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Lisa Pina never thought she would need the fire safety training she received during her apprenticeship (学徒期) as a union painter and dry waller. On Friday morning,she was thanking God she had it.

On Thursday night,while Pina was babysitting her granddaughter,nephew and two nieces in her sister’s apartment,she smelled smoke and realized the apartment building was on fire. When her 4?year?old granddaughter Ilean Garcia began saying,“We’re going to die,”she knew she had to act.Pina,39,first sealed the door,and then told all four children to get on the floor. After calling 911,she told the children to start singing and promised them all treats as soon as they reached safety. “I said,‘OK,we’re going to lie down and we’re all going to play a game,’” Pina said. “We all started singing our ABCs and 123s.I was just trying to make it fun.” Pina patiently waited,and a few minutes later,Riverside County sheriff’s deputies (治安官的助手) arrived. Pina,Ilean,8?year?old Gabriel Parga,5?year?old Aubreyana Parga and 4?year?old Meriyah Parga were all trapped on the second floor as flames filled the first story. Pina did the only thing she could. She opened the window and dropped the children,one?by?one,into the arms of the sheriff’s deputies about 15 to 20 feet below. “I just needed to keep the kids calm so they wouldn’t be afraid,”Pina said.“I was deathly afraid inside,but I couldn’t let them know that.”[Not long after dropping the children out of the window,firefighters arrived with a ladder and rescued her. Ten people were treated at the scene for suffering smoke,but nobody was seriously injured.

1.The text is mainly about________.

A. a big fire without serious injury

B. an urgent call 911

C. a brave babysitter

D. a babysitter rescuing kids from a big fire

2.The underlined word “it” in Paragraph 1 refers to________.

A. a union painter

B. a dry waller

C. the fire safety training

D. the apprenticeship

3.Before Lisa Pina called 911,in order to prevent the fire,she________.

A. let children get on the floor

B. opened the windows of the second floor

C. closed the door hard

D. had children start singing

4.According to the text,we know that________.

A. Lisa Pina was the last one to be rescued

B. the fire didn’t cause any injury

C. the children were sent to hospital after the fire

D. during the fire Lisa Pina wasn’t afraid at all


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届江苏清江中学高三第四次(12月)月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

If something such as a product, an activity, or someone’s career______, it suddenly becomes very successful.

A. takes up B. takes in C. takes off D. takes away


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年福建厦门双十中学高二上学期期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解



Why are newspapers and TV broadcasts filled with disaster, corruption and incompetence? It may be because we’re drawn to depressing stories without realizing, according to psychologists.

When you read the news, sometimes it can feel like the only things reported are terrible, depressing events. Why do the media concentrate on the bad things in life, rather than the good? In fact, many people often say that they would prefer good news.

The researchers present their experiment as solid evidence of a so called “negativity bias(偏见)”, psychologists’ term for our collective hunger to hear, and remember bad news.

It isn’t just delight in other people’s misfortune, the theory goes, but that we’ve evolved to react quickly to potential threats. Bad news could be a signal that we need to change what we’re doing to avoid danger.

As you’d expect from this theory, there’s some evidence that people respond quicker to negative words. In lab experiments, flash the word “cancer”, “bomb” or “war” up at someone and they can hit a button in response quicker than if that word is “baby”, “smile” or “fun”. We are also able to recognize negative words faster than positive words, and even tell that a word is going to be unpleasant before we can tell exactly what the word is going to be.

There’s another interpretation (解释)that researchers put on their evidence: we pay attention to bad news, because on the whole, we think the world is more hopeful than it actually is. When it comes to our own lives, most of us believe we’re better than average, and that, like the cliches, we expect things to be all right in the end. This pleasant view of the world makes bad news all the more surprising and arresting. It is only against a light background that the dark spots are highlighted.

So our attraction to bad news may be more complex than just journalistic prejudice or a hunger springing from the darkness within.

1.What is “negativity bias” according to psychologists?

A. It is one’s delight in others’ misfortune.

B. It is one’s habit of reacting quickly to potential threats.

C. It is a signal with which we can avoid danger.

D. People are born to hear and remember bad news.

2.What can we infer from the passage?

