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6.[1]Sooner or later everyone has to write something-a thank-you note,a report at a meeting,a complaint or an apology.If you have writing assignment(作业) in school,or if you still fear to put pen to paper,facing that empty page is almost as frightening as you are facing a tiger.How to write it?There is no mystery.Clear writing is just clear thinking.Here are some techniques for you.
[2]Thinking on paper
Sit down with a pencil and paper or at the computer screen and start outlining(概述,略述) what you want to say,why it is important,why it matters,and what its impact is on the reader.Just get the ideas down.The next step is to go back and put them in order.
[3]Writing first sentence
Try to make your first sentence catch the reader's eyes,because      ,the reader is not going to read on.Get a good,clear lead sentence that summarizes your points and answers the reader's question"What is in it for me?"if you can not do it in one sentence,then do it in two or three but keep them short.
[4]Remembering the reader
Short,simple words are better than long words.Short sentences are better than long sentences.Remember that the goal is to communicate,not to express yourselves.Most people are so devoted to what they want to say that they forget somebody else has to be able to read it.Too much information makes you lose readers before they get to the meat(实质) of what you want to say.
[5]Reading and rewriting
Read out what you have written loud,and listen for any awkward(笨拙的) sentences.All good writers read,then rewrite.Back off a little bit from what you are writing.It is an old standard,but if you can,write something and come back a day later.

76.What is the best title for the passage?(no more than 8words)How to write a Good Article/Some techniques for writing a good article./Some techniques to write a good article.
77.Which of the techniques do you think is the best for you?Why?(within 15words)The third one.Because it can make my writing popular with readers.
78.Fill in the blank in Paragraph 3with proper words.(within 5words)if it can't
79.What's the last step to write a better writing according to the passage?(within three words)Reading and rewriting
80.What does the underlined word"it"(paragraph 2)probably refer to?(five words).what you want to say.

分析 这篇文章讲的是如何写一篇好文章:首先是思考,然后写好第一句话,时刻记住读者以及要重新写.

解答 76.How to write a Good Article/Some techniques for writing a good article./Some techniques to write a good article.
77.The third one.Because it can make my writing popular with readers.(答案不是唯一的)
78.if it can't
79.Reading and rewriting.
80.what you want to say
76.How to write a Good Article/Some techniques for writing a good article./Some techniques to write a good article.主旨题:从文章第一段的句子:How to write it?There is no mystery.Clear writing is just clear thinking.Here are some techniques for you.可知这篇文章讲的是如何写一篇好文章:How to write a Good Article/Some techniques for writing a good article./Some techniques to write a good article.
77.The third one.Because it can make my writing popular with readers.(答案不是唯一的)这道题的答案不是唯一的:可以答:The third one.Because it can make my writing popular with readers.
78.if it can't填词题:从下文的:the reader is not going to read on.可知如果第一句话不能吸引读者的眼球:读者就不会继续读了:if it can't
79.Reading and rewriting.细节题:从文章的最后一部分的小标题Reading and rewriting:可知最后一个技巧是:Reading and rewriting.
80.what you want to say指代题:从第二段的句子Sit down with a pencil and paper or at the computer screen and start outlining(概述,略述) what you want to say可知要拿出纸笔或在电脑前面概述你想说的话,下文是:是否这些话重要,所以it指what you want to say

点评 做阅读表达题时,理清文章的脉络、掌握文章的主旨大意,并能运用简洁的语言表达.回答要有针对性观点要明确.不要摘抄文章原句.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

4.Whalesare being hunted (hunt ) at present and they become endangered.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

5.Xiang Xiaowen is a student who survived the earthquake in China's Sichuan Province.Like thousands of others,she is now living in a tent in the hard-hitting city of Mianyang.
We are now sleeping in a tent city.
The earthquake happened last Monday and our rooms in school were destroyed.There are four tent cities.Everybody is sleeping under tents.The tents are so wet and we feel so cold.Many students feel uncomfortable but we must live in the tent.Although there are many difficulties after the earthquake,we will do our best to solve them.
Yesterday it rained all day.Today the weather is better.There are no dining halls and supermarkets,so we must cook for ourselves.We have got some food and vegetables to eat.
After the earthquake,many students and I together cleaned all the rubble(瓦砾)from our classroom and our dorms.Many of the rooms were destroyed and there was a lot of rubble which we had to clear.
Some students are helping at hospital.Many people are homeless and many are dead.We carried the injured to hospital.There were no buses so we walked to hospital.Many people tried their best to make sure people could live.With the injured,we first let them calm down and then we took them to hospital.
Today,I think people have enough food and drinking water.I think things will be better now.
51.From the passage,we know that the text is probablyB.
A.Xiang's talk with reporters          
B.a diary from Xiang
C.Xiang's composition              
D.Xiang's lecture
52.The writer calls her city a tent one,becauseC.
A.the city needs tents badly                 
B.tents are from all over the world
C.tents are everywhere in the city            
D.all people have to live in tents in the city
53.It can be inferred from the passage thatD.
A.people feel wet and cold in the tents
B.people are used to living in the tents
C.some students are clearing the rubble
D.people in the earthquake-hit areas are suffering a lot
54.From the passage,we can learn that XiangD.
A.is sleeping under tents                    
B.has returned to school to study
C.stays in a tent doing nothing         
D.has joined in the rescue team.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

