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To be successful in any aspect of life, you need to know when to use the carrot or the stick.

Here are a few tips to help you decide whether it’s better to use the carrot or the stick.

With the kids

The carrot

When it comes to raising a kid, the carrot or the stick dilemma is quickly disappearing as too many parents take the carrot approach to the extreme. In child raising, the carrot should never be materialistic things. If you want to ask for good behavior with a reward, it should be with something that can’t be bought, say, trust. The stick Nowadays, no one likes to use the stick any more, or in my father’s case, the belt. I’m not overlooking child abuse, if you ever want to call it that, but I am encouraging parents to toughen up a bit. You don’t want your kid to test your limits only to find out he can get away with it. If you want to raise a kid, raise the hand and let him know it comes down on the second offense.

At the office

The carrot

People need encouragement and motivation to perform well. However, the carrot only really works well with employees who have already proved themselves. If you’ve got someone who can’t show up at the office before noon, the promise of a raise isn’t going to do much. On the contrary, if there’s a guy with a good work moral, he’ll thrive (grow stronger) when you add a promotion to the picture.

The stick

When considering the carrot or the stick in the office, remember that, overall, the stick is the more practical method in the office. A wise man, who just happened to be an Italian, once said “It’s best to be both loved and feared.” It’s nice to have everyone love you, but running a business isn’t like running a family. You need to have the stick constantly raised.

With the wife

The carrot

When it comes to marriage, always use the carrot. I’ve had a lovely marriage for many years, and I’ve always stuck to the carrot approach.

Sometimes you catch more flies with honey, and sometimes it’s the crack of a whip(鞭子) that gets the horse moving. Try not to use too many sticks at home; the carrot is much more fun.

1.What is the best title of this passage?

A. The Carrot or the Stick?

B. The Introduction to the Carrot and the Stick

C. Tips in the Daily Life

D. The Advantages of the Carrot and the Stick

2.In kids raising, the author prefers ________.

A. the carrot approach

B. the stick approach

C. both the carrot approach and the stick approach

D. neither the carrot approach nor the stick approach

3.Which do you think is the best to be a good boss at the office?

A. Always using carrots.

B. Eating a lot of carrots.

C. Being both loved and feared.

D. Using too many sticks.

4.Which is NOT true according to the passage?

A. The author often gives more carrots to his wife to eat at home.

B. The carrot is much more fun when it comes to marriage.

C. On different occasions, the carrot or the stick is effective.

D. You need the stick to get your horses to move faster occasionally.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年吉林汪清县六中高二下期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达


最近,你班将举行以“How to live a healthy lifestyle”为题的英语班会,请你准备一篇100词左右的演讲稿,谈谈在日常生活中我们应该怎样养成健康的生活方式。


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届湖南长沙长郡中学高三模底测试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

In 1693 the philosopher John Locke warned that children should not be given too much “unhealthy fruit” to eat. Three centuries later, misguided ideas about child-raising are still popular. Many parents fear that their children will die unless ceaselessly watched. In America the law can be equally paranoid (偏执的). In South Carolina this month Debra Harrell was jailed for letting her 9-year-old daughter play in a park unsupervised (无人监督的).

Her severe punishment reflects the rich world’s worry about parenting. By most objective measures, modern parents are far more conscientious (认真的) than previous generations. Dads are more hands-on than their fathers were, and working mothers spend more time nurturing their children than the housewives of the 1960s did. However, there are two problems in this picture, connected to class. One is at the lower end. Even if poor parents spend more time with their children than they once did, they spend less than rich parents do. America is a laggard here: its government spends abundantly on school-age kids but much less than other rich countries on the first two or three years of life. If America did more to help poor parents with young children, it would have huge returns.

The second one, occurs at the other end of the income scale, and may even apply to otherwise rational (理性的) Economist readers: well-educated, rich parents try to do too much. Safety is part of it—they fear that if they are not constantly watching their children may break their necks, which is the least rational. Despite the impression you get from watching crime dramas, children in rich countries are safe, so long as they look both ways before crossing the road. The other popular parental fear—that your children might not get into an Ivy League college—is more rational. Academic success matters more than ever before. But beyond a certain point, parenting makes less difference than many parents imagine. Studies in Minnesota and Sweden, for example, found that identical twins grew up equally intelligent whether they were raised together or apart. A study in Colorado found that children that adopted and raised by brainy parents ended up no brainier than those adopted by average parents.

This doesn’t mean that parenting is irrelevant. The families who adopt children are carefully screened, so they tend to be warm, capable and middle-class. But the twin and adoption studies indicate that any child given a loving home and adequate stimulation is likely to fulfill her potential. Put another way, better-off parents can afford to relax a bit. And if you are less stressed, your children will appreciate it, even if you still make them eat their fruit and vegetables.

1.Which of the following statements is NOT a misguided idea of parenting mentioned in the passage?

A. Children should be protected from any dangers by their parents.

B. The more conscientious parents are, the more children will surely benefit from parenting.

C. Children will die unless ceaselessly watched.

D. Children are likely to fulfill their potential with a loving home and adequate stimulation.

2.The underlined word “laggard” in Paragraph 2 probably means a country that ________.

