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How to get siblings to get along

One of the greatest gifts of parenthood is seeing your children form a relationship with each other that is independent of you. By giving them someone else to play with, you can free up some time for yourself. Here are four techniques you can use to help your children appreciate each other while they are young.

1. 【1】 The No. 1 thing parents can do to help their kids stay on good terms with each other is not to compare them with each other. Never say “Your sister never...” or “Why can’t you do what your brother does?” 2

2. Stay out of the way. Try not to get too involved in your kinds’ arguments. Learning cooperation and problem-solving is an important skill in life. 3 And don’t blame the older one for not “knowing better”. That puts pressure on the older child and leads to unhappiness.

3. Activities and opportunities. Have your kids go to their siblings’ games and activities. 4 “My kids go to each other’s activities, and take part in activities together,” says Patricia Walters-Fischer, mother of two. Not only do her children go, but they also offer support, encouraging each other before a big game or performance and offering comfort when things don’t go well.

4. Vacations. Don’t ignore the value of a family vacation for bringing siblings together. When kids are away from their friends and forced to spend time together, they often enjoy each other. 5 In fact, a weekend camping trip offers some of the best opportunities for working together, having fun and experiencing something new.

A. Never shout at them.

B. Don’t compare.

C. It doesn’t need to be anything extremely great.

D. Get them involved in one another’s lives, so they can have a better appreciation of who their sibling is.

E. That only serves to fuel the competition.

F. They may need help solving a conflict, but try not to take sides.

G. Give them a project, and they will learn how to work together.









【1】B 根据第一段可知本文主要讲述的是父母亲如何让家里的孩子们和谐相处。在根据横线后句The No. 1 thing parents can do to help their kids stay on good terms with each other is not to compare them with each other.可知第一个建议就是不让孩子们相互比较。故B项符合本段中心思想。

【2】E 根据横线前句Never say “Your sister never...” or “Why can’t you do what your brother does?”可知本段建议父母亲不要对孩子进行比较,比较只会让竞争更加激烈。故E项正确。

【3】F 本段标题及第一句Stay out of the way. Try not to get too involved in your kinds’ arguments.可知当孩子之间发生争论的时候,父母亲不要选边站队,要让孩子自己去解决问题。故F项符合上下文串联。

【4】D 根据横线后句“My kids go to each other’s activities, and take part in activities together,”可知我们要让孩子相互参加对方的活动,站在对方的立场上看到问题。这样做可以让双方之间的理解更加深入。故D项正确。

【5】C 本段主要介绍的是通过假期活动让孩子增进理解。假期不要太长,有时候周末的活动即可。故C项“It doesn’t need to be anything extremely great.”符合上下文串联。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】The weather is very important to farmers. The calendar might say “August”, but the weather's more like October. For some farmers the cool weather is a good thing. For others, it's a cause for concern.

At Apple Hill, the cooler weather was giving the Boeger Winery a chance to concentrate on bottling instead of picking. “Things were really maturing, it has just been a welcome relief to have more time to prepare.” said Greg Boeger of Boeger Winery.

But down in the Delta, the earlier hot weather has them two weeks ahead of schedule. Their harvest actually started on Tuesday, and this cooling trend is a worry. There have been no problems yet, but for each of the last two years heavy rain right after Labor Day was a problem, one that Don Pylman would not like to see repeated.

“If it doesn't start raining, we're in good shape,” said Pylman. “If the sun comes out and clears up we can get right back to work, but if we do get rain, the rots will start.”

The kind of grape makes a difference as well. Thinskinned grapes like the chardonnay variety are much more sensitive to rain than some of the others. They're also more difficult to dry off.

1The weather change ________.

A. shows that the calendar lacks science

B. does good to farmers

C. shows that the globe is more and more warming

D. doesn't always make farmers worried

2From the second paragraph we know the Boeger Winery ________.

A. isn't prepared for the weather change

B. has his wine bottled earlier than usual

C. has no chance to pick the grape

D. in fact,doesn't welcome the weather change

3The underlined “them” in the third paragraph refers to “________”.

A. the grapes

B. the family of Winery

C. the farmers at Apple Hill

D. the farmers in the Delta


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】The producer of a new Indonesian movie about President Obama’s childhood years in Jakarta(雅加达) is hoping that interested Americans will flock to see the film, Little Obama, in theatres across the country.

Little Obama is the creation of Damien Dematra, an Indonesian writer and artist who has worked on the project since November when he was struck with the idea of writing about the time a young Obama lived in Jakarta with his mother and stepfather in the late 1960s and early 1970s.

