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1What did the woman work for five years ago?

A. The BBC. B. The EU. C. The VOA.

2Where did the woman grow up?

A. In America. B. In Britain. C. In Argentina.

3What did the woman go to Argentina for three years ago?

A. Work. B. Pleasure. C. Sightseeing.


1 B

2 C

3 A







科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


We already know that the underwater world is anything but silent. It is full of natural sounds produced by animals and by the motion of the atmosphere and water. But today’s researchers are increasingly concerned about the man-made noises under the water. They are confusing whales and other marine animals

Although hearing is important to all animals, the special qualities of the undersea world emphasize the use of sound. Underwater sound allows marine animals to gather information and communicate at great distances and from all directions. Loud underwater noises can cause damage to their hearing. And nowadays it's becoming too much for marine wildlife. Evidence shows that whales will swim hundreds of miles, rapidly change their depth, and even beach themselves to get away from the sounds of sonar.

You might think lower noises, typically caused by shipping or construction, do not pose a threat to marine animals. In fact, while they may not kill the animals directly, they can disturb their ability to locate food, find mates and avoid predators (掠食动物)).Scientists looked at the effects of noise from small motorboats on coral-reef fish at the Great Barrier Reef in Australia. In the lab, the fish had been trained to recognize the smell of three common predators as a threat. Some fish were trained in the presence of boat noise, while the others had training with the natural sounds of the ocean. It turned out that the first group showed no fright reactions when exposed to the predator. However, the other group was scared. And under the influence of underwater noise on this group, only 20 percent of fish survived, compared to almost 70 percent of unexposed fish.

Humans rely on the ocean for its natural resources and biodiversity. The ocean also plays an important role in regulating( 调节)temperatures, As Cousteau said, "For most of history, man has had to fight nature to survive; in this century he is beginning to realize that, in order to survive, he must protect it.



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1What is the woman doing?

A. Repairing a phone.B. Returning a phone.C. Buying a new phone.

2What is the man asking for?

A. SIM card.B. The receipt.C. Phone cover.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 Many people find that music lifts their spirits. Now a new research shows that music therapy (疗法) can be a useful treatment for depression.

The finding that music therapy offers a real medical benefit to depression sufferers comes from a review by the Cochrane Collaboration, a non-profit group that reviews health care issues. Some studies looked at the effects of providing music therapy to patients who were receiving drug treatment for depression. Others compared music therapy to traditional talk therapy. In four out of five of the trials, music therapy worked better at easing depression symptoms than therapies that did not employ music, the researchers found.

“While the evidence came from a few small studies, it suggests that this is an area that is well worth further investigation.” said lead author Anna Maratos. Ms. Maratos notes that music therapy might be particularly useful for adolescents who may reject a traditional form of counseling. Some older patients also may not be comfortable talking about their feelings but do tend to express themselves through songs.

There are two main types of music therapy. Sometimes, a therapist will listen to music with a patient and talk about the feelings or memories that it arouses. In another form, the therapist is a skilled musician and will improvise (即兴创作) music with the patient. If the patient doesn’t play an instrument, he or she might be given a simple percussion (击打) instrument and the therapist will play along.

Other studies have shown a benefit from music therapy in the treatment for dementia, learning disabilities, strokes and pain management during labor and birth. The problem is that there isn’t very much high-quality research. “It doesn’t easily attract serious research funding. It’s difficult to do high-quality, large-scale trials.” said Ms. Maratos.

1Which of the following treatments is NOT mentioned in the research?

A.Drug treatment.B.Talk therapy.C.Music therapy.D.Play therapy.

2What’s the attitude of Anna Maratos to music therapy?


3According to the passage, music therapy might not be beneficial to a patient of _______.

A.depressionB.learning disabilitiesC.heart attackD.strokes

4We can learn from the passage _______.

A.a middle-aged patient won’t benefit from music therapy

B.patients using music therapy must be able to play an instrument

C.only patients suffering from depression benefit from music therapy

D.high-quality research on the effects of music therapy is limited by funding


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1What time is it now?

A. 8:20 a.m. B. 8:40 a.m. C. 9:00 a.m.

2What was the weather probably like yesterday?

A. Hot. B. Cool. C. Cold.

3What do we know about the movie?

A. It will be on at 9:00 p.m. B. It is a new one. C. It is free.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1What does the boy think is bad with a teenager?

