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【题目】 The documentary Blood Lions shows South Africa's cruel "canned' lion hunting industry. In canned hunts, lions are raised by humans and kept in enclosed spaces on private hunting areas. Hunters can get trophy (战利品)easily in exchange for fees of up to $50, 000. There are about 8,000 ranch lions in South Africa. So the country’s hunt operators can make a fortune.

Ian Michler was a lead character in the film. He talked about Blood Lions last July when it was shown in Durban, South Africa. The film has since been viewed in 185 countries. More than 50 screenings have been held at film festivals and in meetings of special interest groups. This year, Blood Lions will be shown at every major tourism conference in Europe and Africa.

Outside the film, Michler and the team are running a global campaign. They are aiming at ending canned hunts and other cold-blooded activities involving lions and other animals.

Australia became the first country, in February 2015, to forbid imports of lion trophies. It was followed by France in November, That month, Blood Lions was shown in the European Parliament. As a result, the government of Finland, Italy, and Spain decided to hold their own screenings. There are a number of other countries likely to do the same.

At the same time, at the end of last year, the world's leading group of African lion researchers offered an important suggestion They advised that any analysis of the present state of wild lions in South Africa should not include its thousands of ranch lions. Wild lions in South Africa now number some 3, 000. There are around 20,000 wild lions in Africa.

"The great majority of lion populations in Africa have been reduced,” says Hans Bauer, lion researcher at Oxford University Wildlife Conservation Research Unit. 'It's important to stress that South Africa's ranch lions are horror that has nothing to do with lion protection. These lions should never be taken into account in any serious analysis of the state of lions in Africa."

1What do we learn about the documentary Blood Lions?

A.It has an international influence.B.It has attracted many tourists.

C.It tell the story of a lion fighter.D.It has brought the producer lots of money

2Michler and his team’s campaign .

A.was first started in AustraliaB.has won little support in Europe

C.has achieved noticeable effectsD.aims to save endangered animals

3What can we infer about Hans Bauer?

A.He suggests analyzing lions properly.

B.He has seen an increase of African wild lions

C.He maybe a strong supporter of trophy hunting.

D.He hopes that there will be more ranch lions in Africa.

4What is the main purpose of the passage?

A.To explain the main idea of a new film.

B.To report an animal protection campaign

C.To encourage fanners lo raise ranch lions.

D.To advertise South Africa's hunting industry.








1细节理解题。根据第二段中的“The film has since been viewed in 185 countries. More than 50 screenings have been held at film festivals and in meetings of special interest groups. This year, Blood Lions will be shown at every major tourism conference in Europe and Africa.”可知,《血狮》在185个国家放映,在电影节和特殊利益集团的会议上举行了50多次放映,今年,它还将在欧洲和非洲的每一次大型旅游会议上亮相,这些都证明了《血狮》具有国际影响力,故A项正确。

2推理判断题。根据第三段中的“Michler and the team are running a global campaign. They are aiming at ending canned hunts and other cold-blooded activities involving lions and other animals.”可知,米克尔和他的团队正在进行一项全球运动,目标是结束罐装狩猎和其他涉及狮子和其他动物的冷血活动,紧接着第四段介绍了这场运动的成果:20152月,澳大利亚成为第一个禁止进口狮子战利品的国家。法国紧随其后,11月,《血狮》欧洲议会上放映后,芬兰、意大利和西班牙政府决定举行自己的放映,其他一些国家可能也决定这样做,这说明和米克尔和他的团队发起的全球运动取得了显著成果,故C项正确。

3推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“It's important to stress that South Africa's ranch lions are horror that has nothing to do with lion protection. These lions should never be taken into account in any serious analysis of the state of lions in Africa.”可知,汉斯鲍尔认为需要强调的是,南非的牧场狮子与狮子保护无关,在任何对非洲狮子状况的严肃分析中,都不应该考虑到这些狮子,由此可知,他建议对狮子进行正确地分析,故A项正确。


本篇第4A项的干扰性较大,文章开篇就提到了《血狮》这部电影,所以有些同学会误认为本文的目的是介绍这部电影所反映的内容,但根据第三段中的“Outside the film, Michler and the team are running a global campaign.”可知,本文只是从《血狮》这部电影入手,实际上介绍的是《血狮》的主演米克尔和他的团队发起的一场全球性的保护狮子的运动,因此文章的目的是报道一个动物保护运动。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1Yesterday he______ ______ ______(道歉) to her for what he had done. (make)

2The result is______ ______ ( 相反 ) my expectation. (to)

3The song ______ ______ ______(......来说熟悉) me. (to)

4I think this book really ______ ______(值得一看). (deserve)

5You should get up early to______ ______ ______ (避免迟到) for work. (avoid)

6I’ll______ ______(开车去接) my uncle at the airport at 5:00 this afternoon. (up)

7I wonder if you could ______ me ______ ______ (......一程). (lift)

8They stood there, ______ ______ (盯着看)each other. (at)

9Their risky experiment _________ __________ _________(以失败告终)last night. (in)

10The policeman was persuaded into giving up______ the student______(指控) theft. (of)


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:








Dear Bob,










Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main points of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.

