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     Scott and his companions were terribly disappointed. When they got to the South Pole, they found the
Norwegians (挪威人)had   1   them in the race to be the first ever to reach it. After   2   the British flag at
the Pole, they took a photograph of themselves   3   they started the 950-mile journey back.
     The journey was unexpectedly   4   and the joy and excitement about the Pole had gone out of them. The
sun hardly   5  . The snow storms always made it impossible to sight the stones they had   6   to mark their
way home. To make things   7  . Evans, whom they had all thought of   8   the strongest of the five, fell badly
into a deep hole in the ice. Having   9   along for several days, he suddenly fell down and died.
     The four who were  10  pushed on at the best speed they could  11 . Captain Oates had been suffering for
some time from his  12  fact; at night his feet swelled (肿胀) so large that he could  13  put his boots on the
next morning, and he walked bravely although he was in great  14 . He knew his slowness was making it less
likely that 
 15  could save themselves. He asked them to leave him behind in his sleeping-bag, but they refused, and helped
him  16  a few more miles, until it was time to put up the  17  for another night.
     The following morning,  18  the other three were still in their sleeping-bags, he said."I am just going outside
and may be  19  some time." He was never seen again. He had walked out  20  into the snow storm, hoping that
his death would help his companions.

(     )1. A. hit      
(     )2. A. growing  
(     )3. A. after    
(     )4. A. safe      
(     )5. A. rose      
(     )6. A. taken up  
(     )7. A. easier    
(     )8. A. to       
(     )9. A.battled    
(     )10. A. left    
(     )11. A. manage  
(     )12. A. ached    
(     )13. A. hardly  
(     )14. A. pain    
(     )15. A. all others
(     )16. A. away    
(     )17. A. bed      
(     )18. A. while    
(     )19. A. missed  
(     )20. A. patiently 
B. fought      
B. putting    
B. until      
B. fast        
B. set        
B. cut up      
B. better      
B. upon        
B. struggled  
B. lost        
B. try                
B. frozen      
B. never      
B. fear      
B. some others 
B. with        
B. tent        
B. since      
B. separated  
B. lonely    
C. won        
C. planting 
C. while  
C. short      
C. appeared
C. set up  
C. bitter  
C. as        
C. speeded 
C. defeated           
C. employ 
C. harden    
C. seldom 
C. trouble    
C. others 
C. off      
C. blanket    
C. for      
C. passed 
C. alone    
D. beaten             
D. laying        
D. before         
D. slow               
D. disappeared   
D. picked up       
D. worse           
D. in              
D. waited          
D. saved             
D. find          
D. harmed            
D. nearly       
D. danger              
D. the others   
D. on               
D. sleeping-bag      
D. once              
D. gone         
D. worriedly      
1-5: DCDDC  6-10:  CDCBA   11-15:  ABAAD   16-20:  DBADC

科目:高中英语 来源:广东省2010年高考英语考前强化训练试题集:完形填空和语法填空 题型:完型填空


It’s not just an American phenomenon:   1   the globe, single-parent homes are on the  2  . Numbers for one-parent families increased from England to Australia during the 1990s, mirroring demographic (人口统计学的) changes reflected in the US census.

Just as in America, those changes   3   new questions about how  4     government should be in helping single-parent families, which often are less well-off   5   than those led by a married mom and dad.

Should single parents be afforded tax breaks to help pay for child   6   ? Should employers be monitored to make   7  flexible work hours are offered?

Annie Oliver, a 32-year-old single mother from Bristol, England, thinks so. “You wouldn’t believe   8   becoming a single parent suddenly made me a second-class   9   ,” said Oliver, who struggles to   10   a full-time job and give the extra care her disabled son needs.

