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   In Brooklyn,New York,Chush is a special school. At a Chush fundraising (募捐) dinner,the father of a Chiish child made a speech. He cried, “All men were bom equal. But my child cannot understand things as other children do. I believe,to a child like him,the equality is in the way people react to him. ”

   He then told the following story about his son Shaya: One Sunday afternoon,Shaya and his father came to school just as his classmates were playing G?se^al?. Shaya's father thought most boys would not want Shaya on their team. But the father still approached one of the boys in the field.

   Would the team actually let Shaya bat and give away their chance to win the game? Surprisingly,Shaya was told to take a bat and try to get a hit. The (投球手) could easily have thrown the ball to the baseman. Shaya would have been out. Instead,the pitcher took- the ball and threw it far beyond the first baseman's reach. Everyone started yelling, “Shaya,run to first!Shaya,run to first!” Never in his life had ; Shaya run to first. As Shaya rounded third,the boys;from both teams ran behind him screaming,a Shay a,run home!Shay a,run home!” Shaya ran home,stepped on (本垒板) and all 18 boys lifted.him on their shoulders and made him a hero,as he had just hit the “gram/s/iww (大满贯) ” and won the game : for his team.

   “That day,” said the father whose tears rolled down his face, “those 18  boys showed that it is not only those who are talented that should be recognized,but also those who are less talented. They too are human beings,they too have feelings and emotions,and they too want to feel important."

5. What can be learned about Shaya?

   A. He is good at sports.

   B. He is a boy with a disability.

    C. He is on the school baseball team.

   D. He has difficulty getting on with others.

6. Shaya won the game mainly because of .

   A. his luck

   B. his determination 

    C. his talent for sports

   D. his classmates’ support

7. What was stressed Shaya’ s father in the last : paragraph?

   A. The importance of hard work.

   B. The meaning of being confident,

    C. The value of'respecting everyone.

   D. The necessity of trying to be perfect.

8. Which of the following words ean best describe the 18 students on the baseball team?

   A. Talented.       B. Polite,

    C. Hard-working.    D. Considerate.

5.B. 细节理解题。由第一段中的Butmychild cannot understand things as other children do 可知,作者的孩子有点残疾。

6. D. 细节理解题。由第三段内容可知,投手们故意把赢的机会留给Shaya,即Shaya赢了比赛主 要是因为队友们的支持。 

7.C. 细节理解题。由最后一段中的itisnotonly those who are talented that should be recognized,but also those who are less taented 可知,Shaya 的强调了尊重每个人的重要性。

8.D. 推理判断题。为了鼓励和帮助Shaya,棒球 队的.队员们故意把赢的机会留给有残疾的 Shaya,这说明他们会为他人着想。

题目来源:2016年英语周报高一新课程36-43期答案 > 第39期2015-2016年高一新课程


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

             listening to the clay 

    When I was a young girl,my father would drop me off at my art class every Saturday morning. Classes were held in the basement of an old building that had been converted into an art school. I loved that basement.

    I was determined that my own children would take Saturday art classes. I love those mornings,sitting next to my children and watching them clay(黏土) into dragons,bears,etc. If the g/aze (釉) didn’t turn out like we thought,our wise teacher would tell us with a smile that our unexpected results were “gifts from the (炉) .” She Was encouraging US not to judge our work or ourselves so harshly (苛刻地) but to be free to accent unexpected results willingly. She let US be open to new ways of seeing things,creating,and solving problems,without judgment.

    My son started class at age six. When he was handed his first ball of clay,he pushed his finger deeply into the center and said, “Mom,I can feel the heartbeat of the clay." This was the beginning of a lifetime of learning from my children. Years later,when I got particularly frustrated with my inability to make the clay take the shape I had imagined,I remembered my son’s discovery. I took the pwlse (脉搏) of the clay. I asked what it wanted to be. I discovered that my best pieces are done in partnership with the clay.

    The work I did in the art school helps my later work. I have learned to take the pulse of life and take note of what other people want and need. Now,wherever I am,I remain open to the “gifts from the kiln.”