A. is ahead in development

B. falls slow behind others

C. is free from physical or mental disorder

D. moves to a higher position

3.Which of the following can we learn from the passage?

A. Only warm, capable and middle-class people can adopt a child.

B. When it comes to child-raising, Economist readers will become more rational.

C. Children in rich countries are in greater danger due to the bad influence of crime dramas.

D. Although poor parents spend more time with their kids than they once did, they spend less than rich parents do.

4.This passage is mainly written to ________.

A. urge American laws concerning parenting to be changed

B. advise modern parents to learn from their previous generations

C. persuade stressed parents to learn to relax and give more freedom to their children

D. call on the government to do more to help poor parents with school-age children


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届云南昆明高三适应性检测(三)英语试卷(解析版) 题型:七选五

根据短义内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中宥两项为多余 选项。

Health Mistakes to Avoid Making When Traveling

Everyone is talking about amazing travel experiences. However, there is always the other side of the coin. If you want to add more wonderful travel experiences to your life, make sure you avoid these health mistakes during your next trip.

Refusing injections

At times you are asked to have an injection in order to avoid a certain disease before traveling to your destination. 1._________ In many cases, mosquito bites lead to malaria(疟疾) and there are many other health risks that you may face during your trip. Refusing injections is the worst thing you can do to your health.

Eating out in the street

2._________. Yes, it is cheaper and tastier than restaurant meals. However, when visiting a country where clean food and dishes arc not priority (优先),your stomach may not survive this experiment. Just because locals eat street food and feel healthy does not mean you will feel the same.

Drinking tap water

Staying hydrated(吸入水分)is necessary, so is the water choice. Even if locals tell you that their tap water is safe to drink, it is best to choose bottled water. 3._________. it is at least clean. It is always better to be safe than sorry.

4._________. Google maps make our travel experiences easier since you can check out the place you are going to visit before you even book the ticket. Unfortunately, not all tourists take advantage of them. This is a successful way to really relax and enjoy the trip.

Even an expert traveler is guilty of making most of these health mistakes.5._________, you will probably not commit any of them during the trip, will you?

A. Eat lots of good nutritious food

B. Although it is not the healthiest choice

C. Budget travelers are all guilty of eating street food

D. Being unaware of surroundings

E. Make sure you get it

F. Now that you know some health mistakes to avoid

G. Having a good knowledge of map details


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届福建省高三模拟考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:语法填空

阅读下面材料, 在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

Is there such a thing as being “over-protective”?

I can honestly say that my answer to that question 1. (change) dramatically(戏剧性地) since I became a parent.

Before the birth of my daughter, I taught at 2. private school, often viewing my students as over-protected, worrying 3. would happen when they went on to middle schools. Some did fine, and some did not. Some needed constant pats on the back, words of 4. (inspire) and extra support, which I 5. (happy) gave. Others were content on their own, needing little 6. no interaction(互动) with their teacher. I’d always supposed their parents were over-protective, for they were the ones that still walked their 7. (five) graders into the classroom and met them at the school gate.

Admittedly, I laughed at those parents, 8. (think) their children would never learn to be 9. (independence) if they didn’t let go just a little. Then I had my own daughter. The moment I looked at her little face, I 10. (know) I’d do everything in my power to protect her and make sure she always felt safe!


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届河南洛阳一中高三上期第一次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空


Starting from my early young age, I was a happy child. However, at age twelve, my life had a huge _________ . I developed obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD). I started to wash my hands ten times an hour to _________ bacteria and I frequently checked my kitchen oven to make sure that it was _________ . This way of life continued for four _________ years, and by then, my OCD had led to _________ . I was no longer the happy little girl I had been. I told my mother that I was suffering from depression. So Mum took me to a _________ . The medicine didn’t help me very much. I was still _________ sad, believing that my life no longer _________ .

One autumn evening two years ago, I hit rock bottom. I _________ thought suicide was the only _________ to my depression problem, so I wrote a suicide _________ to my family. As I was folding the note, my _________ fell on a photograph. It was a picture of a lovely little girl with dark-blue eyes _________ of adventure and curiosity. It took me a few minutes to _________ that the smiling girl in the photo was me. The photo had been taken at one weekend at my uncle’s house when I was seven. Suddenly I felt a chill (惊悸) and it was like my younger _________ had sent me a message. Once I had been a _________ little girl, and I had to become strong like that again.

I tore up my suicide note and swore that I would have to _________ the depression with my mind, too. I could make myself happy again. It has been two years _________ I “rediscovered” myself. I am OCD- and depression-free. I am prepared for whatever _________ life may bring. My hero is a seven-year-old girl, _________ back at me from a photo on my desk.