(   ) 1. A. on B. in     C. across       D. through

(   ) 2. A. rise      B. way  C. fall   D. decrease

(   ) 3. A. asked    B. answered  C. avoided    D. raised

(   ) 4.A. included       B. concluded C. involved   D. intended

(   ) 5. A. physically    B. financially       C. mentally   D. spiritually

(   ) 6. A. care      B. growth     C. happiness  D. concern

(   ) 7. A. clear     B. known      C. out    D. sure

(   ) 8. A. when    B. what C. how  D. why

(   ) 9. A. employee     B. citizen      C. partner     D. mother

(   ) 10. A. keep   B. look for    C. find  D. own



科目:高中英语 来源:山西省同步题 题型:完形填空

     It's a small gas station that has snacks,  drinks,  cigarettes,  and candies.The young man behind the
counter knows his__1__by name and what they normally want to buy.He treats children and adults with
equal__2__.He reads science fiction behind the counter when business in__3__.
     One day,  three people rushed in and grabbed food off the shelves as fast as they could,  __4__not
intending to pay for it.He hit the "panic button",  then went over the counter and__5__the front door.It was obvious they were homeless,  and equally obvious that they weren't going__6__with their illgotten gains.
They__7__the food and simply crowded together in panic-knowing the police were__8__the way.
Imagine what they must have felt like when they were told they didn't have to steal if they were that__9_."
We have food in the back,  expired (到期) but still__10__to eat.If you need food,  you__11__have some."
     They were told to__12__what they had dropped and put it back,  and then asked to straighten out the
mess.They were doing just that__13__the police arrived.The officers were told the situation was under
control and the police were no longer__14__.
     This wasn't what they had__15__.They were being treated as human beings who could right the wrong
they'd done.Shocked,  they quickly followed orders to take turns and use the restroom to clean up.
     Soon three__16__people walked out with all the__17__their arms could hold.They were__18__that,  if they needed to come back again,  they were to ask and not just grab.
     And then the young man went back to read until the next customer came in.He would be the__19__
person in the world to claim he was a hero.But he gave three people something they were in desperate need of—a__20__amount of selfrespect and a little bit of hope.
(     )1. A. friends
(     )2. A. respect  
(     )3. A. slow
(     )4. A. bravely  
(     )5. A. opened  
(     )6. A. nowhere  
(     )7. A. hid  
(     )8. A. in  
(     )9. A. anxious  
(     )10. A. safe  
(     )11. A. must  
(     )12. A. hold up
(     )13. A. when  
(     )14. A. popular
(     )15. A. wanted  
(     )16. A. dirtier
(     )17. A. money  
(     )18. A. reminded
(     )19. A. first     
(     )20. A. large  
B. neighbors
B. pride  
B. busy  
B. reasonably
B. locked  
B. somewhere
B. lifted  
B. on  
B. cautious  
B. easy  
B. can  
B. hand out  
B. after  
B. necessary
B. desired  
B. cleaner  
B. cigarettes
B. warned  
B. last  
B. fair  
C. customers
C. wisdom  
C. heavy  
C. hardly  
C. closed  
C. anywhere  
C. swallowed
C. off  
C. courageous
C. sweet  
C. should  
C. pick up  
C. before  
C. reliable  
C. expected  
C. cleverer  
C. drinks  
C. ordered  
C. best  
C. small
D. passengers
D. privilege
D. swift    
D. obviously
D. broke    
D. everywhere
D. dropped  
D. by        
D. hungry    
D. unique    
D. need      
D. hand in  
D. since    
D. important
D. admired  
D. quicker  
D. food      
D. persuaded
D. worst    
D. full      


