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注意:1 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词.
2 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不记分.
My friend Mike come to visit me on May Day.During the following days I showed he around the city of Nanchang.We went to the Museum in the morning of May 2,and we learned many about the history of Nanchang.In the afternoon,we made a tour to the Yaohu Lake,that was really great fun!In the evening I took Mike the night zoo.It was so interesting to see animal at night.The next day we went to the book shop to buy books.Though we were very tiring in those two days,but we enjoyed ourselves very much.

分析 作者在本文中讲述了五一节期间带领Mike游览南昌的事情,他们参观了博物馆了解南昌的历史,游览了Yaohu Lake领略明亮的风景,还去参观了动物园,到书店买了书.尽管过程有点累,但是玩得很高兴.

解答 My friend Mike come to visit me on May Day.During the following days I showed he around the city of Nanchang.We went to the Museum in the morning of May 2,and we learned many about the history of Nanchang.In the afternoon,we made a tour to the Yaohu Lake,that was really great fun!In the evening I took Mike∧the night zoo.It was so interesting to see animal at night.The next day we went to the book shop to buy books.Though we were very tiring in those two days,but we enjoyed ourselves very much.
6.Mike后面加to;考查介词,此处to是一个介词,take sb to a place指"带某人去某地".

点评 整体理解短文,把握短文的中心思想;分析句式结构和句群之间的关系,从语法,句式,短语搭配等多方面分析短文内容,找出文中的错误.这里主要考查基础知识的运用.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达

    姓名:王萍    性别:女    年龄:18    班级:高三(3)班
(1)积极参与读书月(the"Reading and Progress"activity),酷爱阅读英文报纸杂志和原著;
(1)学校"模拟联合国(Model UN)"辩论赛一等奖;
(2)省中学生英语演讲比赛(the Provincial Middle School Students English Speech Contest)第一名.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

3.    the sound of the terrible noise,the little baby burst into tears.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

20.AS anyone who's written a computer program knows,the most complex outcome is really only a collection of simple elements-simple ideas,simple acts-that build on one another.Michael Gohde,a 16-year-old American student at Colorado Springs School,sees the world this way.
When he was 7,he was confused about why there were homeless people sleeping on the streets.He asked his mother why.
"They need our help,"said Betsy deVries-Gohde,doing her best to explain their situation to her son.
After that,Michael saved enough money to buy bottled water and sandwiches to distribute to the needy.
When a family friend was diagnosed (诊断) with cancer last summer,Michael and his parents purchased a pre-made care package-a collection of products and comfort items especially tailored for patients going through cancer treatment.
After his grandmother went through chemotherapy (化疗) for lymphoma (淋巴瘤),Michael asked his mom what things would make his grandma feel better.She suggested a soft,warm blanket and socks; sugar-free gum; lip balm (香脂); hand sanitizer (消毒剂) and a soft toothbrush.
On Dec 18,after Michael finished his last exam,he headed home to finish packing about 30gift bags.The next day,he and his mom visited a nearby cancer center to hand out the care packages.
"I had a job and extra money,so I figured,let's do this,"Michael said.
The teenager has a part-time job working 20hours a week,helping to write Android mobile applications.
At Rocky Mountain Cancer Center,Mary Matykiewicz held her new socks and thanked"the very nice young man"who'd given them to her.
"You wouldn't think kids would recognize the need,but they tend to surprise you,"said Jayme Stangier,a patient at the center.
Betsy deVries-Gohde,whose mother died of pancreatic (胰腺的) cancer in 1999,was moved by her son's compassion (同情心).
"These people are so tender (脆弱的) now with what they're going through.It feels so good to me to know that he cares,"she said."Teenagers have their ups and downs,but Michael,he's pretty steady."

56.How does Michael Gohde sees the world?( No more than 10words)
The most complex outcome is a collection of simple elements.
57.Where did Michael have the exam?(No more than 4words )
At Colorado Springs School
58.When did Michael's grandmother die?( No more than 2words)
In 1999
59.What is Michael's part-time job??( No more than 6words)
Helping to write Android mobile applications.
60.How is Michael's life compared with the other teenagers?( No more than 2words)
Pretty steady..


