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-- Where ________ the recorder? I can't see it anywhere.

-- I ________ right here. But now it's gone.

[  ]

A.did you put; have put

B.have you put; put

C.had you put; was putting

D.were you putting; have put




科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Lang Lang is a world-class young pianist who grew up in Shenyang. He went to a piano school in Beijing when he was just eight. “You need 36  .” his father said. “But if you don’t work hard, no fortune will come.”

What made him said was   37   his piano teacher in Beijing didn’t like him. “You have no talent(天赋). You will never be a pianist.”   38   a nine-year-old boy, Lang Lang was badly   39  . He decided that he didn’t want to be a   40   any more. For the next two weeks, he didn’t touch the piano.   41   , his father didn’t push, but waited. 

Luckily, the day came when his teacher asked him to   42   some holiday songs. He didn’t want to, but as he placed his fingers on the piano keys, he   43   that he could show others that he had talent   44   .That day he told his father   45   he had been waiting to hear---that he wanted to study with a new teacher.   46   that point on, everything turned around!

He started   47   competitions(比赛). In the 1994 International Young Pianists Competition, when it was   48   that Lang Lang had won, he was too   49   to hold back his tears. Soon   50   was clear that he couldn’t stay in China forever---he had to play on the world big   51   .In 1997 Lang Lang   52   again, this time to Philadelphia, U.S. There he spent two years practicing, and by 1999 he had worked hard enough for fortune to take over. After his   53   performance at Chicago’s Ravinia Festival, gigs(特邀演出) in Lincoln’s Center and Carnegie Hall started   54   , Lang Lang finally worked to reach the place where fortune spots(发现)him, and lets him   55  .

36. A. exercise             B. fortune            C. knowledge        D. wealth

37. A. whether             B. why                 C. when               D. that    

38. A. Like                  B. With                C. To                   D. As     

39. A. hurt                  B. weakened         C. ruined                     D. frightened

40. A. singer              B. pianist                     C. conductor         D. player

41. A. Hopefully          B. Patiently           C. Wisely             D. Painfully

42. A. play                  B. sing                        C. write                      D. study

43. A. seemed             B. admitted                 C. noticed            D. realized

44. A. in all                 B. above all          C. after all                   D. at all   

45. A. that                   B. what                       C. which               D. when

46. A. From                 B. As                    C. Since              D. After

47. A. receiving                  B. accepting          C. winning                   D. beating  

48. A. told                   B. mentioned        C. announced        D. recognized

49. A. excited               B. encouraged       C. shocked                   D. satisfied

50. A. this                    B. it                           C. that                  D. what

51. A. concerts             B. tours                       C. competitions     D. stages

52. A. started               B. left                         C. moved                     D. performed

53. A. successful           B. cheerful            C. respectful         D. meaningful

54. A. pulling               B. breaking           C. falling                     D. pouring

55. A. brighten           B. shine                       C. admire                    D. develop


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Don’t go to _____ places where there is no fresh air.

A. such   B. so    C. those  D. which


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Brenda was a young woman who was invited to go rock climbing.  36  she was very scared,she went with her  37  to a cliff. She took hold of the rope and started   38   the face of that rock. She got to a place where she could take a breath. As she was  39  there,the safety  rope suddenly struck Brenda's eye and   40  out her contact lens(隐形镜片).

Well, here she was, on a rock face,with hundreds of feet below her and hundreds of feet  41  her. She was desperate and began to get  42  , so she prayed to the Lord to help her to  43  it.

When she got to the top,a friend  44  her eye and her clothing for the lens,but there was no contact lens to be found. She  45  across the mountains,thinking of that verse(诗句)that says, “The  46 of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth. ” She thought,“Lord,you can see all these mountains. You know every  47  and leaf,and you know  48  where my contact lens is. Please help me.”

Finally,they  49  down the trail to the bottom. At the bottom there was a new party of climbers just starting up the face of the cliff. One of them shouted out,“Hey,you guys! Anybody  50  a contact lens?”

