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A. Draw on the positives.

B. Deal with the pain.

C. Find support from others.

D. Use rejection to your advantage.

E. Don’t let negative feelings hold you down.

F. Keep track of your thoughts.

Harry Potter was rejected. So were Bella and Edward. If authors J.K. Rowling and Stephenie Meyer hadn’t kept trying with publisher after publisher, we’d all have missed out on some great adventures. Life is about going for things. And when we do, rejection is always a possibility. The better we get at dealing with rejection, the less it affects us. So how can you build that ability to cope? Here are some ideas:


Coping well with rejection involves working with two things: how you feel and what you think. Let’s start with feelings: If you get rejected, acknowledge it to yourself. Don’t try to brush off the hurt or pretend it’s not painful. Instead of thinking “I shouldn’t feel this way,” think about how normal it is to feel like you do, given your situation.

Notice how intense your feelings are. Did this rejection upset you a lot? Or just a little? Cry if you want to or tell someone else what happened and how you feel about it.


When you’re dealing with a painful emotion like rejection, it’s easy to get stuck in the bad feeling. But dwelling on the negative stuff can feel like living the experience over and over again. Not only does it keep hurting, it becomes harder to get past the rejection.

So admit how you feel but don’t dwell on it. Avoid talking or thinking about it nonstop. Why? Negative thinking influences our expectations and how we act. Getting stuck in a negative outlook might even bring about more rejection. It certainly doesn’t inspire a person to try again.


Now on to what you think: Consider how you’re explaining the rejection to yourself. Are you being too hard on yourself? It’s natural to wonder, “Why did this happen?” When you give yourself an explanation, be careful to stick to the facts.

Tell yourself: “I got turned down for prom because the person didn’t want to go with me.” Don’t tell yourself: “I got turned down because I’m not attractive” or “I’m such a loser.” These aren’t facts. They’re imagining a reason, reading too much into a situation. If thoughts like these start creeping into your mind, shut them down.


Tell yourself: “OK, so I got rejected this time. Maybe next time, I’ll get a ‘yes’ ” or “Oh, well. This is what happened. I don’t like it. But everyone gets rejected – and I can try again.”

Think about what you’re good at and what’s good about you. Remember times when you’ve been accepted, when you made the cut, when someone told you “yes.” Think of all the people who like you and support you. Remind yourself that you can handle the rejection. Even though you were turned down now, there will be another opportunity, another time.


A rejection is a chance to consider if there are things we can work on. It’s OK to think about whether there’s room for improvement or if your goals were higher than your skills.

If your skills weren’t strong enough this time, maybe you need to work on your game, your studies, or whatever it takes to improve your chances of getting accepted next time. Use the rejection as an opportunity for self-improvement.


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年贵州毕节市高二上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:短文改错



删除:把多余的词用斜线( \ )划掉。



1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Mark Twain, one of the best-known American writer in the 19th century, who was born in Missouri. His hometown lie on the banks of the Mississippi River, there he spent his childhood. When he grew up, he worked like a pilot on a river boat for some time. Mark Twain is his pen name. He took it from the shout of the sailors measure the depth of the water. Mark Twain wrote a lot of novels, but one of them is The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. It brought his fame and honor. Some of his writings have translated into many languages. He and his works are deep loved by readers throughout the world.


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年福建武平县第一中学高一实验班下第一次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达

请以“One Thing I'm Proud of”为题,用英语写一篇100-120个词的短文,记述一件你自己认为得意的事情。要求如下:




One Thing I'm Proud of





科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015吉林省松原市高一下月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

BRITAIN is a popular tourist place. But tours of the country have advantages and disadvantages .


Free museums. No charge for good collections of art works.

Pop music. Britain is the only country to rival(与…匹敌)the US on this point.

Cabs. London taxi drivers well know where they are going.

Choice of food. Visitors can find food from every corner of the world .

Fashion. Not only do fashion junkies love deeply and respect highly brand names such as Vivienne Westwood, Alexander McQueen; street styles are justly loved, too.


Poor service. People can dine out on the rudeness they have experienced,” says Professor Tony Seaton, of Luton University’s International Tourism Research Center.

Poor public transport. Trains and buses are promised to defeat tourists who have the most patience, so the over- crowded London tube is inexplicably(难以理解的) popular.

Rain. Still in the number one complaint.

Overpriced hotels. The only European country with a higher rate of tax on hotel rooms is Denmark.

