C. He put out the fire with a tank of water.

       D. He put out the fire with a bag of sand.

50. What does the underlined word “shrapnel” in Paragraph 6 mean?

       A. A small piece of metal.                    B. A wave of the explosion.

       C. A branch of a tree.                         D. The heat of the explosion.

51. Which of the following can be the best title of this passage?

       A. Heroes: The Coopers               B. Heroes: Roadside Flames

       C. Accidents on the Icy Road              D. Accidents in the Ditch


科目:高中英语 来源:2010届湖北省高考英语总复习练习系列一 题型:阅读理解

Despite rising education levels, Americans of every age are reading less and less for pleasure these days, according to an analysis by the National Endowment for the Arts. The decline(下降) could have bad effects as people tune out books, tune in popular culture and become less socially engaged.
"We've got a public culture which is almost entirely commercial(商业化)and novelty - driven (追新)," says NEA chairman Dana Gioia. "I think it's letting the nation down."
The study gathers years of data on Americans' reading habits and finds that, at every age group, we're reading less.
Most of the data have appeared in private, government and university surveys, but today's report is the first to combine them into a single portrait. It suggests that the demands of school, work and family and the decisive advantage of other forms of entertainment have caused the decline in reading for millions of Americans.
·Only 38% of adults in 2006 said they had spent time reading a book for pleasure.
·65% of college freshmen in 2005 said they read little or nothing for pleasure.
·30% of 13 - year - olds in 2004 said they read for fun "almost every day," down from 35% in 1984.
According to Gioia, a poet, they decline is probably the single most important social issue in the United States today. The findings should be a wake - up call to educators to change the way they teach literature at every level. It was once believed that if someone went to college, they would become a lifelong reader. What we're seeing right now is that we're no longer producing readers. We're producing B. A. s and M. A. s and Ph. D. s.
Cioia also wants main media to wake up to how they can promote good books in many ways. He notes that when a character in the 1994 film Four Weddings and a Funeral recited a few lines of W. H. Auden's poem Funeral Blues, the poet briefly became a best seller.
65.The underlined phrase "tune out" in the first paragraph probably means________.
A.close    B.publish C.prove   D.read
66.According to Dana Gioia, the change of Americans' reading habit________.
A.is positive and valuable      B.does harm to the nation
C.is caused only by popular culture      D.can make poets best sellers
67.Which of the following is NOT the cause for the change in reading habit?
A.Demands of getting a B. A., M. A. or Ph. D.
B.Demands of family, school and work.
C.The change in the way the literature is taught.
D.Advantages of the entertainment.
68.We can infer that the number of teenagers reading for pleasure reduced by________in 20 years.
A.30%    B.38%    C.65%    D.5%


科目:高中英语 来源:2010届湖北省高考英语总复习练习系列(一) 题型:阅读理解

Despite rising education levels, Americans of every age are reading less and less for pleasure these days, according to an analysis by the National Endowment for the Arts. The decline(下降) could have bad effects as people tune out books, tune in popular culture and become less socially engaged.

"We've got a public culture which is almost entirely commercial(商业化)and novelty - driven (追新)," says NEA chairman Dana Gioia. "I think it's letting the nation down."

The study gathers years of data on Americans' reading habits and finds that, at every age group, we're reading less.

Most of the data have appeared in private, government and university surveys, but today's report is the first to combine them into a single portrait. It suggests that the demands of school, work and family and the decisive advantage of other forms of entertainment have caused the decline in reading for millions of Americans.

·Only 38% of adults in 2006 said they had spent time reading a book for pleasure.

·65% of college freshmen in 2005 said they read little or nothing for pleasure.

·30% of 13 - year - olds in 2004 said they read for fun "almost every day," down from 35% in 1984.

According to Gioia, a poet, they decline is probably the single most important social issue in the United States today. The findings should be a wake - up call to educators to change the way they teach literature at every level. It was once believed that if someone went to college, they would become a lifelong reader. What we're seeing right now is that we're no longer producing readers. We're producing B. A. s and M. A. s and Ph. D. s.

Cioia also wants main media to wake up to how they can promote good books in many ways. He notes that when a character in the 1994 film Four Weddings and a Funeral recited a few lines of W. H. Auden's poem Funeral Blues, the poet briefly became a best seller.

65.The underlined phrase "tune out" in the first paragraph probably means________.

A.close    B.publish C.prove   D.read

66.According to Dana Gioia, the change of Americans' reading habit________.

A.is positive and valuable      B.does harm to the nation

C.is caused only by popular culture      D.can make poets best sellers

67.Which of the following is NOT the cause for the change in reading habit?