1.A. request B. breakdown C. outcome D. drawback

2.A. avoid B. breed C. carry D. examine

3.A. down B. hot C. off D. clear

4.A. boring B. careful C. shy D. painful

5.A. impression B. pressure C. motivation D. depression

6.A. doctor B. stranger C. teacher D. schoolmaster

7.A. generally B. suddenly C. occasionally D. constantly

8.A. changed B. mattered C. succeeded D. failed

9.A. still B. even C. yet D. barely

10.A. situation B. method C. solution D. relation

11.A. essay B. notice C. note D. poster

12.A. hands B. heart C. head D. eyes

13.A. full B. free C. proud D. fond

14.A. imagine B. realize C. predict D. guess

15.A. brother B. sister C. uncle D. self

16.A. strong B. beautiful C. young D. curious

17.A. accept B. fight C. relieve D. distract

18.A. when B. after C. before D. since

19.A. concerns B. demands C. challenges D. chances

20.A. crying B. shouting C. smiling D. going


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届江苏无锡高三上期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:任务型阅读


The most common use of intelligence test scores is to predict degree of academic success.Such scores are used in some communities as bases for admitting able children to schools at ages younger than normal, and they are very generally used to determine admissions to schools beyond public secondary school.Another use common in elementary schools involves comparing such scores with performances in various subjects to identify children who are working below capacity.

The greatest problem in using intelligence tests for the purpose of prediction is that no dependable criterion of their accuracy exists.The ideal criteria would be objective and reliable achievement tests following instructions in each subject, but there are few such tests, especially at the college level.Studies have shown that correlations(相关性) between intelligence tests and achievement tests in various subjects through secondary school range roughly from 0.5 to 0.8. Such correlations are fairly high, but they do not suggest anywhere near complete agreement.

At the college level there are two major tests used as criteria of admission. By far the more important is the College Entrance Examination, constructed by the Educational Testing Service authorized by the College Entrance Examination Board.These tests arc returned to the Educational Testing Service for scoring, and the results are then made available to the various colleges authorized by the students to receive them. The second test of this type is the American College Test, which operates in essentially the same fashion.

Both tests constitute(组成) measures of certain skills, abilities, and knowledge that have been found to be related to success in college. Their correlations with academic success are limited for three outstanding reasons. First, measures of achievement in college are themselves perhaps no more reliable than those in elementary and secondary schools. Second, intellectual factors do not alone determine academic success, especially at the college level. Many students drop out of schools because they are inadequately motivated or because they dislike the instructional programme. Third, correlations are lowered because the use of such tests for denying admission to some students means that the range of scores for those admitted is restricted, and such restrictions tend to reduce correlations.


1.__________ of intelligence test scores

.To tell in 2.__________ the degree of academic success

.To help admit children with outstanding 3.__________ to school at the age younger than ordinary

.To find out children with 4.__________ ability in primary school than aveage

5.__________ with intelligence


.Ideal criteria for objective and reliable achievement tests in college courses are 6.__________ to find.

.Correlations between intelligence tests and achievement tests are fairly high but still limited.

Two major tests at the college level



.Both tests are scored by the Educational Testing Service.

.The7.__________ of the College Entrance Examination will be sent to the colleges that the students choose.

.The correlations with academic success are limited for three reasons as 8.__________.

a. Measures of college achievement are as 9.__________ as those in primary and middle schools.

b. Academic success is determined by many other factors 10.__________ from intellectual ones.

c. Admission restrictions tend to reduce correlations.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届江苏无锡高三上期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

I have to remind myself that some birds are not meant to be caged. Their feathers are just too bright. And when they fly away, the part of you ________ knows it was an offence to lock them up does feel happy.

A. thatB. whoC. where


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年广东实验中学高一下期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空

Once there was a king who received a gift of two magnificent falcons (猎鹰).They were the most beautiful birds he had ever seen.He gave the ____ birds to his head falconer to be _____.

Months passed, and one day the head falconer informed the king that _____ one of the falcons was flying high in the sky, the other bird had not ______ from its branch since the day it had arrived.

The king ordered healers from all the land to ______ the falcon, but no one could make the bird fly.He ________ the task to the members of his court, ____the next day, the king saw ______ the palace window that the bird had still not moved from its branch.

Having _______ everything else, the king thought to himself, “Maybe I need someone more ______ the countryside to understand the nature of this problem.” So he cried out to his court, “Go and get a _______.”

In the morning, the king was ______ to see the falcon flying high above the palace garden.He said to his court, “_______ me the doer of this miracle.”

The court quickly located the farmer, who came and stood before the king.The king asked him, “_____ did you make the falcon fly?”

With his head ______, the farmer said to the king, “It was very easy. I ______ cut the branch where the bird was sitting.”

We are all made to fly—to realize our ______ potential as human beings.But instead of doing that, we sit on our branches, hanging on to the things that are ______ to us.The possibilities are ______, but for most of us, they remain undiscovered.We ______ to the familiar, the comfortable, the boring.So for the most part, our lives are mediocre (平庸的) instead of exciting, thrilling and fulfilling.





5.A.tend toB.watch forC.drive awayD.pick up





10.A.beneficial toB.fit for

C.friendly withD.familiar with













