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It was two days before Christmas and young Maggie Dotson was already being told that her Christmas wish would not be coming true. Paxton, she was _________, would not be coming back.

Before that December day a/an _________baby deer had been abandoned in the woods behind the Dotson’s home. So _________was the little deer that he hadn’t the strength to run from Maggie’s father when he _________him. _________ he carried the little deer towards their home, Maggie rushed outside and _________rubbed the little deer’s nose; it licked (舔) Maggie’s hand, which made her laugh. Mr. Dotson smiled and just shook his head. He proceeded to carry the little deer to the _________.

In what seemed like a few seconds to Mr. Dotson, Maggie rushed to the house and came back carrying a medical bag, and a _________of lettuce (莴苣) she had _________from the refrigerator. Maggie handed her father the bag, and then placed the lettuce by the little deer’s mouth — but he wasn’t _________.

As Mr. Dotson placed a _________around the little deer’s injured hoof (蹄), Maggie became excited as the little deer began to bite on the lettuce. It was dark outside and the temperature was quite _________. Maggie insisted that her father return with carrots and warm blankets for him. He promised he _________.

After he _________the light in the garage, Maggie turned to her father and said, “I’m going to name him Paxton, Daddy.

With time and _________, Maggie finally gained the little deer’s _________. In fact, he was soon eating carrots right out of her hand. And when the holidays were over and Maggie was back in school, she never left _________feeding Paxton first thing every morning.

Mr. Dotson could see the _________ that his daughter felt for the little deer. That scared him, _________, because he knew Maggie would never be able to say _________. So when his hoof had finally healed, Mr. Dotson came home early one afternoon to set him free.

1.A. askedB. advisedC. toldD. meant

2.A. lostB. injuredC. escapedD. freed

3.A. weakB. sickC. tiredD. frightened

4.A. threatenedB. scratchedC. witnessedD. approached

5.A. BeforeB. SinceC. WhileD. As

6.A. gentlyB. slightlyC. toughlyD. voluntarily

7.A. houseB. garageC. woodsD. backyard

8.A. rowB. mouthfulC. handfulD. basket

9.A. stoleB. grabbedC. threwD. kept

10.A. absorbedB. engagedC. satisfiedD. interested

11.A. ingredientB. labelC. restrictionD. bandage

12.A. freezingB. warmC. hotD. normal

13.A. couldB. wouldC. shouldD. might

14.A. turned upB. turned onC. turned offD. turned out

15.A. persistenceB. recognitionC. sequenceD. sacrifice

16.A. appetiteB. securityC. awarenessD. trust

17.A. exceptB. withoutC. afterD. until

18.A. beautyB. bridgeC. bondD. bitterness

19.A. thereforeB. thusC. stillD. though

20.A. goodbyeB. good nightC. helloD. apology


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年甘肃甘谷第一中学高一上学期第一次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A, B, C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

We were a group of people who took a bus to work every day. One of the ___________ was a small old man who took the bus to the health center every morning. He always chose to __________ behind the driver. No one ever paid much _________ to him.

But one July morning he said good morning to the driver and _________ at others. The driver nodded. The rest of us were ___________ as usual.

The next day, the old man got on the bus and said in a loud voice, “A very good __________ to you all!” Some of us looked up, __ _________ , and said, “Good morning!” From then on he said good morning to us every day and we began to ___________ to each other.

One morning he had some flowers in his hand. The driver turned around ___________ and asked, “Are these for me, Charlie?” We never got to know his name was really “Charlie”, __________ he waved(挥动) the flowers and said __________ . People laughed. Every morning after that Charlie always _ _________ a flower.

Until one morning Charlie wasn’t ___________ at his usual stop. And he wasn’t there the next day and the day after that. What might have __________ _ to him? When we came nearer to the health centre, a woman ___________ the driver to wait a moment. We all held our __________ when she went to the door.

She said she knew ___________ we were talking about. The elderly gentleman was sick. They ___________ him back on Monday.

The next Monday when Charlie got on the bus, all of us who he had brought __________ to in that summer sat with a ____________in our hands.

1.A. friendsB. driversC. passengersD. workers

2.A. sitB. hideC. shoutD. sleep

3.A. attentionB. energyC. interestD. expectation

4.A. calledB. laughedC. smiledD. pointed

5.A. upsetB. crazyC. silentD. bored

6.A. tripB. morningC. holidayD. time

7.A. worriedB. surprisedC. movedD. scared

8.A. introduceB. admitC. writeD. talk

9.A. politelyB. proudlyC. carefullyD. smilingly

10.A. becauseB. soC. untilD. but

11.A. sorryB. yesC. thanksD. hello

12.A. boughtB. foundC. woreD. brought

13.A. waitingB. arrivingC. greetingD. walking

14.A. happenedB. sentC. spokenD. regarded

15.A. orderedB. invitedC. askedD. promised

16.A. tearsB. breathC. handsD. flowers

17.A. whereB. whenC. whoD. what

18.A. keptB. expectedC. lookedD. got

19.A. happinessB. luckC. concernD. power

20.A. letterB. ticketC. cardD. flower


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年甘肃省高一上学期月考二英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

The manager of the company asked ________.