California condors are North American’s largest birds, will wing-length of up to 3 meters. In the 1980s, electrical lines and lead poisoning nearly drove them to dying out. Now, electric shock training and medical treatment are helping to rescue these big birds.

In the late 1980s, the last few condors were taken from the wild, and there are nowmore than 150 flying overCaliforniaand nearbyArizona,Utahand Baja inMexico. Electrical lines have been killing them off. “As they go in to rest for the night, they just don’t see the power lines,” says Bruce Rideout of San Diego Zoo. Their wings can bridge the gap between lines, resulting in electrocution(电死) if they touch two lines at once. So scientists have come up with a shocking idea. Tall poles, placed in large training areas, teach the birds to stay clear of electrical lines by giving them a painful but undeadly electric shock. Before the training was introduced, 66% of set-freed condors died of electrocution. This has now dropped to 18%.

Lead poisonous has proved more difficult to deal with. When condors eat dead bodies of other animals containing lead, they absorb large quantities of lead.This affects their nervous systems and ability to produce baby birds, and can lead to kidney failures and death. So condors with high levels of lead are sent to Los Angeles Zoo, where they are treated with calcium EDTA, a chemical that removes lead from the blood over several days. This work is starting to pay off. The annual death rate for adult condors has dropped from 38% in 2000 to 5.4% in 2011.

Rideout’s team thinks that theCaliforniacondors’ average survival time in the wild is nowjust under eight years. “Although these measures are not effective forever, they are vital for now,” he says. “They are truly good birds that are worth every effort we put into recovering them.”


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



__________to this matter, I find myself__________with the majority of my classmates.


If someone __________ the law and gets illegal economic income, he is bound to take __________.


_________, I found many people willing to __________to save the environment and pay a higher price for__________products.


People often see businessmen as __________the environment. They always think of greedy businessmen__________and only worrying about money.


This is not good news for the people __________the Yangtze River for water. __________good news for the __________of fish and wildlife living in or along the river.


We still __________to solve all the problems. However, the situation is improving. The efforts of the government and people to protect this much-loved river will _________.


I __________that we should __________for discussion after the lecture. To__________on the consumption of raw materials, we need as many ideas as possible.

8政府已经认识到了保护自然保护区的重要性有两个特殊项目在实施中一个阻止非法猎杀 动物,另一个倡导农民们退耕还林。

The government has __________of protecting the nature reserve. Two special projects are already _________. One stops the illegal hunting of the animals while the other advocates the farmers __________trees.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1The problem of g________ warming is serious. As a result, the sea levels have risen a little.

2The Three Gorges area is one of the most beautiful areas of China and the project has flooded some of China’s most famous h________ sites.

3Do you have an a ________ solution to the question?

4The earthquake has been p ________ several months before by the scientists.

5Last week we arrived at a remote village; the only means of c________ is the only phone in the village administration.

6Pages should not be copied without the ________ (允许) of the publisher.

7Cafe Artista offers a wide ________ (种类) of sandwiches, which are very popular with customers.

8I figure these life facilities are bound to make your stay_______ (方便的) and comfortable.

9I can ________(明确地) tell you what I will be doing after school..

10Teenagers are always _______ (乐观的) about their future.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Having a learning disability doesn’t mean you can’t learn, but you’ll need somehelp and need to work extra hard. Ifyou have a learning disability such as dyslexia ordyscalculia, remember that you are not slow or stupid.

Learning disabilities can be genetic. That meanstheycanbepasseddowninfamilies through the genes. But kids today have an advantage over their parents. Learning experts now know a lot more about the brain and how learning works, andit’s easier for kids to get the help they need.

Dyslexia is a learning disability that means a kid has a lot of trouble reading andwriting. Kids who have trouble with math may have dyscalculia. Other kids may havelanguage disorders, meaning they have troubleunderstanding languageandunderstanding what they read.

