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Billy was the youngest boy on the hike, but he______with the others.

A.kept upB.turned upC.caught upD.drew up


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年山东省聊城市某重点中学高一第四次模块检测英语试卷(带解析) 题型:单选题

By the time Billy was 6, he         in the sea.

A.had already swumB.was already swimming
C.has already swumD.already swam


科目:高中英语 来源:江苏省宁海外国语学校2010届高三高考模拟英语试题(7) 题型:完型填空

第二节   完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)
Teaching second grade is always a challenge. Each student arrives at school with his own needs and difficulties. One year a student called Billy   36   me with his behavior as well as his academic requirements. He struggled daily with his   37   emotions and often became angry or violent. I knew that, to make   38   progress, his emotions needed controlling. 
One   39   I tried to help Billy was to have him come directly into the classroom when he arrived at school. Billy’s mom would   40   me to alert (警告) me to a particularly emotional morning at home. Then, I would focus on   41   his anger and calming him down before the other students arrived.
One week our class was studying   42  . I thought one way to bring learning into the classroom was to bring my dog Rocky to school for the day.
That day began as normal. I was preparing activities focused on dog themes   43   I was told that Billy had a   44   morning at home and I might need to get him   45  . As I was talking to his mom, Billy   46   into the classroom. To Billy’s   47  , Rocky immediately ran up to his new   48  , wagging his tail and licking Billy’s face with doggy affection. Billy couldn’t   49   Rocky’s charm (魅力) and began laughing as his anger melted away.
Throughout the day, Billy never left Rocky’s side, feeding him, being gentle with him and even   50   the other students while Rocky was sleeping.
Billy was known for doing anything he could to avoid   51  , but on this day he found a good dog story, “Clifford’s Puppy Days,” and read it to Rocky. How   52   I was at the sight of Billy reading happily!My little dog was able to   53   Billy’s day from one of anger and frustration to one of laughter, gentleness and   54  .
That day Rocky more than helped me with my   55  ; he helped to change the life of a child! After that Billy’s behavior definitely improved.
36. A. challenged     B. cheated C. benefited    D. betrayed  
37. A. unforgettable    B. uncontrollable    C. unconscious       D. unfortunate   
38. A. physical         B. mental      C. academic         D. authentic 
39. A. advantage      B. agenda      C. reason             D. way
40. A. awake        B. call          C. visit             D. sign
41. A. tolerating       B. observing     C. relieving          D. ignoring
42. A. emotions       B. pets          C. botany          D. diet   
43. A. after      B. as          C. when             D. before
44. A. boring    B. fantastic       C. busy               D. rough
45. A. settled    B. punished      C. treated              D. excited
46. A. fled            B. stormed       C. jogged              D. floated
47. A. surprise         B. delight     C. shame         D. fear
48. A. protector       B. trainer       C. friend         D. owner
49. A. resist          B. describe       C. reduce         D. forget
50. A. educating    B. envying   C. comforting     D. quieting
51. A. exploding      B. reading C. arguing            D. apologizing
52. A. surprised       B. disappointed C. amused         D. confused
53. A. urge          B. shorten        C. transform          D. expand
54. A. admiration   B. curiosity  C. anxiety           D. love
55. A. family       B. teaching        C. housework         D. performance


