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分析 这是一篇图画作文,让我们写一篇关于友谊的作文,这需要我们发挥英语思维,将提供的信息用英语完整流畅的表达出来.写作需要用第一人称,时态主要是一般现在时,内容要点包括:在生活中,朋友不可或缺;何为真正的友谊;作者对待友谊的看法.我们此篇作文分为三部分,第一部分为在生活中,朋友不可或缺.第二部分为何为真正的友谊.第三部分为作者对待友谊的看法
share joys and sorrows同甘共苦
As the saying goes 正如谚语所说
On the contrary恰恰相反
at the cost of 以…为代价
高分句型一:Besides,we need friends to share our joys and sorrows,otherwise we would feel lonely此句用了otherwise含蓄虚拟条件句
高分句型二:Moreover,they will encourage you to stick to what is right and tell us not to do what is wrong or illegal.此句用了2个what引导宾语从句
高分句型三:Whenever we have problems,we never hesitate to offer support to each other.此句Whenever 引导让步状语从句.

解答 In life we can hardly do without friends.There are many difficulties and problems we can't overcome with only our own efforts.Besides,we need friends to share our joys and sorrows,otherwise we would feel lonely(高分句型一)(在生活中,朋友不可或缺)
What is true friendship?A good friend is someone who respects you and who you respect.As the saying goes,"A friend in need is a friend indeed."True friends are those who never desert you when you are in need.On the contrary,they will offer you sincere and selfless help even at the cost of their own interests.Moreover,they will encourage you to stick to what is right and tell us not to do what is wrong or illegal.(高分句型二)(何为真正的友谊)
In my opinion,true friendship is largely based on supporting each other.Whenever we have problems,we never hesitate to offer support to each other.(高分句型三)Besides,we are supposed to help and trust each other.In conclusion,true friendship will stand the test of time.(作者对待友谊的看法)

点评 英语写作是一项主观性较强的测试题.它不仅考查学生的写作基础而且还考查学生在写作过程中综合运用语言的能力.在撰写时要注意主谓语一致,时态呼应,用词贴切等.要提高英语写作水平,需要两方面的训练:一是语言基础方面的训练,要有扎实 的造句、翻译等基本功,即用词法、句法等知识造出正确无误的句子;二是写作知识和能力 方面的训练以掌握写作方面的基本方法和技巧.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

17.He continued to speak ill of me in public,without considering my feelings on the matter.
He continued to speak ill of me in public,regardless of my feelings on the matter.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

18.My first full-time job after high school was selling vacation packages via the telephone for a well-known company.One day,I was put through to a man who sounded a bit out of breath.I started with my normal pitch (音高),expecting to hear the normal reply-"I don't want any."
Instead,he spoke in a faint,weak voice and told me how he wished to take a vacation I was offering,but he couldn't because he was dying of illness.He explained how he was lacking in oxygen then,and it took almost all his energy to answer the call.He asked if I smoked,which I did,and begged me to stop.He told me smoking was what was killing him.He told me to spend every day with my loved ones,and tell them how much I love them.A this point,I couldn't control myself.We ended the call,but I hel on my phone to prevent another call coming in so I could collect myself.
I wrote down his name and address,and sent him a card appreciating his advice and praying for him and his family.Shortly after,I received a letter from Frank,along with a picture of him and his wife.We continued to write back and forth over the next few months,and became very fond of each other.He was old enough to be my grandfather,and in many ways,I felt as if he was.
About a year later I received a letter from his wife.When I started to read,tears came to my eyes.She told me how Frank's battle with the disease had finally come to an end,and he passed away shortly before the Christmas.She wanted to thank me for the letters to Frank,and explained how Frank touched many lives over the years.At his funeral,to show just that,they read the 1st letter I had written to Frank to show how he affected a 19-year-old he'd never met.

