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1.We should have a good ________(掌握)of computer and English in our modern life.

2.The news is almost certainly true although it is not ________(官方的).

3.The Roman languages ________(例如)French, Italian, all grew out of Latin.

4.Don’t get discouraged just ________(因为)failure in the first attempt.

5.Things ________(逐渐地)improved.

6.All the dialects in China are ________(实际上)from the same origin.

7.________(频繁的)failures did not affect his morale.

8.When we’re on holiday in Greece, we live like the ________(本地人).

9.Normans ________(统治)England for about 500 years.

10.There are lots of TV channels broadcasting songs on ________(请求;要求).

11.The moon is ________(上来)over the mountains.

12.It’s funny to listen to a businessman who speaks Putonghua with the Cantonese ________(口音).

13.Chairman Hu Jintao has set us the socialist moral ________(标准).

14.At the sound of gun, the birds in the trees flew in all ________(方向).

15.Students are often asked to ________(复述)texts.

16.The new ________(身份)cards will be put to use in 2007.

17.I am afraid I can’t help you just ________(目前).

18.Our nation has been developing ________(迅速地)in science and technology.

19.The policeman ________(辨认出)the lady as a pickpocket.

20.People from different ________(文化)sometimes misunderstand each other in communications.


1.command 2.official 3.such as 4.because of5.gradually 6.actually 7.Frequent 8.natives 9.ruled 10.request 11.coming up 12.accent 13.standard 14.directions 15.retell 16.identity 17.at present 18.rapidly 19.recognized 20.cultures


科目:高中英语 来源:必修五学大课堂英语人教版 人教版 题型:022


1._________(另外)to an album, I gave him a pen and a pencil.

2.I’ve been _________(命令)to wait here until the lecturer arrives.

3.He was _________(肯定的)that he had seen it in the newspaper.

4.Each worker _________(捐献)one dollar to the Red Cross.

5.Honesty is one of his _________(特点).

6.I was impressed by her _________(处理)of the affair.

7._________(除……之外)English, we study Russian and Spanish.

8.The Queen was _________(护理)by her ladies-in-waiting.

9.The soil was washed away by the flood, _________(暴露)bare rocks.

10.He _________(拒绝)their offer of a job.

11.The driver was not to _________(责备)for the accident.

12.Everyone was silent as he _________(宣布)the winner of the competition.

13.He is _________(专心)in his research work day and night.

14.His argument does not _________(有意义).

15.Those are the facts; what do you _________(得出结论)from them?

16.Too much work and too little rest often _________(导致)illness.

17.Hawking _________(提出)a completely new theory.

18.He is _________(谨慎)in his choice of words in writing.


科目:高中英语 来源:必修四全优设计英语北师版 北师版 题型:022


1.He was _______(激发)only by his wish to help me, and expected nothing in return.

2.The inventor was rewarded by the government for his scientific _______(成就).

3.These toys are a real _______(便宜货)at such low prices.

4.He has _______(决心)to overcome any difficulties in his study.

5.Please _______(移走)the vase from the table.

6.He found it hard to _______(集中)his thoughts on one thing for longer than five minutes.

7.Is her husband in work or _______(失业)?

8.His paper _______(包含)no mistake at all.

9.His _______(号召)you to vote against the motion was thoughtful.

10.We _______(打败)Class One in the volleyball match.

11.The school is widely _______(钦佩)for its excellent teaching.

12.She was even less _______(热心地)about going to Spain.

13.My car is not as _______(可靠)as it used to be.

14.I’ll call back at a more _______(方便的)time.

15.A good salesperson has to be _______(有进取精神)in today’s competitive(竞争的)market.


科目:高中英语 来源:必修一全优英语外研版 外研版 题型:022


1.I don't think I will be ________(厌倦)in Ms Shen's class!

2.Secondary school in the US usually ________(包括)seven years, grades six to twelve.

3.Some students were ________(尴尬)at first but everyone was friendly and it was really nice.

4.Applicants for the job must have ________(以前的)experience.

5.Li Kang is very ________(印象深刻)with the teachers and the technology in his new school.

6.He was ________(失望)to hear the news.

7.He took a friendly ________(态度)to us.

8.The space technology of our nation is developing at an ________(令人吃惊的)speed.

9.She has learned to make coffee with a new ________(方法).

10.________(换句话说), we all can't go camping this weekend.

11.High school students, especially those of Grade 3 should ________(参加)more after-school activities.

12.Students are all ________(盼望)the arrival of summer vacation.

13.As a freshman in college, I found everything in the campus so ________(极好的).

14.I get a lot of ________(乐趣)from my teaching work.

15.The school year ________(分成)two semesters.

16.China and the U.S.have different educational ________(体制).

17.The sun ________(消失)behind a cloud.

