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  Flying over a desert in an airplane, two scientists looked down with trained eyes at trees and bushes.After an hour's flight one of the scientists wrote in his notebook,“Look here for probable metal.”Walking across hilly ground, four scientists reported,“This ground should be searched for metals.”From an airplane over a hilly wasteland a scientist sent back by radio one word“Uranium”.

  None of the scientists had X-ray eyes:they had no magic powers for looking down below the earth's surface.They were merely putting to use one of the newest methods of locating minerals in the ground-using trees and plants as signs that certain minerals may lie under the ground on which the trees and plants are growing.

  This newest method of searching for minerals is based on the fact that minerals deep in the earth may affect the kind of bushes and trees that grow on the surface.

  At Watson Bar Creek, a mineral search group gathered bags of tree seeds.Boxes were filled with small branches from the trees.Roots were dug and put into boxes.Each bag and box was carefully marked.In a scientific laboratory the parts of the forest trees were burned to ashes and tested.Each small part was examined to learn whether there were minerals in it.

  Study of the roots, branches and seeds showed no silver.But there were small amount of gold in the roots and a little less gold in the branches and seeds.The seeds growing nearest to the tree trunk had more gold than those growing on the ends of the branches.

  If the trees indicated that there was no gold in the ground, the scientists wouldn't spare money to pay for digging into the ground.


Scientists were flying over a desert or a hilly wasteland or a mountain region to ________.

[  ]


train their eyes


study the trees


look for gold


search for minerals


The study of trees, branches and roots indicated that __________.

[  ]


there were larger amounts of gold in the branches far from the tree trunk than in the seeds


there were smaller amounts of gold in the tree roots deep in the ground than in the branches


there were larger amounts of gold in the seeds growing closer to the tree trunk than in the seeds farther from it


there were larger amounts of gold in the branches than in the leaves on the ends of the branches


Which of the following is NOT mentioned as part of a tree that can help the searchers?

[  ]










Which of the following might be the best title for this passage?

[  ]


Scientists searching for treasure with special equipment.


New methods of doing geological study.


Gold could be found in trees and plants.


A new method of searching for minerals.



推理判断题。科学家的最终目的是寻找地下矿物,而且文章中提到的metal, gold, silver, uranium都属于minerals的范畴,故选D。


推理判断题。答此题的关键在于理解文章第五段最后一句话The seeds growing nearest to the tree trunk had more gold than those growing on the ends of the branches,这句话指出,长得离树干最近的种子比长在树枝末端的种子的含金量高,故可推断出,种子离树干越近,含金量就越高,因此选C。






科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:053


  It was the middle of April of 1975A large number of birds were flying northward Thousands of ducks led the way as they usually do

  But things were different that yearThe north winds were very strong Heavy snowstorms came quite late in the springThe birds badly needed a place to get out of the storms and to rest during their long flights Thousands of ducks found a place to rest in Nebraska

  At that time a terrible disease that kills birds broke out in NebraskaDucks were dying in great numbersHawks that lived nearby were spreading (传播) the disease to the water birds that landed on the small lakes

  The wildlife workers (野生动物保护工作者)were not able to stop the terrible diseaseAs they worried over the dying birds, they suddenly thought of something even worse In a few days the whoopers (美洲鹤), one of the most beautiful birds, were going to fly across the state

  What would happen if even one of the forty-nine remaining whoopers was to land near the sick birds? If a whoopers got the disease, it could spread to all the rest

  A bad snowstorm blew over Nebraska as the first whoopers fought their way across the state They were forced down by the storm And they landed right in the middle of one of the places where the disease was spreading A farmer was the first to see the nine whoopers on the lakeThe wildlife workers quickly prepared to save the whoopers They worked for long hours trying to frighten the birds away to a safe placeThey fired guns, but the whoopers refused to move

  At last it stopped snowing! With a small plane the workers were able to drive all but two of the whoopers to a safe place