It can be confusing, though. What qualifies as “trouble" enough to be diagnosedas a learning disability? Reading, doing math, and writing letters may be tough forlots of kids at first. But when those troubles don’t fade away and it’s reallydifficult tomake any progress, it’s possible that the kid has a learning disability.

Finding out you have a learning disability can be upsetting. You might feeldifferent from everyoneelse. But the truth is that learning disabilities are prettycommon. And if your learning specialist or psychologist has figured out which oneyou’re facing, you’re on the right track. Now, you can start getting the help you needto do better in school.

But for this special help to really work, you’ll need to practice the new skillsyou’re learning. It may take a lot ofefforts every day.That can be a challenge, but youcan do it soon, you’ll enjoy the results ofall your hard work: more fun and success atschool.

1Children are likely to have a learning disability __________.

A. if they don’t get help in time

B. ifthey are not interested in a subject

C. if their parents have the same problem

D. if they don’t work hard

2How can you know ifyou have a learning disability?

A. Your teacher says you are a slow student.

B. Your learning style is different from others.

C. You have trouble with some lessons at first.

D. You can’t make progress after hard work.

3What’s the main purposeof the text?

A. To find out the reasons for the learning disability.

B. To get parents to know more about their children.

C. To askteachers to help students with learning disability.

D. To help people know and handle learning disability.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 As the saying goes, “Without music, life would be a mistake.” Music is very important in our lives and here are four of the greatest musicians in history.

Ludwig van Beethoven(1770-1827)

Born in Bonn, Germany, Beethoven never held an official position in Vienna. He supported himself by giving concerts, teaching piano, and the sale of his compositions(作曲). The last 30 years of Beethoven’s life were filled with a lot of hard times, the first of which was his deafness. Beethoven’s music greatly influenced the next generation of musicians.

Johann Sebastian Bach(1685-1750)

Bach, “the father of modern music”, was born in Eisenach, Germany. His parents died when he was nine years old, and in 1695 he went to live with his brother Johann Christoph, who was an organist(风琴手) in Ohrdruf. He stayed there until 1700. Seven years later, he moved back to Weimar, where he served as court(宫廷) organist for nine years. His music greatly influenced classical music.

Frederic Chopin (1810-1849)

Chopin was born in Zelazowa Wola, Poland. He showed a talent for the piano at a very young age. Chopin began composing when he was still a child, but some of his early works have been lost. He gave his first public concert in 1818. Chopin was considered as the leading musician of his time.

Franz Schubert(1797-1828)

Schubert was born and died in Vienna. Unlike most of his predecessors(前辈),Schubert was not a great performer. He never had much money but he was very productive. He wrote his first masterpiece when he was only sixteen. However, he died young, before his talents had even been known.

1Beethoven did Not make a living by ___.

A.teaching studentsB.doing business

C.selling his worksD.giving concerts

2Bach worked as an organist in Weimar until _____.


3What do we know about the four musicians ?

A.They all lived a hard life at their old age.

B.They were all good at playing the piano.

C.They became famous at a young age.

D.They were all talented musicians.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


AMERICAN DINNER-TABLE rules are simpleDon't discuss religionpoliticsor money.

Money is especially bad. It makes people evilsmall-minded and mean. Stillwe want it. Little in life is simpleror more symbolic of possibilitythan a single George Washington. So we asked a handful of creative thinkersWhat's the best way to invest a dollar

■I would travel to an American post-industrial townfind a boardedup theaterand buy it for one dollar. Working with friendsI would rally(重整)the community togetherraise moneyand open it independently. This is what happened in the town of CohoesNew Yorkand it can happen anywhere.

DEV AUJLAfounder of DreamNow

■Buy a newspaper which provides a credible source of news. It's cheap, it's informative, and staying current will help you strike up a conversation with people who could help advance your career.

ROB FRIEDMAN, a risk associate

■In my travels, I'd say that what people need most besides security and education is access to clean drinking water. So I'd give the dollar to a nonprofit or tech company that provides water sources to communities in need. A simple well with a solar-powered pump might have met their temporary needs.

BEN HARRISON, a U. S. Marine

■I would bury the dollar in the most beautiful place I could findthen create an elaborate(复杂的)map to the dollar.I would hope someone would discover this map years from now and have an adventure to go on.


1What docs the underlined phrase "a single George Washington" refer to?

A.A simple life.B.A president.

C.A dollar.D.A creative thinker.

2Who would donate the one dollar to public welfare?



3From which section of a magazine is the test probably taken?

A.Art of Living.B.True Stories.

C.Readers' Favorite.D.Culture.