A. Journalists only feel like reporting depressing bad news.

B. It is true that there are no good stories to be reported.

C. People unconsciously pay more attention to bad news.

D. People like to hear pleasant words rather than bad words.

3.What will be read first by most readers according to the theory?

A. Movie star arrested for taking drugs.

B. Movie star went on a campaign for ASL disease.

C. Movie star accepts Ice Bucket Challenge

D. Movie star awarded the third Oscar in three years.

4.What causes people to focus more on bad news than on good news?

A. The world is believed to be more hopeful than it actually is.

B. It is expected things will be all right in the end.

C. The world is believed to be full of darkness.

D. It is believed that we are better than others.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年吉林实验中学高一上学期期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:短文改错



增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号( ∧ ),并在其下面写出该加的词。





Last summer I go to America and studied at a language school. I had many wonderful experience,but I also had a sad one. One day,the school held party,where I invited to talk about Tianjin. After that they asked me a lot of things about China. But I couldn’t explain them with English clearly. I felt sadly. I learnt a lesson from this experience. I have already studied English for eight years,I can’t use it very good. I must work hard to improve my spoken English so that I will not be able to communicate freely with foreigners. I hope I can be a bridge between China and others countries in the future.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年吉林实验中学高二上学期期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达


假设你是李华,你的美国笔友Paul给你发来一封电子邮件,在邮件中询问中国有关吸烟的情况。 请你给回复一封邮件,内容如下:

1. 中国大部分人已经认识到吸烟的危害, 越来越多的人已经开始戒烟;

2. 中国已经通过了在公共场所禁止吸烟的法律, 并有多种标志提醒人们不要吸烟;

3. 政府会采取措施帮助人们戒烟。


Dear Paul,

I am glad to hear from you . I have learned that ______________________________________


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年吉林实验中学高二上学期期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

---How long do you think it’ll be _____ I can go back to work?

--- Well, you’ll be feeling much better by next weekend.

A. before B. when C. until D. that


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年吉林实验中学高二上学期期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

The driver _____ for the accident had not been driving carefully.

A. blamed B. being blamed

C. to be blamed D. blaming


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届湖北宜昌第一中学高三上12月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:语法填空


Over the years I've been teaching children about a simple 1.___________ powerful concept --- the ant philosophy (哲学).I think everybody should study ants.

They have an2.___________(amaze) four-part philosophy, and here is the first part: ants never quit. That's a good philosophy. If they're heading somewhere and you try to stop them, they'll look for 3.__________way. They'll climb over, they'll climb under, and they'll climb around. They never quit looking for a way to get where they 4.__________ (suppose) to go.

Second, ants think winter all summer. That's an important viewpoint. You can't be so naive ( 天真的) as to think summer will last forever. So ants are gathering in their winter food in the middle of summer and make5.___________(prepare) for the long cold winter. You’ve got to think storms when it’s fine. You've got to think rocks as you enjoy the sand and sun. Think ahead.

The third part of the ant philosophy is that ants think summer all winter. That is so important. During the winter, ants remind6._____________, "This won't last long. We'll soon be out of here." And on the first warm day, the ants are out. 7.___________ it turns cold again, they'll dive back down, but then they come out on the first warm day. They can't wait to get out.

And here's the last part of the ant philosophy. How much will 8.____________ ant gather during the summer to prepare for the winter? All he9. _____________ (possible) can. What an incredible philosophy! 10.__________you can learn from the ant philosophy is: Never give up, look ahead, stay positive and do all you can.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届福建厦门双十中学高三上学期期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:短文改错









Last week we held a discussion on which we should do for our school before we graduate.The students in our class have different suggestion.Some students thought that we can collect money to buy some books for the school library or everything else for the schoo1.Other students argue that there’s not necessary to spend money.We can study hard and make our school feeling proud of us.

In my opinion, we don’t have to spend money. We can do something meaningfully without money. For an example,we can do some voluntary work to beautify the school and try to get better results in the coming exams so that our school will proud of us.

