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Learn a Foreign Language

Spend the time!

The more time you spend with the language, the faster you will learn. This means listening, reading, writing, speaking, and studying words and phrases. This does not mean sitting in class looking out the window, nor listening to other students who do not speak well, nor getting explanations in your own language about how the language works. This means spending time enjoyably connected to the language you are learning.

Listen and read every day!

Listen wherever you are on your MP3 player. Read what you are listening to. Listen to and read things that you like, things that you can mostly understand, or even partly understand. If you keep listening and reading you will get used to the language. One hour of listening or reading is more effective than many hours of class time.

Focus on words and phrases!

Build up your vocabulary, you’ll need lots. Start to notice words and how they come together as phrases. Learn these words and phrases through your listening and reading. Read online, using online dictionaries, and make your own vocabulary lists for review. Soon you will run into your new words and phrases elsewhere. Gradually you will be able to use them. Do not worry about how accurately you speak until you have accumulated plenty of words through listening and reading.

Take responsibility for your own learning!

If you do not want to learn the language, you won’t. If you do want to learn the language, take control. Choose content of interest, which you want to listen to and read. Seek out the words and phrases that you need to understand your listening and reading. Do not wait for someone else to show you the language, nor to tell you what to do. Discover the language by yourself, like a child growing up. Talk when you feel like it. Write when you feel like it. A teacher cannot teach you to become fluent, but you can learn to become fluent if you want to.

Relax and enjoy yourself!

Do not worry about what you cannot remember, or cannot yet understand, or cannot yet say. It does not matter. You are learning and improving. The language will gradually become clearer in your brain, just make sure you spend enough time with the language. That is the greatest guarantee of success.

56. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. It’s necessary to get explanations in your own language about a foreign language.

B. It’s important to listen to and read things in order to get used to a foreign language.

C. You can speak accurately as long as you have grasped plenty of foreign words.

D. It’s true to learn a foreign language by yourself completely other than anyone else.

57. What is the author’s intention by writing this passage?

A. To make a comparison about which is the best way to learn a foreign language.

B. To make an advertisement for some foreign language training centre.

C. To introduce the effective ways to learn a foreign language.

D. To encourage students to learn a foreign language well.

58. Which of the following is closest meaning to the underlined word “accumulated” (in Para 3)?

A. grasped    B. learned    C. revised   D. collected

59. If you are suffering from the trouble that you can’t remember vocabulary, you must ______.

A. listen or read whatever you come across

B. recite the words and phrases by yourself

C. make your own vocabulary lists for review

D. make sure you spend enough time to learn it


56. B【解析】细节理解题 选项A This does not mean sitting in class looking out the window,…nor getting explanations in your own language about how the language works 可以排除A 根据第二段“One hour of listening or reading is more effective than many hours of class time.”可知答案为B 由于第三段最后一句话很容易误选C,选项C中的as long as “只要”过于绝对。根据第四段A teacher cannot teach you to become fluent可知选项C中是的完全靠自己是不对的,不可能完全脱离老师,故答案为B。

57. C【解析】目的意图题 根据各段落的标题可知,这篇文章是介绍的关于掌握一门外语的方法,故答案为C。选项A说是做比较,本文并没有体现哪种方法更好,故排除;选项B文章没有相关信息。选项D鼓励学生学好外语,与通篇介绍的学习外语的方法不符。故答案为C。

58. D【解析】词义理解题 本段落主要讲解的是建立你自己的词汇,只有你积累了大量的词汇你才能讲准确地外语,也可以从信息句“Build up your vocabulary”“Learn these words and phrases”“make your own vocabulary lists”中推知accumulate 为积累之意,故答案为D。

59. D【解析】细节推断题 根据文章最后一段阐述的内容,不要担心你还不能记,不明白或不能说,你在学习,在进步。一定要确保你在上面花费了足够的时间,这是成功的最大保障。故答案为D。


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年四川省宜宾市南溪二中高一下学期半期考试英语卷(带解析) 题型:完型填空

The English translations of the names of traditional Chinese dishes on menus(菜单) across the country have caused public discussion about the precision(准确) of the translations.
Since more and more foreigners come to China every day, many restaurants around China are providing English translations of their menus. They want to make it easier for foreigners to order Chinese dishes when they travel. Some restaurants also hope that the translations will increase foreigners’ knowledge of Chinese cuisine(烹饪).
But an article in China Youth Daily says the English menu translations haven’t live up to public expectation(期望). It argues most of the English names of Chinese dishes lack the cultural meaning and attraction of the dishes they describe. Instead, the translations only provide a list of each dish’s ingredients(配方), the article notes. For example, one English name of a Chinese dish appears as “stir-fried mutton slice with Chinese onion and green scallion(葱爆羊肉)”.
Because the English translation focuses only on the ingredients, it fails to describe the dish’s rich cultural meaning and charm(魅力). The dish’s beautiful Chinese name, “Fo Tiao Qiang(佛跳墙)”, has a story behind it. Buddhist monks (和尚) are required to eat vegetables only , but they can’t resist(忍住)the delicious dish. So they jump over the temple walls to get a taste of the dish.
The article suggests that translators provide more beautiful translations of the names of Chinese dishes. It also notes a more vivid(生动的) English translation is very important to provide international visitors with a better understanding of Chinese cuisine.
【小题1】Why do many restaurants provide English translations of their menu ?

