精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情




1.What do we know about Bill?

A.He will finish the paper soon.

B.He’s not going to write the paper.

C.He seldom completes his work early.

2.Where does the conversation most probably take place?

A.In a hotel.

B.In a hospital.

C.In an office building.

3.What does the woman want the man to do?

A.Carry the box downstairs.

B.Put the box in a low position.

C.Move the box to the upper shelf.

4.What do we know about the population of the city?

A.It has increased.

B.It has stayed the same.

C.It has decreased.

5.What has caused the sales volume to go down?

A.Low production.

B.Poor management.

C.Foreign competition.




6.What does the woman think of what the man said?

A.It is surprising.

B.It is discouraging.

C.It is unbelievable.

7.What do we know about the clothes the man described?

A.They will warm up when it is cold.

B.They will cool off when it is cold.

C.They have built in air conditioners.


8.What are the two speakers mainly talking about?

A.Air pollution.


C.Road connection.

9.Why does the man think laws of car use will be made?

A.Road traffic has to be controlled.

B.There’ll be new ways of traveling.

C.More and more people enjoy air travel.

10.What does the woman think of traveling by train under the ocean?

A.It is exciting.

B.It is frightening.

C.It is unimaginable.


11.What is the probable relationship between the woman and the man?

A.Wife and husband.

B.Employer and employee.

C.Landlady and renter.

12.What does the woman want the man to do when he goes out?

A.Boil the kettle.

B.Shut the window.

C.Close the drawers.

13.What do we know about the woman?

A.She is very careful.

B.She is warm-hearted.

C.She is absent-minded.


14.What does the man probably do?

A.He’s ticket collector.

B.He’s a jeweler.

C.He’s a policeman.

15.Where does the conversation most probably take place?

A.On a train.

B.In the street.

C.At the man’s office.

16.Why does the man stop the woman?

A.She stole something.

B.She is too rude to him.

C.She smoked in public places.

17.How does the man act toward the woman?





18.What was done to find people’s ideas about the women’s movement?

A.A question was asked of husbands.

B.A group was set up to interview people.

C.A survey was made to both men and women.

19.Who help most at home?

A.Danish husbands.

B.British husbands.

C.Italian husbands.

20.What can we learn from what the speaker said?

A.Housework should be shared between men and women.

B.More than 50% of Danish men help in the house.

C.Danish men are more afraid of their wives.




  W:Do you know if Bill has finished his research paper on computers?

  M:I don’t think so.He always seems to put things off until the last minute.

  M:Hi, Helen.It’s my turn now.Is there anything that needs my attention today?

  W:Yeah.Mr.Kent is getting worse.Here’s my report.

  M:OK.I’ll pay close attention to him.

  W:Could you lend me a hand, please?

  M:I’d be glad to.Where will you put this heavy box?

  W:Down on the bottom shelf, and then it won’t fall and hurt anyone in sudden events such as earthquakes.

  W:I think the population of this city has got smaller in the past ten years.The streets are not as crowded as they used to be.

  M:But the newspaper says there are more people living here than ten years ago.

  M:How is our company’s business this month?

  W:Not very good.Our sales volume has dropped by 10%.

  M:Why is that?

  W:A German company has just opened a branch here.


  W:It’s so cold now, but this morning it was so hot and sunny.I wish there was a way I could always be wearing the most suitable clothes for the temperature.

  M:I recently read that in ten years we’ll be wearing clothes that change with the weather.

  W:Oh, very funny! So we’ll be wearing huge clothes with built in air conditioners and heaters.

  M:I’m serious.Researchers will have new types of clothes made of special materials, which can store and release heat as the temperature changes.

  W:Well, I never thought clothes could store heat.


  M:Talking about the 21st century, I think there’ll be huge changes in the way people use cars.Laws will be made about what kind of car you can own and when you can use it.

  W:Maybe there’ll just be too many of them on the roads.The air will be so seriously polluted that nobody will be able to breathe normally.

  M:Exactly.People will have to rely on trains.

  W:Why do you say that?

  M:Well, we won’t be able to use cars, and the airports take too much space.That leaves trains.

  W:Huh.So do you think there’ll be more efficient train systems between cities?

  M:Sure.They’ll enable people to travel between cities in a matter of hours.There may even be trains going under oceans to connect the main continents.

  W:Under the oceans? Get out of there! I get nervous enough traveling by train.


  M:Well, it’s a nice room.Um…is there anything that I should know?

