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Light for the City

  Edison and his assistants came to New York to set up an electric power system.They hoped it would provide enough electricity to light up a part of the great city.

  They brought several machines with them.These were called generators, which produced electricity power for lamps in Edison’s building.Soon there were lights for the building.Edison lived in a room facing the street and he often worked over night.The lights burned brightly and steadily and he often worked over night.People often came and stopped their horse-drawn carriage to look.Everyone knew that Thomas Edison was in town.First, the inventor and his assistants produced several large generators.A great deal of power would be needed to light up even a small part of the city.Then the workers were busy digging deep trenches in the hard earth below the city streets, and Edison had fourteen miles of wire laid into the trenches.The wire connected each building to a generator.

  Setting up an electric power system was not an easy job.It took a year and a half.In September, 1882, the job was finished.

  A small group of men stood around Edison inside the power house.The big moment came at last.The inventor, taking a deep breath, pulled a switch.The electric lights flashed up.

  “Very good! Very good!” a man nearby shouted to praise Edison for what he had done.

  “Sir,” said Edison, “this is only the beginning!” And Edison was right.Soon Edison's lamp were lighting up cities all over the world.


The generators they brought with them could produce as much as electricity as ________ needed.

[  ]


Edison’s building


a small part of the city


the whole city


the world


At that time carriages ________ by horse could be seen in the street.

[  ]










Trenches were dug to ________.

[  ]


set up generators


lay wires


built city streets


build a power house


It took a year and a half to ________.

[  ]


set up the electric system


produce several large generators


dig the deep trenches


lay fourteen miles of wire into the trench


Edison took a deep breath before pulling a switch, which showed that he was ________.

[  ]










科目:高中英语 来源:活题巧解巧练·高一英语(下) 题型:050


  Hong Kong pop star Zhang Guorong, 46, jumped out of a window of Mandarin Oriental Hotel at the start of April, 2003, leaving behind sorrowful fans and suicide (自杀)note which newspapers said was caused by emotional (情感的)problems. His death shocked the public and the incident again brought a serious topic to light—suicide.

  Zhang was best known globally for his part in the blockbuster film “Farewell My Concubine, ”where he played a homosexual (同性恋的)Chinese opera singer. The popular 1993 film won a lot of awards including the world-famous Palmed' Or at the Cannes Film Festival. However, such achievements could not make Zhang content with his life. It was reported that long before his death, Zhang had been suffering from depression (意志消沉). His tragedy shows we need to learn how to reduce the pressure from our society by happily and naturally facing life. Depression, a mental illness, and suicide have often been highlighted in the past as serious social problems—and for good reason.

  According to experts, about 5 to 10 percent of people are suffering from depression, some of whom are not even aware of the illness. And alarmingly, 10 to 15 percent of people suffering from depression will be likely to commit suicide.

  Statisticians (统计学家)also show suicide is the leading cause of death among young adults. It leads to 3. 6 percent of all deaths each year in China, a survey said. Last year, 287,000 Chinese died after committing suicide. The female rate is 25 percent higher than the male rate. For this reason, the media must highlight the negative (负面的)influence of Zhang's tragedy in its reporting. It is shameful to talk too much about his death. Although his achievements in the arts were great, his final choice cannot be praised, let alone calling his death a “perfect end” to a shining life.

  The media should guide people—especially Zhang's fans—to shake off their sorrow quickly, learn a lesson from their idol's tragedy, find a release from the pressure of their lives and value their priceless lives.

1.Why on earth did Zhang choose to kill himself in such a way?

[  ]

A.Because he was not as popular as he was before.

B.Because he was disappointed at his life.

C.Because he suffered from high pressure from his fans.

D.Because he dropped out of the hotel accidently.

2.What does the word “blockbuster” in the second paragraph probably mean?

[  ]

A.Most popular.

B.Very interesting.



3.From the passage we can know

[  ]

A.more men commit suicide than women in our country

B.suicide only takes a small part in the deaths of young adults

C.is not right for the media to report the “perfect end” of Zhang widely

D.people never content with their achievements and life will often commit suicide easily

70.Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

[  ]

A.It made little difference whether Zhang died or not among his fans.

B.It was something happening suddenly- that caused Zhang's suicide.

C.Not all the people who suffer from depression know their case clearly .

D.Zhang called on people to make a choice to value their lives.


科目:高中英语 来源:河北省正定中学2010届高三下学期第一次模拟英语试题 题型:阅读理解

第二部分 阅读理解(共25小题。第一节每小题2分,第二节每小题1分;满分45分)
If I were writing a history of my family, some of the darkest moments recorded would be those surrounding Christmas trees.One would certainly think otherwise; selecting and putting up our trees have always been filled with risk.For example, one afternoon dangerously close to Christmas Eve my mother bought what she thought to be a bargain, a glorious tree that was so full and tall that we could hardly get it onto the house.Once we did, my father immediately realized that we would have to hire a carpenter to build a stand for it.Another December, perhaps the very next one, we bought a tree earlier than we ever had before.We were happy with its shape and delighted that its size was manageable.We easily placed it in a stand, decorated(装饰)it from top to bottom, and then self-satisfiedly sat back by the fire in its soft light.Two or three days passed and the truth could not be hidden; we had bought a tree cut so long ago that its needles were coming off.There was nothing to do undecorated it, take it down, and begin treeshopping again.Our most recent Christmas tree offered still another difficult task.When we brought it home, once again it seemed larger than it had in the great outdoors.To complicate matters, we had bought a new stand, one whose nuts and bolts worked more mysteriously than those of our old stand.I persuaded two young neighbors to stop playing basketball and to help us get the tree into the house and set it correctly in the stand.Unfortunately, no one noticed the mud on our helpers’ shoes, so only after removing several reddish brown spots from the carpet were we able to discuss the question of where the lights and ornaments(装饰)were stored.Perhaps those who cut their own trees have tales more painful than these.I don’t care to hear them, as my family’s experiences are enough to cause me to make the following suggestion:“Let’s forget the tree next Christmas.Let’s simply hang some flowers on the front door and over the mirror in the hall.”
41.The darkest moments in the writer’s family were with the fact that________.
A.the family bought big Christmas trees
B.they had problems decorating their Christmas trees
C.they had problems picking suitable Christmas trees
D.they had problems finding carpenters for putting up Christmas trees.
42.We can learn from the passage that the writer would like to________.
A.forget about Christmas
B.get the neighbors to put up their trees
C.buy a better tree
D.make some other decorations to celebrate Christmas rather than the tree
43.When the writer said“mother bought what she thought to be a bargain”, he means________.
A.she bought the tree at a cheap price
B.she didn’t really want to buy it
C.she had to bargain hard with the salesman
D.she couldn’t afford a more expensive one
44.Which of the following can be the best for the passage?
A.How to Select a Christmas Tree     B.No More Christmas Tree for US
C.Dark Moments of Life            D.Christmas without Trees


