精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情
1.I am a psychologist.I first met Timothy,a quiet,overweight elevenyearold boy,when his mother brought him to me to discuss his declining grades.A few minutes with Timothy were enough to confirm that his self-esteem (自尊) and general happiness were falling right along with them.
I asked about Timothy's typical day.He awoke every morning at six thirty so he could reach his school by eight and arrived home around four thirty each afternoon.He then had a quick snack,followed by either a piano lesson or a lesson with his math tutor.He finished dinner at 7pm,and then he sat down to do homework for two to three hours.Quickly doing the math in my head,I found that Timothy spent an average of thirteen hours a day at a writing desk.
What if Timothy spent thirteen hours a day at a sewing machine instead of a desk?We would immediately be shocked,because that would be called children being horribly mistreated.Timothy was far from being mistreated,but the mountain of homework he faced daily resulted in a similar consequence-he was being robbed of his childhood.In fact,Timothy had no time to do anything he truly enjoyed,such as playing video games,watching movies,or playing board games with his friends.
Play,however,is a crucial part of healthy child development.It affects children's creativity,their social skills,and even their brain development.The absence of play,physical exercise,and freefrom social interaction takes a serious toll on many children.It can also cause significant health problems like childhood obesity,sleep problems and depression.
Experts in the field recommend the minutes children spend on their homework should be no more than ten times the number of their grade level.As a fifthgrader,Timothy should have no more than fifty minutes a day of homework (instead of three times that amount).Having an extra two hours an evening to play,relax,or see a friend would soundly benefit any child's life quality.

62.What does the underlined word"them"in the first paragraph probably refer to?B
A.Timothy's parents.
B.Timothy's grades.
D.The students.
63.What did the writer think of Timothy after learning about his typical day?C
A.Timothy was very hardworking.
B.Timothy was being mistreated.
C.Timothy had a heavy burden.
D.Timothy was enjoying his childhood.
64.Which of the following statements best describes the writer's opinion?A
A.Children should be allowed enough time to play.
B.Playing board games works better than playing video games.
C.The more they play,the more creative children will become.
D.The depression caused by homework makes children unwilling to play.
65.According to the passage,how long should a thirdgrader spend a day doing homework?C
A.About ten minutes.
B.No more than twenty minutes.
C.No more than thirty minutes.
D.About fifty minutes.

分析 本文主要关注的是孩子沉重的作业负担,除了大量的作业,还有各种补习班.学习占用了孩子大量的时间,以至于玩耍的时间太少,这不利于孩子的身心发展.

解答 62.B 词语指代题.根据第一段to discuss his declining grades.A few minutes with Timothy were enough to confirm that his self-esteem and general happiness were falling right along with them可知,和Timothy聊了几分钟,作者就了解到了Timothy的自尊和快乐随着成绩一起下降.故选B.
63.C 推理判断题.根据第二段He awoke every morning at six thirty so he could reach his school by eight and arrived home around four thirty each afternoon.He then had a quick snack,followed by either a piano lesson or a lesson with his math tutor.He finished dinner at 7 pm,and then he sat down to do homework for two to three hours.Quickly doing the math in my head,I found that Timothy spent an average of thirteen hours a day at a writing desk可知,Timothy4:30放学后,吃点快餐,就去上钢琴课或数学课,从7:00开始做作业做二到三个小时.Timothy每天平均花13小时在学习上.学习负担重.故选C.
64.A 推理判断题.根据倒数第二段Play,however,is a crucial part of healthy child development.It affects children's creativity,their social skills,and even their brain development…可知,玩耍在童年扮演者重要的角色,缺少玩耍的时间不利于儿童的身心发展.故选A.
65.C 细节理解题.根据最后一段the minutes children spend on their homework should be no more than ten times the number of their grade level可知,做作业的分钟数不应超过所在年级数的十倍,三年级的学生,做作业的时间在30分钟以内.故选C.

点评 考查学生的细节理解和推理判断能力.做细节理解题时一定要找到文章中的原句,和题干进行比较,再做出正确选择.在做推理判断题时不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

11.We all have deciding moments in our life,ones that make us who we are.
 One year ago,the surface of the track burned my(36)Dfeet.The sun was shining as bright as the hope in each (37)Aeyes.The stadium was filled with the noises of the crowd,(38)Dall of my senses were focused on my favorite 4 x 200 relay.
 The (39)Bwent off.I had a fast start,creating an obvious lead.All I had left to do was hand off the (40)Bbecause four months of(41)Chand-offs before  this match made me confident.As I pumped (摆动)my arms to run,suddenly the end of the stick hit my (42)Aand flew out of my hand.The stick hit the track hard and rolled away from me,taking with it all my (43)D.I was motionless.There was nothing I could do but (44)Cthe other runners pass me,stealing my race.I (45)Bmy head as I walked by my teammates.I had let them down.I felt (46)C.It seemed as if everything around me were laughing at me,and everybody were(47)Dme,saying,"That's the girl who (48)Cthe stick."
 I could have left the track that day and never (49)Bagain.
 Now here I was on the same track again.I was _______(50)Dand mentally prepared for this race,but could I get over the anxiety of last year's (51)A?The sound that metal,hit the track kept playing in my mind.Then the time for the race came.I.
 (52)Cas if someone had lit fire under my shoes.I gained my(53)Dagain.This time I did quite well.
 An hour later as my (54)Band I were standing on the winners'position,I knew I had got over my fear.I had conquered one of the(55)Athings a person can,myself..
51.accidentB.sportsC.defeatD. running
52.left outB.went outC.rushed outD. jumped out
53.respectB.happinessC.prideD. confidence
54.coachB.teamC.friendsD. crowd
55.hardestB.easiestC.worstD. best


