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Tom ________ with his aunt and uncle because his parents have gone abroad for a holiday.

A. is staying B. stays C. stayed D. had stayed


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年福建长泰县二中高一下期第一次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

She is a cute, quiet girl. As a daughter, she has no secrets from her mother, who is very pleased with her. But recently she has become somewhat mysterious, and not so open as before. She has a diary that she keeps under lock and key. Her mother can’t help worrying about her: what if she falls in love, which is too early for a girl of her age? After all, she is reaching the “dangerous stage”. These thoughts have caused trouble in the mother’s mind.

One weekend the girl came to tell her mother that she was going to the cinema with her schoolmate and would return late. As this was the first time, her mother agreed, but she couldn’t help worrying because her daughter had never been away at night before. The mother waited till nine and decided to go out to meet her daughter. Just at that moment the noise of a car pulling up drew her to the window and there was her daughter, waving goodbye to a boy. Her heart missed a beat. When the girl came in, the mother was watching TV, pretending nothing had happened. “Mom, I’m back.” “Yeah.” “Sorry to be late. Still sitting up?” “Yes, oh, that… who’s that boy?” The daughter was silent for a moment. “Ah. It’s my monitor. He gave me a lift on his way home. Mom, I’m going to bed.” “All right. Go to sleep early.”

Next morning when the mother went to the daughter’s room to do some cleaning, she found her diary left at her pillow. Finally she opened it. It read: Mom, it’s love that made you ask, but it would show your understanding of me if you hadn’t.

Holding the diary, the mother fell into thought.

1.Which is the correct order according to the story?

a. She took a lift back in her monitor’s car.

b. She went to see a film with her schoolmate.

c. She wrote in her diary to tell her mother.

d. Her mother worried about her daughter’s returning late.

A. b,d,a,c B. d,b,a,c C. b,a,d,c D. b,d,c,a

2.Which of the following is true according to the story?

A. The girl knew her mother wouldn’t ask her the question about the boy.

B. What the daughter did recently had worried her mother.

C. The mother didn’t read her daughter’s diary the next day.

D. The girl’s diary was always unlocked.

3.The main purpose of this article is to show that parents should______.

A. care about what their children really think and feel

B. talk with their children about their early love

C. not give much freedom to their children

D. keep silent about their children’s early love

4.From the diary, we can see the daughter ______.

A. thanked her mother for asking her

B. thought her mother cared about her very much

C. thought it was her mother's duty to ask

D. thought her mother's understanding is better than simple love


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年湖北襄阳四校高一下期中联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:短文改错







2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分

Last Sunday, I spent my lucky money on the special gift for Grandma. Early in the morning, I went to a cellphone store and choose a cellphone with large buttons specially designing for seniors. I gave it to Grandma when I visited him at the weekend. On receive the cellphone, Grandma was very happy and eager to learn how to use it. I patiently explained several important function she needed. Grandma learned carefully and wanted have a try. With my help, she successful called one of her friends. That afternoon Grandma proudly told her neighbors that she could make calls with the new cellphone I bought it her. They all praised what thoughtful I was.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年天津静海一中高二下开学考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达



1. 无法上网给学生带来的不便;

2. 网络的必要性(帮助解决学习难题、获取最新消息……)

3. 就老师的担心发表你的看法。


1. 词数不少于100词;

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. 信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

Dear headmaster,

I’m writing to request you to allow us to surf the Internet in the computer classroom._______________________________________________________________


Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年天津静海一中高二下开学考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空


My mom died when I was two years old. She died in an accident when ______ to visit her parents. I was in the backseat, and I wasn’t______ .I don’t remember anything about her. The only few things I know are from the ______ my dad tells me. I ______ with only my dad and myself. I love my dad, but sometimes it was ______,like being in elementary school when Mothers’day was coming, kids would decorate cards, and so on. To make it ______ , there was “tea party with mom ” day for 2nd and 3rd grade when kids and their ______ would come during the school day and have ______ and snacks. Except that my dad would let me ______ those days, we would do something ________together like going to Disneyland. I never exactly felt ______ even though I didn’t have a mom.

My dad worked very hard. My mom died right as he______ from Harvard law, and he tried to be both a good_______ and a great dad ,but also he tried to play both ______ as dad and mom . I remember all the other girls in my 2nd grade class had hair braided (辫子), and I ______ that too. So my dad would braid my hair every morning before ______ . It makes me smile just to______it.

I think about not having mother occasionally, and ______ it does bother me ,like the ________ that on Mothers’ day my dad and I visit my moms’ grave , and bring her ______ yellow roses .

Maybe I don’t have exactly what I want, but I have what I need .

