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Success starts in your mind. ______ doubting yourself, think positively.

A. In case of B. Instead of

C. In spite of D. For fear of



试题分析:考查名词词组。A. In case of 万一---; B. Instead of代替;C. In spite of尽管; D. For fear of唯恐。句意:成功源于你的头脑。与其怀疑自己,不如积极的考虑问题。故选B。



科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年广西玉林市博白县高三下学期返校调研考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

______yourself with positive people and you will keep focused on what you can do instead of what you can’t.

A. Surrounding B. Surrounded

C. Surround D. Having surrounded


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年辽宁朝阳市三校协作体高三下开学联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空

A few days ago I was sitting in a Thai restaurant enjoying a meal when I got on a phone call from a friend I hadn’t spoken to for a long time. In my enthusiasm and___ I talked slightly louder than usual voice and in Spanish, my mother tongue.

A few minutes into the___, the lady sitting at the table beside mine got up, seemingly___, and asked the restaurant staff to relocate her to a table as far away as possible from the man who wouldn’t _ __his phone.

I sank in my seat out of ___. I ended the call soon afterwards and felt the urge to go over and ___. Before getting up I looked around to see where she was and she was, ___, at the table furthest away from me.

I noticed that the lady was___ and staring out of the window. I ___ a tinge(气息) of sadness——perhaps a desire for aloneness and peace. But I had___ destroyed it minutes earlier.

Right then I ___ my plans for a conventional apologetic gesture. Seeing the Smile Cards in my wallet I took one out. On signing my restaurant bill I asked my server to ___charge the lady’s meal to my credit card and hand her the Smile Card instead of her bill.

Did she take it the wrong way, I ___? Did she get confused? Did she refuse the anonymous___? And so on. I just waited and felt nervous to learn the ___.To my pleasant surprise, things___ to be the best possible way.

The waiter approached me in a stream of ___, telling me, “In many times she had ___there before, but we had never seen the old lady smile as she did upon ___the Smile Card and the $0check. She thanked me even though I ___ that someone else did the job.”

1.A. anger B. sorrow C. nervousness D. excitement

2.A. call B. restaurant C. discussion D. interview

3.A. informed B. cheered C. offended D. separated

4.A. get off B. get on C. get through D. get over

5.A. enthusiasm B. embarrassment C. disappointment D. satisfaction

6.A. donate B. cooperate C. apologize D. exchange

7.A. instead B. indeed C. again D. also

8.A. moved B. thankful C. proud D. alone

9.A. arranged B. ignored C. broke D. detected

10.A. obviously B. naturally C. pleasantly D. purposefully

11.A. prepared B. abandoned C. suggested D. enjoyed

12.A. partly B. eventually C. secretly D. formally

13.A. wondered B. discouraged C. expected D. continued

14.A. service B. point C. advice D. offer

15.A. approach B. outcome C. difference D. reason

16.A. turned out B. put out C. took out D. made out

17.A. pity B. doubt C. joy D. sorrow

18.A. quarreled B. worked C. smiled D. dined

19.A. selling B. receiving C. making D. wrapping

20.A. explained B. suspected C. argued D. complained


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年浙江温州市高三第一次适应性测试一模英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Ask anybody out there, what is the most important thing in his life – Fame, Fortune and Money, and there is a chance that he is going to say, money, because with that, fame and fortune comes quite easily. On the other hand, if you add “family” to these three choices given above, there is a chance that 99% of the people are going to put their family first, especially if they happen to be ladies!

The main reason is because nature has created a woman to be the cherisher and the nurturer (哺育者) of the family, while the man is the hunter and protector of his little family. That is the natural rule which has come down through thousands of years. Even if a person happens to be a comparatively worldly-wise person and has no idea of taking on the responsibility of a family, he has a picture of a tight little loving unit in his subconscious (潜意识).

They tell a story about a successful millionaire businessman who died and the whole city came to pay its respects. One of his business competitors, met the son and said, “We are really going to miss your father. You see, I knew your father well.” And the son replied, “You happen to be really lucky there, because I never did.” So, you might be an extremely successful person in your own right upon Wall Street, but if your little child fails to come running out to welcome his daddy at the end of the day to be swung up in his father’s arms and held there lovingly and protectively, you come in the “nothing” category in the business of life.

Many people are under the impression that taking on the responsibility of the family is quite tiresome, but they do not know what it takes to be a parent. It is very easy to be a biological father or a biological mother, but the real mother and the real father is that person who stays awake all night when the baby is teething, teaches him right from wrong, is there to hold him when he takes his first steps, and in every way shows that he is there to cherish (珍惜) and protect the little one from harm.