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

12.But as the moon gavefartoomuch light,I didn't dare open a window.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

9.It's widely accepted that young babies like to do things because certain acts lead to ________.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

You promised to take the children to go camping,so you mustkeepyourwords/promise.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

6.When I was a kid,I was close to my dad,but as I grew older,he and I grew further apart.We always had totally different opinions.He thought that college was a waste of time,but for me it was important to finish college.He wanted me to work my way to the top as he had done in his field,but I wanted a different life.There was a time when we did not talk with each other.
A few months ago,I heard that my 84-year-old dad was in poor health.When he called and asked whether I could move from Colorado back to Tennessee to help him,I knew he was seriously ill.I am his only child and so it was time to meet my father's requirement.
Two weeks after moving back,we bought a boat and started fishing again.Fishing was one of the few things that we did while I was young and that we both enjoyed.It is strange but true that as we are fishing we are able to put things that have kept us apart for so many years behind us.We are able to talk about things that we have never talked about before.Fishing has been healing the old wounds that have kept us apart
It is not important how many fish we catch.It is about enjoying the relationship that we have not had for years.I'm 62 and he is 84.When we are on the lake fishing,it is like two kids enjoying life.It is far better to find a way to put the unhappy past behind.I am so lucky to spend the happy time with my father in his last years.Now my heart is filled with love.A smile always graces my lips.

56.The author and his father became further apart becauseA.
A.they had different views on things  
B.they lived very far from each other
C.they only communicated by phone  
D.they seldom went to see each other
57.What made the author come back to Tennessee?C
A.Because his father invited him to go fishing.
B.Because he decided to live in a different city.
C.Because his father is ill and needs caring.
D.Because he regretted being rude to his father.
58.For the author,fishing with his old fatherD.
A.helps cure his father's disease
B.is a good way to get close to nature
C.makes him realize the importance of exercise
D.offers  a chance for them to communicate
59.According to the passage,which of the following is TRUE?D
A.The writer's car is always breaking down.
B.Father intended me to be a fisherman.
C.I was unwilling to come back..
D.Father used to think it was useless to attend college..
60.What can be the best title for the text?B
A.Forgiving Is Difficult      B.Fishing Brings Us Together
C.Memories of Old Days        D.My Beloved Father.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

13.This parable(寓言)is told of a farmer who owned an old mule(骡子).The mule fell into the farmer's well.The farmer heard the mule praying for whatever mules do when they fall into wells.After carefully assessing(评估)the situation,the farmer sympathized(同情)with the mule,but decided that neither the mule nor the well was worth the trouble of saving.Instead,he called his neighbors together,told them what had happened,and asked them to help pour dirt to bury the old mule in the well and put him out his misery.
At the beginning,the old mule was crazy!But as the farmer and his neighbors continued shovelling and the dirt hit his back,a thought struck him.It suddenly dawned on him that every time a shovel load of dirt landed on his back,he would shake it off and step up!
This he did,blow after blow."Shake it off and step up…shake it off and step up…shake it off and step up!"He repeated to encourage himself.No matter how painful the blows,or how distressing the situation seemed,the old mule fought panic and just kept right on shaking it off and stepping up!
It wasn't long before the old mule,battered and exhausted,stepped triumphantly(胜利地)over the wall of that well!What seemed like it would bury him actually helped him…all because of the manner in which he handled his adversity(逆境).
That's life!If we face our problems and respond to them positively,and refuse to give in to panic,bitterness,or self-pity.
The adversities that come along to bury us usually have within them the very real potential to benefit us!Never be afraid to try something new.Remember that amateurs(生手)built the boat.Professionals built the Titanic.