科目:高中英语 来源:广东省揭阳实验中学2009-2010学年高二下学期期末考试试题(英语) 题型:阅读理解

Billy Joe Saunders is aiming for boxing gold at the Beijing Olympics but may have created history already.
As far as he knows, the 18-year-old welterweight from Hatfield is the first person from the Romany Gypsy community to qualify for an Olympic Games.
Billy Joe clinched (最终获得)his place at a qualifying event in Italy earlier this month and is one of seven boxers to make Team GB for Beijing.
Billy Joe Saunders is not the only British boxer with genuine(真的)medal prospects for Beijing, but his background has to be the most fascinating.
He comes from the Romany Gypsy community and lives on a caravan site near Hatfield in Hertfordshire.
Boxing runs deep in the Saunders family, who are immensely proud of their heritage.
His brother Tommy is a professional(职业的), while his Dad Tom was an amateur and his great, great grandfather, the wonderfully named Absolom Beeny, now aged 96, used to make his living fighting in the old boxing booth at fairgrounds.
Billy Joe admits he has heard all the stories a hundred times, but once he and his brother had visited the local boxing club, he was hooked.
"Boxing has kept me off the streets, stops me smoking and drinking and gives me something to do", he said.
His background may be colorful, but make no mistake, Billy Joe Saunders is one very special boxer.
As a boy he wasn't the most naturally gifted, but had an inner toughness that set him apart from other fighters.
His trainer, Danny Hoy, said: "When I saw him have to dig down into his boots against much older boys, I thought this kid is not the same as anyone else. There is something with this kid".
It is that something which made Billy Joe a real prospect for London 2012, so qualification for Beijing means he is effectively four years ahead of schedule.
He remembers watching Amir Khan win silver in Athens four years ago, and wants to go one better. "I'm aiming for gold, simple as that", he said.
51.Where did Billy clinch his place as a boxer to make Team GB for Beijing.
A. At Beijing                                 B. At Romany Gypsy community     
C. In Italy                                                D. In Britain
52.The underlined word " amateur" (in Para. 3) here means ________
A. a person who takes part in boxing only for pleasure    
B. a person who takes part in boxing as his job
C. a coach who teaches boxing
D. a player who takes part in baseball
53.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A. Billy’s brother is a professional boxer.   
B. Absolom’s son is not a professional boxer.
C. Billy was very interested in the local boxing club.
D. Billy was the most naturally gifted when he was still a very young boy.
54.It can be inferred from the passage that________
A. His coach thought Billy was gifted to be a boxer when he saw Billy’s boots against older boys.
B. It was Boxing that has kept Billy off the streets.
C. Billy won a silver medal in Athens Olympic Games..
D. Billy will compete in Beijing Olympic Games four years ahead of his trainer’s schedule.
55.What is Billy hoping to win in Beijing Olympic Games?
A. A silver medal for boxing                      B. A gold medal for boxing  
C. A piece of gold                              D. A copper medal


科目:高中英语 来源:2015届山东省聊城市高一第四次模块检测英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

By the time Billy was 6, he         in the sea.

A.had already swum                       B.was already swimming

C.has already swum                       D.already swam



科目:高中英语 来源:广东省20092010学年高二下学期期末考试试题(英语) 题型:阅读理解

Billy Joe Saunders is aiming for boxing gold at the Beijing Olympics but may have created history already.

As far as he knows, the 18-year-old welterweight from Hatfield is the first person from the Romany Gypsy community to qualify for an Olympic Games.

Billy Joe clinched (最终获得)his place at a qualifying event in Italy earlier this month and is one of seven boxers to make Team GB for Beijing.

Billy Joe Saunders is not the only British boxer with genuine(真的)medal prospects for Beijing, but his background has to be the most fascinating.

He comes from the Romany Gypsy community and lives on a caravan site near Hatfield in Hertfordshire.

Boxing runs deep in the Saunders family, who are immensely proud of their heritage.

His brother Tommy is a professional(职业的), while his Dad Tom was an amateur and his great, great grandfather, the wonderfully named Absolom Beeny, now aged 96, used to make his living fighting in the old boxing booth at fairgrounds.

Billy Joe admits he has heard all the stories a hundred times, but once he and his brother had visited the local boxing club, he was hooked.

"Boxing has kept me off the streets, stops me smoking and drinking and gives me something to do", he said.

His background may be colorful, but make no mistake, Billy Joe Saunders is one very special boxer.

As a boy he wasn't the most naturally gifted, but had an inner toughness that set him apart from other fighters.

His trainer, Danny Hoy, said: "When I saw him have to dig down into his boots against much older boys, I thought this kid is not the same as anyone else. There is something with this kid".

It is that something which made Billy Joe a real prospect for London 2012, so qualification for Beijing means he is effectively four years ahead of schedule.

He remembers watching Amir Khan win silver in Athens four years ago, and wants to go one better. "I'm aiming for gold, simple as that", he said.

51.Where did Billy clinch his place as a boxer to make Team GB for Beijing.

A. At Beijing                                 B. At Romany Gypsy community     

C. In Italy                                                D. In Britain

52.The underlined word " amateur" (in Para. 3) here means ________

A. a person who takes part in boxing only for pleasure    

B. a person who takes part in boxing as his job

C. a coach who teaches boxing

D. a player who takes part in baseball

53.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A. Billy’s brother is a professional boxer.   

B. Absolom’s son is not a professional boxer.

C. Billy was very interested in the local boxing club.

D. Billy was the most naturally gifted when he was still a very young boy.

54.It can be inferred from the passage that________

A. His coach thought Billy was gifted to be a boxer when he saw Billy’s boots against older boys.

B. It was Boxing that has kept Billy off the streets.

C. Billy won a silver medal in Athens Olympic Games..

D. Billy will compete in Beijing Olympic Games four years ahead of his trainer’s schedule.

55.What is Billy hoping to win in Beijing Olympic Games?

A. A silver medal for boxing                      B. A gold medal for boxing  

C. A piece of gold                              D. A copper medal