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

7.The Dragon Boat Festival in China honors the famous ancient ppoet(诗人),Qu Yuan.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

17.My employer will confirm (证实)that I was there on time.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

4.Established (establish) in 1990,the HSK test was initially meant for those learners who regard Chinese as a second or foreign language.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

4.Michael has had a bad cold and a sore throat for three days.This morning,he had a high fever and a running nose,so his mother took him to the doctor.Here are the directions of the medicine that Dr.Wang has prescribed(开处方) for Michael.
DOSAGE(剂量):Adults and children 12years of age and older take 2spoonfuls of this medical liquid every 6hours.Do not take more than twelve spoonfuls in 24hours.Children 6years old to 12years old take half of the adult dosage,not more than 6spoonfuls per day.Do not use this product in children under 6years of age.This will provide overdose and could cause serious health problem.
WARNING:Do not take the medicine any more than the suggested dosage unless directed by a doctor.Keep the medicine away from the reach of children under six years old.Patients with high blood pressure,heart disease or stomach trouble are forbidden to take this medicine.This medicine may cause sleepiness.Do not drive or operate any machine while taking this medicine.Chronic cough,which usually lasts a long time,is dangerous and harmful.If your cough continues for three days,discontinue use and ask your doctor for advice.

21.Who should take the medicine prescribed?C
A.Someone with high blood pressure or heart disease.
B.A patient who is suffering from stomach trouble.
C.A teenager who has a fever and a sore throat.
D.A patient who has a chronic cough for a week.
22.How much dosage should an eleven-year-old child take?B
A.Two spoonfuls per day.B.Four spoonfuls per day.
C.Eight spoonfuls per day.D.Ten spoonfuls per day.
23.Under what condition should the patient stop taking this medicine?A
A.The patient's cough lasts for more than three days.
B.The patient is highly stressed.
C.The patient has a running nose for more than 24hours.
D.The patient is bleeding.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

5.A modern-day love story of a man seeing the girl of his dreams across a New York subway train and tracking her down over the Internet has failed to have a fairytale ending with the relationship over.
For Web designer Patrick Moberg,then 21,from Brooklyn,it was love at first sight when he saw a woman on a Manthttan train last November.But he lost her in the crowd so he set up a website with a sketch(素描)picture to find her-www.Nygirlofmydreams.com.
Unbelievably in a city of 8 million people,it only took Moberg 48 hours to find the woman,with his phone ringing non-stop and email box overflowing.New Yorkers took pity on the subway Romeo and joined his hunt.
The mysterious girl was named as Camille Hayton,from Melbourne,Australia,who was working at the magazine Black Book and also lived in Brooklyn.One of her friends saw the sketched picture on the Web site and recognized her.
But after finding each other,appearing on TV and getting international press,the couple took their romance out of the public eye,with Moberg closing down the Web site and with both refusing to make any more comments-until now.
Hayton told Australian newspaper The Sunday Telegraph that she dated Moberg for about two months but it just didn't work out.
"I say we dated for a while but now we're just friends,"Hayton,now 23,told the newspaper.Hayton said she is still recognized about three times a week on the streets of Manhattan as"that girl"and the question is always the same:"So what happened?"
"I think the situation was so intense that it linked us,"she said,adding,"it linked us in a way that you could mistake,I guess,for being more romantic than it was.I don't know.But I wanted to give it a go so didn't wonder what if,what if?"
Hayton told The Sunday Telegraph that she is enjoying single life in New York,keeping busy with acting classes,working in two clothing stores.Last week she had a small role as a waitress in the long-running daytime soap As the World Turns.
"I just can't believe it happened.It feels like a long time ago,"said Hayton.Moberg,however,was still refusing to comment on the relationship.
51.After Moborg lost the girl in the crowd he set up a website withD
A.a pretty notice to find her      
B.an inspiring story to move her
C.an exciting program to attract her  
D.a rough drawing to discover her
52.Moberg found the girl in a short time because.B
A.he phoned everybody in the city             
B.he got help from the net citizens
C.he continued his hunt day and night       
D.he e-mailed everybody in the city
53.What has happened to Hayton after the subway romance?A
A.She still gets noticed in the streets in New York.
B.She has become a journalist in Australia.
C.She has become a superstar in the city.
D.She is out of work and is looking for a new job.
54.The best title for this passage may beC
A.NY-a romantic city for the young couple
B.NY subway romance causes debate
C.NY subway romance hits end
D.NY-a heartbreaking city for the young couple.

