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    On Christmas Eve,Mrs. Clare was doing some shopping in the supermarket when she passed a stall (摊位) .The stall was selling tickets(彩票) . She decided to buy one for her son. As soon as she bought the ticket,she went home to Wrap (包装) her gifts and put them under the Christmas tree. While she was wrapping her son’s gift,she put the lottery ticket into the bag. And then she forgot all about it. On Christmas Day,her son and daughter came to her house. They all sat around the tree and opened their gifts. Mrs. Clare totally forgot about the lottery ticket. After her son opened his gift and thanked his mom,he threw the bag in the (垃圾箱) .

    A few days later,Mrs. Clare and her son Jack,were having coffee together in town. A piece of news came from the radio. It said the winning lottery ticket for the Christmas was sold in that supermarket. “Listen,” said Jack, “that is the stall where you usually buy your tickets. And the winning number is the same as my birthday!” Suddenly Mrs. Clare remembered her son's Christmas gift. “Oh no!” she cried and jumped out of her seat.

    She explained what had happened to her son on their way home. When they got home,Mrs. Clare and Jack ran to the bin an? started emptying it. Finally,they found it 一 the winning ticket!

() 56 Mrs. Clare bought the lottery ticket for her

   A. father   B. mother

    C. son   D. daughter

() 57. Wh?t does the underlined word “totally” in Paragraph 1 mean?

   A. Suddenly. B. Completely,

   C. Luckily   D. Hardly.

() 58. What was Mrs. ClareVdping when she knew she won the lottery ticket for the Christmas?

   A. Shopping. B. Driving,

   C. Drinking coffee. D. Wrapping gifts.

() 59. How may Mrs. Clare feel at the end of the story?

   A. Excited. B. Worried,

   C. Bored. D. Shocked.

() 60. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

   A. Mrs. Clare put the lottery ticket under the bed.

   B. The winning lottery number was Jack's birthday.

   C. Mrs. Clare didn't like shopping in the supermarket.

   D. It was the first time for Mrs. Clare to buy a lottery ticket.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


短文,从方框中当的每并用其适当形式 每词限用一次。

易读度★ ★ ☆



    Maria Mitchell was (出生) in 1818. At that time,it was unpopular for girls to get an education. (76) ,Mitchell's father thought that both boys and girls should go to school. So he (77) her at home and then sent her to school.

    By the time she was 12 years old,Mitchell was her father's helper as he studied (78) .When she grew up,Mitchell took a job at the library (79) her home. At night,she and her father used his (望远镜) to look at the sky.

    In October 1847,Mitchell saw a special “star”(80) the telescope. She guessed at once that it might be a cwwei (彗星) .

    At that time,the King of Denmark was (81) a prize to the first person to find a new comet. Mitchell won the prize. She won something (82) too. She won people's (尊重) when they saw that she was (83) about her work.

    In 1865,a new  college just for women opened. It was called Vassar College,and Mitchell became a teacher there. She was the (84) woman teacher to teach the science of stars and planets. Because of (85) girl students learned that they could be scientists too.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

() 69. —Alice,I you up at eight but you didn’t  answer.

—Oh,I in the kitchen then.

   A. called; cooked

   B. called; was cooking   

   C. was calling; cooked

   D. was calling; was cooking 


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

67. We sat around the fire to keep (we) warm.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

() 27. When I passed the playground,I saw some boys snowballs at each other.

   A. beating   B. providing

   C. carrying   D. throwing


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

() 34. David used to hamburgers in the USA. but he soon got used to pancakes in China.

   A. eat; eat   B. eating; eat

   C. eating; eating   D. eat; eating


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

69. They (raise) money at the park at the time of the rainstorm.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

3. Jane,you look (虚弱的) today than yesterday.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

66. Are you getting   (excite) about your holiday?