14.High school students in Asia often do better than American students on international math and science tests.Experts say (1)B is because schools in countries like China and South Korea do better at preparing students to take tests.Yet some of these (2)C countries want to learn what makes American students good at (3)A and critical thinking.
Evan Glazer,the principal of Thomas Jefferson High School in America,says the school (4)D science and math with literature and other liberal arts.
EVAN GLAZER:"Curriculum,when it's seen within one (5)D context,you're really just (6)A knowledge and skills.But if you want to look at the complexity of real problems and (7)B solutions,it requires people to come at them from different (8)C.And so we foster (培养) a lot of team teaching,(9)Dwith teachers from different (10)B so that,when they're offering challenges to students,that they have (11)Aview-points as they approach problems."
He points out that as East Asian countries consider greater (12)B for their schools,American education is (13)C in the opposite direction.Most states have recently approved (14)D standards in math and reading.
Evan Glazer:"In China and in Korea there is a strong interest in trying to get students to be more creative.And in America there is a strong interest in standardization.And,you know,the reality is we don't operate (15)A.It's trying to find that right balance."



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

1.Good sleep is needed for good health.During sleep,your body repairs itself.Your immune system is built up.Don't shortchange(亏待,欺骗) yourself of the sleep you need.Here are some of an expert's tips for getting a good night's sleep.
1.Make sure your room is dark.Pull down the shades.Let no light of any kind in.
2.Before you go to sleep,ask your family not to turn on a light.Light breaks the sleep rhythm.Once broken,it's hard to get the sleep clock running right.As a result,you will not sleep well.You will wake up tired.
3.A hot bath just before bed is good.Itmakes you relax.You are at peace.This starts the desire for sleep.
4.During the day,____________________.Even jogging(慢跑) will show good results.How about a good long walk?This will get your body to work.You will find that toward evening you will get that nice,tired feeling.Sleep then will come easily.Added to this,exercise is good for your health.
5.Here is what to do when you get up.Open the shades or blinds.Let the sun in.Open the  windows.Let the fresh air in.This sun and air get imprinted on your brain.The rhythm of being awake gets started.Your body clock is set for the day.That clock will let you know when it is the right time to go to sleep.

76.What does the underlined word"It"mean?(Please answer within 5words)
A hot bath
77.What's the main idea of the passage?(Please answer within 15words)
This passage shows an expert's 5 tips for getting a good night's sleep.
78.Please fill in the blank in the paragraph with the proper words or phrases to complete the sentence.(Please answer within 5words)
do some exercise
79.Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one?(Please answer within 10words)          To be healthy,you need good sleep.
Good sleep is needed for good health
80.How can we get a good sleep?(at least 3suggestions) (Please answer within 30words)
①Make sure your room is dark.
②Before you go to sleep,ask your family not to turn on a light.
③A hot bath just before bed is good..


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

11.It is never too early for you to learn about the value of money as a teenager.Many teens have no concept what it takes to earn money or what it costs to live.Lifestyle may have an influence on how you understand money since this is especially true for teens from rich families.If you live in low income area,you may often struggle to get money sometimes when you need it.
When you're given money,you should learn how to handle the money wisely.While some teens are taught at a young age to save what they have,other teens have no idea how to keep a cent in their pocket and will spend their money on the first thing they see.You need to learn good money habits as soon as you have money of your own through work or other sources.
If you are a teen who wants to get some extra money,you have some options available.If you have not saved money in the past,you will be starting from scratch(从头做起).It is possible for you to earn money by doing odd jobs around the neighborhood such as babysitting and pet walking,so consider these ideas!
When teens have found a way to earn money,they should start saving some of what they earn.Remember good money habits start young!If you have a bank account,you can deposit some of your earnings there.Keep the track of how the money is spent and saved and try to make your account grow.
It is very common for teens not to understand the value of money.This is generally because they don't have to work for their money.You may receive it in gifts from family members and friends.
Your parents and other adults in your life should teach you how to manage your money.Once you have found a way to make money,the best thing for you is to have a savings account,which helps you learn how to manage your own money and realize that you can only spend what you have earned.Once the money is gone,it's gone!
56.What may influence teens'understanding of the value of money?Lifestyle.
57.How can teens handle money wisely?Teens should learn good money habits.
58.What is the possible source to get extra money?By doing odd jobs around the neighborhood
59.Why don't teens usually understand the value of money?Because they don't have to work for their money.
60.What can teens do to manage their money?Having a savings account..