1. V. to change or make sth change from one form,purpose,system,etc. to another (in Paragraph 1)

2. adj. feeling annoyed and impatient because you can't do or achieve what you want (in Paragraph 4)


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

          B  ★★★☆☆

    Social media users are hoping to make one student feel a little less lonely. Aron Anderson,a 10-year-old known as “Britain's loneliest schoolboy ,” made headlines last year for being the only student at Skerries Community School. While the school previously had a few other students,the kids had since left for secondary school,making last year Aron's first year as the only pupil there.

    After Reddit employer Jimmy got wind of Aron's story,the social media user called on followers to send Christmas cards to the 10-year-old to help show the boy he has friends across the Internet. “I really want to see a big smile on his face,” Jimmy wrote. “So please write a message in the card to show your support too!”

    The idea got praise and support from many kind people across the Internet. Jimmy reached out to the boy s school,informing them of the thoughtful plan. The moderator requested that people outside Scotland send postcards to Aron,so the boy could see where his ans come from. The Redditor also asked social media users to send the cards after December 7 so that the sweet messages would all arrive around the same time.

    Last year was ind?ed an adjustment (调整) for Aron,whose town has a population of 70. Aron’s best friends are now his dog,ducks,and sheep. Aron’s mother Denise Anderson is unsure how her son will deal with the (孤独) .Aron admits that going to school without other students can be strange at times; however,he says that h? sNhappy on the island. Hopefully,the cards will help remind him that he’s not so alone after all.

5. Why was Aron so lordly last year?

   A. He had no schoolmates at school.

   B. He was sent to a new school.

    C. He lived far away-from his family.

   D. He was not popular among friends.

6. According to the text,the cards to Aron .

   A. were paid by Jimmy

   B. mainly came from Scotland

    C. reached him about the same time   

    D. were refused at first by his school

7. How does Aron’s mother feel about her son’s school life?

   A. She is surprised at it.

   B. She is satisfied with it. 

   C. She is hopeful about it.

   D. She is concerned about it.

8. Which of the following can best describe Jimmy?

   A. Amusing and kind.

   B. Friendly and brave,

   C. Confident and careful.

   D. Warm-hearted and active.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


   John Sand was one of the most influential teachers I have ever met. During high school,he taught me more than any other teacher had been able to.

   He developed unusual methods of teaching. He did not give US homework on the first day and have it due the next; instead,he gave US a homework schedule for the term and left it up to US to remember to do it. By doing so,he prepared US for life after high school,where it would be up to US to make our own work schedules.

   Mr. Sand was a family man. He made use of whatever time we had left in class to show US his latest vacation videos or his children's sports videos. It was nice to see,in a world where a broken home is the average home,a man who balanced his family and his career so nicely. 

   Mr. Sand always encouraged US to get out of our little close-minded society of Wethersfield and explore the cultures of the world. He would tell US stories of his travels across Europe and his adventures around the US. Many teachers just forced the idea of college and ignored our heed to reach outside of what we know.

   Many people may not ever have a teacher like Mr. Sand. I feel sorry for them. Mr. Sand taught me things that went beyond the curriculum (课程) and let me know how powerful a teachers influence could be.

1. How did Mr. Sand deal with students,homework?

   A. .He always avoided giving it.

   B. He punished those failing to finish it.

    C. He wanted students to be responsible for it.

   D. He spent enough time every day checking it.

2. What do we know about Mr. Sand from Paragraph 3 ?

   A. He only had one child.

   B. He had a great love for life.

    C. He liked doing sports after work.

   D. He valued his job more than his family.

3. Mr. Sand shared his tours around Europe with his students to .

   A. lead them to know more

   B. encourage them to become brave

    C. inspire them to care for others

   D. show them how to spend their free time

4. What would be the best title for the text?.

   A. Teachers I like best

   B. An outstanding teacher 

    C. Teaching,a great career

   D. How to be a caring teacher 


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   Here's some good news for the grim: A new study shows that unhappiness itself has no direct effect on whether people will die before their time. Women in poor health are more likely to be unhappy, :but their unhappiness does not increase their overall ?总体的) risk of e?rly de?th.