Well,that would be  51  enough,but you know  52  the climber saw it? An ant was moving  53   across the face of the rock,carrying it on it's back.

Brenda told her father about the story of the  54  ,the prayer,and the contact lens. He then drew a picture of an ant carrying that contact lens with the words,“Lord,I don't know why you want me to do this. I can't eat it,and it's awfully   55 . But if this is what you want me to do,I'll carry it for you. ”

36. A. Although     B. As           C. Because          D. Except

37. A. friend           B. group        C. guide             D. leader

38. A. down        B. off              C. on              D. up

39. A. taking off       B. hanging on       C. getting along       D. putting up

40. A. pulled           B. carried          C. left               D. knocked

41. A、over             B. across           C. beyond          D. above

42. A. hopeful          B. upset            C. eager                D. proud

43. A. search           B. dream         C. find                D. imagine

44. A. watched          B. tested           C. treated              D. examined

45. A. looked up        B. looked on        C. looked out           D. looked for

46. A. eyes             B. arms          C. hands               D. legs

47. A. person           B. stone            C. tree            D. bird

48. A. exactly          B. simply           C. generally            D. totally

49. A. walked           B. climbed          C. ran             D. flew

50. A. find             B. own              C. buy             D. lose

51. A. annoying         B. surprising       C. disappointing        D. frightening

52. A. which            B. why         C when             D. whether

53. A. quickly          B. happily          C. slowly               D. sadly

54. A. rock             B. rope             C. ant              D. Lord

55. A. heavy        B. light          C. valuable           D. dirty


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

--Where is Xiao Wang?

       --I don't know.He__________ be in the library.

       A.can                B.must               C.might              D.may


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解


It was a cold winter day that Sunday.The parking lot to the _16_ was filling up quickly.I noticed, as I got out of my car, fellow church members were __17_ among themselves as they walked in the church.As I got _18__, I saw a man leaning up against the wall outside the church.He was almost lying down _19__ he was asleep.His hat was _20_ down so you could not see his face.He wore shoes that looked 30 years old, too _21_ for his feet, with holes all over them and his toes _22_ out.I guessed this man was _23_ and asleep, so I walked on _24_ through the doors of the church.We all talked for a few minutes, and someone  25_ the man lying outside.People whispered but no one took _26_ to ask him to come in, 27_ me.A few moments later church began.We were all waiting for the Preacher (牧师) to take his _28_ and to give us the Word, __29_ the doors to the church opened.In _30_ the man walking down the church with his head down.People gasped(喘息)and whispered and made _31_ .He made his way down the church and up onto the pulpit (讲坛) where he took off his hat and coat.My heart _32_

There stood our preacher… he was the “homeless man”.The preacher took his Bible (圣经) and  33_ it on his stand.

_34_ , I don't think I have to tell you what I am preaching about today.If you _35_ people by their appearance, you have no time to love them.”

16.A.school      B.lecture      C.park  D.church

17.A.arguing    B.whispering       C.stating      D.speaking

18.A.closer       B.clearer      C.lower       D.farther

19.A.even though     B.so that      C.as if  D.even if

20.A.dragged    B.pulled       C.dropped    D.pushed

21.A.big    B.bad   C.ugly  D.small

22.A.reached    B.went  C.stuck D.ran

23.A.homeless  B.helpless    C.hopeless    D.careless

24.A.out    B.by     C.across       D.from

25.A.invited     B.mentioned C.took  D.called

26.A.pleasure    B.measure    C.courage    D.trouble

27.A.except      B.besides     C.without     D.including

28.A.turn  B.place.     C.time  D.seat

29.A.when B.before      C.as      D.after

30.A.rushed      B.hurried     C.came D.entered

31.A.decision    B.choices     C.faces D.jokes

32.A.sank  B.fell    C.broke       D.failed

33.A.threw       B.set     C.laid   D.folded

34.A.Brothers   B.Folks C.Supporters       D.Members

35.A.judge       B.hate   C.treat  D.test

