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   It was my first trip to India alone. One day,as I was walking through a local market,a ten-year-old boy came over and 1. (beg) me to buy a book,2. had the words Interesting India on its cover. I bought it,thinking that when I returned i home it would remind me 3. my wonderful Indian adventure. The book claimed that India* s;people were very welcoming,and never tried to cheat tourists.

   Suddenly,a monkey came down from a nearby tree,snatched (抢走)the book from my hand and took 4. away,along with my bag which contained all my belongings. I couldn,t do anything 5. stand and stare. Then a man approached

j me and asked 6. I wanted my belongings back. He said it would cost me five US dollars. I had no other choice,so I agreed 7. (pay) , but only aftermy bag was returned.

   He blew a whistle and the monkey 8. (immediate) threw the bag down. I picked it up and gave him the money. I later learned that the man made his 9. (live) this way — tricking tourists. This was the 10. (bad) thing I had ever experienced in “Interesting India”.

1. begged。考查一般过去时。and连 接两个并列的成分,故设空处用一 般过去时。

2. which。考查关系词。设空处引导 非限制性定语从句修饰book ,且在 从句中作主语,故填which。

3. of。考查介词。remind sb. of sth.意 为“使某人想起某事”。

4. it。考查代词。设空处指代上文的 the book ,故填 it。

5. but/except。考查连词。couldn’t do anything but / except do sth.为固定搭配,意为“只能做某事”。

6. if/whether。考査连接词。设空处 引导宾语从句,由语境可知此处是 在询问作者是否(if / whether ) 想拿 回他的东西。

7. to pay。考查不定式作宾语的用 法。agree to do sth.意为“同意做某 事

8. immediately。考查副词。设空处 修饰动词threw ,故需用副词。

9. living。考查名词。make one's living意为“谋生”。

10. woyst。考查形容词的最高级。根 据设空处后的I had ever experienced in “Interesting India” 可知, 此处表示的是最坏的事情,故填 worst。

题目来源:2016年英语周报高三新课标 > 第42期 2015-2016高三课标


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

  If you are a do-it-yourself type of person,then learning how to build a greenhouse will provide you with a lot of satisfaction. You might want to build a greenhouse in order to protect your plants during the time the weather is extremely cold,or you may simply want to get an early start for the spring. 1 

   The first thing you need to do is check your local laws. Do you need to get a building permit? Do you have to have your greenhouse plans first approved before you start building? 2 

   Once you decide to build your greenhouse,you will need to determine what materials to purchase. Usually the greenhouse covering is constructed from polycarbonate(聚碳酸酯) ,glass,plastic,or fiberglass. 3 The frame will usually be made from wood or plastic piping.

   Usually a larger greenhouse is called a hothouse or glasshouse. A smaller unit is referred to as a cold frame. 4 At the same time,you have to consider the budget you have available for materials,tools,and so forth.

   Whatever you do,it is wise to have some kind :of understanding of how to build a greenhouse before you begin. 5 You can also check out a how-to book from your local library or bookstore. However,if you are not certain about how to do it,then you might want to buy a greenhouse kit(成套工具) .Inside the kit you will find all of the parts you need and the directions on how to fix them together.

   A. Use recycled materials.

   B. Greenhouse plans can be found online easily.

   C. A greenhouse project is very different from normal gardening.

   D. These materials allow the sunlight to shine through.your greenhouse.

   E. Be aware of all of these requirements,or you may experience a sad ending.

   F. You should build your greenhouse based on the amount of space you have available.

   G. Whatever reasons you have,knowing the basic steps of building a greenhouse counts.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

     For Barack Obama,public service has been the cause of his life. Obama began his career by moving to the South Side of Chicago to direct the Developing Communities Project,an organisation 1.(form) to improve living conditions in poor neighborhoods. After graduating from law school,Obama passed up law firm jobs to head Project Vote,2. helped register 150,000 new African-American voters in Chicago,the 3.(high) number ever registered in a single local effort. Michelle Obama was in charge of Public Allies Chicago,a leadership development program that prepares talented young adults for careers 4.(serve) the public good. Barack Obama believes public service helps both the individuals that serve 5. the communities that benefit.

     Barack Obama calls his years working as a  community organiser in Chicago,s South Side the best education he ever 6. (have) . He believes that all students should serve 7.(they) communities. Studies show that students who participate 8. service-learning programs do better in school,are more likely to graduate from high school and go to college,and are more likely to become active 9. (citizen) . Schools that require service as part of the 10. (education) experience create improved learning environments ;and serve as resources for their communities.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   Yoga is a kind of sport that is very popular around the world now. Everyone,1. young or old,men or women,can do yoga. It’s 2.(benefit) to people's health,both physically and 3. (mental) .

   Why do people like yoga? There's a short answer and a long aliswer to that question. The short answer is 4. yoga helps you feel better and makes you healthier in body,mind and spirit. If you are interested,read on.

