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 5. 我奶奶不允许我拆她的旧房子.(allow,take down)

5. My grandma doesn* t allow me to take down her old house.

题目来源:2016年英语周报八年级新目标 > 第37期 英语周报八年级新目标


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

13. 拆除;往下拽;记录

14. 剩余的  

15. 醒来


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


take care of,in one’s opinion,proper,develop,help,

depend on,difficulty,provide,nervous,because

    I’m Jean,a college student. Last weekend I went to my uncle's farm (1) pick strawberries.Those strawberries looked nice,but light pressure could make their shape (变形) .This faci made me think a lot. (2) there are more and more kids who are just like strawberries nowadays. When they face (3) , they easily break down. There is a(n) (4) name for them ——strawberry kids.

    Why do these kids break down so easily? It's (5) they are the only child in their family.

    At home,their parents (6) them with a comfortable environment. They never (7) theirindependence. Instead,they are always(8) their parents. Without their parents,they can't (9) themselves at all. Also,they hardly ever get criticized (被批评)at home. If they get criticized by others,they will feel (10) and upset,and begin to doubt (怀疑) their own abilities (能力) .

    I think this is a serious problem. Both parents and kids should pay attention to it.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



   One day,a donkey and a monkey were talking together about how unhappy they were.

    “My ears are so long that all the animals laugh at me,” said the donkey. “I wish that I had two beautiftil /??rAW (角) on my head."

    “You look well enough,” said the monkey. “But just look at me. Every time I turn lily back,the other animals laugh at me."

    “Why do the other animals laugh at you?” asked the donkey. “You look all right to me."

    “They laugh at my flmny-boking 如"(尾巴) ,” said the monkey. “In fact,if I have a great tail,I will be a beautiful animal!”

    A mole(鼹鼠) heard the talk between the donkey and the monkey.

    “Hold your towgwes (舌头) ,both of you,” said the mole. uYou should be thankful for what you have. How would you like to be a mole? The moles have no horns at all. The moles have no tail to speak of. The moles live in the dark most of the time. The moles are almost blind”

    The donkey and the monkey said no more about the things they did not have.

    We should be satisfied with what we have. There are always others not as we" (处境好的) as ourselves.


() 46. From the passage,we can know that the donkey .

   A. wanted a big tail

   B. wanted beautiful horns

   C. thought the mole's ears were too short   

    D. thought the monkey’s tail was very funny

() 47. What were the donkey and the monkey both unhappy about?

   A. Where they lived. 

    B. How they looked,

   C. What they had to eat.

   D. How much work they had.

() 48. When the mole said ,“Hold your tongues”, what was he telling the donkey and the monkey to do?

   A. Stop talking in such a way.

   B. Keep on talking to each other,

    C. Hold each other's tongue.

   D. Hold the tongue of their own.

() 49. Which of the following is TRUE about the mole?

   A. He has a big head. 

    B. He has a long tail,

   C. He is almost blind.

   D. He never lives in the dark.

() 50. What lesson did the mole want the donkey and the monkey to leam?

   A. Be thankful for who they are.

   B. Good things come to those,who wait.

   C. People with the same interests can be friends.

   D. Communicating well with others is important.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

() 29. I bought a newspaper,my sister was waiting for the train.

   A. While   B. If C. After   D. When


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

3. Can you take a message for my (old) sister?


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

5. 最初,他没有贵诉我们他是警察。.

 , he didn't tell us he was a  policeman.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

5. While I (beat) the drums,the door bell rang.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

75. 吉尔想出了增加销量的新主意。

Jill a new idea for increasing sales。