A.Because they want to show their ingredients in dishes.
B.Because the public expect them to do so.
C.Because Chinese dishes are popular.
D.Because it is convenient for foreigners to order food.
【小题2】According to China Youth Daily, what is the main problem of the English menu translation?
A.They are too long to remember.
B.Many of them are not correct.
C.They lack cultural meaning and attraction.
D.They are difficult to learn.
【小题3】What can we infer from the story of “Fo Tiao Qiang” dish?
A.Monks can jump high.
B.Monks lived a poor life.
C.Old China had little meat for people.
D.The dish attracted many people because it’s delicious.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015届四川省宜宾市高一下学期半期考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:完型填空

The English translations of the names of traditional Chinese dishes on menus(菜单) across the country have caused public discussion about the precision(准确) of the translations.

Since more and more foreigners come to China every day, many restaurants around China are providing English translations of their menus. They want to make it easier for foreigners to order Chinese dishes when they travel. Some restaurants also hope that the translations will increase foreigners’ knowledge of Chinese cuisine(烹饪).

But an article in China Youth Daily says the English menu translations haven’t live up to public expectation(期望). It argues most of the English names of Chinese dishes lack the cultural meaning and attraction of the dishes they describe. Instead, the translations only provide a list of each dish’s ingredients(配方), the article notes. For example, one English name of a Chinese dish appears as “stir-fried mutton slice with Chinese onion and green scallion(葱爆羊肉)”.

Because the English translation focuses only on the ingredients, it fails to describe the dish’s rich cultural meaning and charm(魅力). The dish’s beautiful Chinese name, “Fo Tiao Qiang(佛跳墙)”, has a story behind it. Buddhist monks (和尚) are required to eat vegetables only , but they can’t resist(忍住)the delicious dish. So they jump over the temple walls to get a taste of the dish.

The article suggests that translators provide more beautiful translations of the names of Chinese dishes. It also notes a more vivid(生动的) English translation is very important to provide international visitors with a better understanding of Chinese cuisine.

1.Why do many restaurants provide English translations of their menu ?

A.Because they want to show their ingredients in dishes.

B.Because the public expect them to do so.

C.Because Chinese dishes are popular.

D.Because it is convenient for foreigners to order food.

2.According to China Youth Daily, what is the main problem of the English menu translation?

A.They are too long to remember.

B.Many of them are not correct.

C.They lack cultural meaning and attraction.

D.They are difficult to learn.

3.What can we infer from the story of “Fo Tiao Qiang” dish?

A.Monks can jump high.

B.Monks lived a poor life.

C.Old China had little meat for people.

D.The dish attracted many people because it’s delicious.



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Most young architects―particularly those in big cities― can only dream about working in a building of their own. And making that dream come true often means finding a building no one else seems to want, which is exactly what happened to David Yocum and his parter, Brain Bell. Their building is a former automobile electrical-parts film in Atlanta. Form the outside, it looks too old, even something horrible, but open the door and you are in a wide, open courtyard, lined on three sides with rusting(生锈的)walls.

In 2000, Yocum and Bell found this building in the city’s West End. Built in 1947, the structure had been abandoned years earlier and the roof of the main building had fallen down. But the price was right, so Yocum bought it. He spent eight months of his off-hours on demolition(排除), pulling rubbish out through the roof, because it was too dangerous to go inside the building. The demolition was hard work, but it gave him time to think about what he wanted to do, and “to treasure what was there― the walls, the rust, the light.” Yocum said. “Every season, more paint falls off the walls and more rust develops. It’s like an art installation(装置) in there―a slow-motion show.”

Since the back building hade been constructed without windows, an all-glass front was added to the building to give it a view of the courtyard, and skylights were installed in the roof. The back fo the building is a working area and a living room for Yocum and his wife. A sort of buffer(缓冲) zone between the front and the back contains a bathroom, a kitchen and a mechanical room, and the walls that separate these zones have openings that allpw views through to the front of the studio and the courtyard beyond.

Yocum and Bell, who have just completed an art gallery for the city, feel that the experience from the decoration of their building, focusing on the inside rather than the outside, has influenced their work. It has also given these architers a chance to show how they can make more out of less.

60. According to the passage, it is _______ for most young architects in big cities to work in a

   Building of their own.