A. He can’t buy what he wants. B. He has to do the housework. C. He needs to do homework.

2How many days does the boy’s mother work a week?

A. Four. B. Five. C. Six.

3What does the boy think of his mother’s life?

A. Busy. B. Boring. C. Wonderful.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】One morning while Officer Vogel was on his coffee break in a restaurant, a man ran in a yelled. “Officer! A little kid is driving a car down the street!"

He ran out at once and saw a car going slowly—about 25 miles an hour—but it wasn’t going very straight. He jumped into his police car and followed it. When the car was stopped, Officer Vogel looked inside. The driver was a little boy. His name was Rocco Morabiro and he was 5. In the back seat was his two-year-old sister. Both children were crying.

"I want my mummy!" the boy cried. "But she can't get here. I have the car.” Then he had an idea. "Just a minute." he told Officer Vogel. "I can drive. I'll go to get her.”

“No!" Officer Vogel said. “You stay with me!" Then he drove them to the police station and he called their mother. They had many questions for Rocco. The first question was: "Where did you get the car keys?"

Rocco said. “From the top of the refrigerator." At seven that morning Rocco's father was at work and his mother was sleeping, Rocco saw the keys on top of the refrigerator. He climbed up on a chair, and took the keys.

Rocco got into the car and started the engine. When Rocco's sister heard the engine, she ran to the car and cried. She wanted to go with him.

It was 7 a. m. —rush hour—so there was much traffic. Rocco drove one mile in heavy traffic. Then Officer Vogel stopped him.

Newspapers and TV stations heard about Rocco, and a lot of reporters went to his house. One reporter asked Rocco, “What do you want to be when you grow up?"

“A truck driver," he said, smiling.

1Why did the officer asked Rocco to stay with him?

A. He would drive them home.

B. Other cars would go much faster.

C. Rocco would not cause any accident.

D. Rocco’s sister would not feel alone.

2For what purpose were Rocco and his sister taken to the police station?

A. To have a good breakfast.

B. To learn some traffic rules.

C. To answer the policemen’s questions.

D. To wait for their mother and deal with the matter.

3According to the reporters, Rocco’s driving was ________.

A. unbelievable B. disappointing

C. reasonable D. boring


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1He didn’t seem in the least _______________(concern) for her safety.

2_______________(logic)speaking, you could believe some of these things and not all of them.

3Please accept this gift in ____________(appreciate) of all you have done for us.

4The environmentalists said wild goats’ _________(appear) on the vast grasslands was a good indication of the better environment.

5Perhaps you are a boss and you want to tell an ____________(employ) that he/she has been given a promotion.

6She wanted to talk to someone ______(success) to seek some advice.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 The Harvard Pre-College Program is a nice experience for high school students. Alongside peers(同辈)from around the world, you’ll be introduced to college life as you attend classes, live on campus, and enjoy fun outings and activities.

Learning without limits

Biology, physics, law, writing and philosophy — these are just a few of the 30-plus courses you can choose from in each session. In our noncredit classes, we set aside grades so that you can fully commit to your growth as a well-rounded student. Class sizes typically range from 14 to 18 students to encourage interactive learning.

Living at Harvard

When you attend the Pre-College Program, you’ll live in a historic undergraduate house, near Harvard Square. You will be with your fellow Pre-College students, resident directors, and proctors who provide support. You’ll also enjoy meals in one of Harvard’s dining halls, which are a short walk from Harvard Yard and provide many options for a variety of dietary needs.

Thriving outside the classroom

The summer Pre-College Program offers many mentally challenging co-curricular(补充课程的)activities beyond the classroom. With faculty and Harvard-affiliated experts, you will have the opportunity to participate in workshops on topics like the psychology of color-blindness, classic literature from around the world and science of happiness. From our Cambridge scavenger hunt to a trip to the Sand Sculpting Festival at America’s first public beach, there’s no shortage of fun activities in the Pre-College Program.

1What do we know about the 30-plus courses?

A. You can only choose five of them.

B. They provide credits for students.

C. You should set aside other subjects.

D. They assist your full development.

2Where can you enjoy meals during the program?

A. Near Harvard Square.B. Close to Harvard Yard.

C. In one of the workshops.D. In an undergraduate house.

3What is the purpose of the passage?

A. To advertise meals.B. To comment on an activity.

C. To introduce a program.D. To recommend courses.