  All night long the workers stayed in the cold as they watched over the whoopersSuddenly, as day began to break, the last two whoopers took off They were driven by the airplane to a safe place

  Slowly the winds became less strong The nine whoopers flew off to the north The wildlife workers were tired but happy

1What was the unusual thing that happened in Nebraska in 1975? ______

[  ]

ADucks led the way as a large number of birds flew north

BDucks couldn’t find a place to rest in Nebraska

CA terrible disease that kills birds broke out

DHeavy snowstorms came early in the spring

2What made things even worse was that ______

[  ]

Ahawks got the disease and spread it to the water birds

Bthe whoopers flying by would be in danger of catching the disease

Cthousands of ducks died

Dthe wildlife workers were not able to stop the disease

3the wildlife workers did all the following things to save the whoopers EXCEPT ________

[  ]

Afiring guns to get the whoopers away from the sick birds

Bwatching over the whoopers the whole night

Cusing a small plane to drive the whoopers to safety

Dgathering the sick and dead birds with a small plane

4In the end , the nine whoopers flew off to the north when ______

[  ]

Athe night was over    Bit stopped snowing

Cthere was less wind   Dthe winds stopped

5Which of the following is NOT TRUE ?______

[  ]

AThe wildlife workers were happy because they had done their best to protect the whoopers

BThe wildlife workers acted quickly when they were needed to save the whoopers

CThe whooper is a bird which is not commonly found

DThe whoopers always land on the lakes in Nebraska when flying north


科目:高中英语 来源:学习高手必修四英语人教版 人教版 题型:050


A Giant Leap for China

  A few days ago, he was just Colonel(上校)Yang; few people knew his name or recognized his face.But last Thursday, when he came back to the earth after a 21-hour trip to space, Yang Liwei’s smile was seen across the world above the magic words:“China’s first spaceman”.

  The 38-year-old astronaut was sent into space at 9 a. m.Last Wednesday by China’s Shenzhou Ⅴ spacecraft, which orbited the earth 14 times.He landed safely at 6∶23 a. m.The next day, making China the third country successfully send a person into space, after the former Soviet Union and the US.

  Yang was satisfied with his job.“I have seen many landing scenes before on video, and I think ours was one of the most successful, ”He said on a special plane to Beijing after landing.Born into an ordinary family in Liaoning Province, he became a pilot in the Chinese Air Force in 1987, spending 1350 hours in the air.He joined the Chinese space programme 11 years later.

  While in space, Yang recorded everything he saw as well as showing China’s national flag and the United Nations’ flag to the people watching on TV at home.He also ate a meal of diced chicken and fried rice, before taking a 3-hour nap.The whole project went according to plan, but space exploration is not as easy as it seems.

  Anyone who saw the destruction of the US space shuttle Columbia in February this year will know that Yang took a great risk.

  He experienced extremely high temperatures, while the gravitation(重力)on take-off and landing were strong enough to force tears from his eyes.

  He has spent five years training to become a spaceman.

  “I eat all of my meals at the space programme’s dinning room and have never been able to take my son to kindergarten, ”he said.“I’ve never met his teachers.”

  But becoming China’s first spaceman has made all the effort worthwhile.

  “When I boarded the spacecraft for the first time, I couldn’t help feeling excited,” he said.“I decided that I had to fly it.”

  To Chinese people, Yang is now a hero.One visitor to a Xinhua news agency online forum(网上论坛)said, “Yang’s trip is a giant leap forward for China.”

  Officials say the next Shenzhou will be launched by 2005.China also plans to develop spacewalking and a space lab.


What is the main idea of the story?

[  ]


China’s first manned flight.


A hero with great courage.


The first Chinese man in space.


How Yang Liwei became China’s first spaceman.


How long did each of Yang’s orbits take on average?

[  ]


1 hour.


1.5 hours.


6 hours.


The story didn’t mention it.


Why did the writer mention the gravitation forces on take-off and landing?

[  ]


Because it was the most dangerous part of the space flight.


Because it was a very special experience.