   A. easy   B. unnecessary  C. unrealistic  D. common

61. Yocum bought the old building because _____.

   A. it was a bargain to him

   B. it was still in good condition

   C. it was located in the city center

   D. it looked attractive from the outside

62. Working on the old building, Yocum and Bell _______.

   A. pulled rubbish out through the roof

   B. removed the skylights from the bathroom

   C. presentd a slow-motion show in an art gallery

   D. built a kitchen at the back part of the old buiding

63. It can be inferred from the passage that Yocum and Bell _____.

   A. benefited a lot from pulling down the roof

   B. turned more old buildings into art galleries

   C. got inspiration from decorating their old building

   D. paid more attention to the outside of the art gallery

64. The main idea of the passage is that ______.

   A. people can learn a lot from their failures.

   B. it is worthwhile to spend money on an old building

   C. people should not judge things by their appearance

   D. creative people can make the best of what they have


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Japanese students work very hard but many are unhappy, They feel heavy pressures from their parents to do well in school, Most students are always being told by their parents to study harder so that they can have a wonderful life, Though this may be good ideas for those very bright students, it can have very bad results for many students who are not quick enough at learning

Unfortunately, a number of students killed themselves, Others are after comfort in using druges, Some do bad things with trouble-makers and turn to crime, Many of them have tried very hard at school but have failed in the exams and have disappointed their parents, Such students feel that they are les important and leave school before they have finished their study.

It is surprising that though most Japanese parents are worried about their children , they do not help them in any way, Many parents feel that they are not able to help their children and that it is the teachers’work to help their children, To make matters worse, a lot of parents send their children to special schools called juku-cram schools, These schools are open during the evening and on weekeds , and their only purpose is to prepare students to apss exams; they do not try to educate students in  any real sense of the real world, It thus comes as a shock to realize that almost three quarters of the junior or hight school population attend these cram schools,

Ordinary Japanese schools usually have rules about everything from the students’ hair to their clothes and things in their school bags. Child psychologists now think that such strick rules often lead to a feeling of being unsafe and being unable to fit into society, They regard the rules as being harmful to the development of each student, They believe that no sense of moral values is developed and that students are given neither guidance nor training in becoming good citizens

67. A lot of Japaness students are unhappy at school because_____________

A they work very hard    B they find they can’t do well at school

C they feel unimportant   D they are under too much prssure

68. Because fo their failure at school, some students take drugs to__________

A kill themselves    B seek comfort

C disappoint their parents   D make trouble

69.What should be the best title of passage?

A Students’ Pressure    B Students’ Problems

C The Negative Impact(影响) of Japanese Education

D The Trouble in Japanese schools

70.In juku-cram schools students____________

A are taken good care of by the teachers   B. feel no pressure

C are trained to pass exams   D can learn a lot of useful things

71.In ordinary Japanese schools, _________

A there are strict rules    B, students feel safe

C students can do anything  D learning is not important


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

 You’re sitting on the train home and the person opposite you yawns(打哈欠). Suddenly, you’re yawning with him, though you’re not tired.

   This phenomenon confused scientists for years until a recent study found that people tend to sympathize with fellow humans. Supporting this claim was the discovery that those children who were unable to form normal emotional ties with others did not experience contagious(有感染力的) yawning, which showed that humans communicate regularly with out words.

   Hugo Critchley, a neuroscientist, has conducted an experiment recently, which will prove that happiness and sadness can spread like the common cold. According to Critechley, our mind and body are in constant exchange about how we’re feeling. “Emotions are closely linked with states of internal(内部的) responses,” he explained. “ There are also more visible changes in our gestures and facial expression. When we’re in a group, these signals can spread to another person. For example, there’s the obvious tendency to smile when smiled at and there are less obvious changes that reflect emotions of surprise, anger or sadness such as a change in our heart rate and blood pressure.

Hugo Critchley further explained, “Our bodies synchronies and when we like the other person, we ever copy his behavior. Next time you chat with a friend, take note fo how you’re sitting― it’s pretty likely that you will be the same. Scientists believe it’s our way of telling each other that we’re partners. Through body language, humans give each other very subtle(微妙的) but clear signals that show emotions.”

So, what lessons can we learn from this? “ Spend time with happy people― otherwise your health could suffer,” said Critchley.” When we’re sad, our body goes into fight or flight mode. But when we’re happy, our body works normally and we feel relaxed and positive. So we look bright, our skin glows, we feel healthy and it affects everyone around us.”

65. According to Hugo Critchley, ________.

   A. emotions are as visible as facial expressions

   B. we yawn more frequently when we have a cold

   C. emotions are connected with states of internal responses

   D. the change of blood pressure is not linked with the change of emotions.

66. The underlined word “synchronies” in Paragraph 4 means “_____”.

   A. move slowly  B. change rapidly  C. relax temporarily  D. respond accordingly

67. From the passage we can learn ________.

   A. sadness is as contagious as happiness

   B. anger is less contagious than friendliness

   C. surprise is more contagious than smile

   D. surprise is the most contagious among emotions

68. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

   A. Emotions have delicate influence on fellow humans.

   B. Children like copying the actions of fellow humans.

   D. People tend to communicate more with body language.

