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【题目】 Nowadays, to work remotely, all you need are a computer and an Internet connection. According to a new study, employees who can work from anywhere else are generally happier than those who work onsite(现场的)in an office.

Video conferencing company Owl Labs surveyed 1,202 full-time US workers from the ages of 22 to 65, and discovered that 62 percent of the respondents worked remotely at least some of the time and 38 percent worked onsite. Of the remote workers, 49 percent worked remotely full-time.

As it turns out, working remotely—or the idea of it—makes people happy, 83 percent of the survey respondents agree that the ability to work remotely would make them happier, and 71 percent of workers who do get to work remotely said their job makes them happy, compared with 55 percent of office-only workers.

In the study, full-time remote workers said they're happy in their job, 22 percent more than people who never work remotely. The reasons why respondents said they decided to work remotely were better work-life balance(91 percent), increased productivity/better focus(79 percent), less stress(78 percent), and to avoid a commute(通勤)(78 percent).

One reason why remote workers might be happier is that they were more than twice as likely to earn more than $100,000 per year. And the higher they were on the corporate(公司的)ladder, the more likely survey respondents were to have the privilege of working remotely: The job levels with the greatest percentages of remote workers were founder/CEO-level(55 percent)and vice president(46 percent).

Loyalty is another factor: Remote workers are 13 percent more likely than non-remote workers to stay with their current job for the next five years—making remote work a win-win for employees and employers alike.

Not only are remote employees happier, but they are prepared to work longer hours, according to the report. Remote workers said they work over 40 hours per week, 43 percent more than on-site workers do.

1What can he learned about the respondents in the survey by Owl Labs?

A.49 percent work remotely full-time.

B.55 percent are not satisfied with their work.

C.83 percent prefer to work in an office.

D.About 40 percent are office-only workers.

2Compared with remote workers, onsite workers are .

A.less loyalB.more productive

C.less creativeD.more hardworking

3It is more likely for those with higher job levels to .

A.live freelyB.have double income

C.work remotelyD.work less time

4What is the text mainly about?

A.The choice of working sites.B.The benefits of working remotely.

C.The tendency of future jobs.D.The qualities of offsite employees.









细节理解题。根据第二段的Video conferencing company Owl Labs surveyed 1,202 full-time US workers from the ages of 22 to 65, and discovered that 62 percent of the respondents worked remotely at least some of the time and 38 percent worked onsite.(视频会议公司猫头鹰实验室调查了1202名年龄在2265岁的全职美国员工,发现62%的受访者至少在某些时间远程工作,38%的人在办公室现场办公)可知,只在办公室工作的员工大概占受访者的40%D. About 40 percent are office-only workers.(大约40%的员工只在办公室工作)符合以上说法,故选D项。


推理判断题。根据倒数第二段的Loyalty is another factor: Remote workers are 13 percent more likely than non-remote workers to stay with their current job for the next five years (忠诚是另一个因素。远程员工在未来五年里留在现有工作岗位可能性比非远程员工高13%)可推测,和远程员工相比,只在办公室工作的员工对工作没有那么忠诚。A. less loyal(不那么忠诚)符合以上说法,故选A项。


细节理解题。根据倒数第三段的And the higher they were on the corporate(公司的)ladder, the more likely survey respondents were to have the privilege of working remotely: (在公司的阶层越高,接受调查的员工越有远程工作的特权。)可知,一个员工的阶层越高,越有可能远程工作。C. work remotely(远程工作)符合以上说法,故选C项。


主旨大意题。根据文章的主要内容,尤其第一段的According to a new study, employees who can work from anywhere else are generally happier than those who work onsite(现场的)in an office.(根据一项新的研究,可以在任何地方工作的员工通常比那些只能在办公室现场办公的人更幸福),第二段的As it turns out, working remotely—or the idea of it—makes people happy(正如结果所示,远程工作让人幸福)和第五段的One reason why remote workers might be happier is that they were more than twice as likely to earn more than $100,000 per year.(远程工作的员工更加幸福的原因之一是,他们年薪超过10万美元的可能性是非远程员工的两倍多)可知,本文主要讲述了远程工作给员工带来的好处。B. The benefits of working remotely.(远程工作的好处)符合以上说法,故选B项。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


We touch our faces all the time, and it had never seemed to be a big problem – until COVID-19 arrived. 1 (touch) our faces – the “T-zone” of our eyes, nose and mouth in particular – can mean giving ourselves the 2 (dead) virus. This is why 3 (organization) like the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have suggested that we avoid touching our faces. “Just stop this simple behavior,” William Sawyer, founder of Henry the Hand, a nonprofit organization that promotes hand hygiene(卫生), 4(tell) The Washington Post. “It’s the one behavior 5 would be better than any vaccine ever created.”

Yet, stopping this “simple” behavior might be harder than you think because it’s already hardwired(固有的) into our system. Some face touching is automatic – like when there is 6 itch on your nose, you’ll scratch it without thinking. Moreover, face-touching is subconscious, 7 means it’s very hard to change because you don’t even know you’re doing it. 8you’re not alone. In a 2015 study, where a group of medical students 9 (film) in class, it was found that they touched their faces an average of 23 times an hour – with 44 percent of the touches being in the “T-zones”. That was particularly surprising since medical students were supposed 10(know) better. Since it’s so hard to shake the habit, maybe the easiest way is to wash our hands more often. This way, we can be sure that our hands are free from the novel coronavirus.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】请认真阅读下列短文, 并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的单 词。注意:每个空格只填1个单词。请将答案写在答题纸上相应题号的横线上。

What makes us laugh?

