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Sightseeing Tours in Germany

  Germany has a variety of cities each with its own characteristics, from the busy city of Berlin, to the ancient city of Cologne, to the Bavarian capital of Munich.Thankfully, these major German cities offer sightseeing tours that offer the opportunity to better explore the surrounding regions and the country's most historic sites.

  Berlin on Bike

  berlin image by J??rgen Remmer from Fotolia.com

  Berlin on Bike takes visitors through the German capital via five bicycle tours, all with guides.Regular tours include the Wall Tour and Berlin's Best, with stops at some of the city's most famous landmarks, such as the Reichstag and the Berlin Wall.Specialty tours include the East Unplugged, which explores what life was like in East Berlin under Communist rule.The cost of the tour includes the bike and helmet rental, and tourists may choose to continue renting their bikes once the tour has ended.


  Munich City Sightseeing Tour

  The Munich City Sightseeing Tour transports travelers throughout the city via an open-air, double-decker bus.Passengers can hop on and off at various stops throughout the day.This tour includes stops at such sites as the Munich central train station, the 1972 Olympic Stadium Park, Munich's opera house and Karlsplatz, the gate to the historic city.The bus features a narrated tour guide and offers an English-language option(选择).


  Nice City Tours-Cologne

  Nice City Tours offers three tours of Cologne, available to private or business groups in a variety of languages.The Old Town Tour runs for two hours and includes a guided tour of the Cologne Cathedral and some of the city's old squares.The Brewery Pub Tour explores some of the city's most beloved breweries and pubs, and details about the history behind Kolsch, Cologne's resident beer.Finally, the Old Town and Rhine Tour begins by visiting some of old town's most historic sites and ends with a ride down the Rhine River.



The similarity of the three tours lies in that they all include ________.

[  ]


bus tours


English service


three routes


guide's service


If you take a great interest in beer, which tour might be suitable for you?

[  ]


The Wall Tour


The Brewery Pub Tour


The Old Town Tour


The Munich City Sightseeing Tour


Where can you probably see this passage?

[  ]


In a textbook


On a website


In an encyclopedia


In a journal


科目:高中英语 来源:黄冈题库 练考新课堂 高二英语(下) 题型:050


  In order to communicate thoughts and feelings, there must be a conventional system of signs or symbols which mean the same to the sender and the receiver.

  The means of sending communications are too numerous and varied for systematic classification; therefore, the analysis must begin with the means of receiving communication. Reception of communication is achieved by our senses. Sight. hearing and touch play the most important roles.

  Examples of visual communication are gesture and mimicry. Although both frequently accompany speech, there are systems that rely solely on sight, such as those used by deaf and dumb persons. Another means of communicating visually is by signals of fire, smoke, flags, or flashing lights. Feelings may be simply communicated by touch, such as handshaking or backslapping, although a highly developed system of handshaking has enabled blind, deaf, and dumb persons to communicate intelligently. Whistling to someone, applauding in a theater and other forms of communication by sound rely upon the ear as a receiver. The most fully developed form of auditory communication is, of course, the spoken language.

  The means of communication mentioned so far have two features(特点)in common; they last only a short time, and the persons involved must be relatively close to each other. Therefore, all are restricted in time and space.

1.Why does the author explain that he will deal with reception of communication first?

[  ]

A.communication actually takes place when the message is received

B.there are more means of receiving than sending communications

C.it is difficult to organize by type the means of sending communications

D.reception of communications involved use of the senses

2.Applauding is specifically mentioned as an example of ________.

[  ]

A.a simple system of visual communication

B.communication by touch

C.gesture and mimicry

D.communication by sound

3.Which of the following statements about communication by touch is true?

[  ]

A.It is possible to communicate intelligently by touch alone

B.Touch must accompany visual communication

C.Touch is not important as a means of communication

D.There is no well-developed system of communication based on touch

4.Which of the following statements about the ways of communicating ideas and feelings mentioned in the passage is false?

[  ]

A.They can be used to communicate over long distances

B.They require both a sender and a receiver

C.They involve use of conventional signs and symbols

D.They utilize the senses for reception

5.The author specifically mentions that speech is ________.