18.Thanks to modern ________(技术), we have a much higher standard of living.

19.The foreign guests were ________(吃惊的)at the rapid development of China.

20.Their success is a great ________(鼓励)to us.


科目:高中英语 来源:必修一导学英语译林 译林版 题型:022


1.One of the side ________(作用)of this drug is to get you sleepy.

2.Tonna ________(锻炼)in the gym to lose weight every day.

3.He appears fifty years old, but ________(事实上)he is in his thirties.

4.Being too fat, the girl feels ________(羞愧的)among her classmates.

5.Under such heavy work ________(压力), his health finally breaks down.

6.You should have taken the weight-loss pills ________(遵循)the doctor’s instructions.

7.Experts say that good health is a ________(无价的)gift.

8.This plan is ________(立刻)to be carried out.

9.________(很少)do I eat too much fatty food so as not to get fat.

10.She has been ________(考虑)moving to the countryside.

11.Most girls want to ________(保持)slim, even some famous actresses like Lin Xinru.

12.The patient is ________(恢复健康)at home for a month after the operation.

13.A lot of teenagers are ________(损害)their health by smoking.

14.Most of his hair has ________(脱落)just because of his worry about the work.

15.Fruit can do good to our health.Apples and watermelons ________(算数; 有效).

16.The rainy weather badly ________(影响)his injured legs.

17.Though he claimed that he was on a ________(节食), he sometimes treated himself with various meat ________(秘密地).

18.What a ________(动人的)story it is that he donated half of his liver to a girl who he even didn’t know.

19.It is proved that fast food ________(包含)too much fat.

20.His voice was immediately ________(认出)when he entered the room.

21.This project will bring us a lot of benefits ________(从长远角度看).

22.The necktie is a nice ________(相配的物)for the shirt.

23.When I began to sing, he laughed and made me ________(尴尬的).

24.All schools are under the ________(控制)of the Ministry of Education.

25.Good eating ________(连同)enough sleep is helpful to our body.

26.Large ________(数量)of money have been wasted.

27.Young people usually have more ________(能量)than the old.

28.If you’re tired, you can’t ________(集中)on your work.

29.He took the pills at the ________(冒险)of his life.

30.We usually feel ________(放松的)after a hot bath.

31.We should do ________(定期的)exercise in order to keep healthy.


科目:高中英语 来源:选修导学英语译林6 译林版 题型:022


1.The songs sung by Song Zuying are _________(备受欢迎的)ones.

2.The fans _________(排队,列队)up in the rain to wait to see Zhou Bichang.

3.Some _________(鲜为人知的)people may become well-known in the future.

4.Maybe something is wrong with the _________(麦克风)because we can not hear what the chairman is saying except that his lips are moving.

5.Ma Sanli was a well-known _________(大师)of crosstalk.

6.The audience laughed when they heard the _________(幽默的)lines.

7.My teacher smiled _________(意味深长地)after hearing my reason for being late again.

8.He suddenly caught sight of the murderer when he was _________(漫步)in the street.

9.When the _________(场景)changed into the place where his dog was shot, he couldn’t help crying.

10.The _________(对话)made up by Tom and Jim is so funny that all the students burst into laughter.

11.The opinion seems _________(官方的), but in fact, it is just the company’s trick to cheat the employees.

12.The factory is in great need of _________(熟练的)workers.

13.The cheats said the clothes were _________(看不见的,无形的)to the fools.

14.In English-speaking countries, keeping one’s fingers _________(交叉的)means wishing you good luck.

15.The rich lady lives a _________(舒适的)life.

16.Seeing the dirty office, the boss was very _________(恼怒的).

17.You can dial the telephone number in case of _________(紧急情况,紧急事件).

18.After you learned this unit, can you tell me what the _________(单口喜剧)means?

19.I like the _________(最初的,初始的)form of the silent film.

20.There are more and more _________(外国人)who like the crosstalk in China.

21.Miss White is a _________(热心的,热情的)girl and we all like her.

22.Many people like playing basketball just for _________(娱乐).

23.It seems _________(合适的, 恰如其分的)that you left the office when the boss was so angry.

24.All the students in our class are _________(杰出的,显著的).

25.The _________(常规节目)of CCTV-1 at 6∶50 a. m. is News Report.

26.Can you tell me what _________(笑声)is good for?

27.I have nothing on me.I am really _________(空手的).

28.Chaplin was one of the greatest _________(喜剧演员, 滑稽演员)in the world.

29.The boss nodded with a smile in _________(回应, 反应)to the worker’s greetings.

30.The _________(反应)of the students did satisfy the English teacher.

31.The style of the comedy is _________(观察评论的).

32.Each of us is equal.We can’t look down upon the _________(体力的,形体动作的)workers.

33.The students speak highly of the outstanding professor in the _________(学院,研究院).

