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17.The Great Wall is not only the Chinese people's wisdom,but also the  ______of the Chinese nation(  )

分析 长城不仅是中国人民的智慧,也是中华民族的象征.

解答 答案是D.本题考查名词词义辨析.mark(区别性的)标志;sign迹象;手势; sight视力;景象;symbol象征;根据句意和常识判断,长城是中华民族的"象征",故选择D.

点评 辨析名词要在识记常见名词及其搭配的基础上理解语境,根据具体语境推断合理的答案.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

7.The well-known actress last night put on a white tight skirt on purpose to _______ that she was not pregnant(怀孕的).(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

8.The park is really beautiful and it is ______ worth______.(  )
A.very; visitingB.well; a visit
C.well; being visitedD.very; to visit


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

5.Not too long ago,our teacher,being a"tree-hugger"(as the kids call her),had us write an essay on an environmental issue.I was eager to start,but something made me stop.
"What is an environmental issue?"one kid asked."What if we don't care about the environment?"another complained."It's not like it affects me."
These comments astounded me.I have always cared about the environment and assumed that others did too.From the surprised look on my teacher's face,I could tell she felt the same way.
In no time,I finished my essay.In my essay I wrote about logging(伐木),which is an important industry,but if we continue to cut down trees without replacing them,it will damage the environment.
There are so many things that we can do to save our world.Recycling,of course,is always a good thing,but not everyone has a recycling plant nearby ( I don't ).There are other ways to help the environment.Plant a tree.Don't waste water.
I can't stand it when a person's excuse for not caring is"Nothing's going to happen in my lifetime,so why should I care?"Sure,the chances of something terrible happening are slim,but I want people to realize that if we don't deal with it,someone will have to eventually.Do you want that to be your children?
When my teacher told me to read my essay to my class,I was a little embarrassment because I didn't want everyone to call me"tree-hugger".I realize now that if being a tree-hugger means you cares about the environment,I'm a tree-hugger 100 percent.I just wish more people were too.
67.Why do the students call her teacher"tree-hugger"?D
A.She likes hugging trees.
B.She knows a lot about trees.
C.She grew up in the country.
D.She cares a lot about the environment.
68.The underlined word in Paragraph 3 can be replaced byC.
A.helped      B.changed        C.shocked     D.interested
69.Paragraph 5 is mainly aboutB.
A.what we can recycle              
B.how we can save the earth
C.why we should protect the earth 
D.what damage we are doing to the earth
70.We can infer from the text thatB
A.the students don't like the teacher
B.the teacher liked the author's essay
C.the author is ashamed of being a tree-hugger
D.the author should have written a better essay.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

12.We all like the park _______ we visited last week.(  )
A.whereB.whichC.in whichD.what


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

2.Hiking by oneself can be fun and good for health.It may also be good for ____ building.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

9.Recent search for the missing Flight MH370 ______ nearly thirty planes and ships from over ten countries.(  )
A.is consisted ofB.is consisting of
C.consists ofD.consists in


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

6.Kiss crisis,hug horrors and the UK's handshake headaches
Greeting someone,saying goodbye-these situations fill me with unease.You have a second to make a dangerous decision.One peck (轻吻)?Two pecks?Three?No kisses at all?Why,I think,as I crash into the other person's face,why can't it be as simple as a handshake?
A survey by the soap company Radox in May showed one in five Brits now feels a handshake is"too formal",according to the Daily Mail.Some 42 percent said they never shook hands when greeting friends.For one third of people the alternative was a hug,for 16percent a kiss on the cheek.
British people are known to be reserved (保守的)-unfriendly,some would say.Handshakes used to work for us because we didn't have to get too close.But the super-British handshake is no longer fashionable.We want to be more like our easygoing Mediterranean neighbors who greet each other with kisses and hugs.
The trouble is,we still find it a bit awkward.What does a married man do when greeting a married female friend,for example?How should someone younger greet someone older?
Guys don't tend to kiss one another; my male friends in Britain go for the"manly hug",taking each other stiffly (不自然地) in one arm and giving a few thumps on the back with words like"Take it easy,yeah?".
The biggest questions,if you do decide to kiss,are how many times and which cheek first.Unlike the French,who comfortably deliver three,our cheek-pecks usually end in embarrassed giggling (咯咯笑):"Oh,gosh,sorry,I didn't mean to kiss you on the lips,I never know where to aim for first!"
But then it's never been easy for us poor,uncomfortable Brits.Even the handshake had its problems:don't shake too hard,but don't hold the other person's hand too limply (无力地) either,and definitely don't go in with sweaty hands.
Maybe it's better to leave it at a smile and a nod.

45.What is the article mainly about?B
A.Origin of the traditional British way of greeting someone.
B.New trends and problems that Brits have with the way they greet people.
C.Why the author feels uneasy when greeting someone or saying goodbye.
D.Differences in greetings between Britain and other Western countries.
46.What did the survey by the soap company Radox show?D
A.It is now considered unfriendly to greet friends with a handshake in Britain.
B.A kiss on the cheek is becoming the most popular form of greeting in Britain.
C.Most Brits no longer offer to shake hands with those they meet.
D.More and more Brits prefer to be greeted with a hug or kiss.
47.The underlined word"awkward"in paragraph 4is closest in meaning toC.
A.not helpful
B.too informal 
C.quite embarrassed
D.very interesting
48.Which does the author think might be the safest form of greeting for a British person?B
A.A hug.
B.A smile and a nod.
C.A handshake.
D.A kiss on the cheek.
49.Who wrote the article?A
A.A British writer.
B.An American writer.
C.A French writer.
D.A Chinese writer.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

7.I don't mind ______the internet as long as it is not too late.(  )
A.you to surfB.your surfingC.your surfD.your to surf

