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19.-Bob is always complaining about not having any money.
-The problem is that he doesn't work hard and never ____.(  )

分析 ----Bob 总是抱怨没钱.

解答 答案:C
由于"that he doesn't work hard and never ____"用于系动词is 之后;故本句是表语从句,其中,由并列连词and连接的两个谓语在时态上应保持一致,故此处应使用一般现在时,描述了Bob的现状,即:他不努力工作,也没有钱.故选C

点评 本题考查了一般现在时的用法.在本题中,由于此处的两个谓语是由并列连词and连接连在一起的,故前后的时态应保持一致;另外,在做类似的时态题时,还可以根据句意判断出动作发生的时间或者根据问句以及答语的时态,来确定空缺处的时态;最后,应熟练掌握一般现在时态的意义及用法.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

9.My name is Pablo.I think I'm a lucky guy.I have a good family,and we live in a nice neighborhood in Puerto Vallarta,Mexico.People travel here from many countries for their vacations.We have beautiful beaches,hotels,restaurants,shopping and sports.
       However,in my beautiful hometown,there are also very poor neighborhoods.These areas are crowded and have a lot of crime.Life is terrible for many of the children in these areas.Some don't really have a childhood because they're homeless and live on the streets.They don't have education.They don't have enough food.Many use drugs or have diseases or mental problems.
       Last year,I came back to Puerto Vallarta from my university in Mexico City.I spent one year as a volunteer with an organization called Outreach International.They have several programs.I volunteered for one program to help street children.
       I worked in a home for street children (all boys,at this one).At this home,the boys have a place to sleep and three meals daily.The home keeps the boys off the streets.It shows them another way of life.As a volunteer,I helped to prepare meals.I taught games---such as basketball,football and art.I helped the kids with their homework.These kids can be fun.They have a lot of energy,but they're also really tough.Their hardships on the streets make them strong and not always"sweet little children."
       At this boys'home,I met two other volunteers---Brian from Canada and Greg from Australia.In many ways,we were very similar.We were the same age,came from good homes and had a good education.They were both college students,like me.We became very good friends.Now,we email each other.
It was the best---and most difficult---year of my life.I learned a lot that year.
59.What do we learn about the author?B
A.He loves travelling.
B.He enjoys his work as a volunteer.
C.He is now working for Outreach International.
D.He has made friends with the homeless children.
60.What is Paragraph 2 mainly about?D
A.Street Crime
B.The author's childhood experience.
C.The author's hometown
D.The terrible life of the homeless children.
61.According to the author,what makes the street children really tough?C
B.Too much energy.
C.Hard life
D.Pressure from school.
62.What is the best title for the passage?A
A.My Special Year                         
B.A Sweet Home
C.Outreach International               
D.Street Children.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:短文改错

10.假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文.文中共 有处语言错误,每句中最多有两处.每处错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改.
Rock climbing is increasingly becoming a more popular sport for people of all ages.In my
Mind,it is real positive in our life.
On one hand,it is great exercise.It not only build up our strength and endurance and it also
helps increase our balance and determination.On the other hands,it allows us to get outside enjoy
nature.For those of them who spend our days outside working or studying,getting out and seeing
plants and animals in nature can be quite refreshed.
For conclusion,it is a good to go climbing at least once a month.Working up a good sweat,
having fun with friends,and finishing the route,we will get a sense of satisfaction.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

7.You_____ be tired---you've only been working for an hour.(  )
A.must notB.won'tC.may notD.can't


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达

Education does Count(excerpt)-Bill Gates
Hundreds of students send me e-mail each year asking for advice about education.They want to know what to study,or whether it's OK to drop out of college since that's what I did.
My basic advice is simple and heartfelt."Get the best education you can.Take advantage of high school and college.Learn how to learn."
It's true that I dropped out of college to start Microsoft,but I was at Harvard for three years before dropping out-and I'd love to have the time to go back.As I've said before,nobody should drop out of college unless they believe they face the opportunity of a lifetime.And even then they should reconsider.
In my company's early years,we had a bright part-time programmer who threatened to drop out of high school to work full-time.We told him no.
Quite a few of out people didn't finish college,but we discourage dropping out.
Having a diploma certainly helps somebody who is looking to us for a job.
There's not a perfect correlation between attitudes in high school and success in later life,of course.But it's a real mistake not to take the opportunity to learn a huge range of subjects,to learn to work with people in high school,and to get the grades that will help you get into a good college.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

4.The possibility of a murder _____,the police have set about looking for the clues to her suicide.(  )
A.to be excludedB.to exclude
C.having excludedD.having been excluded


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

11.He hurried to the airport to meet his favorite film star,onlyto be informed that she had left,(inform)


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

8.It is the most instructive lecture(that) I have attended since I came to this school.(attend)


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

13.Retirement is obviously a very complex adjustment period andthe earlier you start planning for it,the better.(start)