48. The author was then probably working forA.
A.a travel agency
B.a cigaette company
C.an e-shopping store
D.a vacation school
49.The underlined part"collect myself"in the second paragraph probably means"D".
A.gather togetherB.comfort myself
C.relax myselfD.calm down
50. What can we infer from the text?C
A.Frank was in hospital while answering the phone.
B.Frank is actually the author's grandfather.
C.There was something wrong with Frank's lung.
D.The author asked Frank to travel and he took his advice.
51. We can learn from the text that the authorD.
A.took down Frank's name and address to visit him in person
B.as warmly welcomed by her customers when she called them
C.didn't stop smoking even though Frank asked him to
D.kept in touch with Frank through letters until he died
52.At Frank's funeral the author's 1st letter to Frank was read in order toB.
A.encourage people to fight against disease and live bravely
B.indicate that Frank touched many people's hearts
C.show the good relationship etween Frank and the author
D.praise Frank and give thanks to the author.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

15.Three minutes earlier,        they could have escaped such a disaster.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

2.There are many taxi drivers in our city.They often like to chat with passengers to kill time when the taxis are (61)caught(catch) in traffic jams.The other day,I went home by taxi.Knowing I was a student,the driver told me that he was once a student twenty years ago.(62)Unfortunately,his family could not afford the school fees,so he dropped out of school at (63)anearly age.He encouraged me (64)to work(work) hard and go to a good college.I was moved by his kindness,but what really impressed me next (65)washis honesty.After arriving home,I soon realized that I (66)left(leave) my cell phone in the taxi.Greatly worried,I immediately called my number,(67)praying(pray) the driver would answer.Then came the driver's voice from the other end.He told me he had been (68)expecting(expect) my call and that he would gladly return my phone where he dropped me off (69)earlier(early) that day.Thanks to the driver,I got my phone back.I believe honesty is one of the greatest (70)qualities(quality) a person should have.Thank you ever so much,Mr.Taxi driver.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

12.Which comes first,happiness or money?Are richer people happier?And if so,how do people get much richer?A recent study could tell you the answer.
The study looked into thousands of teenagers and found that those who felt better about life as young adults tended to have higher incomes by the time they turned 29.Those who were happiest earned an average of $8,000 more than those who were the most depressed.
The researchers,from University College London and the University of Warwick,say that very gloomy teens,no matter how tall or smart they were,earned 10% less than their peers,while the happier ones earned up to 30% more.
Happier teenagers have an easier time getting through school,college and the job interview,chiefly because they always feel better about life.It may also be true that happier people find it easier to make friends,who are often the key to homework help or networking.
A report in June suggested that professional respect was more important than dollars in terms of workplace happiness.In August scientists announced that they had found the gene for happiness in women,Alas (the same gene doesn't appear to have the same effect on men).And in October researchers in the UK and in the US announced that people who eat seven portions of fruit and vegetables a day report being the happiest.
The big question is:if it is really true that happier kids end up being wealthier kids,is it necessary for parents to get their kids to do the homework?The fact is that no homework will make kids happy but surely hurt their grades.Studies do show,after all,that more education leads to betterpaid jobs,which may give us a deep thought.
"These findings show that the teenagers'happiness is important to their future success,"one of the report's authors writes."But what is the most important is that we should find a way to help children gain more satisfaction from doing schoolwork."

28.What conclusion can the researchers draw from the recent study?A
   A.Happy teenagers grow up to be wealthier.
   B.Money can make people become happier.
   C.Wealth has nothing to do with happiness at all.
   D.Schoolwork can help teens achieve success.
29.The main reason why happier people have more chances to succeed is thatC.
   A.they are easy to communicate with others
   B.they are good at doing their schoolwork
   C.they are hopeful and optimistic about their life
   D.they eat much more fruit and vegetables a day
30.The underlined word"gloomy"in Paragraph 3 probably means"A".
   A.upset            B.glorious              C.happy             D.wealthy
31.What can be the best title for the text?D
   A.The way to educate kids.           B.The source of happiness.
   C.How to achieve your goal            D.The secret of being wealthier.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