  W:Well, I don’t allow the cat to go upstairs at all.And I don’t allow people to smoke in the bedrooms.

  M:Oh, I agree with that.I don’t smoke anyway.

  W:And I don’t allow people to stick pictures up on the walls.

  M:Oh, I see.Can I use small nails or something?

  W:Oh yes.Something like that is quite acceptable.And there’re just two more things if you don’t mind.If you go out, would you please remember to close the window?

  M:Right.I’ll do that.

  W:And there’s the kettle, as you can see.When you boil it, could you please put it on the floor and not on the chest of drawers?

  M:All right.I’ll do that then.


  M:Excuse me, madam.


  M:Would you mind letting me take a look at your bag?

  W:Well, I’m afraid I certainly do mind, if it’s all the same to you.Now go away.Hey, taxi! I’ve got a train to catch.

  M:I am sorry.I am just trying to do my job but I’m afraid you’re making it rather difficult.However, I must insist on seeing what you have in your bag.

  W:And what do you expect to find in there? Jewels?

  M:Madam, if there’s nothing that doesn’t belong to you, you can leave right away and I’ll apologize for the inconvenience.

  W:Oh, very well.There you are.

  M:Thank you.And then men’s watches?

  W:Yes.I get very nervous if I don’t know the time.

  M:I see you smoke a lot, too, madam.Fifteen cigarette lighters?

  W:Yes, I’m rather a heavy smoker.And…and I happen to collect lighters.

  M:I bet you do, madam.Well, I’m afraid I’m going to have to ask you to come along with me.

  W:How dare you!…


  W:Good morning and welcome to the Life Review.Do you know how many men do housework? Recently, a European official group tried to discover what people’s ideas were about the women’s movement.As part of their survey, they asked many men and women the question, “Who does the housework?” The men answered very differently from the women! The housework they asked people about was preparing meals, washing dishes, cleaning the house and baby sitting.48% of British husbands said they did this kind of work.51% of Danish men said they helped in the house.15% of Italian men said they did the housework.But there was an interesting point of view from the wives.According to British wives, only 38% of their husbands help in the house.And Italian wives complained that their husbands hardly ever help.The Italian and British men didn’t tell the truth! The group found that Danish men were the most truthful husbands.Their answers were the same as their wives.


科目:高中英语 来源:必修五学大课堂英语人教版 人教版 题型:001




1.What is the man going to do tonight?

A.Go to the cinema.

B.Attend a meeting.

C.Watch TV at home.

2.Where does the conversation take place?

A.In a shop.

B.In a museum.

C.In a restaurant.

3.What time will the speakers get to Beijing?

A.At 11∶00.

B.At 12∶30.

C.At 12∶45.

4.Is the man going to the party?




5.What does the woman ask the man to do?

A.Tell her what the problem is.

B.Repair the computer for her.

C.Send someone to help her.




6.How is the man feeling?




7.What will the man probably do tonight?

A.Have a meeting.

B.Go to a party.

C.Fly to the US.


8.What did the speaker want to be when she was little?

A.A doctor.

B.A banker.

C.A teacher.

9.What helped the speaker decide to take her present job?

A.Her schooling.

B.Her parents’ wish.

C.Her work experience.


10.To listen to film or ticket information, which button should you press?




11.How many people can go and see a film if you pay $17?





12.What are the speakers talking about?

A.An interview.

B.A meal.

C.A job.

13.What time of the day is it now?




14.How is the man feeling?





15.Who is the woman speaking to?

A.A police officer.

B.A man on the street.

C.A newspaper reporter.

16.Where was the woman’s camera stolen?

A.Outside an ice cream place.

B.Outside a restaurant.

C.Outside her home.

17.What does the thief look like?


18.What are the students going to do on Wednesday?

A.See a film.

B.Play sports.

C.Go sightseeing.

19.When are the students leaving for London?




20.What is the purpose of the man’s talk?

A.To welcome the students to the center.

B.To inform the students of the arrangements.

C.To tell students the rules they should follow.


科目:高中英语 来源:四川省遂宁市安居中学2007届高三第二学月考试 英语试题 题型:001




1.What is the woman going to do?

A.She is going to help the man with his math.

B.She is going to be the man’s teacher.

C.She is going to comfort the man.

2.What can we learn from the conversation?

A.The man will work abroad for a year.

B.The man has just applied for the job.

C.The man will go abroad during the holidays.

3.Where does the conversation most probably take palace?

A.In a ticket office

B.At a railway station

C.In a travel office

4.What is the man doing?