A.what is the hero’s name

B.what the hero’s name is

C.what was the hero’s name

D.what the hero’s name was


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年新疆库尔勒市高二下学期期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:短文改错


Last night I am getting ready for the coming examination when the noise from my neighbor interrupted (打扰) me. The noise went on and on. It was too loud that I could hardly pay attention to my study any longer. But I went to my neighbor’s house and say to him, “Excuse me, would you please turn down the TV? I’m preparing for tomorrow’s examination.” Hear these words, his face turned to red. And he said, “OK, I will. I’m very sorry to have made so much noise. Just now, the football game was very wonderfully. I was too exciting to control myself. I won’t do that again. Good lucky in your coming examination.” After that, I went on with his study.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年新疆库尔勒市高二下学期期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Fear can be a wonderful feeling in our lives, protecting us from dangerous situations and keeping us safe. But fear can also limit our lives significantly. While it may not be conscious, fear may make us think we are unacceptable or that what we have to offer isn’t valuable. Fear may make us feel that we are not safe being ourselves.

To avoid feeling fear, we may limit our lives greatly, living in tiny boxes. Living this way gives us the illusion(假象) of safety but leaves us with an unfulfilling life of no passion. If we shine a light on many of our fears, we see they have a very limited view of what is “safe” and how to “protect” us. Many of our fears are concerned only with protecting us from humiliation(羞辱) and failure. While these fears are doing their jobs incredibly well, they are doing so with faulty and outdated programming. Many fears we have as adults are trying to protect us as they protected us when we were children. Indeed, many of our current, automatic reactions to fear were actually formed when we were children.

Even so, it’s important not to judge ourselves for feeling these types of fears. If we judge ourselves, we will bury our fears or disguise them. By denying our fears, however, we also deny our energy, creativity and passion.

So what do we do with fear? We recognize the fear for what it is— a feeling we’ve experienced many times in the past and a feeling we will experience many times in the future. We become very familiar with our own particular brand of fears and how we allow them to control our lives. It is especially beneficial for each of us to become aware of the particular behavior patterns we’ve adopted when we feel fear, so we can look at our reactions with a sense of humor and compassion. Then, if we wish, we can choose a different response, which can be a scary yet very exciting experience.

1.According to the first paragraph, fear sometimes ________.

A. protect us when we’ve made mistakes

B. makes sure our feelings are not hurt

C. brings great change to our everyday life

D. makes us lose confidence in ourselves

2.According to the author, the ways we react to fear ________.

A. vary from person to person

B. have been formed since childhood

C. develop during our growth

D. will not change until we get old

3.The last paragraph mainly tells us ________.

A. what is the essence of fears

B. usual reactions we have when feeling fear

C. how to deal with fears reasonably

D. the importance of humor and compassion

4.What would be the best title for the passage?

A. Is fear managing your life?

B. Be calm when feeling fear

C. What do you fear most?

D. Passion, chance and fear


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年山西高平特立高级中学高二下学期第一次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Alexis was hot and tired. With rage in her voice she shouted, "Pull me up!I give up, I hate this. This is stupid!" It was at that moment when Jason, the adviser on the trip, looked at me and said, "Ed, I'm going to go down and talk with her." I then shouted down to Alexis, "Hold on! You can do this. We know you can!"

Jason grasped another rope, put his climbing harness(系带) on and began to move down the cliff. Within moments Jason was beside Alexis. She had her cheek directly against the face of the rock with her feet barely resting on a small piece of the cliff that stuck outward. Jason said to Alexis, "I know that you have been on this cliff now for what seems like a long time. Your feet and fingers are cramping(痉挛) up and your forearms feel as though they are on fire. But, Alexis, you are strong, look how far up you are already. You have taken one of the more difficult paths up the cliff. Alexis, look at the path you have taken."

At that moment, Alexis moved her cheek away from the rock face and looked down. The bright white chalk she used in her hands to give her a better hold, showed the path where her tired hands had moved her upward on the cliff. Jason was right. Alexis had taken the hardest way up the cliff. Jason then looked straight into Alexis' eyes and in a calm voice he said, "You are not alone out here, there are people who care about you, who want to help you and see you succeed. We are going to do this together. Are you ready?" Slowly she nodded her head and took a deep breath.

1.Jason went down the cliff because ________.

A. Alexis took a wrong path

B. Alexis was trapped in rocks

C. Alexis didn’t believe in herself

D. Alexis’ forearms were badly hurt

2.The underlined word "hot" in the story means ________.

A. disappointed B. uncomfortable

C. angry D. running a high body temperature

3.We can infer from the passage that ________.