[  ]

A.necessary for satisfactory communication by gesture

B.the only highly developed form system of communication

C.often used when communicating by touch

D.the mast developed form of communication based on hearing


科目:高中英语 来源:设计必修二英语北师版 北师版 题型:050


It was during a weekend, Mum gave me two tickets for a film and told me she was too busy with the endless housework to go with me.She told me to keep the money if I could sell the extra ticket.I was very happy, of course.At that time, a ticket only cost 20 fen.But to me, a little girl of 12,20 fen seemed quite a lot.I reached the cinema in a great hurry.Holding the ticket in my hand, I began to look for buyer.A handsome young man noticed me and the ticket in my hand.He came towards me with a big smile.“You’ve got an extra ticket?” “Yes,” I nodded.“That’s great.Say, how much?” “Twenty fen.”“Oh,” he thought for a while and then took out a ten yuan note from his wallet.“I’m very sorry, but I’ve only got this note.” Seeing I was confused(迷惑), he added, “Then, how about waiting for a while? I’ll give you the money after I have changed it in the cinema’s store.”Without much thinking, I agreed.Then we went to the cinema together.He walked fast.I could hardly keep up with him.By and by, he left me farther and farther behind.Soon he disappeared in the crowd.I stood there without knowing what to do.Suddenly I seemed to realize the handsome young fellow had cheated(欺骗)me.He had saved twenty fen, but lost his honor.It seemed to be a funny or even ridiculous(可笑的)experience.But it did cast a dark shadow on(投下……阴影)my young mind.


When do you think the story probably happened?

[  ]


On Monday.


On Tuesday.


On Saturday.


On Thursday.


The sentence “20 fen seemed quite a lot to me” suggests(暗示)that ________.

[  ]


the writer did not have much pocket money


the writer cared much for the money


20 fen could buy a lot of things


the writer had never had as much money as that


The man took out a ten-yuan note from his wallet, for ________.

[  ]


he thought the writer would be happy at the sight of the note


he really had nothing but the ten-yuan note


he was not sure if the writer would sell him the ticket


he knew the writer was not able to give him back the change


How did the writer realize that she was cheated?

[  ]


The man walked too fast for her to keep up with.


The man went to the crowd and was not seen again?.


The man asked her to wait for a while.


The man said that he only had a ten-yuan note.


科目:高中英语 来源:2010届湖北省高考英语总复习练习系列二 题型:阅读理解

The fog was so thick that I couldn't see the man next to me. We were led down a road to the base of a hill. An officer, unknown to us, explained that the command wanted us to spread out on the road and fix bayonets(刺刀).When the signal was given, we were to creep up the hill and take the enemy by surprise with a bayonet attack.
I didn't think too much of the idea and about a dozen fellows agreed with me, but we lost in the vote. Some others didn't have bayonets and declared that the orders didn't apply to them, but their idea, too, was denied.
Up the hill we went, feeling our way along the ground with our feet. Step by step we advanced. It seemed like an ugly dream, but I knew it was all too real. I looked to my right and to my left to find any sign of my fellows. Much to my surprise, I could make out unclear forms on each side of me. I could hear whispers all along the line and louder orders to shut up!
While we were standing around arguing, the fog suddenly disappeared, just like somebody waved a magic wand(杖).We were caught out in the open with no cover in sight. The Chinese had been caught by surprise. Both sides just stared at each other, not knowing what was going on. A single shot rang out and somebody blew a whistle and shouted "Retreat"(撤退).We rushed out at full speed down the hill.
I don't speak or understand Chinese, but from behind us I could understand joyful laughter!
61.The action that the author and his fellows were supposed to take was______ .
A. To creep up the hill                      B. To vote on how to advance
C. To fix their bayonets                                                                  D. To attack their enemy
62.The dozen fellows thought the action was _______ .
A. basically practical    B. great fun                C. not a good one        D. an ugly dream
63.They go up the hill __________ .
A. slowly                    B. quietly                   C. hurriedly                D. easily
64.We can conclude from the passage that the author ________.
A. felt sorry for not completing the action       B. was serving in the Chinese army
C. was not serious when telling the story         D. intended to owe their failure to the heavy fog


科目:高中英语 来源:辽宁省锦州市20092010学年度高二下学期期末考试试题(英语) 题型:阅读理解


第三部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)



Erik Weihemnayer was born with an eye problem. As a child his eyesight became worse and then, at the age of 13, he lost his sight completely. However, he did not lose his determination to lead a full and active life.

