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7.I got tired of living the life that everybody told me I"should"be living,so one day I decided to start living life in my own ways.Frustrated(挫败)with my job,I came home,put on my shoes,and just started running.It felt so good to be free.That first day I ended up running 30 miles without stopping.Yes,I had rediscovered my old passion ( 酷爱的事物)-and it felt so good that I set a goal to support myself and my family from my running alone.
I trained hard every day.Since I wanted to be the best I could be,I knew I would have to set some clear goals for myself.A couple of my goals were:run a 135-mile ultra-marathon(超级马拉松) across Death Valley,win the Badwater Ultra-Marathon,and run a marathon to the South Pole.
I had no idea how I was going to achieve these goals,but they certainly encouraged me to work hard.Today,I am really grateful to say that I have achieved all of them.Shortly after completing these goals,I set another goal:to run fifty marathons,in fifty states,in fifty days.Nobody had done anything like this before.To be honest,I was not quite sure if I could.But there was only one way to find out…so I just started training and preparing to give it my best try.
I completed that goal one year ago,and it felt great!But for me,life is not all about achieving goals.Sure,it feels good to succeed,but the greatest reward for me was learning more about myself and what I was able to do.
Only by stepping out into the unknown and stretching(使倾注全力) ourselves can we really discover what our true potential(潜能) is.

56.Which played an important role in the author's success?A
   A.Setting goals                B.Learning from others.
   C.Being honest                 D.Keeping on reading.
57.According to Paragraph 3,before achieving the goals the author feltB
   A.very grateful                B.not quite confident
   C.quite afraid                 D.not very satisfied
58.What does the underlined part"that goal"in Paragraph 4 refer to?C
   A.Win the Badwater Ultra-Marathon.
   B.Run a marathon to the South Pole.
   C.Run fifty marathons,in fifty states,in fifty days.
   D.Run a 135-mile ultra-marathon across Death Valley.
59.The author probably agrees thatD.
   A.life means achieving goals
   B.success is the greatest reward
   C.sports help develop our potential
   D.everyone may have great potential.

分析 本文主要讲述作者在生活中给自己树立了一个又一个的目标,然后朝着这些目标努力,发挥出自己的潜能.目的在于建议我们也给自己树立人生发展的目标.

56.A 推理题.根据文章第二段Since I wanted to be the best I could be,I knew I would have to set some clear goals for myself.可知在我的成功中,目标是很重要的一环,正是因为设立了目标,所以我们才会向着自己的目标努力,最后才会完成目标.故A正确.
57..B 细节题.根据文章第三段倒数第2行To be honest,I was not quite sure if I could.可知我也不确定自己是否会成功,故B正确.
58.C 推理题.这里的that goal 是承接第三段中的树立的I set another goal:to run fifty marathons,in fifty states,in fifty days.这个目标,我在一年之前就已经完成了.故C正确.
59.D 推理题.根据文章最后一段Only by stepping out into the unknown and stretching(使倾注全力) ourselves can we really discover what our true potential(潜能) is.可知当我们全力以赴的时候,我们就能发挥出我们全部的潜能.故D项表述是正确的.

点评 阅读理解题测试考生在阅读基础上的逻辑推理能力,要求考生根据文章所述事件的逻辑关系,对未说明的趋势或结局作出合理的推断;或根据作者所阐述的观点理论,对文章未涉及的现象、事例给以解释.考生首先要仔细阅读短文,完整了解信息,准确把握作者观点.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