1.A. walking B. flying C. running D. driving

2.A. saved B. deserted C. hurt D. interrupted

3.A. stories B. decisions C. experiences D. adventures

4.A. set off B. grew up C. pulled up D. settled down

5.A. useless B. impossible C. dangerous D. difficult

6.A. worse B. less C. closer D. slower

7.A. friends B. moms C. classmates D. neighbors

8.A. meal B. lunch C. beer D. tea

9.A. spend B. forget C. end D. name

10.A. easy B. important C. fun D. similar

11.A. brought up B. shown off C. lifted up D. left out

12.A. returned B. failed C. graduated D. stopped

13.A. lawyer B. guide C. actor D. businessman

14.A. games B. roles C. tapes D. tricks

15.A. wanted B. understood C. started D. accepted

16.A. weekends B. lunch C. school D. games

17.A. turn to B. ask for C. look for D. think about

18.A. always B. sometimes C. recently D. again

19.A. schedule B. plan C. fact D. thought

20.A. favorite B. available C. actual D. common


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年天津静海一中高二下开学考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Whom would you rather ________ with you, Jim or Jack?

A. have gone B. have to go C. have go D. has to go


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年四川阆中中学校高二下期第一次段考英语卷(解析版) 题型:七选五


My health is the only thing I really have in the world. You can take away my money, my house or my clothes, and I can survive. 1. That is why I eat healthily, exercise regularly, and keep up my social life.

2. I try to avoid foods high in fat like French fries or cookies. I also try to limit the amount of animal protein (蛋白质) I eat. I never eat more than a few ounces of fish or chicken a day and I rarely eat meat. I eat a lot of vegetables and fresh fruits which are full of fiber and vitamins.

3. Your muscles(骨骼) must continue to be strong to support your body as it grows older. A regular exercise program of cardiovascular ( 心血管的 ) training and weight training is an important part of keeping you healthy.

Friends are an important part of one's health. Studies have shown that people with a lot of social activities get fewer colds and have fewer complaints(抱怨) than those who don't. 4. I like to laugh with my friends and I always feel better when I am with them than when I am alone.

By eating properly and exercising regularly, I can keep my body at an proper weight and can keep my health. By spending time with my friends, I can keep my mind as well as my body happy. 5.

A. I try to eat a lot of healthy foods.

B. It's all parts of my recipe (秘诀) for healthy living.

C. But you take away my health and I will die.

D. Eating healthily is important to keep one's health.

E. Laughing is also an important part of health.

F. Hiking is also an important part of health.

G. Exercise helps increase bone-density and helps me maintain my posture.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年辽宁沈阳市高一4月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:短文改错



增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号(∧ ),并在其下面写出该加的词。

删除;把多余的词 用斜线( \ )划掉。




Tom is my good friend he was born to a poor family. His mother has been suffering a serious disease for many years. Life is too tough for him that he once nearly dropped out school for his family couldn’t afford his schooling. However, Tom, a strong-minded boy, was not afraid of the difficulties that he has been facing. Instead, he studies more harder than the other students in our class, because he believes that only through learn can he have a chance to let his parents live the better life. Now, Tom has become one of the top student in our school.

From Tom experience, I know our positive and determined attitude is the best weapon we can use it to fight against the challenges in life, because nothing is impossible for a willing heart.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年湖北孝感高级中学高二下期中考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:七选五


While serious training is important for all dogs, playtime is just as important. 1. Use these games to help teach your dog how to play.

1.Hide and Seek

Hide and seek isn’t just for kids. Dogs can really enjoy this game. Pick up one of your dog’s favorite toys or treats. Tell your dog to stay. 2. When you are ready, call your dog to come to you. If possible, squeak(使吱吱叫) the toy or shake the treats. Reward your dog with praise and the toy or treat when she finds you.


Many dogs have a natural ability to fetch. Other dogs can be taught how. 3. Play indoors with a soft toy or outdoors in a fenced-in area with a ball or disc. For dogs that really love to run, try this game of fetch!

3.Find the Treat

Dogs have superior senses of smell, and most love to use their noses to find food. Let your dog use her brain and her nose to find hidden goodies. First, have your dog stay out of sight. Then, hide her favorite treats in different places around the room.4. If help is needed, you can lead her around or point to areas for her to explore.

Whatever the game, safety comes first! Remember to watch your dog for signs of exhaustion or overheating when you are playing. Stop if your dog seems tired or shows signs of anxiety. 5. When other dogs or people are around, it may create a dangerous distraction (分神).

A.Then, go to find a good hiding place.

B.You can include games in training as well.

C.A good game of fetch can be played almost anywhere.

D.Try different games to see which your dog responds to best.

E.Also be aware of your surroundings when playing with your dog.

F.Encourage your dog to play with other dogs.

G.Bring your dog back in and tell her to “go find!”