科目:高中英语 来源:福建省仙游县金石中学高一下学期unit13-unit15单元测试 题型:阅读理解

At three a.m., Jack Mills was sitting at the controls of the mail train. The train was made up of 13 cars. At the end of the train, 71 mailmen sat sorting the mail. Inside the second car, there were only five mailmen and 128 bags full of five-pound notes. This train had run more than 100 years without being robbed(抢劫). At three minutes past three, Mills and his helper, David Whitby, saw a yellow warning light. They slowed the train, and then stopped. Whitby went to the telephone beside the track. It was out of order. Then he saw a man moving between the second and the third cars. Before Whitby cjould give a warning, he was knocked down by two men. Mills’ cars with all the mailmen had been disconnected by the robbers. At the bridge, the bags of money were unloaded from the train and thrown into waiting trucks. One of the robbers who obviously knew the schedules(时刻表) of all the trains kept looking at his watch. At 3:45 he said, “That will have to be enough.” The robbers drove away with more than 2,500,000 pounds.
1. The robbery took place______.
A. before 3:03                                                 B. in the early morning 
C. after three o’clock in the afternoon         D. after 3:45
2. The robbers_____ before the train stopped.
A. were all in the train                              B. forced Mills to stop the train
C. were waiting for the train to stop            D. ordered Mills to go on driving
3. Why didn’t the other mailmen help the mailmen in the second car when the robbery happened?
A. Because they were busy sorting the mail.
B. Because they didn’t want to help the mailmen in the second car.
C. Because the last eleven cars were separated from the front cars.
D. Because they knew nothing about the robbery.
4. One of the robbers kept looking at his watch because________.
A. he wanted to know the exact time           B. he enjoyed looking at his watch
C. he didn’t know when another train would come
D. they had to leave before another train came
5. Which of the following is NOT true?
A. The train was out of order.             
B. The telephone was put out of order by the robbers
C. Whitby had an assistant driver.       
D. The robbers carried the money away by truck.


科目:高中英语 来源:河北省2010届高三下学期第四次模拟考试试题(英语) 题型:阅读理解


第二部分 阅读理解(共25小题。第一节每小题2分,第二节每小题1分;满分45分)

第一节 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

         When you think of snowy winter festivals, Sapporo in Japan probably isn't the first thing that comes to mind.In Japan, there are winter festivals every year that draw great crowds and offer lots of attractions to everybody.

         The biggest one is the Sapporo Snow Festival which is held every year in February on Japan's snow covered northern island, Hokkaido(北海道).The Sapporo Snow Festival was the first of its kind held in Japan, and it is still the biggest.Every year, 2 million snow lovers rush to Sapporo, the biggest city in Hokkaido, to enjoy the Snow Festival in the first two weeks of February.At the Festival, you can see hundreds of snow sculptures made by artists from all over the world.Some are a couple of building stories high and weigh tons.There are ice sculptures too, and ice bars where you can go inside and have a beer.

         The Sapporo Snow Festival was started in the 1950's by a group of high school kids.Feeling very bored in winter, they started a snow sculptures competition.Every year, more kids took part in the competition and now the festival draws snow artists from 15 different countries.There are also musical performances, light shows, and snowball fights.

         Every major area has its own snow festival.One of the most popular is the Iwate Snow Festival.It's held in the small town of Shizukuishi in early or mid-February.Iwate is also famous for its yearly fireworks displays, where festival-goers can watch the colors reflected off the snow.In Iwate, you can see traditional Japanese musicians and dancers perform on floats.

         If you want a truly unique winter festival experience, northern Japan is a great place to go.Just make sure you dress warmly.

1.Why is the Sapporo Snow Festival famous in Japan?

         A.The snow in Hokkaido is very thick.

         B.it is the first and the biggest in Japan

         C.There are lots of snow sculptures there.

         D.its snow sculptures are the highest.

2.When is the Sapporo Snow Festival held in Japan?

         A.In late February.

         B.From January to February.

         C.In the first two weeks of February.

         D.Two weeks before February.

3.Who started the Sapporo Snow Festival at first?

         A.The government of Sapporo.

         B.Artists from all over the world.

         C.Kids who liked outside activities..

         D.A group of high school students.

4.The author wrote the passage to _______.

         A.introduce Japan’s Sapporo Snow Festival

         B.attract people to take part in northern Japan’s winter festival

         C.introduce Japan’s winter festival activities

         D.tell us the history of Japan’s winter festivals