17.The sky was completely dark,the house was creaking(吱吱响),and I still had four hours until my parents got home.Locked in my parents'room,I turned on the TV at full volume so I wouldn't hear the creaking house.
I barely heard the phone ring.I picked it up and said,"Hello…hello..?"but there was no response.I knew someone was on the other end.Finally,I hung up.A few minutes later,the phone rang again; still no one was there.I became more frightened as time passed; the same person called five more times.
At this point I didn't bother picking up,but the ringing continued.To get my mind off this caller,I called my friend.She told me not to worry and to turn the phone off.As we talked,I heard someone pull into the driveway.When I peeked out (探出) of the window,I saw an unfamiliar car.
Thirty minutes passed and the car was still in my driveway.It drove up and down the driveway.My friend told me to call the police,but I refused.
Soon the phone calls started again.I heard noises in the background,but I couldn't tell what they were.I really didn't want that person to get out of the car and start toward the house.If they did,I didn't know what I'd do.None of the doors were locked,and I would have no way of protecting myself.The only thing I could do was hide,which wasn't a very good plan.
At this point I was considering calling the police,but my friend offered to drive by."Maybe if they see me pull in,they will leave,"she suggested.By the time she arrived,the car had left.The phone rang again and I picked up,thinking it might be my friend.Someone on the other end said,"Bye-bye."
31.When the author stayed at home alone that night,he must feelB.
A.lonely      B.scared      C.bored            D.surprised
32.Which of the following statements is not true in this passage?C
A.The author's friend offered to drive by.
B.The author saw an unfamiliar car.
C.Not every door was locked when the author stayed at his house.
D.The author received several calls but no reply.
33.From this story,we can learn that the author's friendD.
A.was frightened as well
B.was not easy to get rid of
C.called the police herself
D.was brave and ready to help
34.From the last paragraph,the person on the phone which rang several times that night was most likely toA.
A.play a trick on the author
B.have something important to inform the author
C.say goodbye to him
D.ask the author out on a date
35.Which would be the best title for the passage?C
A.The importance of being independent.
B.Not to stay at home alone.
C.The experience of staying at home alone.
D.The importance of having a best friend.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

18.The wet weather will continue tomorrow when a cold front _____ to arrive.(  )
A.expectsB.is expecting
C.is expectedD.will be expected


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

15.I don't like the pattern of the trousers.____,the color doesn't suit me.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

2.Why do I volunteer with Big brothers/Big sisters of America?I have many reasons.Perhaps the biggest reason is that people once volunteered to help me.
Years ago,I was on the other side of the table.I was lonely and I felt lost.It's a little embarrassing to talk about it now,but whatever the right direction in life was,I was going the opposite way.More than once,I found myself on the wrong path.If someone hadn't stepped in when he did,I probably wouldn't even be here now.I'd rather be in a prison or somewhere a lot smaller and deeper.
I've seen the work that big brothers/sisters have been doing all over the country and I'm pleased to be part of it.I've never done anything that made me prouder than my volunteer work.Big brothers and sisters helped me get over sadness and depression as soon as possible.Then,if I can help anyone like they helped me,I am willing to serve for as long as they will have me serve them.There are no words to describe the joy I get from helping somebody turn their life around.Every time I think that that's me now,I'm proud and happy.
Volunteering is how I want to leave my mark on the world.I recommend volunteering work to everybody,especially to somebody who isn't sure where they are going in life.Helping someone find their path is often the best way to find yours.Be a volunteer,and you will find your purpose in life.
61.What's the main reason why the writer volunteers?D
A.He has a lot of free time.
B.He is lonely and wants to be with others.
C.He wants others to know he is a good man.
D.He is grateful for what volunteers once did for him.
62.It is implied in Paragraph3 that the writerB.
A.is eager to help others
B.often feels sad and depressed
C.hopes he will be helped at any time
D.travels around the country to help others
63.We can infer from the passage that the writer probablyB.
A.spent some days in prison
B.didn't know his purpose in life
C.is dissatisfied with his life
D.doesn't live a meaningful life
64.What is the writer's purpose in writing this passage?D
A.To share his past with us.
B.to ask for some volunteer work.
C.To encourage us to enjoy our life.
D.To call on us to do volunteer work.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

12.The actor still remembers the excitement in his class when a female classmate _____ for a key role in a Zhang Yimou film.(  )
A.is chosenB.was chosenC.choosesD.chose


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

19._______ it with me.I bet,I will do it well.(  )
A.LeaveB.LeavingC.If you leaveD.When left


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

16.It is not a good idea to interrupt the actor Richard Griffiths in the middle of a play.During the past year he has stopped performances at the National Theatre when mobile phones have gone off,and he threw one member of the audience out of a West End play for failing to switch off his phone.
So when a mobile rang out for the third time during his performance as Hector,a teacher,in Alan Bennett's The History Boys at the Broadhurst Theatre in New York,he spoke angrily:"I am not going to compete with these electronic devices".
Griffiths'actions led a debate in the UK theatre world over whether phones should be forbidden by law from British theatres,too.Actors are already asking the government to legalise (使合法化) the use of electronic screening (屏蔽) devices to block mobile phone signals from theatres.
Technology companies market"blocking"devices that send out a high-powered signal on the same frequency (频率) as a mobile phone,occupying all the available spectrums (频谱).
But these are forbidden in many countries because they might prevent emergency calls from being made.
Rosemary Squire,president of the Society of West End Theatre and co-founder of the Ambassador Theatre Group,which operates 12West End theatres,said,"Phones are one of the biggest operational problems theatres face.We should look for equipment that could block phones or make a London-wide theatre rule."
Nick Allott,the managing director of Sir Cameron Mackintosh's theatre group,said,"We would all welcome some ways of preventing ringing phones,but doctors and emergency workers need to be paged in a theatre and we mustn't prevent that."