The film is based on a novel published in March Obama Anak Menteng, and focuses on the president’s childhood friendships in Indonesia.

The novel and the film are fictionalized(把……编成小说) accounts of the president’s time in Jakarta and are based on interviews with people who are childhood friends and neighbours of Mr. Obama. Many Indonesians share a deep pride about a man who spent part of his shaping years in the country and went on to become U.S. president.

The film star is a 14-year-old Hasan Faruq Ali, an American who has lived in Indonesia with his family for about 10 years. Like the president, he is the son of a white mother and a black father. Since filming began, he has been under the shine of media attention. “My whole life changed overnight,” he says.

The film, which was made on a budget of $1 million, won’t get its first public screening until Wednesday, but ads for the movie on YouTube have got a few thousand hits. It isn’t clear whether Little Obama will get a U.S. release(发行), but the film’s producer says he is in talks with a U.S. distributor(发行人).

1What is the film Damien Dematra produced mainly about?

A. The friendship between America and Indonesia.

B. The political views of Obama from his childhood.

C. The determination and hard work of young Obama.

D. Mr. Obama’s friends when he was young in Indonesia.

2Which is NOT true about Obama and Hasan Faruq Ali?

A. Their nationality is American.

B. They shoot a film when they are young.

C. they have the experience of living in Indonesia.

D. Hasan has a white mother and a black father.

3What can we learn from the last paragraph?

A. The future of Little Obama is unknown.

B. Little Obama will be popular in America.

C. Little Obama will be popular in Indonesia.

D. Ads for Little Obama proved unsuccessful.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Everyone wants to be self-confident, but maybe we just don’t know how to be. Here are some tips on how you can feel more confident about yourself.

1 Everyone has shortcomings. When you have found your shortcomings, work to overcome them. If you are a shy person, take part in social activities, such as parties, and speak to at least one or two people there.

Second, try to spend more time with positive people. Successful and confident people have their own ways of settling problems. 2

Third, set goals for yourself. With each goal you achieve, you self-confidence will increase. 3 We are afraid that we might lose. Stop thinking like that and give yourself a chance.

Fourth, start each day with a sense of opportunity. 4Think positively about yourself.

Actually everyone has his or her own way of becoming confident. 5 Friends might have useful suggestions, too.

In short, as long as you try new things, you are sure to become more confident.

A. You should talk with your friends.

B. Pay attention and learn from them.

C. First, don’t think about your weak points.

D. It’s not always right to ask friends for help.

E. sometimes we might be afraid of trying new things.

F. First, you should know what your weak points are.

G. Start your day by reading something encouraging.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1They were ________________(震惊) at the news that he had cheated so much money.

2The boy fell into the river, and fortunately a PLA man came to his ________________(拯救营救).

3The enemy fell into a ________________(圈套) and we defeated them.

4When we were children, our parents used to ________________(埋葬) something in the yard for us to dig up.

5If you blow that balloon up any more it will ________________(爆破).

6The whole blocks of the city were in ________________(废墟) after the war.

7The peace of the forest has been ________________(破坏) by the noise of earth moving machines.

8A ________________(灾难) happened in 2008. A powerful earthquake hit Wenchuan in Sichuan.

9If you are blind or dumb, how can you ________________(表达) feeling or emotions?

10If Bob hadn't ________________() himself, we would have won.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Making words shorter is a common habit of English speakers today.

It seems that most sayings or popular words have their own abbreviation. 1 For example, LOL stands for “laughing out loud”,IMO is “in my opinion” and BTW is “by the way”. US technology website Lifewire made a list of the most common abbreviations in 2016.

Simple ones you may already know - like BTW, IMO and IDK (I don’t know) made the list. 2 They include TFW (that feeling when), and FTW (for the win). TFW is sometimes used along with a funny photo to describe your feelings, while FTW is a kind of internet cheer used to express happiness. 3 You can use this one before you tell someone what you think about something.

4 Terry Wood, a foreign language teacher from Leonardtown, US, says the habits have lowered his students’ writing abilities. “They do not capitalize (大写) words or use punctuation anymore,” Wood told US News. “5

A. The list is meant to be good fun.

B. Another interesting learn is IMHO (in my humble opinion).

C. But there were lots of other more difficult ones on the list, too.

D. This happens a lot when they are used on social media or in a text message.

E. Any word longer than one syllable (音节) is now abbreviated to one.

F. Researchers identified several ways in which teens changed language while speaking online.

G. However, some people believe these abbreviations are also causing problems.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】I have recently returned from 1 extended 26-day trip to China. I made two earlier trips to China in 2012. On my previous visits my travel 2 (limit) Beijing, Shanghai and Chongqing. This time I, together with my family, was able to visit some of the more remote cities and holiday destinations 3 (miss) on the previous trips and revisit Beijing and Shanghai to observe the great changes there in just four short years.

