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5. Nowadays I can choose online courses and study by.

   A. I   B. me

    C. my   D. myself           (2015 上海)


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

              A  ★★★☆☆

    Last summer I was fortunate enough to be able to spend a month in France. It was the most exciting time of my life. I stayed with a family in Montpellier. It was very different from my life in the United States. Every morning we bought fresh bread from the bakery (面包店) and had coffee in a bowl instead of a cup. The milk came in bottles fresh from the dairy (牛奶场) .These differences were skin-deep,however,I soon discovered other more important ones.

    Back home in Winnetka,Illinois,I wouldn’t think anything of taking a ten-minute shower every day,or even twice a day in summer. In my French host family,we showered only once every two days and used far less water. First you turn the water on to get wet,then turn it off and soap yourself up,then you turn it on again to rinse the soap off,so the water is only on for about maybe two minutes. Although it was pretty hot there in summer,I’d never taken showers in cold water!I couldn’t imagine what it was like in winter.

    I also noticed that although the'family had a car,they hardly ever used it. The father took the bus to work in the morning and the mother rode her bicycle when going on short trips. The family was well-off rather than poor,but they tried to drive less. As Americans,however,we are quite used to taking long showers and driving everywhere,using much more energy than French people.

    Living in Montpellier and seeing people’s frugal life there,I get angry thinking of the resources wasted in the United States. When I came home,I was much more energy-conscious. I didn't drink coffee out of a bowl anymore,but I started riding my bike to school and turning the thermostat down at night.

1. According to Paragraph 1 ,Americans and the French are different in

   A. their eating habits

   B. their morning exercises 

    C. the way of cooking

   D. their attitude to breakfast

2. What can we learn about taking showers in Montpellier?

   A. People take showers every day.

   B. People use a small amount of water.

    C. People usually spend ten minutes showering.

   D. People are used to taking cold showers.

3. We know from Paragraph 3 that the French family

   A. lived a poor life

   B. made full Use of their car 

    C. enjoyed taking short trips

   D. had environmental awareness

4. The underlined word “frugal” in the last paragraph probably means .

   A. quiet   

    B. simple

    C. busy   

    D. private 


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   In my life,I have had a number of good teachers ,many common ones and a few who were truly exceptional. Many years before,I was a rule-obeying kid and lived a very peaceful life. I liked school but felt bored.

   And then I entered fourth grade. My teacher,;

Mrs. Gerlip,was a young woman who combined art,music,theatre and other forms of creative expression into a lively class. I blossomed. I formed a “Fun Club” with other girls in my class which was all about having fun. I wrote a book called Through the Forest about the adventures of Polly and Jack who disobeyed their parents. Much of the joy and self-confidence I experienced that year was owed to the great teacher whom I never forgot.

   So you can imagine my surprise when fifty years later I received a letter in the mail. A few days later ,reunion was planned at Mrs. Gerlip's home. Reconnecting with Mrs. Gerlip was a journey back in time. Five decades had passed,but my teacher still remembered eveiy student. She hadn' t forgotten the class (恃强欺弱者) who used to hit me on my way to school. In a time when bullying was considered nothing serious,Mrs. Gerlip put a stop to it.

   Now,in my mid-fifties,I appreciate even more the gifts I was given in fourth grade. I am deeply grateful. It' s never too late to reach out and express thanks to that extraordinary teacher in your life. I hope you are fortunate enough to have one,like Mrs. Gerlip,who not only develops your mind but your soul.

5. What do we know about the author before she entered grade four?

   A. She was outgoing.

   B. She was well-behax^d.

    C. She was an excellent,student.

   D. She came across a good teacher.

6. The underlined sentence “ I blossomed ’ in Paragraph 2 probably means that the author.

   A. lost her memory

   B. felt disappointed

    C. got tired of studying   

    D. found true happiness

7. When Mrs. Gerlip knew about student bullying,she

   A. tried to prevent it

   B. thought it was common 

    C. pretended to disagree

   D. had mixed feelings about it

8. What kind of teacher was Mrs. Gerlip?

   A. Friendly and brave.

   B. Kind and inspiring,

    C. Strict and determined.

   D. Hard-working and confident.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   Maybe it's Katie,the North Carolina native who started a community(社区) garden at her elementary scRool as a means to support her local food bank,forming an organization that has since spread to nearly 30 states.