67.Why did the farmer decide to bury the mule in the well?D
A.Because he thought the mule was of little use.
B.Because he didn't like the praying made by the mule.
C.Because he thought the well couldn't be used any longer after the accident.
D.Because he didn't want to see the mule suffer more in the well.
68.What does the underlined sentence in the second paragraph mean?C
A.The mule became calm                 B.The mule became quiet.
C.The mule suddenly had an idea        D.The mule lost heart.
69.Who saved the mule at last?D
A.The farmer                          B.The farmer's neighbors
C.The farmer and his neighbors        D.The mule himself
70.What lesson can we learn from the passage?B
a.One should give up something of little use.
b.One should depend oneself when in trouble.
c.One should show mercy to others who are in trouble.
d.There must be something that one can do well no matter what he is.
e.Be self-determined and never give up,and one can succeed in the end.
A.a,b,e     B.b,d,e     C.a,c,e     D.b,c,e.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

10.At East China University of Science and Technology,students will get a coupon(优惠券)if they eat up their food.Students can collect coupons and exchange them for small gifts,such as books,magazines,mobile phone covers and handwarmers.
"It's been such a surprise,"said Liang Zhaoyun,19,a student at the university in Shanghai."It has given us one more motivation to finish our food."
The measure (措施) is part of a national"eat-up"campaign(行动) which is organized by students to deal with food waste on campuses(校园).
Why only on campuses,you might ask?Because according to a report by Xinhna News Agency,students waste twice as much food as the national average(平均).
The campaign on campus food waste is receiving attention across the country.
"The aim of the campaign is not only to encourage students to finish their food.We hope it can also encourage students to choose a more environment-friendly and healthy lifestyle,"said Tao Siliang,secretary of the Youth League Committee at Shanghai University.
But some school food is poorly prepared,so students do not like to finish it all.Some schools have taken notice of this and they are taking measures to improve it.
"I'm glad that we've reduced food waste since the‘eat-up'campaign began.But if we call on students to waste less food,we should also improve the service and food standard on campuses."said Tao.
51.From Paragraph l,we know that the students will get a couponD.
A.when they eat school food     
B.after they exchange gifts
C.if they collect the waste    
D.if they finish all their food
52.The underlined word"motivation"in Paragraph 2meansA in Chinese.
A.动力   B.机会      C.试验    D.条件
53.The"eat-up"campaign is carried out on campuses becauseC.
A.students get a good education     
B.schools offer small gifts
C.students waste too much food     D.school food is more delicious
54.The purpose of the campaign is mainly toB.
A.improve the school food standard 
B.encourage a greener and healthier lifestyle
C.receive attention from the society 
D.further improve the service in universities
55.The best title for this passage may beD.
A.Enjoy Your Food!
B.Reduce Waste on Campus
C.Meals in Universities.
D."Eat-up"Campaign on Campus.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

11.Just like every year,answered CBS News,the top moneymaker at theaters was actually popcorn,the most marketable star at the movies.According to the Popcorn Board,an organization funded by US popcorn companies,every year each American eats about 51quarts (48liters) of popcorn,most of it at the movies.
Tory Hoen,writing in New York magazine,describes how closely popcorn is linked with going to the movies in the US:"As soon as you walk through the theater doors,an irrepressible (抑制不住的) craving (渴望) for popcorn follows.Since childhood,we've been used to having handful upon handful of popcorn from the moment the theater lights go down until the end of the movie.It's all part of the experience,"he writes.
Popcorn has been one of US'most beloved snacks for years.While theater-goers have other choices,such as candy,popcorn still mostly dominates (控制) cinema snack bar sales.Why?
Popcorn was actually one item that kept movie theaters alive during the US Great Depression of the 1930s,according to Andrew Smith,author of the book Popped Culture:A Social History of Popcorn in America.Cinema managers found that if they lowered their admission fees,they could make more money from snacks,with popcorn the top choice of customers.
Popcorn's role was then boosted during World War II.With candy short in supply,popcorn became the primary snack of movie-goers.There was even a slogan:"Popcorn is a fighting food!"As The Credits,an online movie magazine,points out,the snack took on"a patriotic (爱国的) quality"and became linked"not only with the movies,but with the American spirit".
Today,according to Hoen,it's hard to imagine sitting through a film without hearing the crunching of popcorn.He believes that popcorn has helped make the American movie-going experience"much more ingrained (根深蒂固的) and inspired".

61.How did the writer show that popcorn is the most marketable star at the movies?C
A.By making comparisons                    
B.By giving examples.
C.By using statistics (数据).
D.By quoting (引用) Tory Hoen.
62.According to the text,during the US Great Depression of the 1930s,B.
A.people didn't have to pay to see movies
B.popcorn actually saved movie theaters from closing
C.candy was more popular than popcorn at movie theaters
D.because of popcorn's popularity,movie theaters didn't suffer at all
63.The underlined word"boosted"in Paragraph 7is closest in meaning toD.
A.made less important                   B.taken into consideration
C.accepted                              D.increased
64.According to Tory Hoen,we can get an idea thatD.
A.popcorn is closely linked to only children when they are watching movies
B.popcorns could make the movies much more interesting in the 1930s
C.popcorn can more or less show the American spirit of loving their country
D.popcorn seems to be a necessary part of American's movie-going experience
65.The main point of the article is toA.
A.explain why popcorn has long played a starring role among US movie snacks
B.argue that it is fun to enjoy popcorn while watching movies
C.tell the story of the ups and downs of popcorn's role in the US over the years
D.analyze (分析) Hoen's experiences eating popcorns in movie theaters.