The many contradictions and 4 (struggle) within China today are very impressive. No one can ignore the rich culture 5 (date) back to ancient times is changing in the modern age at a speed and scale that has never been witnessed. 6 happens in China, the third 7 (large) country in the world with 20 percent of the world’s population, will 8 (certain) shape the immediate and distant futures of 9 (we) all.

On this blog I will be posting a travel journal 10 photographs and drawings. Marked on the map are the cities and villages I visited while in China.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Do you have any problem with time? Start doing these and you will see the difference.

●Write it down

Don’t rely on your memory to keep track of every little detail. 【1】 Write down the things you need to do in a small notebook, or use online tool to create and update your “to-do” list.


Working for long periods without a break can waste your time. It is more efficient to work or study for a shorter period of time, take a break, and then go back to work. You may get more done in tow focused 45-minute sessions.

One thing at a time

3 Do one thing at a time, and do it well. As the Chinese proverb says, “One cannot manage too many affairs. Like pumpkins in the water, one pops up while you try to hold down the other.”

Schedule email time

On your cell phone you get a notification every time someone sends you an email. If so, you have to check your email many, many times a day. 4 Schedule time to check your email. It doesn’t matter when.

Choose to say “No”.

It’s easy to become overwhelmed if we say “yes” to everything. Think about the task before you commit to it. Do you need to do it? Can someone else do it? Avoid saying “yes” to every request. 5

Keep a goal journal

Write down your goals in a journal and evaluate them regularly. Mark your progress for each goal. Be sure span>you take the necessary step to achieve your goals.

A. Make a list first

B. Don’t skip the breaks

C. Turn that notification off

D. Memory is not always accurate

E. Don’t forget to focus on your task

F. This takes time away from more important tasks

G. Every time we switch from one task to another, we lose focus


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】The “Give It Up for Earth Day” encourages people to commit to giving up actions that are harmful to the environment, such as using poisonous cleaners.

Throughout the month of April, Canadians are being asked to “Give It Up for Earth Day!” Earth Day has been celebrated every year on April 22 since 1970. Earth Day Canada president Jed Goldberg says that as people become more environmentally aware, they want to find ways to reduce their environmental influence, not just celebrate one special event.

“Earth Day is a great launching_pad for thinking about environmental action every day,” said Goldberg. “Choosing healthier options, even for the short term, can lead to thinking about the influence of our decisions for a lifetime.”

That's the reason behind the “Give It Up for Earth Day” campaign. It's designed to encourage healthy habits that benefit people and the planet. It challenges everyone to help create a healthier world by making changes in their daily routine.

“We wanted to plan an actiontargeted campaign that will give people a chance to act on their concern for the environment in a positive way,” said Goldberg.

The campaign has identified four daily actions that can add up to huge environmental savings. They include pledging (保证) to turn off the TV, give up the use of poisonous cleaners, reduce consumption of consumer products and cut out meat.

At the end of April, all of the pledges will be recorded and converted (转化) into the number of TV hours not watched, dollars not spent on unnecessary items, electricity saved, greenhouse gas emissions (排放) avoided by cutting out meat, and poisonous chemicals produced from homes and landfills.

“What we're trying to achieve this year for Earth Day is to give people a chance to do something that is meaningful and measurable,” said Goldberg.

1The aim of the campaign mentioned in the passage is to ________.

A. enable people to save more money for future use

B. help people develop environmentally friendly habits

C. prevent people from making changes in their daily routine

D. warn people against reducing consumption of consumer products

2The underlined word “launching pad” (in Paragraph 3) probably means “________”.

A. starting point B. finishing line

C. exchanging stage D. reforming stage

3We can conclude from the passage that ________.

A. Earth Day was first celebrated over half a century ago

B. short term decisions will by no means influence our lives

C. Earth Day Canada is actually an everyday environmental action

D. daily actions must be measured to benefit the environment

4Which disagrees with the spirit of “Give It Up for Earth Day”?

A. Switching off TV.

B. Riding bikes.

C. Using poisonous cleaners.

D. Saving electricity.