    Erik became an adventurer. He took up parachuting, wrestling and scuba diving. He competed in long-distance hiking, marathons and skiing. His favorite sport, though, is mountain climbing.

    As a young man, Erik started to climb mountains. He reached the summit of Mount McKinley in 1995 and then climbed the dangerous 1000-metre rock wall of El Capitan. Two years later, while climbing Mount Kilimanjaro in Kenya with his girlfriend, they stopped for a time at13,000 feet above sea level in order to get married.In 1999, he climbed Aconcagua, the tallest mountain in South America.And then, on May 25, 2001, at the age of 33, Erik successfully completed the greatest climbing challenge of all. He climbed Mount Everest, the highest mountain in the world.

   Erik invented his own method for climbing mountains. He carries two long poles: one to lean on and the other to test the way ahead of him. The climber in front of him wears a bell to guide him. Erik is a good team member. He does his share of the job, such as setting up tents and building snow walls.

   Although he could not enjoy the view, Erik felt the excitement of being on the summit of Everest. He hopes that his success will change how people think about the blind.“When people think about a blind person or blindness, now they will think about a person standing on top of the world.”

56.When did Erik become blind totally?

    A.In 1968.                 B.In 1995.                 C.  In 1981.                D.In 1970.

57.Erik got married ________.

    A.on the summit of Mount McKinley               B.when climbing Mount Everest

    C.  on the top of Aconcagua                             D.when climbing Mount Kilimanjaro

58.What is Erik’s special way for climbing a mountain?

    A.Using two long poles.                                B.Doing his share of work.

    C.  Taking his girlfriend.                               D.Keeping a good team around him.

59.Which of the following shows the right order of what happened?

    a.He topped Mount McKinley.

    b.He became blind.

    C.  He challenged Mount Everest.

    d.He reached the peak of Kilimanjaro.

    e.He climbed the rock wall of EI Capitan.

A.b, e, d, c, a             B.b, a, e, d, c                    C.  a, b, e, d, c                   D.b, d, a, c, d



科目:高中英语 来源:吉林市2009-2010学年度高二下学期模块检测试卷(英语) 题型:阅读理解





One day I got a duck from a friend who lived two miles south of my house. I brought the duck home in a bag. It was obvious that the duck missed his family very much upon his arrival. Left to himself, he would at once turn his head homeward. I tried to shut him together with other ducks for several days, but with no use at all. There seemed to be but one thought in the mind of him, and that was home.

So I decided to let him out, but I kept about fifty yards behind him. I followed, thinking he would soon lose his way and came back. But he seemed to have an exact map of the country in his mind. Soon he met a dog. He paused and looked at the animal for a moment, and then turned to the right along a road which led to a railroad station. He had now gone about half the distance, and was getting tired. A little pool of water by the roadside caught his eye. Into it he bathed, drank, and rested for a few moments, and then started homeward again. For a while, he realized that he had got into the wrong direction, and turned his face southward again. Finally we came in sight of the home path, which led up to the farmhouse.

It was now nearly night and I had no time to watch the experiment further. But as he neared the path he seemed suddenly to see some familiar things, and rushed at the top of his speed. I followed close behind. Into the house yard he rushed with uplifted wings as if he was eagerly telling his partners the story of his adventures.

56. What does the author think about the duck?

A. Interesting and careful.

B. Curious and enthusiastic.

C. Intelligent and determined.

D. Brave and experienced.

57. As soon as the duck arrived at a new place, he seemed________.

A. glad           B. nervous             C. tired          D. homesick

58.The underlined part “the experiment” in the last paragraph refers to “__________”.

A. if the duck had the ability to get on well with other ducks.      

B. if the duck was born with a good sense of direction.

C. if the duck could discover the author.         

D. if the duck could find his way home.

59. What’s the purpose of the writer’s writing the text?

A. To share us a duck’s interesting trip.

B. To present his opinions about a duck’s remarkable experience.

C. To express his curiosity about a duck’s interesting trip.

D. To examine why a duck would like to rush on it’s own.