A.Offering help

B.Expressing his thanks

C.Asking for permission to do something

5.What does the man mean?

A.He’ll deliver the luggage by car.

B.He won’t take the luggage with him.

C.He doesn’t need any help with the luggage.



6.What does the woman like about the new job?

A.Working with people.

B.Working harder.

C.Almost no traveling for the job.

7.What was her old job like?

A.She worked late.

B.She could leave her office without finishing her work.

C.She didn’t have to work late.


8.What do they know about Bob’s illness?

A.He must have got it in India.

B.He must have worked too hard.

C.He must have been badly treated when he was ill in India.

9.Which of the following is NOT true about his illness?

A.He is getting better and better.

B.He should have seen a doctor earlier.

C.It was too late to send him to the hospital.


10.Where does the conversation take place?

A.In a cinema.

B.In a restaurant

C.In an office

11.What have they just seen?

A.A game

B.A funny man

C.A movie

12.What’s the man worried about?

A.He is worried about whether he’ll be given the job.

B.He is worried about his coming interview.

C.He is worried about the film ticket.


13.How did the woman know about the apartment?

A.Through a friend.

B.Through an advertisement.

C.Through her parents.

14.Which room is the largest one?

A.The kitchen

B.The living room

C.The bedroom.

15.How does the woman go to work?

A.By bus

B.By car.

C.On foot.

16.On which floor does the woman go to work?

A.On the first floor.

B.On the third floor.

C.We don’t know.


17.What is the writer’s purpose?

A.To discuss what fear is.

B.To report the results of a study.

C.To give the readers an idea of fear.

18.In this study about how many people were afraid of speaking in public?




19.Which takes up the least proportion according to the study?

A.The fear of heights

B.The fear of lifts

C.The fear of insects

20.What does the study show?

A.All Americans like dogs

B.Americans are not afraid of driving a car

C.Not all Americans are afraid of illness and death most


科目:高中英语 来源:山东省济宁市汶上一中2012届高三11月月考英语试题 题型:001





1.Who use cell phone less often?




2.When will the speakers get to New York?

A.At 8∶30.

B.At 8∶50.

C.At 9∶00.

3.What makes the man feel surprised about university students in America?

A.Their taking drugs.

B.Their frequent absence of class.

C.Their way of spending money.

4.What is Andy?

A.A student.

B.A worker.

C.A teacher.

5.Who are working as volunteers now?

A.Some middle school students.

B.Some primary school students.

C.Some university students.




6.How long did the woman stay in Canada?

A.About half a year.

B.About a year.

C.One and a half years.

7.Where will the man go the day after tomorrow?

A.To Sydney.

B.To Beijing.

C.To Berlin.


8.Why did the woman go to New York?

A.To visit her friend there.

B.To attend a friend’s wedding.

C.To attend a summer course.

9.When did the woman come back from New York?

A.On August 25th

B.On July 5th

C.On August 5th


10.What is the relationship between the two speakers?

A.Doctor and patient.

B.Husband and wife.

C.Teacher and student.

11.What’s wrong with the woman?

A.She has a bad headache.

B.She sleeps badly.

C.She lost her job.

12.What is the woman worried about?

A.Her job.

B.Her money.

C.Her family.


13.How does the man advise the woman to go?

A.By taxi.

B.By bus.

C.On foot.

14.Where is the woman going?

A.The Queen Mary’s.

B.The museum.

C.The driver’s.

15.How many turns should the woman make before she gets to her destination?




16.Which of the following is TRUE?

A.It’s easy to call a taxi there.

B.The woman is driving.

C.The two speakers are strangers.


17.Who wrote the song Happy Birthday?

A.An American girl.

B.An American boy.

C.An old American woman.

18.Why was the girl sad?

A.She lost her money to buy a gift.

B.She didn’t have enough money to buy a gift.

C.She wasn’t invited to the party.

19.What did the girl’s friend think of the song?

A.It was boring.

B.It was beautiful.

C.It was disappointing.

20.Who appeared in the girl’s dream last night?

A.Her father.

B.Her mother.

C.Her grandma.


科目:高中英语 来源:四川省成都市树德中学2011-2012学年高一12月月考英语试题 题型:001




1.When does the man leave for the office on Tuesday?

A.At 8∶00.

B.At 7∶30.

C.At 7∶00.

2.What will the woman do this evening?

A.Complete her essay.

B.Go out for a walk.

C.Review her lessons.

3.What does the man want the woman to do?