Why do we laugh? Well it’s funny you should ask, but this question is a very interesting one to investigate. For what at first seems like a simple question turns out to require a surprisingly complex answer –– one that takes us on a journey into the very heart of trying to understand human nature.

Most people would guess that we laugh because something is funny. But if you watch when people actually laugh, you’ll find this isn’t the case. Laughter expert Robert Provine spent hours recording real conversations at shopping malls, classrooms, offices and cocktail parties, and he found that most laughter did not follow what looked like jokes. People laughed at the end of normal sentences, in response to unfunny comments or questions such as “Look, it’s Andre”, or “Are you sure?”. Even attempts at humor that provoked laughter didn’t sound that funny.

So if we want to understand laughter, perhaps we need to go deeper, and look at what is going on in the brain. The areas that control laughing lie deep in the sub cortex(下皮层), and in terms of evolutionary development these parts of the brain are ancient, responsible for primal(原始) behaviors such as breathing and basic reflexes(反射). This means laughter control mechanisms are located a long way away from brain regions that developed later and control higher functions such as language or even memory.

Perhaps this explains why it is so hard to control a laugh, even if we know it is inappropriate. Once a laugh is started deep within our brains these “higher function” brain regions have trouble interfering. And the opposite is true, of course. It is difficult to laugh on demand. If you consciously make yourself laugh it will not sound like the real thing – at least initially.

But this does not fully answer the original question. To answer this, perhaps we need to look outwards, to look at the social factors at play when people laugh. Provine’s study suggests that it isn’t just some independent process that happens to us while we are talking to someone. He also found that laughter was most common in situations of emotional warmth and so-called “in-groupness”.

Perhaps “transmission” is another most important feature of laughter. Just listening to someone laugh is funny. You can even catch laughter from yourself. Start with a forced laugh and if you keep it up you will soon find yourself laughing for real.

What these observations show is that laughter is both fundamentally social, and rooted deep within our brains, part and parcel of ancient brain structures. All these things are true. And biologists say each time we get closer to an answer for a fundamental question, it deepens our appreciation of the challenge remaining to answer the others. And there is a long way to go.

What makes us laugh?


Studying laugh is closely 1to understanding human nature.


●The popular 3is not true that we laugh because something is funny.

●The study of real conversations reveals that laughter didn’t 4 follow funny comments.



● Ancient areas 5for primal behaviors control laughing.

● “Higher function” regions can’t 6with laughing.


● Situations of emotional warmth and in-groupness give 8to laughing.

●Laughter can be 9, which is another most important feature.


The origin of laugh is associated with both brain structures and 10factors.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】The Molalla High School has a wall of Post-it notes ________ students write kind messages for kids to take when they have a bad day.



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】The rich man often provides the local poor people with free food and money, so they are very thankful for his ________.



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


Many schools started online courses for students to study. at home on account of the spread of COVID-19.1, the outcome turned out to be not satisfying, because the online education required teachers to carry out live stream courses using mobile phone software and properly interact with students, which proved2challenge for many teachers.

Some teachers discovered they left the microphones off before finishing the online courses, and others were frequently interrupted by3(they) young children's shouting or crying. Sometimes they had to repeatedly reconnect to the platform due4poor Internet connection,5annoyed both the students and the teachers. Some schools offered online courses for each subject including sports. Teachers found it awkward6(give) instructions online because many children did not have enough space to move. Some parents complained that they had to join several different chat groups of different7(subject) . They also hated to accompany their children taking online courses just to make sure their children were8(full) concentrated instead of9(play) video games.

Schools should not put any unnecessary academic burden on primary and secondary students through online classes, the Ministry of Education said on Wednesday. It was recommended that online courses10(link) to infection prevention and psychological health guidance.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】— Will the monthly allowance of $ 500 cover all your living expenses?

— I ________ have no problem with money, as I am quite good at handling it.



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


Once you become addicted to smoking, you may find 1 difficult for you to quit. Firstly, you may become 2(physical) addicted to nicotine. one of the hundreds of harmful chemicals that consist in cigarettes. Secondly, you may develop the habit of 3(smoke) and finally become mentally addicted to it. You may believe that you will only feel good when you smoke and may find all kinds of negative emotions in you when you stop smoking.

Smoking may have all kinds of harmful 4 (effect) on the health of both the smokers themselves and non-smokers around them. It not only affects your physical fitness, but also does harm 5 your heart and lungs and 6(cause) a variety of diseases. So, It’s important to quit smoking and live a 7 (healthy) life than before.

To quit smoking, you should be well-prepared and make 8 list of all the benefits you may get after quitting. But 9 you feel really bad, you should consult a doctor or chemist 10(seek) some professional help. Remember, if you keep trying, you will eventually succeed.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文, 请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误, 每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。

增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧), 并在其下面写出该加的词。


修改:在错的词下划一横线, 并在该词下面写出修改后的词。


2.只允许修改10, 多者(从第11处起)不计分。

As it is known to all, China is the home of tea. It has been spread from China to world. With a historic of four or five thousand years, tea culture has been an important part in Chinese culture. Wherever guests visit, it is a custom to serve tea with them. Drinking tea had a lot of advantages, one of which is to help you refresh yourself and improves thinking ability. Beside, drinking tea every day is said to be able to help you keep health and live longer. What's most, some kinds of tea can even help people lose weight and become beautiful, which may appeal to a lot of lady.