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

18.[1]Why play sports?You might say"to get exercise"and you'd be right.To have fun?That's true,too.But there's more.In fact,there are at least 5 more reasons.According to the Women's Sports Foundation,girls who play sports get a lot more than just fit.
[2]Girls who play sports do better in school.You might think that athletics wi1l take up all your study time.But research shows that girls who play sports do better in school than those who don't.Exercise improves learning,memory,and concentration,which can give active girls an advantage in the classroom.
[3]Girls who play sports learn teamwork and goal-setting skills. Sports teach valuable life skills.When you work with coaches,trainers,and teammates to win games and achieve goals,you're learning how to be successful.Those skills will        at work and in family life.
[4]Sports are good for a girl's health. In addition to being fit and maintaining (维持) a healthy weight,girls who p1ay sports are also less likely to smoke.And later in life,girls who exercise are less likely to get breast cancer or osteoporosis (骨质疏松).
[5]Playing sports builds self-confidence. Girls who play sports feel better about themselves.Why?It builds confidence when you know you can achieve your goals.Sports are also a feel-good activity because they help girls get in shape,maintain a healthy weight,and make new friends.
[6]Exercise cuts the pressure. Playing sports can reduce stress and help you feel a little happier.How?The brain chemicals released during exercise improve a person's mood.Friends are another mood-lifter.And being on a team creates tight bonds between friends.It i s  good to know your teammates will support you-both on and off the field!
76.What's the main idea of the text?(no more than 8 words)
Why should girls play sports或 Reasons why girls should play sports (take exercise)                                                                             
77.Fill in the blanks in Paragraph 3 with proper words.(no more than 5 words) 
help you (a lot)/benefit you/be helpful to you/serve you well/do you good                                                                        
78.What does"It"refer to?(line 2,paragraph 5)( Two words)
Playing Sports.
79.How does exercise help active girls have an advantage in the classroom?
(no more than 8 words)By improve learning,memory,and concentration.
80.According to the passage,what girls are less likely to smoke?(no more than 5 words)Girls who p1ay sports..


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:信息匹配

AThis 1000-wat electric boiler rapidly boils up to 1quart of water for coffee,tea and more.It provides a rapid and quiet heating process,making it ideal for the office,home or students'bedroom,and unit's easy-open lid is designed with a security lock to prevent spilling.
BThis 12-inch everyday pan is made of aluminum,allowing for quick heat giving.The stainless-steel handles are comfortable to grasp,plus they decrease heat moving so handles stay cool on the stovetop.The included lid is ideal for moist-heat cooking.It cooks fast and is easy to clean and can cook everything with little oil or no oil.
CThis lightweight carpet cleaner comes with a display of convenient features.It gets under furniture and in hard-to-reach areas,and it is removable for easy clean-up.It provides heavy-duty cleaning for the worst type dirt,like high-traffic areas and pet stains,and dirty water and clean water always remain separate.It is ideal for carpeted stairs.
DThis electric pressure washer is an ideal choice for walls and windows.It features an instant stop or start function.It also includes an adjustable pressure nozzle(喷嘴),so you can adjust pressure from 100PSI to 1300PSI,and owns effective cleaning power.
EThis solar light turns on automatically at dark and off at dawn.Show off garden accessories like fountains or light a path through your yard with a solar light that needs neither electricity nor maintenance.Solar lighting saves money and energy by gathering power from the sun.
FKeep the air in the home,office,or workplace circulating with this high-performance fan.It features a design for fast,focused cooling and effective air circulation.It also comes equipped with a three-speed motor and a specially-designed blade,which provides different power.Thoughtfully designed,the fan can also be wall mounted to help save floor space.

36.The summer is coming and it is getting hotter and hotter.As the owner of a new snack bar,Joe realizes that it is very important to make his bar not only clean but also cool,because a cooler dining environment can keep more customers.So she is preparing to equip her bar with some electric fans in high quality at first.F
37.It is only a few days before Christmas Day.Before putting on some decorations for his candy shop,Jason requires the staff to give it a thorough cleaning,especially the walls.In order to save time and clean quickly,he is eager to find an ideal instrument to match his aim.D
38.These days Lena has been busy dealing with many orders for their products,and she often has to work overtime.Tired and sleepy,she feels it necessary to have a cup of coffee or tea to refresh her while doing extra work.Then she comes up with an idea and goes to the shop.A
39.Jean has decided to go camping with her colleagues at the weekend and they've also planned to have a picnic by cooking in the open air in order to relax themselves after recent busy work.Now she is given the task that she should get an instrument with which they can cook delicious dishes.B
40.It rains a lot these days.Since many people goes in and out from the front door of the building and then take some stairs to go to different rooms.The stair carpet is easy to be stained with a lot of dirt and difficult to be cleaned.So Rachel,the cleaner of the company,advises the company to buy an easy-to-use machine for it.C.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

16.The Town Hall _________ in the 1800's was the most distinguished building at that time.(  )
A.to be completedB.having been completed
C.completedD.being completed