A.Take a photo with him.

B.Teach him some French.

C.Help him get the photos.

4.Where did the woman stay during these days?

A.On the beach.

B.In the mountains.

C.In the hotel.

5.Why can't the man move to the suburbs?

A.Because of the high taxes.

B.Because of the high rent.

C.Because of the long distance.




6.Where does the conversation take place?

A.At a club.

B.At the laundry.(洗衣店)

C.In a shop.

7.What clothes does the man have?

A.A shirt and two pairs of trousers.

B.Two shirts and two pairs of trousers

C.A shirt and three pairs of trousers

8.How much should the man pay if he has a membership?





9.What does the two speakers say about Professor Dickinson?

A.His study is full of books.

B.He often assigns too much reading homework.

C.His lecture is very boring.

10.What was the nationality of T.S.Elliot at death?




11.What can we learn from the conversation?

A.The man read many English classics,

B.The two speakers both know Professor Dickinson.

C.Professor Dickinson teaches English literature.


12.What is the man doing in the conversation?

A.Interviewing a shopper.

B.Shopping at the supermarket.

C.Examining the goods at the supermarket.

13.Where does the conversation take place?

A.In a supermarket in town.

B.In a supermarket on Fifth Avenue.

C.In a supermarket on Central Plaza.

14.What can we learn about the woman?

A.She drinks a quart of milk every day.

B.She spent 28 pounds.

C.She bought some fruit in the supermarket.


15.What does the man suffer from?

A.A bad cold.



16.What does the woman suggest the man do?

A.Work and rest regularly.

B.Get fresh air and do more exercise.

C.Drink more water and stay outdoors.

17.Why doesn't the man get regular exercise?

A.Because he doesn't have time.

B.Because he doesn't like playing sports.

C.Because he didn't realize the importance of exercise.


18.How many ways are there to start a conversation according to the talk?




19.What is the second suggestion according to the talk?

A.Get or borrow a dog

B.Eat in a public dining hall

C.Take the dirty clothes to a public washing shop

20.What should you say to a heavy man in the US?

A.He is thin

B.He is losing weight

C.He should on a diet


科目:高中英语 来源:山西省太原五中2012届高三2月月考英语试题 题型:001




1.Who will clean Bill's car?




2.What will the woman bring back from Uncle Tom?

A.An MP3 player.

B.A package of tea.

C.A camera.

3.Why is the man so worried?

A.Because he locked his car.

B.Because he locked a handbag in his car.

C.Because he locked his key in his car.

4.What has the woman been doing?

A.Doing exercise.

B.Doing an experiment.

C.Talking to many people.

5.Why didn't the man go to the cinema?

A.Because he didn't like it.

B.Because he was invited to a concert.

C.Because he didn't want to go there himself.




6.Why can't Alice keep up with Mike?

A.Because she is tired after walking so long.

B.Because her shoe has a loose heel.

C.Because she feels uncomfortable in her legs.

7.What will they do next?

A.Go to the shoe store.

B.Go back home.

C.Go to the park.


8.What does Mary think about the result of her physics exam?




9.Where will they probably go together?

A.The reading room.

B.Mr Yang's office.

C.The classroom.

10.What's the probable relationship between Tom and Mary?

A.Teacher and student.


C.Headmaster and teacher.


11.Why didn't the man cook some food for himself?

A.Because he was not hungry.

B.Because he was too tired.

C.Because he had no time.

12.What did the man have before going to bed?

A.Some beef and hot water.

B.Some beef and cold water.

C.Some beef and beer.

13.What day is probably today?





14.What makes the mother surprised?

A.Seeing the mud on the boy.

B.Seeing the injury to the boy's body.

C.Seeing the squirrels that the boy took home.

15.When did the boy fall down?

A.When they ran after the squirrels.

B.When they slid down the slopes.

C.When they got to the hills.

16.Where will they watch the Football Final?

A.In their house.

B.At the boy's uncle's.

C.In the stadium.

17.Why did the uncle invite them?

A.Because he wanted to watch the Football Final.

B.Because he has promised the boy that.

C.Because he wanted them to watch his new TV.


18.What were the first cakes like?

A.They looked like bread.

B.They were not sweet.

C.They had no nuts or dried fruits.

19.Who showed evidence of advanced baking skills?

A.The ancient Egyptians.

B.The old English.

C.An old nurse.

20.What do the first icing cakes contain?

A.Flour and ice.

B.Sugar and egg whites.

C.Sugar and ice.