  Perhaps itJ s Ashley,the Colorado student who,while on a field trip to Africa,saw the bad situation of young girls there and decided to find a way to help them. She went on to found an organization that has since provided education for more than 40 ,000 African girls through 13 new schools in East Africa.

  Or maybe it's Shawn,the young man growing up in Queens who decided to work together with his classmates to take back empty land near his school that was plagued with drugs and criminal activities,establishing a garden taken care of by the students.

  It is hard for T. A. Barron to pick the young hero. In fact,they all inspire the writer,who was honored for his contributions (^" life.) to literature for diildren and young adults.

  In 2001,Barron founded the Gloria Ba?on Prize for Young Heroes,a program that aims to,as Barron describes it, spread the word about the examples young heroes make,so that other young people from all backgrounds will be inspired to do something themselves to make the world better."

  In the 15 years since its founding,the Gloria Barron Prize has awarded more than $540,000 to 364 young leaders. The honorees come from 46 states,the District of Columbia,and Canada,and have raised more than $ 15 million for their causes.

 “Every single year we have kids that just knock me out with the things they have done to help others,or help the environment,or help the? cortimunity,” says Barron. “I hope their examples will empower other kids to do the same thing,in whatever way they choose."

5. The three young people mentioned at the beginning of the text .

   A. improved their communities

   B. helped students in Africa 

    C. are friends of Barron

   D. inspire Barron a lot

6. The underlined words “wa& plagued with” in Paragraph 3 most probably mean “

   A. was free from   B. was fighting for

    C. was suffering from   D. was suitable for

7. What's the purpose of the Gloria Barron Prize?

   A. To recognize,the best youth for colleges.

   B. To raise money for young heroes’ causes,

    C. To help young heroes with their education.

   D. To encourage the heroic efforts of young people.

8. The last paragraph mainly talks about .

   A. Barron's hopes for kids

   B. kids that set good examples

    C. kids’ ways of doing good deeds   

    D. Barron's advice on helping others 


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

The Speculator 

Michael Thoreau 

$ 29. 99 

   Author Michael Thoreau creates a one-of-a-kind 如《 (科幻惊险小说) that explores the dangerous results of grass fires,the damaging results it brings to families and the environment and its important lessons for all responsible citizens.

The Tree of Young Dreamers 

Frank Souse

$34. 99 

   DaSilva is the leader of a group of fUn and imaginative young people that live out their dreams in the big tree. When World War II broke out,they tried whatever tricks their young minds could think of to get into the army. Frank Sousa's second novel in The Tree Trilogy is The Tree of Lost Dreams. Later,Tree of,New Roots — ALL GREAT READS!

Freddy and Margewich

Adena Trevor

$31. 99  

   Freddy becomes famous for the delicious pancakes pancake(烙饼)that he makes. But the Wicked Witch — who has magical powers — takes him by force and orders him to make pancakes just for her. What will Freddy do now? Find out in Freddy and Margewich.

Anyone Can Be Successful

Come Inside and Find Out Now...

Ben Oxford 

$32. 25  

   Anyone Can Be Successful makes often complex ideas simple by presenting a great summary of . successM strategies to help anyone in school,work,or life. It helps them overcome difficulties and achieve goals set through in the good,bad and ugly times.

13. Which book concerns the environment?

   A. The Speculator.

   B. Freddy and Margewich. 

    C. Anyone Can Be Successful   

    D. The Tree of Young Dreamers.

14. Who wrote a fiction series on some young people?

   A. Michael Thoreau. 

    B. Adena Trevor.

    C. Frank Souse. 

    D. Ben Oxford

15. How much will you pay if you want to buy the book about a chef?

   A. $29.99.       B. $31.99.

    C. $32.25.       D. $34.99.

16. What type of writing is this text?

   A. An announcement.        B. An advertisement,

    C. An exhibition guide.      D. A news report.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

1. I think giraffes have the longest (neck) in the world.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

3. You shouldn’t go outside,for you still (发烧)。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

4. 不要那样做,否则你会陷入困境。

Don’t do like that,or you,11.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

68. My mother bought a set of kitchen (knife) yesterday。

