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6.Our math teacher is always ready to help us and asking for nothing _________.(  )
A.in turnB.in returnC.in caseD.in addition

分析 我们数学老师总是乐于帮助我们,不求回报.

解答 答案:B.根据句意,ask for nothing不要求任何东西,而in return为回报,ask for nothing in return不求回报,故选B.A.in turn轮流地,C.in case万一,假使,D.in addition另外,还有,均不合题意.

点评 本题考查介词短语的辨析,需要学生对介词短语的固定搭配多加记忆和区分,根据句意选择合适短语.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

16.Don't you just love ice skating every winter?I am sure that since winter is approaching,your skates are set to come out,just waiting to be used.Impress your friends with your new trick on how to ice-skate backwards with the help of these tips.
Stand straight
The first thing that you need to do is,stand straight.(36)G,if you feel that you are falling backwards.Don't worry; this happens to all.
Confidence is what you need
The most important step while learning how to skate backwards,is having enough confidence in yourself and in what you are doing.How can you achieve this?By practice.One of the important ice skating tips and techniques is that if you feel that you are losing your balance,then scissor(做剪式运动)your skates.(37)C.
Maintain speed
Try sculling(滑)with one skate while rolling in a straight line with the other.(38)A.Now bring the skate which you are using to scull,and then again,repeat the same process.Make sure that you put most of your weight on the skate which is moving straight and not the one with which you are sculling.
Now,try the same thing using the other foot.
Once you are confident that you can scull with either foot,the next thing that you have to do is increase your speed.Try some of your own tricks now.Scull with either foot or with both at the same time.
Scull and be aware
While you keep one foot straight,keep sculling with the other.You can do that with both feet at the same time.(40)F,but don't get so involved that you don't see where you are going.If you are not watching your back,you might just bang against something or someone.

A.That is,keep pushing yourself backwards with an outwards stroke(滑动)
B.While going backwards,just get used to the feeling of moving backwards
C.Keep practicing this till you are confident about it
D.Increase your speed now
E.One must be brave enough to learn to ice-skate backwards
F.Concentrate on what you are doing
G.Just put your chin up and slightly bend your knees.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

17.We've all seen them:perfectly toned famous people on late-night television telling us that we too can develop rock-hard abdominal muscles(腹肌).It's easy!Just pay﹩149.99 for the Torso Track or﹩149.75 for the Ad-Doer and watch those unwanted inches leave your waist.Americans spend tens of million of dollars on various products to firm up their fat around the waist.
And did they work?Not necessarily.Independent studies have concluded that most of these products-no matter who approved them or how expensive they are-shape your midsection no better than old-fashioned stomach crunches(仰卧起坐).Some can even cause injury-like the﹩518.99 Body Shaper-Q8SP,which left electrical burns on some researchers at the University of Wisconsin,La Crosse.Others,like the popular Ab-Doer,trpically burn less energy than a gentle walk,according to a study to be published in September by the American Council on Exercise.
The fact is that many Americans don't have the biological makeup to develop an obvious abdominal muscles.They are either unable to get the necessary muscle mass or they can't lose enough fat to make a difference.Even if the underlying muscles are well developed,and it takes to hide it is one-sixteenth of tan inch of fat.That's enough to dismiss most healthy women as well as plenty of guys who do crunches every day.
So what works best?In its new study,the exercise experts researched on the results of the popular Ab-Doer.A lengthy TV advertisement promises that just 10minutes a day performing such movements as"Body Boogies"and"Good Mornings"will"help form those muscles the fun and easy way without diets."Steven Loy,professor at California State University,Northridge,tested the promise by measuring the electrical activity produced by the abdominal muscles during three Ab-Doer movements.He and his colleagues then compared the results with those produced during traditional exercises.They determined that the muscles were no more active,and in some cases less so,when exercisers were using the Ab-Doer.
Taking a broader approach,researchers at San Diego State University compared 13abdominal exercises for their ability to develop the central abdominal muscles.They concluded,in a report published in May,that the most effective exercises kept turning the body and worked the muscles the entire time.Among the winners:the bicycle movements-so called because it looks as if you are riding a bike while lying flat on the floor-and exercises performed on the"Captain's Chair",a product typically found in gyms that helps hold the body in the air while you raise your legs up toward your chest.Researchers suggested that a varied routine of the different exercises could deliver the best results.