科目:高中英语 来源:山西省同步题 题型:完形填空

     "It's my own fault." Carl Fenter pulled his jacket closer against the abnormal bite of cold morning wind.
"The rest of the family is home, where it's__1__."
     Just another one of his__2__ideas-a big tamale (玉米粉蒸肉) feast after tonight's Christmas Eve
service at the church-and look where it landed him:waiting in a line 50 people deep.
     Who would have guessed that the tamale in every shop in the city would be sold out the day before
Christmas?But they__3__, as Carl knew.He had been driving all over El Paso that morning.__4__to bring
home tamales, Carl tried one last shop, an old favorite out in Canutillo.
     When he arrived, a fresh batch (一炉) was__5__off the steamer in 45 minutes.__6__at the end of the
snaking line of tamaleseekers, he watched the woman in front of him__7__her jacket to cover her shivering youngster.It wasn't long before she, too, __8__in the biting wind.After only a moment's__9__, Carl took
off his own jacket and offered it to the__10__mother.
     Together, they__11__when the line slowly moved forward at last, and smiling people exited the shop
carrying steamy bags.__12__, Carl got inside the door and__13__closer to the counter, the woman now
first in line."Sorry folks, " the clerk announced, "that's the last of the tamales.""__14__!" Carl groaned
(抱怨) with everyone else__15__behind him.
     "__16__, "stressed the man at the counter, "we'll have a final batch ready__17__, oh, about two
     Defeated, Carl backed away, but the young mother grabbed his arm.
     "You're leaving?"
     "I__18__, "Carl glanced at his watch."I promised to put up luminarias (传统圣诞灯) at my church."
     "I'll get your order of tamales and bring them to your house."
     Carl's brow furrowed "I couldn't ask you to do that."
     "But it's__19__I can do.You lent me your coat." Her smile overrode (推翻) his objections."Just give
me your address." She and her little girl settled in for the long wait.
     And at__20__noon on Christmas Eve, they delivered four dozen fragrant tamales-along with Carl's
brown jacket-to his home.
(     )1. A. harmonious    
(     )2. A. brilliant      
(     )3. A. were        
(     )4. A. Decided      
(     )5. A. ready          
(     )6. A. Finding his way
(     )7. A. move      
(     )8. A. waved        
(     )9. A. assumption    
(     )10. A. grateful    
(     )11. A. cheered      
(     )12. A. Immediately  
(     )13. A. shouldered his way
(     )14. A. No problem  
(     )15. A. lined up    
(     )16. A. So         
(     )17. A. before       
(     )18. A. plan to    
(     )19. A. the least  
(     )20. A. just      
B. warm          
B. bad            
B. did            
B. Determined    
B. prepared      
B. Taking his road
B. reject        
B. froze          
B. appreciation  
B. respectful    
B. congratulated  
B. Hopefully      
B. forced his way
B. No way        
B. held up        
B. But            
B. for            
B. intend to      
B. the most      
B. exactly        
C. happy        
C. stupid        
C. could          
C. Wanted        
C. soon          
C. Taking his place
C. abandon      
C. shook        
C. hesitation    
C. hopeless      
C. shouted      
C. Lastly        
C. felt his way
C. No doubt      
C. looked up      
C. Then        
C. in          
C. have to      
C. the last      
C. accurately    
D. pleasant        
D. common          
D. had              
D. Expected        
D. due              
D. Finding his place
D. remove          
D. shocked          
D. attention        
D. shameful        
D. screamed        
D. Fina lly        
D. inched his way  
D. No wonder        
D. waited up        
D. Besides          
D. after            
D. ought to        
D. the best        
D. right            


科目:高中英语 来源:陕西省同步题 题型:完形填空

      Mother's Day was coming,but John had been visiting customers.He was now in a small town just
outside a flower shop and he knew what to do.
     He went into the shop and saw a young man__1__the clerk to sell him some roses for six dollars,
but the clerk just explained that roses were__2__.
     The clerk looked up at John,__3__her head.Something inside of John was__4__by the boy's voice.
John had been__5__in his business,and he looked at the clerk and__6__mouthed that he would pay for
the roses.
     The clerk looked at the young man and told him to get the roses for six dollars.The young man almost
jumped into the__7__and ran from the store with the__8__.It was worth the extra dollars just to see that
kind of__9__.
      John ordered his own flowers and made sure that the__10__would include a note telling his mother
how much he loved her.He drove away from the shop,feeling very__11__.He caught a light about two
blocks away.As he__12__at the light,he saw the young boy walking down the sidewalk.He watched him
cross the street and enter a park through two huge gates.Suddenly,he__13__that it wasn't a park but a
cemetery (公墓).
      The light__14__,and John slowly crossed the intersection.He__15__and on an impulse (冲动) got
out and began to follow the boy.The young man stopped by a small monument and went to his__16__.
He began to cry after he carefully__17__the roses on the grave.He stared at the little boy's heaving (起
伏的) body and listened to his crying.
      John turned with__18__,and walked back to his car.He drove__19__to the shop and told the clerk
he would__20__the flowers personally.He wanted to tell his mother one more time just how much he
loved her.
(     )1. A. begging    
(     )2. A. cheap      
(     )3. A. shaking    
(     )4. A. recalled    
(     )5. A. influenced  
(     )6. A. loudly      
(     )7. A. river      
(     )8. A. money
(     )9. A. surprise  
(     )10. A. delivery  
(     )11. A. relaxed  
(     )12. A. sang  
(     )13. A. remembered  
(     )14. A. flashed  
(     )15. A. drove back  
(     )16. A. arms  
(     )17. A. laid  
(     )18. A. laughter  
(     )19. A. slowly  
(     )20. A. bring  
B. ordering    
B. beautiful    
B. waving      
B. touched      
B. ruined      
B. silently    
B. air          
B. flowers      
B. horror      
B. message      
B. disappointed
B. waited      
B. found        
B. changed      
B. pulled over  
B. palms        
B. decorated    
B. anger        
B. quickly      
B. fetch        
C. forcing      
C. expensive    
C. nodding      
C. hurt          
C. buried      
C. gently        
C. lake      
C. basket  
C. excitement  
C. transportation  
C. good      
C. looked  
C. discovered  
C. disappeared  
C. broke down  
C. feet    
C. set    
C. tears    
C. carefully  
C. take        
D. urging        
D. special      
D. holding      
D. lightened    
D. blessed      
D. calmly        
D. hole          
D. cards        
D. sadness      
D. transfer      
D. sorry        
D. stood        
D. realized      
D. shone        
D. burst out    
D. knees        
D. grew          
D. astonishment  
D. excitedly    
D. catch        