   "Earlier research on happiness and health coiifiises cause and effect,” said study co-author Professor Richard Peto. Illness makes you unhappy and causes stress. Illness is the thing causing unhappiness,not unhappiness causing illness. Researchers tracked the health records of 1.3 million women between 1996 and 2001. About one out of SIX in the group said they were generally unhappy. The death rate among the unhappy was the same as that among the generally happy.

   In the new study,women who were already in poor health tended to say that they were unhappy,stressed,not in control and not relaxed. aIf you want to be happy,then the main thing you need to do is remain healthy,^ Peto said. aPeople say that if you but your health depend^ on what you do in your daily life. Going around with a positive attitude but still sm (^mg,that does no good to your health. We need to concentrate on the few important practicial causes of early death.".

   However,this study does not completely shut the door on the possible health effects of unhappiness,because the researchers only looked at how unhappiness affected a person's risk of dying.“Health is a broader (概念) ,” said researcher Ban-eto. Barreto also noted that the sample only included women who,on average,were in late middle age.Therefore,in my opinion,the debate is not yet closed,Ba?eto said. ^Further research is still needed in the ??eld of unhappiness and medical outcomes."

9.The underlined part “the grim” in Paragraph 1 probably refers to those who are.

   A. unhappy   B. unhealthy

    C. unimportant   D. unsuccessful

10. What is the main idea of Paragraph 2 ?

   A. Happiness can improve health.

   B. The unhappy have a higher death rate. .

    C. Illness doesn't  necessarily cause death.

   D. Unhappiness doesn’ t  directly lead to illness.

11. Which of the following can best sum up Peto’ s  idea on health?

   A. Rome is not built in a day.

   B. Time and tide wait for no man. 

    C. Actions speak louder than words.

   D. Where there is a will,there is a way.

12. What does Barreto think of the findings?

   A. They are meaningless.

   B. They need improving.

    C. They are not clear enough.

   D. They mislead some people. 


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   In my life,I have had a number of good teachers ,many common ones and a few who were truly exceptional. Many years before,I was a rule-obeying kid and lived a very peaceful life. I liked school but felt bored.

   And then I entered fourth grade. My teacher,;

Mrs. Gerlip,was a young woman who combined art,music,theatre and other forms of creative expression into a lively class. I blossomed. I formed a “Fun Club” with other girls in my class which was all about having fun. I wrote a book called Through the Forest about the adventures of Polly and Jack who disobeyed their parents. Much of the joy and self-confidence I experienced that year was owed to the great teacher whom I never forgot.

   So you can imagine my surprise when fifty years later I received a letter in the mail. A few days later ,reunion was planned at Mrs. Gerlip's home. Reconnecting with Mrs. Gerlip was a journey back in time. Five decades had passed,but my teacher still remembered eveiy student. She hadn' t forgotten the class (恃强欺弱者) who used to hit me on my way to school. In a time when bullying was considered nothing serious,Mrs. Gerlip put a stop to it.

   Now,in my mid-fifties,I appreciate even more the gifts I was given in fourth grade. I am deeply grateful. It' s never too late to reach out and express thanks to that extraordinary teacher in your life. I hope you are fortunate enough to have one,like Mrs. Gerlip,who not only develops your mind but your soul.

5. What do we know about the author before she entered grade four?

   A. She was outgoing.

   B. She was well-behax^d.

    C. She was an excellent,student.

   D. She came across a good teacher.

6. The underlined sentence “ I blossomed ’ in Paragraph 2 probably means that the author.

   A. lost her memory

   B. felt disappointed

    C. got tired of studying   

    D. found true happiness

7. When Mrs. Gerlip knew about student bullying,she

   A. tried to prevent it

   B. thought it was common 

    C. pretended to disagree

   D. had mixed feelings about it

8. What kind of teacher was Mrs. Gerlip?

   A. Friendly and brave.

   B. Kind and inspiring,

    C. Strict and determined.

   D. Hard-working and confident.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   When the game of fistball (浮士 德球) was invented is not known. What is certain,however,is that its roots lie in southern Europe,perhaps in Italy. The earliest report of the game was written by Roman :Emperor Gordian III in the year 240. Rules for an Italian fistball were recorded by Antonius Scaiono in 1555.