19.Low-Cost Gifts for Mother's Day
Gift No.I
Offer to be your mother's health friend.Promise to be there for any and all doctor's visits whether a disease or a regular medical check-up.Most mothers always say"no need,"another set of eyes and ears is always a good idea at a doctor's visit.The best part?This one is free.
Gift No.2
Help your mother organize all of her medical records,which include the test results and medical information.Put them all in one place.Be sure to make a list of all of her medicines and what times she takes them."Having all this information in one place could end up saving your mother's life,"Dr.Marie Savard said.
Gift No.3
Enough sleep is connected to general health conditions."Buy your mother cotton sheets and comfortable pillows to encourage better sleep,"Savard said."We know that good sleep is very important to our health."
Gift No.4
Some gift companies such as Presents for Purpose allow you to pay it forward this Mother's Day by picking gifts in which 10 percent of the price you pay goes to a charity (慈善机构) Gift givers can choose from a wide variety of useful but inexpensive things-many of which are"green"-and then choose a meaningful charity from a list.When your mother gets the gift,she will be told that she has helped the chosen charity.

33.What are you advised to do for your mother at doctor's visits?B
A.Take notes.  B.Be with her.  C.Buy medicine.  D.Give her gifts.
34.Where can you find a gift idea to improve your mother's sleep?C
A.In Gift No.1.  B.In Gift No.2.  C.In Gift No.3.  D.In Gift No.4.
35.Buying gifts from Presents for Purpose allows mothers toD
A.enjoy good sleep                 B.be well-organized
C.get extra support                D.give others help.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:信息匹配

16.When you ask people how to make friends as an adult,they usually give you suggestions like,"just get out there,""join a dance class,"or,"try speed dating."(36)AAfter all,making friends does require us to get out into the world and take a few emotional risks.Most of the time,however,we are not lacking for ideas on where to meet people.(37)EFor this reason,most people find that reconnecting with themselves is a first step towards reconnecting with others.
If you feel tired,out of shape,or sad,most of the time,making friends is going to be extremely difficult.(38)GStart small.Use the l-minute technique to gradually increase your commitment to exercise.Get out into nature.Set a timer to remind yourself to get up every hour to stretch.Try gentle yoga.
While you build up your body,don't forget to nourish your mind.Write down one thing every day that you are grateful for.(39)B Learn to become your own best friend.
(40)FInstead of relying on our social circumstances to bring people into our lives,we
need to change ourselves first and then invite people into our lives.

A.On the surface,these are fine suggestions.
B.Spend a few minutes every day in reflection.
C.It will be even more difficult when you are an adult.
D.We only need to know how to start a conversation with strangers.
E.We are missing the motivation and self-confidence to get started.
F.Making friends as an adult is possible,but it requires a new approach.
G.Fortunately,there are plenty of simple things that you can do to increase your physical and emotional resources.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

17.Study Links Video Game Use to Problems in School
A new study warns that too much time spent playing computer  games could affect  a Child'S  Performance at school.(36)G They show that too many hours spent playing games   can  reduce students  chances of success in school
More than 600teenagers between the ages of 14and 16took  part inthe researchproject.(37)D It is said to be the first ever long-term   sduty in  Northerm Ireland  on  of information technology on school test results.
The study found that teenagers who played computer games less than once a week were more successful in school than those who played them twice a day or more.41% of the students who used gaming devices two or more times a day received passing grades on school exams.(38)E.
The study found that social media use did not affect school performance.
Celine McStravick is the director of the National Children's Bureau Northern Ireland.She says the study showed no connection between social media and test results."(39)C一 I think that's more because social media is part of every child's life.It's the way they communicate.It's the way they keep in touch with their friends."
Many parents say their children are becoming increasingly dependent on computer games.Some have compared gaming to a drug addiction.(40)AIt suggested that computer games can cause children to stay awake late at night.Less sleep makes children tired nd unable to pay attention in school the next day.
A.However,the study did not explore addiction.
B.The new games are much different from older ones.
C.It was clear that social media didn't have any effect.
D.It took place over a period of three years from 2013to 2015.
E.That compared with 77% of those who rarely played the games.
F.Drug addiction does great harm to their health and performance at school.
G.Britain's National Children's Bureau Northern Ireland reported the results of the study.