Drinking hours. Alcohol(酒) is in short supply after 11 pm even in “24-hour cities”.

1.What do tourists complain most?

A. Poor service. B. Poor public transport.

C. Rain. D. Overpriced hotels.

2.When is alcohol not able to get?

A. At 9: 00 pm B. At 10: 00 pm

C. At 11: 00 pm D. At 12: 00 pm

3.Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A. You have to pay to visit the museums.

B. Only clothing with brand names are sold in London .

C. You cannot find Chinese food there.

D. The public transport is poor there.


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年云南高三第二次高中毕业生复习统一检测英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

When Lucy and Maria Aylmer tell people they are twins, disbelief is the response. The 18-year-olds from Gloucester, U.K. are two of the five children born to their Caucasian (白种人的) father and "half-Jamaican" mother. While their other siblings (brothers and sisters) have a blend (混合) of features from their parents who have different skin colours, Lucy and Maria are unique: Lucy has fair skin and red hair, while Maria has brown skin and dark hair.

"No one ever believes we are twins because I am white and Maria is black," Lucy said. "Even when we dress alike, we still don't look like sisters, let alone twins. When we meet friends for the first time they all refuse to believe we are twins and some have even made us produce our birth certificates to prove that we are really twins."

Unlike identical (同卵的) twins, fraternal twins are bom from two separate eggs. The BBC reports that for a biracial (双人种的) couple expecting twins, there is about a 1 in 500 chance those twins will have different skin colors.

The Aylmers are proud of their uniqueness.

"Now we have grown older, even though we still look so different, the bond between us is much stronger," Lucy said. "Now we are proud of the fact that we are each other's twin sister. Maria loves telling people at college that she has a white twin sister — and I'm very proud of having a black twin sister, too."

1.Lucy and Maria are unique because _______.

A. they are fraternal twins

B. their siblings are all black

C. they are hybrids of multi-racial parents

D. they are twins with different skin colours

2.How do people usually react to the twins' physical appearances?

A. They think it possible.

B. They joke about them.

C. They find it unbelievable.

D. They regard them as lucky dogs.

3.What can we learn about Maria from the text?

A. She comes from Jamaica.

B. She was born of biracial parents.

C. She bears mainly features other father.

D. She shares a birth certificate with her twin sister.


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年四川达州大竹县文星中学高三3月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Let us begin by saying what does not cause our dreams. Our dreams do not come from "another world ". They are not messages from outside sources. They are not a look into the future, either.

All our dreams have something to do with our feelings, fears, longings, wishes, needs and memories. If a person is hungry, or tired, or cold, his dreams may include a feeling of this kind . If the covers on your body, such as a quilt or a blanket, have slipped off your bed, you may dream that you are sleeping on the ice or snow. The material for the dream you will have tonight is likely to come from the experience you have today.

So the subject of your dream usually comes from something that has an effect on you while you are sleeping (feeling of cold, discomfort, etc.) and it may also use your past experiences and the wishes and interests you have now. This is why children are likely to dream of fairies, older children of school examinations, hungry people of food, homesick soldiers of their families and prisoners of freedom.

To show you how this is happening while you are asleep and how your needs and wishes can all be joined together in a dream, here is the story of an experiment. A man was asleep and the back of his hand was rubbed with a piece of absorbed cotton. He would dream he was in hospital and his charming girlfriend was visiting him, sitting on the bed and feeling gently his hands.

There are some scientists who have made a special study of why we dream, what we dream and what those dreams mean. Their explanations of dreams, though a bit reasonable, are not accepted by everyone, but they offer an interesting approach to the problem. They believe that dreams are mostly expressions of wishes that do not come true. In other words, dreams are a way of having your wishes carried out.

1.From the passage we know that our dreams .

A.are imagination of our daily life

B.are man’s curious look into the future

C.have nothing to do with our feelings

D.are to some degree connected with our feelings

2.Older children often dream of examinations probably because .

A.they are interested in exams

B.they are often worried about their studies

C.they hope for a better life

D.they show much interest in their studies

3.According to the writer, the explanations of dreams that some scientists made .

A.are considered interesting, but unreasonable

B.give a good answer to the question why we dream

C.have some value, though not fully convincing

D.have been proved by the findings of their studies

4.Which of the following is the best title for this passage?

A.Why People Dream? B.New Findings about Dreams

C.Dream Makes Hopes D.What Dreams Mean?


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年四川达州大竹县文星中学高三3月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Japan’s economy in the past twenty years. No one knows how long it before it regains its increase.