   Yoga began in India about 5 ,000 years ago. At that time,people wanted to be free,healthy and live 5. long life,so this kind of exercise was bom. The early yoga was part of a religion. Usually yoga 6. (teach) one to one then 一 one teacher with one student. Yoga is an Indian word 7. (mean) “to join together”. There are three parts of yoga altogether: exercise,breathing and meditation(冥想). In the past,more attention was paid 8. the spirit. The idea behind the exercise was to unite the mind,body and spirit. Yoga can help you feel 9. (relax) and have fewer worries and 10. (ill) .


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   Nearly all of us have dreamed about winning the big prize in a lottery (彩票) .We dream about 1. we would do with the money,but we 2. (rare) stop to think about how the money would change us.

   For most of us,our way of life is closely linked 3. our economic circumstances. The different parts of our lives fit together like a jigsaw(拼图)-work,home,friends,hobbies,and sports make 4. our world. A sudden fortune would change it all and break the jigsaw. For example,most people like the idea of not 5. (have) to work,but winners have found that without work there is no reason to get up in the morning. It seems great 6. (move) to a bigger house in a(n) 7. (wealth) area,but if you do that,you leave old friends behind.

   Usually,winners 8. (advise) not to publicize their addresses and phone numbers,but begging letters still arrive. 9. they are not careful,most of their money will be spent on the 10. (protect) of their homes and swimming pools and their mental health!


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   When Pheidippides left school,he was proud 1. (serve) in the Athenian army. A famous battle was fought on the plain of Marathon. Finally their enemy knew 2. their arrows were not strong enough and they ran back to their ships. The Greeks won 3. battle.

   The soldiers were very happy,and they wanted to tell their people about the battle. 4.(sudden) Pheidippides decided that he must carry the good news to the people in Athens. So he 5.(start) running towards the city.

   He seemed to have wings on his feet. He was running 6. (fast) than ever before in his life.He never stopped to think about the distance to Athens,7. was over 20 miles away from Marathon. The brave soldier didnt stop 8.(run) until he reached the market place in Athens.9. his last breath he shouted,uThe battle is over and Greece is safe!” and he fell dead.

   Pheidippides had run the longest race and he became a Greek hero. Even today,the longest distance run in the Olympic Games 10.(call) the Marathon.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一 个单词的增加、删除或修改。

增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧) ,并在其 下面写出该加的词。

删除:把多余的词用斜线(\) 划掉。

修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写 出修改后的词。

注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

    2. 只充许修改10处,多者(从第11处起) 不计分。

     Sitting for long periods of time can cause so many negative health effects as smoking. Here is some simple ways sit less that you can try. First,choosing a task that involves standing,that can help you sit less during the day. Second,eat one meal the day while standing. Standing while eating doesn’ t mean you have to eat quickly or make poorly food choices. You can still enjoy a meal while on your foot just as well as in a chair. Finally,push your chair to the side of your desk each night. Your chair’s usual position can remind you to stand for a bit of longer in the morning.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   When I asked my mom why I was so short when I was 7 years old,she explained that I have a medical condition called dwarfism(侏儒症) .

   At first,I was very sad. I wanted to be tall,mainly because of the way people reacted to me. Kids would say mean stuff,like's weird how you' re so short.w In elementary school,whenever classmates would bully(欺侮) me,I'd run away and cry.

   Life outside school can also be tough. At the local amusement park,I' m not tall enough to go on all the rides,so sometimes I have to sit on the sidelines while my friends have fun.

   I'm now in the seventh grade,and I'm four feet two inches tall. And you know what? It doesn't matter!My height no longer bothers me like it did when I was little. I met a girl at school named Nevaeh,who is my best friend,and she has helped me realize that it's not what's on the outside that matters — it's what's on the inside.

   Nevaeh doesn't even mention my height when we hang out. In fact,if people tease us about being short (she's only six inches taller than I am) ,we’ 11 make jokes,like, “We’ re not short. We’ re fim-sized!” I refuse to let unkind people get me down. I'd rather turn something cruel into something funny,laugh it off,and move on..

   One of my favorite things to do is prove people wrong. Take basketball,for example. Since it's a sport associated with tall people,I was determined to play. And for almost two full seasons,I didn't make a single basket!But then,during a game last year,I stole the ball from a girl. I got to take two free throws. It was amazing. Everyone cheered. The experience made me realize that if I can score baskets,I can do anything.

   I'm not going to let my height get in the way of achieving my dreams.

21. In elementary school,the author .

   A. had many friends

   B. enjoyed herself at school

   C. was hurt by her classmates

   D. had a great time in the local park

22. Thanks to llevaeh,the author leams .

   A. how to make friends

   B. to perform better at school

   C. the importance of friendship

   D. not to care much about her appearance

23. How do the author and Nevaeh react to unpleasant words now?

   A. In a funny way. B. In a pitiful way.

   C. In an angry way. D. In a violent way.

24. Through playing basketball,the author has become .

   A. more tolerant   B. much smarter

   C. much healthier   D. more confident


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

12. —Who is making so much noise? ’

(There are,It is) a couple who are quarrelling.