A.Demands of getting a B. A., M. A. or Ph. D.

B.Demands of family, school and work.

C.The change in the way the literature is taught.

D.Advantages of the entertainment.

68.We can infer that the number of teenagers reading for pleasure reduced by________in 20 years.

A.30%    B.38%    C.65%    D.5%



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Despite rising education levels, Americans of every age are reading less and less for pleasure these days, according to an analysis by the National Endowment for the Arts. The decline(下降) could have bad effects as people tune out books, tune in popular culture and become less socially engaged.

"We've got a public culture which is almost entirely commercial(商业化)and novelty - driven (追新)," says NEA chairman Dana Gioia. "I think it's letting the nation down."

The study gathers years of data on Americans' reading habits and finds that, at every age group, we're reading less.

Most of the data have appeared in private, government and university surveys, but today's report is the first to combine them into a single portrait. It suggests that the demands of school, work and family and the decisive advantage of other forms of entertainment have caused the decline in reading for millions of Americans.

·Only 38% of adults in 2006 said they had spent time reading a book for pleasure.

·65% of college freshmen in 2005 said they read little or nothing for pleasure.

·30% of 13 - year - olds in 2004 said they read for fun "almost every day," down from 35% in 1984.

According to Gioia, a poet, they decline is probably the single most important social issue in the United States today. The findings should be a wake - up call to educators to change the way they teach literature at every level. It was once believed that if someone went to college, they would become a lifelong reader. What we're seeing right now is that we're no longer producing readers. We're producing B. A. s and M. A. s and Ph. D. s.

Cioia also wants main media to wake up to how they can promote good books in many ways. He notes that when a character in the 1994 film Four Weddings and a Funeral recited a few lines of W. H. Auden's poem Funeral Blues, the poet briefly became a best seller.

65.The underlined phrase "tune out" in the first paragraph probably means________.

       A.close    B.publish C.prove   D.read

66.According to Dana Gioia, the change of Americans' reading habit________.

       A.is positive and valuable      B.does harm to the nation

       C.is caused only by popular culture      D.can make poets best sellers

67.Which of the following is NOT the cause for the change in reading habit?

       A.Demands of getting a B. A., M. A. or Ph. D.

       B.Demands of family, school and work.

       C.The change in the way the literature is taught.

       D.Advantages of the entertainment.

68.We can infer that the number of teenagers reading for pleasure reduced by________in 20 years.

       A.30%    B.38%    C.65%    D.5%


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Despite rising education levels, Americans of every age are reading less and less for pleasure these days, according to an analysis by the National Endowment for the Arts. The decline (下降) could have bad effects as people tune out books, tune in popular culture and become less socially engaged.

“We’ve got a public culture which is almost entirely commercial (商业化) and novelty – driven (追新),” says NEA chairman Dana Gioia. “I think it’s letting the nation down.”

The study gathers years of data on Americans’ reading habits and finds that, at every age group, we’re reading less.

Most of the data have appeared in private, government and university surveys, but today’s report is the first to combine them into a single portrait. It suggests that the demands of school, work and family and the decisive advantage of other forms of entertainment have caused the decline in reading for millions of Americans.

·Only 38% of adults in 2006 said they had spent time reading a book for pleasure.

·65% of college freshmen in 2005 said they read little or nothing for pleasure.

·30% of 13 – year – olds in 2004 said they read for fun “almost every day,” down from 35% in 1984.

According to Gioia, a poet, they decline is probably the single most important social issue in the United States today. The findings should be a wake – up call to educators to change the way they teach literature at every level. It was once believed that if someone went to college, they would become a lifelong reader. What we’re seeing right now is that we’re no longer producing readers. We’re producing B. A. s and M. A. s and Ph. D. s.

Cioia also wants main media to wake up to how they can promote good books in many ways. He notes that when a character in the 1994 film Four Weddings and a Funeral recited a few lines of W. H. Auden’s poem Funeral Blues, the poet briefly became a best seller.

1.The underlined phrase “tune out” in the first paragraph probably means        .

       A.close                   B.publish                C.prove                  D.read

2.According to Dana Gioia, the change of Americans’ reading habit       .

       A.is positive and valuable                         B.does harm to the nation

       C.is caused only by popular culture           D.can make poets best sellers

3.Which of the following is NOT the cause for the change in reading habit?

       A.Demands of getting a B. A., M. A. or Ph. D.

       B.Demands of family, school and work.

       C.The change in the way the literature is taught.

       D.Advantages of the entertainment.

4.We can infer that the number of teenagers reading for pleasure reduced by       in 20 years.

       A.30%         B.38%         C.65%         D.5%

