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He was standing there with his hand ________ his bike.

A.resting onB.putting onC.holding onD.trying on


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解


       This was an unforgettable and wonderful experience.It happened about three years ago and it has had a  36  effect on me.I would like to show respect here for the two men I do not know  37  but whose actions gave a new  38  to the words — kind and generous.

       I was walking down a busy street on a cold, windy day in early  39  , A homeless man, probably about 60 and without wearing any shoes , was  40  for change on a street corner.

       A BMW car  41  on the other side of the street and an executive(主管)who was perfectly dressed stepped out of the car.He was probably about  42  years old.He was wearing a blue business suit with a deep red silk tie.He walked  43  across the street and over to the homeless man.Without saying anything, he first gave him a lot of  44  and then he sat down and took off his leather gloves( 手套), beautiful black leather shoes and his black dress socks.Then he    45  them to the homeless man.The homeless man took them and stared with a/an  46  mouth.

       As he drove off, I couldn’t   47  thinking that it was probably the first time he had  48  the pedal( 踏板)of that top-brand BMW car with a   49   foot! I stood there and the looks of   50  appeared on my face and the homeless man’s.

       Two men of about the same age  51  very different lives had met and the one who was  52  in materials had offered  53  than his shoes.He had left this BMW car and   54  down from his high position.He lifted up the other man when he offered respect,   55  and real generosity.

A.strong    B.bad   C.light  D.slow

A.officially       B.personally C.similarly   D.generally

A.benefit   B.attitude     C.meaning   D.award

A.spring    B.summer    C.autumn     D.winter

A.searching      B.making     C.blaming    D.begging

A.called up       B.broke up   C.pulled up  D.sped up

A.40  B.50     C.60     D.70

A.directly  B.usually     C.unwillingly      D.fluently

A.money   B.water C.sand  D.oil

A.posted  B.handed     C.kicked      D.threw

A.closed  B.full   C.open  D.empty

A.stand    B.delay C.forget       D.help

A.bended B.cut    C.repaired    D.pressed

A.relaxed B.large C.bare  D.single

A.excitementB.astonishment       C.sadness     D.pride

A.but      B.or     C.and   D.before

A.successfulB.careful  C.useful       D.helpful

A.rather   B.more C.other D.better

A.broken B.fell    C.stepped     D.rolled

A.surprise       B.disappointment C.anxiety     D.kindness


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

There was one shop in the town of Mufulira which was widely known for its racial discrimination. It was a drugstore .While Europeans were served at the counter ,a long line of Africans queued at the window and often not only were kept waiting but were treated rudely by the shop assistants .One day I was determined to make a public protest (抗议)against this kind of thing ,and many of the schoolboys in my class followed me to the store.

       I simply went into the shop and asked the manager politely for some medicine. As soon as he saw me standing in the place where only European customers were allowed to stand ,he shouted at me in a bastard (怪声怪气的)language which is only used by a boss when speaking to his servants .I stood at the counter and politely requested in proper English that I should be served .The manager became angry and said , “Even if you stand till Christmas ,I will never serve you .”

       I went to the District Commissioner’s office .Fortunately ,he was out ,for he was one of the old school; however ,I saw a young District Officer who was a friend of mine .He was very concerned to hear my story and told me that all I had to do was come to him personally and he would buy my medicine for me .I protested that that was not good enough .I asked him to accompany me back to the store and to make a protest to the manager .This he did ,and I well remember him saying to the manager , “Here is Mr. Kaunda who is a responsible member of the Urban Advisory Council, and you treat him like a common servant .” The manager of the drugstore apologized and said , “If only he had introduced himself and explained who he was ,then ,of course ,I should have given him proper service.”

       I had to explain once again that he had missed my point .Why should I have to introduce myself every time I went into a store…any more than I should have to buy my medicine by going to a European friend ? I want to prove that any man of any color ,whatever his position ,should have the right to go into any shop and buy what he wanted .After all, the money which I paid across the counter was exactly the same money as was paid by a European customer.

The writer was ,at the time of the story ,      .

       A.a European officer   B.an African servant

       C.a drugstore assistant D.a black school teacher

The manager of the drugstore shouted at the writer in dirty words because      .

       A.he could not speak English in a polite way

       B.he thought the writer couldn’t understand English

       C.that was the language he used when speaking to Africans

       D.that was the only language he could speak when he was angry

In paragraph 3, the underlined sentence “he was one of the old school” means      .

       A.he stuck to those old racial ideas

       B.he graduated from an old white school

       C.he was in charge of an old black school

Why didn’t the writer wait at the window of the drugstore like other Africans?

       A.He believed his white friends would help him out .

       B.He wanted to fight for equal rights of all black people.

       C.He thought he was educated and should be treated differently.

       D.He thought ,being an important person ,he should not be kept waiting.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

My grandfather came from Hungary and was the only one in his family who settled down in the United States. The rest of his family remained in Europe. When World War I broke out, he seemed to have become another man, downhearted. Such obvious change was not born out of concern for his welfare, but out of fear: if his only son, my uncle, had to go to war, it would be cousin fighting against cousin.  

One day in 1918, my Uncle Milton received his draft notice. My grandparents were very upset. But my mother, at the age of 10, felt on top of the world about her soldier brother going off to war. Realizing how he was regarded by his little sister and all of her friends, my uncle bought them all service pins, which meant that they had a loved one in the service. All the little girls were delighted.  