There was a man who did not believe in family, because of an unhappy childhood. But he found a faithful woman to love him unconditionally. The moment he picked up his little baby, he said, “Well son, welcome to the world! I am here to teach you what your mama has taught me, and we shall both protect you, when you need our help. I will teach you to be a good, just and fair man.”

1.The writer writes Para.1 to _________.

A. introduce the topic B. raise a question

C. present the survey D. make a comparison

2.What does the underlined expression “loving unit” ( Para.2) most probably refer to ?

A. Lover. B. Family. C. Child. D. Life.

3.In the writer’s view, the millionaire businessman ________.

A. won respect from the whole city

B. was fortunate to have a loving son

C. achieved great success in his life

D. was a failure in the business of life

4.It can be inferred from the passage that _________.

A. men care little about their families

B. a happy childhood shapes a good man

C. family responsibility means a great deal

D. a faithful wife makes a family complete

5.What might be the title for the passage?

A. What More Could a Family Be About

B. How Should We Parent a Child

C. How to Take on Your Responsibility

D. What Contributes to One’s Success


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年浙江温州市高三第一次适应性测试一模英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

We share the resources of the world, ______ any action of waste can affect other people.

A. so B. if C. unless D. because


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年浙江温州市高三第一次适应性测试一模英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Being younger and thinner, she can eat super big hamburgers, ______ I have to give up in the interest of my weight.

A. that B. who C. whom D. which


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年浙江省高三3月阶段测试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题

For this part of “Tips for Applying to US Colleges” we visited Shenandoah University in the US state of Virginia. It is a private institution with about 4,000 students from 55 countries. We asked them some of questions about adapting to American culture and writing admissions essays.

A. How can I succeed in applying to American colleges?

B. What advice do you have for writing an admission essay?

C. Why should I study abroad?

D. What are some difficulties students have adapting to US culture?

E. What about religious life on campus?

F. What are some academic difficulties foreign students face?


I think everyone should travel and live and work and study abroad. I think it’s great for a lot of reasons. One—of course you’re going to learn something about other people. And that’s good, we should know about other people because we live in what is called a “globalized world.” More importantly, you’re going to learn something about yourself. You’re going to learn about how strong you really are. You’re going to learn that you have capabilities that you never knew you had. When you’re in another place and maybe you don’t even speak the language very well, you’re gonna find that you still figure a way to communicate. Maybe you can do something even bigger and even more, a little more challenging.


Students often misunderstand policies that we have here. And I think sometimes that can get students into trouble. I think we have had some issues with students who have worked a little too closely together for our professors’ level, and so that has created some challenges at times for those students. In terms of that, kind of, power structure between a professor and a student here, I would say our environment, our culture here at Shenandoah, there’s not a whole lot of that. I mean it’s very much of an environment where that sort-of barrier between professor and student is a little less than what it might be the case at other institutions. So that part of it is not as much of an issue.


I would say the important thing is to also be authentic. Be yourself. Most students are reading a lot of essays and after a while they start to kind of sound the same. And so you want to give that person the curiosity to know you. And you’re special. You’re different than everybody else that’s applying. So, I think if you can try your best. Of course, there are things you think, “I need to say these things because that’s what they want to hear.” Certainly if there are topics that they are asking you to respond to, you want to do that. But, to try as much as you can to give the person who’s reading your essay an idea of who you are and what makes you unique. I think that would be my main advice.


We are open to all religions, of all backgrounds. I mean we have a Catholic campus ministry, we have a Muslim student association, and we have a Jewish student association. We really do aim to be inclusive of all students regardless of their religious beliefs. Students certainly feel included, they certainly feel comfortable being here, you know, they’re—regardless of whatever their religious beliefs might be and even if that’s—even if they don’t have any religious beliefs. We certainly have students who are that way too.


A lot of it breaks down to different communication styles. Some are what we would call “high context cultures.” It means that you shouldn’t have to say what the problems is. Some cultures like American culture is very low context. We expect you say exactly what you mean. And if you didn’t say it, we probably don’t know it’s a problem. So sometime we—I have seen some students maybe have some roommate issues because the international student is upset with something and they assume the roommate must know that they’re upset. But the roommate—the American roommate—maybe doesn’t even know that it’s a problem. And one of the things I would caution new international students is that it's kind of an American way to be very open and friendly with everyone.


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年浙江省高三3月阶段测试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

—You look fresh, so you ____ a nice Spring Festival.

—Actually, I have been a little tired with my homework.

A. should have hadB. would have had

C. couldn’t have hadD. must have had


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年四川达州大竹县文星中学高三下开学调研考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

To our surprise, Tom and John, neither of whom regular training, very excellent.

A.have gone through; is B.has gone through; are

C.have gone through; are D.has gone through; is