A. Alexis was finally pulled up by Ed

B. Alexis regretted having taken the wrong path up the cliff

C. Alexis was immediately sent to hospital after she was pulled up

D. Alexis successfully rock–climbed in the end

4.Alexis would probably become ________.

A. more strong-minded

B. easier to give up

C. poorer in health

D. less interested in rock climbing


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年山东济宁微山第一中学高一下学期期末迎考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

The location of the family computer may turn into a hot debate as your children get older. Whether you have one computer in the house or five, you should consider the following things as you make a final decision.


The first consideration should be the safety of your children. There is a certain amount of danger if you allow your children to have a computer with Internet access(进入) in their rooms with no parental direction. They are much more likely to share improper information and chat with strangers if they know that no one will be watching.

This does not mean that you cannot allow your children to have a computer in their rooms. Consider allowing a computer without Internet access, or with limited access. This is especially useful for teens who use the computer for creative projects, playing video games and listening to music. Keep in mind, however, that it is likely that your kids are more skilled at computers than you are and may remove any blocks you have in place.

Computer Use

The way your family computers are used will play a large role in determining where they should be located. A machine used only for homework will need to be in a quiet location where there is low traffic. One used for chatting online can be in the room where most of the family spend their time. If Mom and Dad use a computer for work, those needs will also have to be considered.


Space must also be considered in computer placement. The computer will need electricity, plenty of desk space and a spot away from the bright light of windows. You will not want it located in a room where your kids may be noisy.

1.The text is meant for _____.

A. teachers B. parents C. students D. children

2.Which of the following might be a danger to children?

A. Chatting with strangers.

B. Doing their homework.

C. Playing video games.

D. Listening to music.

3.What might be the best place for family computers used by students?

A. Beside a window. B. Near the door.

C. At the corner. D. In front of a TV set.

4.Which is the first to be considered when placing a computer at home?

A. Safety.B. Computer use.C. Space.D. Comfort.

5.What can we infer from the text?

A. A child should not be allowed to use a computer.

B. A child should not be allowed to get online.

C. A computer takes up a lot of desk space.

D. Many a thing determines the location of family computers.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年山东省临沂市高一英语下学期6月月考试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解


Millions of people all over the world spend their holidays travelling. They travel to visit other countries, modern cities and ancient towns. They travel to enjoy these special places, or just to relax. It is always interesting to discover new things and different ways of life, such as by meeting different people, trying different food, and listening to different music.

People who live in the country like to go to big cities. They like to spend their time visiting museums and art galleries, looking at shop windows and dining at restaurants. People who live in the city usually like a quiet holiday by the sea or in the mountains, with nothing to do but walk and bathe in the sun.

Most travellers take a camera with them and take pictures of everything that interests them. Then, perhaps years later, they can look at the photos and be reminded of the happy time they once had.

People often travel by train, by boat or by car. All means of travelling have their advantages and disadvantages and people choose one according to their plans and the places they are going.

If we travel a lot, we will see and discover a lot of things that we could never see or experience at home, though we may read about them in books and newspapers. The best way to study geography is to travel, and the best way to get to know and understand people is to meet them in their own homes.

1.What is interesting to do when people travel?

A. To find the advantages and the disadvantages of travelling.

B. To listen to different music and take pictures.

C. To discover new things and different ways of life.

D. To go to big cities and meet different people.

2.How do people usually spend a quiet holiday by the sea or in the mountains?

A. They spend their time visiting museums and art galleries.

B. They do nothing but walk and bathe in the sun.

C. They do nothing but sleep outdoors.

D. They go to look at shop windows and eat at restaurants.

3.Why do many travellers take pictures of everything they like?

A. Because they like taking all kinds of pictures.

B. Because they all take a camera with them while travelling.

C. Because the pictures are beautiful to look at.

D. Because the pictures can remind them of the happy time.

4.What’s the best way to study geography?

A. To travel a lot and experience more.

B. To meet some more people in their homes.

C. To learn in books or in newspapers.

D. To see and experience at home.

5.What can we infer from the last paragraph?

A. We’d better go the countryside for a holiday.

B. Taking photos in a trip is unnecessary.

C. It’s good for us to travel more if possible.

D. Cities are the best choice of all the travellers.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年宁夏高一第一学期月考一英语试卷(解析版) 题型:短文改错






Boys and girls,

May I have your attention, please? I have anything important to tell you. Next Sunday afternoon, our class was going to hold an English story-telling competition in lecture hall. Everybody is required to take part in the activity. Two foreign teacher will be invited to act as judges. The activity will benefit from you in many ways. For example, it will give us a good chance to practicing your oral English and train your communication skills. However, it will inspire your interest at English. The requirements are as follows. First, the story can be original. That is, the story must be made up by yourself. Second, the story must be presented in English. Finally, your story must be finished within three minutes. That’s all, thank you.