47.The first two paragraphs are written toC.
A.tell us why Griffiths was angry
B.blame Griffiths for his bad behavior
C.introduce the topic the passage will talk about
D.advise us to turn off the mobile phones in public places
48.According to the passage,"blocking"devicesB.
A.have the same functions as mobile phones
B.prevent the mobile phones being used properly
C.cause the biggest problem theatres have to face
D.help make emergency calls
49.The underlined word"paged"in the last paragraph can be replaced byC.
50.What will probably be talked about following the last paragraph?C
A.Griffiths'next performance in theatres.
B.The ways to solve the problem the public places face.
C.The opinions the public have about the problem.
D.The damage mobile phones result in.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

17.The loudest public food fight right now is about GMOs (转基因生物),or genetically modified organisms.Scientists add genes to corn,soybeans,and other plants,usually to protect the crops from insects or herbicides.Proponents say that makes crops easier to grow and cheaper while opponents believe that GMOs have been linked to depression,allergies,infertility,and even cancer.Many consumers and food-safety inspectors worry that GMOs cause an unnatural threat to our health and the environment.
Although GMOs have been in our food supply for 20years,the controversy has moved to center stage.Recent documentaries and experts on The Doctor Oz Show have fanned the flames.About 75percent of consumers say they are concerned about the safety of genetically modified foods.Two states in the USA recently passed bills requiring labeling (标记) of all foods made with GMOs; many other states are considering mandatory labeling.The European Union (EU) already requires labeling,and several countries,including France,have banned the planting of genetically modified crops.So are GMOs safe-or should you avoid them at all costs?Here,a look at the evidence.
Roughly 90% of the corn,canola,soybeans,and sugar beets grown in the United States have bits of DNA that originally came from a lab.Unless you've been eating only foods labeled 100percent organic-which must be GMO-free-you probably have GMOs in your system now.
In a big red-flag-raising study,French researchers reported last year that rats developed huge tumors (瘤) after living on genetically modified corn for two years."Genetic engineering can have unintended consequences,"says Bill Freese,science policy analyst for the Center for Food Safety.Artificial genes force plants to produce unnatural proteins (蛋白质),he says,and no one knows how those may affect human health.
But scientists immediately criticized the French study.For one thing,the types of rats used in the study were highly prone (倾向于) to cancer,so it was predictable that some would develop tumors after eating GMOs,notes Nina Fedoroff,a professor of biology and life sciences at Penn State University.She adds,"We've eaten these foods for 20years and aren't walking around with giant tumors."
Hundreds of other studies have found no trouble with GMOs,says Ruth MacDonald,professor at Iowa State University.After looking at more than 130research projects,the EU concluded that there's nothing especially risky about them.
In September,the editors of Scientific American denounced the efforts to label GMO foods,stating that there's no proof that GMOs can endanger people's health.Adding genes to crops isn't any more dangerous than traditional breeding (繁殖),which farmers have done for thousands of years,the American Association for the Advancement of Science declared in 2012.Old methods of modifying crops mixed tens of thousands of genes with unpredictable results.The fact that scientists can now insert single genes into corn or soybeans shouldn't raise any new alarms,says Fedoroff.
There doesn't appear to be a scientific reason to ban GMO foods from your cupboard to protect your health.But it is healthy to limit your intake of the processed foods that often contain them.And don't assume that GMO-free packaged good is necessarily healthy.Organic cookies can still contain too much sugar or salt.
63.Which of the following have made the argument about GMOs fiercer?B
A.Some consumers and inspectors.
B.Some documentaries and experts.
C.Some newspapers and magazines.
D.Some scientists and administrators.
64.We can infer from the passage thatC.
A.some countries like France have suffered severely from GMOs
B.most crops grown in the United States are genetically modified
C.EU consumers can buy GMOS or GMO-free foods as they like
D.GMO-free foods can hardly be found in American markets now
65.The underlined word"denounced"in Paragraph 7means"A".
66.The author writes the passage for the purpose ofC.
A.appealing to people to reject GMO foods
B.proving GMO goods harmless for humans
C.sharing with people opinions about GMOs
D.throwing doubt on the results of researches.