To stress how much training he had to do to prepare for the flight.


To show that Yang is brave.


Why did the writer use “giant leap” in the title?

[  ]


Because the space flight marked China’s great progress in the field of space exploration.


Because Neil Armstrong said it was a “giant leap” for mankind when he first set foot on the moon.


Because the space flight was a huge success.


Both A and B.


This passage is most likely to appear in __________.

[  ]






science magazines




科目:高中英语 来源:湖北华中师大一附中2006-2007学年度第一学期期中检测高三英语 题型:050


  A HOLIDAY jet pilot said that he would land and call the police after a woman refused to stop smoking.

  He warned Maureen ,“Put that cigarette out, or I’ll land the plane and have you arrested.”

  Maureen, 47, was so shocked she wrote to the airline’s chairman.But his reply was even ruder.

  “You seem to think you have a God-given right to pollute your neighbors’ atmosphere,” wrote John Ferriday of Paramount Airways.

  (a)Said Maureen,“I only found out about it when I was checking in.I’m a nervous flyer so I lit a cigarette during the flight.A stewardess asked me to put it out, but I said I wanted to carry on as there was no rule against smoking on the plane.”She was just finishing her cigarette when the pilot arrived.

  (b) I have never seen such an unpleasant letter.She said,“I don’t think I’ll ever fly again.” But there was a funny side.Maureen explained,“We were offered duty-free cigarette from the stewardess on the plane!”

  (c) Mr.Ferriday went on;“Believe me, you haven’t.Especially when you travel on my planes.”

  (d)“He was loud and rude,” said Maureen.“He said if I lit another cigarette he would land the plane at Bordeaux and hand me to the French police.”

  Maureen and her husband Michael were moved to Paramount flight just before they left Portugal.But they were not told of the company’ s no smoking policy.

  Later, from her home in Birmingham, Maureen wrote to the company and received the rude reply.


The second half of the story has been in wrong order.(Parts a-d) Choose the rearranged order which you think is right.

[  ]


a, c, b, d


c, a, b, d


c, a, d, b


d, a, b, c


What was Maureen warned to do by the pilot?

[  ]


The pilot said that she must throw her cigarette out of the plane, or he would get her off the plane.


The pilot said she must stop smoking immediately; otherwise he would bring down the jet and hand her to the police.


The pilot said that she couldn’t lit another cigarette after her first one.


The pilot said that he would get her arrested by the police if she kept on smoking.


In the answer letter to Maureen, the airline’s chairman ________.

[  ]


made an apology to her for his worker’s rudeness


made sure that he would solve the problem


said that she had the right to smoke on his plane because the right is given by God to everyone.


actually completely agreed with what the pilot said


From the story we can see that the writer probably takes the side of ________.

[  ]


the pilot


the airline’s chairman


the stewardess




科目:高中英语 来源:山西省四校2010届高三下学期第四次联考英语试题 题型:050


  If you are looking for a summer camp job opportunity, the following are some summer camp jobs available for 2010 summer.


  Male 21+.Teach fishing and fly-fishing(用假蝇钓鱼)techniques.Live with 6-8 campers, teach basic outdoor skills, lead backpacking trips and assist with canoe trips.


  Roaring Brook Camp for Boys

  480 Roaring Brook Road

  Bradford, Vermont 05033, USA

  Contact:Dr.Candice Raines at(800)802-747-0282

  2.Athletic Trainer

  International Sports Training Camp is a specialized sports camp located on a private 100-acre lake in the scenic Pocono Mountains of Northeastern Pennsylvania.We are famous for our outstanding facilities, innovative(创新的)programs and friendly staff.We are looking for both students and certified athletic trainers.


  International Sports Training Camp.

  1100 Twin Lake Road

  Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania 18360, USA

  Contact:Kara Klaus at(570)6202267

  3.Head Cook

  Manage kitchen staff of 4, order food and prepare meals and snacks for 50-60 campers and staff daily during sessions and training periods.