   In the 16th century the game started to be played. However,it was seen less as a game of competitive nature and more as a game for.(贵族成员) to play for fun. In 1786,Johann Wolfgang von Goethe mentioned flstball games in his diary Italian Journey.

   It was only in 1870 that fistball was introduced to Germany by Georg Weber. The sport was soon seen as a gymnastic sport. Fistball first appeared in 1885 at the German Gymnastic Festival in Dresden. The play and scoring,however,differed greatly from those of flstball as it is known today.

   During this time the sport spread to the surrounding,mainly German-speaking,neighboring countries and German emigrants (R) also spread the sport to other continents,particularly in South America and West Africa. Fistball was first introduced to the United States in 1911 by high school teacher Christopher Carlton who had experienced it first-hand on a Slimmer vacation to Italy.

   At the 1913 German Gymnastics Festival in Leipzig,the first Gennan men' s championship was held. In 1921,the first women* s  fistball championship was held. Fistball,while still a game affiliated to the Gymnastics Association,began to grow independently. In 1927,almost 12,000 teams played organized fistball in Germany.

   In order to encourage the development of fistball,the International Fistball Association (IFA) was founded m 1960. The first IFA Men* s World Championship was held in Linz,Austria in 1968 with West Germany winning the gold. The first IFA Women,s World Championship was held in Buenos Aires,Argentina in 1994 with Germany winning the gold.

9. Fistball has its origins in.

   A. Austria   B. Germany

    C. South America   D. . southern Europe 

10. In the 16th century,fistball.

   A. was regarded as a gymnastic sport

   B. was first reported by Antonius Scaiono

    C. was played by nobles for enjoyment

   D. began to become popular with Germans

11. What is Paragraph 4 mainly about?

   A. The spreading of fistball.

   B. The vacation of a school teacher.

    C. The experiences of German emigrants.

   D. The popularity of fistball in West Africa.

12. The underlined part “affiliated to” in Paragraph 5 probably means .

   A. independent of   B. connected with 

    C. separated from   D. different from


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

The Speculator 

Michael Thoreau 

$ 29. 99 

   Author Michael Thoreau creates a one-of-a-kind 如《 (科幻惊险小说) that explores the dangerous results of grass fires,the damaging results it brings to families and the environment and its important lessons for all responsible citizens.

The Tree of Young Dreamers 

Frank Souse

$34. 99 

   DaSilva is the leader of a group of fUn and imaginative young people that live out their dreams in the big tree. When World War II broke out,they tried whatever tricks their young minds could think of to get into the army. Frank Sousa's second novel in The Tree Trilogy is The Tree of Lost Dreams. Later,Tree of,New Roots — ALL GREAT READS!

Freddy and Margewich

Adena Trevor

$31. 99  

   Freddy becomes famous for the delicious pancakes pancake(烙饼)that he makes. But the Wicked Witch — who has magical powers — takes him by force and orders him to make pancakes just for her. What will Freddy do now? Find out in Freddy and Margewich.

Anyone Can Be Successful

Come Inside and Find Out Now...

Ben Oxford 

$32. 25  

   Anyone Can Be Successful makes often complex ideas simple by presenting a great summary of . successM strategies to help anyone in school,work,or life. It helps them overcome difficulties and achieve goals set through in the good,bad and ugly times.

13. Which book concerns the environment?

   A. The Speculator.

   B. Freddy and Margewich. 

    C. Anyone Can Be Successful   

    D. The Tree of Young Dreamers.

14. Who wrote a fiction series on some young people?

   A. Michael Thoreau. 

    B. Adena Trevor.

    C. Frank Souse. 

    D. Ben Oxford

15. How much will you pay if you want to buy the book about a chef?

   A. $29.99.       B. $31.99.

    C. $32.25.       D. $34.99.

16. What type of writing is this text?

   A. An announcement.        B. An advertisement,

    C. An exhibition guide.      D. A news report.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

5. —More and more people are learning English now.

—Yeah,it’s because they saw the i of English.