科目:高中英语 来源:天津同步题 题型:完形填空

      It's no secret that many children would be healthier and happier with adoptive parents than with the
parents that nature dealt them. That's especially_1_of children who remain in homes where they're badly
treated__2_the law blindly favors biological parents. It's also true of children who__3_for years in foster
(寄养) homes because of parents who can't or won't care for them but    4   to give up custody (监护)
     Fourteenyearold Kimberly Mays  5   neither description, but her recent court victory could  6   help
children who do. Kimberly has been the  7   of an angry custody battle between the man who raised her
and her biological parents, with whom she has never lived. A Florida judge  8   that the teenager can
remain with the only father she's ever known and that her biological parents have "no legal  9  "on her.
     Shortly after  10  in December 1978, Kimberly Mays and another baby were mistakenly switched
and sent home with the  11   parents. Kimberly's biological parents, Ernest and Regina Twigg, received
a child who died of a heart disease in 1988. Medical tests  12   that the child wasn't the Twiggs' own
daughter, but Kimberly was, thus leading to a custody  13   with Robert Mays. In 1989, the two families
  14   that Mr. Mays would maintain custody with the Twiggs getting  15   rights. Those rights were ended
when Mr. Mays decided that Kimberly was being  16  .
      The decision to  17   Kimberly with Mr. Mays caused heated discussion. But the judge made it clear
that Kimberly did have the right to sue (起诉)  18   her own behalf. Thus he made it clear that she was
  19   just a personal possession of her parents. Biological parentage does not mean an absolute ownership
that cancels(取消) all the  20   of children.
(     )1. A. terrible      
(     )2. A. but          
(     )3. A. settle        
(     )4. A. have          
(     )5. A. likes        
(     )6. A. actually      
(     )7. A. victim        
(     )8. A. ruled        
(     )9. A.  expectation  
(     )10. A. birth        
(     )11. A. biological  
(     )12. A. examined    
(     )13. A. battle      
(     )14. A. thought      
(     )15. A. equal        
(     )16. A. harmed      
(     )17. A. make        
(     )18. A. by          
(     )19. A. more than    
(     )20. A. freedom      
B. sad            
B. if              
B. live            
B. refuse          
B. gives          
B. eventually      
B. object          
B. believed        
B. action          
B. judgment        
B. own            
B. explained      
B. right          
B. quarreled      
B. same            
B. forbidden      
B. leave          
B. through        
B. no more than    
B. happiness      
C. true          
C. when          
C. suffer        
C. stick        
C. fits          
C. successfully  
C. sacrifice    
C. ordered      
C. effect        
C. operation    
C. kind          
C. decided      
C. agreement    
C. agreed        
C. visiting      
C. wounded      
C. give          
C. on            
C. not more than
C. rights        
D. natural    
D. because    
D. gather      
D. fail        
D. knows      
D. abruptly    
D. teenager    
D. indicated  
D. claim      
D. school      
D. wrong      
D. showed      
D. decision    
D. prepared    
D. speaking    
D. hidden      
D. keep        
D. in          
D. less than  
D. ideas      