63.Which of the following is the most effective in building abdominal muscles?C
A.Torso Track.
C.Captain's Chair.
D.Body Shaper-Q8SP.
64.According to the author,it's difficult for many Americans to get visible firm abdominal muscles mainly becauseD.
A.they do not put in enough efforts
B.injuries interrupt their exercise frequently
C.they change their exercise routine regularly
D.how big their muscles will be is determined by birth
65.The author convinces the readers byC.
A.describing successful eases
B.offering professional connects
C.presenting findings of researches
D.comparing advertisements of products
66.What's the main purpose of this passage?B
A.To research and develop in order to create the perfect stomach and exercise machine.
B.To promote proven exercise techniques and to advise against false advertisements.
C.To indicate that diet and exercises are necessary factors for a fit midsection.
D.To sponsor rich healthy lifestyle based on advanced product research.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

14.Facebook is the world's biggest social networkingsite.People are being tricked into Facebook with the promise of a fun,freeservice without realizing they're paying for it by giving up loads of personal information.
Most Facebook users don't realize this is happening.Even if they know what the company is up to,they still have no idea what they're paying for Facebook because people don't really know what their personal data is worth.
The biggest problem,however,is that the company keeps changing the rules.Early you could keep everything private.That was the greatthing about Facebook-You could create your own little private network.Last year,the company changed its privacy rules so that many things-your city,your photo,your friends'names-were set,by default (默认),to be shared with everyone on the Internet.
According to Facebook's vice-president Elliot Schrage,the company is simply making changes to improve its service,and if people don't share information,they have a"less satisfying experience".
Some critics(批评家) think this is more about Facebook looking to make more money.In original business model,which involved selling ads and putting them in the side of the pages totally,who wants to look at ads when they're online connecting with their friends?
The privacy issue has already landed Facebook in hot water in Washington.In April,Senator Charles Schumer called on Facebook to change its privacy policy.He also urged(催促) the Federal Trade Commission to set guidelines for social networking sites."I think the senator rightly communicated that we had not been clear about what the new products were and how people could choose to use them or not to use them,"Schrage admits.
I suspect that whatever Facebook has done so far to invade our privacy,it's only the beginning,which is why I'm considering cancelling(取消)my account.Facebook is a handy site,but I'm upset by the idea that my information is in the hands of people I don't know.That's too high a price to pay.
28.What do we learn about Facebook from the first paragraph?D
A.It is a website that sends messages to users who want to get married
B.It earns money by putting on advertisements
C.It provides loads of personal information to its users
D.It makes money by selling its users'personal data
29.What does the author say about most Facebook users?D
A.They are unwilling to give up their personal information
B.They care very little about their personal information
C.They don't identify themselves when using the website
D.They don't know their personal data enriches Facebook
30.Why does Facebook make changes to its rules according to Elliot Schrage?B
A.To obey the Federal guidelines
B.To provide better service to its users
C.To improve its users'connection
D.To expand its business
31.Why does the author plan to cancel his Facebook account?A
A.He doesn't want his personal data badly used
B.He finds many of its users untrustworthy
C.He is dissatisfied with its present service
D.He is upset by its frequent rule changes.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

1.Most of the roads were covered with thick snow,________ made our journey more difficult.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

11.Not only        interested in basketball but         beginning to show an interest in it.(  )
A.the teacher himself is,all his students are
B.is the teacher himself,all his students are
C.the teacher himself is,are all his students
D.is the teacher himself,are all his students


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

18.The farmers werefirmly (坚定地) convinced that they were the rightful owners of the lands.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

15.Unluckily,all the people were buried alive,and the city was also buried alive.
Unluckily,all the people were buried alive,andsowas the city.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

16.________ arouses his interest can be found in the school library and that is why he goes there ________ happens.(  )
A.No matter what; whateverB.Whatever; no matter what
C.Anything; no matter whatD.Anything; whatever