  Salary:$3, 000.00-$4,000.00

  Burgundy Center for Wildlife Studies

  HC 83, Box 38DD

  Capon Bridge, West Virginia 26711, USA

  Contact:Vini Schoene at(540)465-1516

  4.Drama Department Head

  Camp Airy(for boys)is seeking an experienced individual with a theater background and experience in directing children’s productions.Supervise counselor staff and direct two major productions in our 600-seat Outdoor Theatre.Our summer season runs from June 17 to August 18.Be sure to visit our outstanding website at www.airylouise.org.

  Salary:Depends on Experience.

  Camp Airy & Camp Louise

  14938 Old Camp Airy Road

  Thurmont, Maryland 21788, USA

  Contact:Steve Goldklang at(410)466-9010


Who would be most interested in the passage?

[  ]


College teachers.


Online bloggers.




Job seekers.


Mr.Smith is good at fishing and he plans to spend the summer doing what he loves and earn some money.Which number should he dial?

[  ]










Which of the following statements about Athletic Trainer is TRUE?

[  ]


College graduates are preferred.


Only professional athletes can apply.


This position offers a monthly salary of $3,500.


Applicants can get in touch with Kara Klaus.


Which of the following organizations offers a salary depending on experience?

[  ]


Camp Airy & Camp Louise.


International Sports Training Camp.


Roaring Brook Camp for Boys.


Burgundy Center for Wildlife Studies.


科目:高中英语 来源:江西省南昌市铁路一中2011届高三12月月考英语试题 题型:050


  For several days I saw little of Mr.Rochester.In the morning he seemed much occupied with business, and in the afternoon gentlemen from the neighbourhood called and sometimes stayed to dine with him.When his foot was well enough, he rode out a great deal.

  During this time, all my knowledge of him was limited to occasional meetings about the house, when he would sometimes pass me coldly, and sometimes bow and smile.His changes of manner did not offend me, because I saw that I had nothing to do with the cause of them.

  One evening, several days later, I was invited to talk to Mr.Rochester after dinner.As I was looking at him, he suddenly turned, and asked me,“Do you think I'm handsome, Miss Eyre?”

  The answer somehow slipped from my tongue before I realized it:“No, sir.”

  “Ah, you really are unusual!You are a quiet, serious little person, but you can be almost rude.”

  “Sir, I'm sorry.I should have said that beauty doesn't matter, or something like that.”

  “No, you shouldn't!I see, you criticize my appearance, and then you stab me in the back!You have honesty and feeling.There are not many girls like you.But perhaps I go too fast.Perhaps you have awful faults to counterbalance your few good points.”

  I thought to myself that he might have too.He seemed to read my mind, and said quickly,“Yes, you're right.I have plenty of faults.I went the wrong way when I was twenty-one, and have never found the right path again.I might have been very different.I might have been as good as you, and perhaps wiser.I am not a bad man, take my word for it, but I have done wrong.It wasn't my character, but circumstances which were to blame.Why do I tell you all this?Because you're the sort of person people tell their problems and secrets to, because you're sympathetic and give them hope.”

  “Don't be afraid of me, Miss Eyre.”He continued.“You don't relax or laugh very much, perhaps because of the effect Lowood school has had on you.But in time you will be more natural with me, and laugh, and speak freely.You're like a bird in cage.When you get out of the cage, you'll fly very high.Good night.”


At the beginning Miss Eyre's impressions of Mr.Rochester were all except ________.

[  ]










Why did Mr.Rochester say“…and then you stab me in the back!”(the seventh paragraph)?

[  ]


Because Jane had intended to kill him with a knife.


Because Jane had intended to be more critical.


Because Jane had regretted having talked to him.


Because Jane had said something else to correct herself.


From what Mr.Rochester told Miss Eyre, we can conclude that he wanted to ________.

[  ]


tell her all his troubles


tell her his life experience


change her opinion of him


change his circumstances


At the end of the passage, Mr.Rochester sounded ________.

[  ]