The moment came when my uncle and the other soldiers, without any training but all in uniforms, boarded the train. The band played and the crowd cheered. Although no one noticed. I’m sure my grandmother had a tear in her eye for the only son. The train slowly pulled out, but not about a thousand yards when it suddenly paused. Everyone stared in wonder as the train slowly returned to the station. There was a dead silence before the doors opened and the men started to step out. Someone shouted, “The war is over!” For a moment, nobody moved, but then the people heard someone bark orders at the soldiers. The men lined up in two lines, walked down the steps, and with the band playing, marched down the street, as returning heroes, to be welcomed home. My mother said it was a great day, but she was just a little disappointed that it didn’t last a tiny bit longer.  

51. What the grandfather was most worried about was ______.  

A. the spread of the world war                       B. the safety of his two cousins  

C. a drop in his living standards                      D. his relatives killing each other  


52. The underlined phrase “draft notice” means “______”.  

A. order for army service                               B. train ticket for Europe  

C. letter of rejection                                       D. note of warning  


53. What did the “service pins” (in Para. 2) stand for in the eyes of the little girls?  

A. Strength.               B. Courage.               C. Victory.                  D. Honor.  


54. Which of the following words can best describe the ending of the story?  

A. Disappointing.       B. Unexpected.           C. Uncertain.             D. Inspiring.  


科目:高中英语 来源:2014届黑龙江集贤县第一中学高二上学期期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

One day while shopping in a small town in southern California, it was my misfortune to be approached by a clerk.He seemed most unfriendly and not at all concerned about my intended purchase.I bought nothing, and marched angrily out of the store.

On the outside was a dark-skinned young man in his early twenties.His expressive brown eyes met and held mine, and in the next instant a beautiful, bright smile covered his face.I gave in immediately.The power of that broad smile dissolved all bitterness within me, and I felt the muscles in my own face happily responding.

"Beautiful day, isn't it?" I remarked, passing.Then I turned back."I really owe you a debt of thanks," I said softly.

His smile deepened, but he made no attempt to answer.A Mexican woman and two men were standing nearby.The woman stepped forward and volunteered, "Sir, but he doesn't speak English.Do you want me to tell him something?" In that moment I felt transformed.The young man's smile had made a big person of me.My friendliness and good will toward all mankind stand ten feet tall.

“Yes,” my reply was enthusiastic and sincere, “tell him I said, ‘Thank you!’”

“Thank you?” The woman seemed slightly puzzled.

I gave her arm a friendly pat as I turned to leave."Just tell him that," I insisted."He'll understand.I am sure!"

Oh, what a smile can do! Although I have never seen that young man again, I shall never forget the lesson he taught me that morning.From that day on, I became smile-conscious, and I practice the art diligently anywhere and everywhere, with everybody.

1.Why did the author leave the store angrily?

A.He couldn't buy what he wanted.

B.The clerk treated him unkindly.

C.The clerk didn't speak English.

D.The store's goods were too dear.

2.By saying "I felt the muscles in my own face happily responding"(in Para. 2), the author means _       __________..

A.he smiled back at the young man           B.he did not want to smile

C.he would thank the young man             D.he was still in a bad mood

3.The author asked the woman to say "Thank you!" to the young man because the young man        .

A.had helped the author before

B.taught the author how to smile

C.taught the author a valuable lesson

D.was a kind employee of the store

4.In the passage, the author seems to suggest that we should __  ___.

A.be generous to strangers                 B.practice smiling every day

C.help people in trouble                   D.smile at other people



科目:高中英语 来源:2011-2012学年陕西省咸阳市高三上学期第一次月考英语题 题型:完型填空

I grew up poor – living with six brothers, my father and a wonderful mother.We had   26  money and few worldly goods, but plenty of love and attention.I was   27   and energetic.I understood that no matter how poor a person was, they could   28   afford a dream.

My dream was to be a   29 .When I was sixteen, I could crush a baseball, throw a ninety – mile – per – hour fastball.I was also   30  : my high – school coach was Ollie Jarvis, who   31  me the difference between having a dream and showing strong belief.One particular   32  with him changed my life forever.

It was a summer and a friend recommended me for a summer 33 .This meant a chance for my first income – cash for a new bike and new clothes, and the   34  of savings for a house for my mother.The opportunity was attracting, and I wanted to   35   at it.

Then I realized I would have to   36   summer baseball to handle the work schedule, and that meant I would have to tell Coach Jarvis I wouldn’t be playing.I was   37   about this.

When I told Coach Jarvis, he was as  38  as I expected him to be.“You have your whole life to work,” he said.“Your   39  days are limited.You can’t afford to waste them.”

I stood before him with my head   40  , trying to think of how to explain to him why my dream of buying my mom a house and having money in my pocket was worth  41   his disappointment in me.

“How much are you going to make at this job?” he demanded.

“$ 3.25 an hour,” I replied.

“Well, is $ 3.25 an hour the price of a   42  ?” he asked.

That   43  laid bare for me the difference between wanting something right now and having a goal.I devoted myself to   44   that summer, and within the year I was offered a $ 20,000 contract.I signed with the Denver Broncos in 1984 for $ 1.7 million, and bought my mother the   45  of my dreams.






























































A.take out

B.cut off

C.put on

D.give up
























