A.has been declining; will be

B.has declined; would be

C.had been in decline; would take

D.was on the decline; will take


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年山东省高三冲刺模拟(三)英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

My daughter and I collected the empty cans and bottles in our home this morning.We had 6 full garbage bags later so I knew we would be spending a bit more of time at the recycling center.When we got there,a man and his kids were also doing the morning recycling and were using two of the four machines to recycle their plastic and cans.Luckily,we were able to use the 2 remaining machines.

Of course,there were others that came,but when they saw the two families with garbage bags full of recycled things,they quickly left.However,one woman came in with just 5 cans and looked as if she was in a hurry.So I stopped what I was doing and let her in to recycle her cans.Of course,she was grateful,and it felt good to let her go ahead of me.But that was not the whole story.

My daughter and I continued to work through the bags,but the plastic recycling machine stopped working because it was full.My daughter was left with nothing to do.The other family was still using the other two plastic recycling machines,but it seemed that they were almost done.I just told my daughter we would have to wait until they were done.But the man of the other family came through with another act of kindness.He offered to let us go ahead of him.I was really surprised,because we had more than 5 bottles,but he didn’t seem to mind.I happily accepted it.

It was great to give and then to get an act of kindness in turn.It was small,I didn't expect it,but it surely brightened up my day.

1.Why did the writer let the woman recycle her cans first?

A.Because there were many other families there.

B.Because the woman seemed to be in a hurry.

C.Because the writer wanted to hear a story.

D.Because the woman was very grateful.

2.Why couldn't the writer finish her recycling in time?

A.Because her daughter' s machine stopped working.

B.Because the other family was still using the machines.

C.Because she let the other family use her machine first.

D.Because she helped recycle the other family's bags first.

3.What does the underlined word "it" in Paragraph 3 refer to?

A.The kindness. B.The offer.

C.The machine. D.The 5 bottles.

4.Which of the following best describes the topic of this passage?

A.A good name is sooner lost than won.

B.A little is better than none.

C.All men cannot be first.

D.One good turn deserves another.


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年湖北天门市高三4月调研考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空

Have you ever not wanted to do something so badly? Well, that’s how I about joining Madcaps, a mothers and daughters’ club assisting philanthropies (慈善事业). , my feeling changed finally. Now I believe if you adopt an attitude, you might just enjoying it.

Six months ago, my mom told me the club asked us to work as at Saint Vincent de Paul Homeless shelter. That meant I had to in the dirty homeless shelter for at least 20 hours.

The first time we went there, a lady led us to the kitchen where we my five fellow Madcaps classmates they also wore the same expression. Since I’m usually socially , I had never talked with any of them earlier. Worse still, my mom was asked to help outside the kitchen, leaving me totally to serve food with them. Soon large numbers of homeless families in like rushing river. A little girl, around 5 years old, walked up to me. I her a cold sandwich. She took it and joined her family quickly. As she walked away, I she was wearing a coat, clearly too big for her, hanging on her thin body, and couldn’t help thinking how much I had with her. It suddenly struck me that how I am.

After that moment I had a of heart. Now I love Madcaps and don’t miss one meeting. I have awkwardness when communicating and have many friends. And this year I am sure I will do more than the 20 hours of philanthropies.

So that is how I have made a by doing one thing I don’t want to do. If you have an open

about things you can accomplish more and become a well-rounded (全面的) person.

1.A. heard B. worried C. felt D. brought

2.A. Otherwise B. However C. Therefore D. Besides

3.A. optimistic B. ordinary C. aggressive D. honest

4.A. keep on B. give up C. end up D. insist on

5.A. members B. volunteers C. friends D. clerks

6.A. wander B. walk C. teach D. serve

7.A. ran into B. cared about C. looked for D. passed by

8.A. excited B. awkward C. scared D. fragile

9.A. afraid B. doubtful C. alone D. patient

10.A. joined B. broke C. dropped D. poured

11.A. awarded B. returned C. handed D. bought

12.A. discovered B. guessed C. thought D. concluded

13.A. neatly B. carelessly C. constantly D. loosely

14.A. compared B. connected C. covered D. competed

15.A. eager B. lucky C. proud D. strong

16.A. relief B. loss C. surprise D. change

17.A. remembered B. realised C. overcome D. developed

18.A. allowed B. required C. included D. finished

19.A. difference B. promise C. sacrifice D. mistake

20.A. study B. plan C. mind D. question

