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14.French surgeons have performed what they said on Wednesday was the world's first partial face transplant(移植)---giving a new nose,chin and lips to a woman attacked by a dog.
Specialists from two French hospitals carried out the operation on a 38-year-old woman on Sunday in the northern city of Amiens by taking the face from a brain-dead woman,who had hanged herself just hours before the operation.Her family agreed on the operation.
"The patient is in an excellent state and the transplant looks normal,"the hospitals said in a brief statement after waiting three days to announce the pioneering surgery.
The woman had been left without a nose and lips after the dog attacked her last May,and was unable to talk or chew properly.Such injuries are"extremely difficult,if not impossible"to repair using normal surgical techniques,the statement said.
The statement did not say what the woman would look like when she had fully recovered,but medical experts said she was unlikely to resemble the woman who had been the source of her new face.
The operation was led by Jean-Michel Dubernard,a specialist from a hospital in Lyon who has also carried out hand transplants.
Skin transplants have long been used to treat burns and other injuries,but operations around the mouth and nose have been considered very difficult because of the area's high sensitivity(敏感) to foreign tissue.
Teams in France,the United States and Britain had been developing techniques to make face transplants a reality
There was a short-term risk for the patient if blood vessels became blocked,a medium-term danger of her body rejecting the new skin and a long-term possibility that the drugs used could cause cancers.
Experts say that although such medical advances should be celebrated,the transplant had thrown up moral(道德的)and ethical(伦理的)issues.Little is known about the psychological effect of the transplant.
28.The best title for the passage would beA.
A.French Woman has First Partial Face Transplant
B.First Face Transplant Opens Debate
C.Risks and Ethical Problems of a Face Transplant
D.A Complete Face Transplant of a French Woman
29.Why did the woman need such an operation?A
A.Her face had been bitten by a dog   B.Her face had been burnt in a fire.
C.She was born especially ugly      D.She wanted to test such an operation.
30.The underlined word"resemble"meansD.
A.to remember forever         B.to recognize immediately
C.to set as an example         D.to present similarity or likeness to
31.What can we learn about the operation?B
A.The woman had used the dead woman's whole face.
B.There has arisen(引起) a debate about the operation.
C.The woman will suffer from psychological damage soon.
D.Such transplants have been performed by doctors.
32.Which of the following is NOT one of the risks of the operation?C
A.Block of blood vessels.B.Organ rejection
C.Heart damage.D.Side effect of the drugs.

分析 本文属于说明文阅读,作者通过这篇文章主要向我们描述了法国首次部分面部移植手术成功,移植虽然是巨大进步,但存在道德争议以及巨大风险.

解答 28.A.主旨大意题.根据第一段French surgeons have performed what they said on Wednesday was the world's first partial face transplant可知主要讲了法国首次部分面部移植成功;故选A.
29.A.细节理解题.根据第一段giving a new nose,chin and lips to a woman attacked by a dog可知她的脸被狗咬了失去了鼻子需要移植;故选A.
30.D.词义猜测题.根据文章but medical experts said she was unlikely to resemble the woman who had been the source of her new face她不太可能与这位新面孔的来源相似;可知意为相似;故选D.
31.B.推理判断题.根据最后一段Experts say that although such medical advances should be celebrated,the transplant had thrown up moral(道德的)and ethical(伦理的)issues可知出现了一个关于手术的争论;故选B.

点评 考察学生的细节理解和推理判断能力,做细节理解题时一定要找到文章中的原句,和题干进行比较,再做出正确的选择.在做推理判断题不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

4.Big Brothers Big Sisters is based on the simplicity and power of friendship.It is a program which provides friendship and fun by matching vulnerable young people (ages 7-17)with a volunteer adult who can be both a role model and a supportive friend.
Volunteer tutors come from all walks of life-married,single,with or without children.Big Brothers and Big Sisters are not replacement parents or social workers.They are tutors:someone to trust,to have fun with,to talk and go to when needed.
A Big Sister and Little Sister will generally spend between one and four hours together three or four times each month for at least twelve months.They enjoy simple activities such as a picnic at a park,cooking,playing sport or going to a football match.These activities improve the friendship and help the young person develop positive self-respect,confidence and life direction.
Big Brothers Big Sisters organizations exist throughout the world.It is the large and most well-known provider of tutor services internationally and has been operating for 25years.
Emily and Sarah have been matched since 2008.Emily is a 10-year-old girl who has experienced some difficulties being accepted by her schoolmates at school."I was pretty sure there was something wrong with me."
Emily's mum came across Big Brothers Big Sisters and thought it would be of benefit to Emily by"providing different feedback (反馈) about herself other than just relying on schoolmates to measure her self-worth."
Sarah wanted to get involved in a volunteer program."I googled it and found out how to be a part of it.I thought it would be fun for me to get involved in making time to do something because sometimes it is all work and no play."
Big Brothers Big Sisters has been of great benefit and enjoyment to both Emily and Sarah.They love and look forward to their time together and the partnership has certainly helped Emily be more comfortable in being the wonderful,happy and unique girl she is!

61.What is the aim of Big Brothers Big Sisters?D
A.To offer students public services.
B.To help students improve their grades.
C.To organize sport activities for young people.
D.To provide partnership and fun for young people.
62.A volunteer is usually expected to work within a year for at leastB.
A.24hours  B.36hours  C.48hours  D.72hours
63.According to Emily's mother,this program may provide Emily withC.
A.advice from her teachers
B.a new way to judge her schoolmates
C.a new way to assess herself
D.more comments from her schoolmates
64.Why did Sarah want to get involved in the program?B
A.She used to be a volunteer.
B.She felt a bit bored with her life.
C.She needed a part-time job.
D.She wanted to get a challenging job.
65.According to the passage,"vulnerable young people"are probably those who areD.
A.popular at school
B.rather weak physically
C.confident in themselves
D.easily hurt emotionally.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

5.He spoke three languages fluently.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

2.A language holiday is a combination of"holiday"and study abroad to learn or improve a foreign language.English language holidays are taken in English-speaking countries like England,the USA or Australia.While there,you study in a language school with students from many different countries.You live with local people,often staying with a host family.A language holiday can be of any length-from one week to one year-but most are two or three weeks.
What are the Benefits of a Language Holiday?
Language holidays have become a very popular method of learning English because they have many advantages:
Total Exposure  Because you are in an English-speaking country,you are constantly exposed to English from the time you wake up and have breakfast with your host family until late evening and your last drink in a local pub.You have little or no opportunity to escape the English language.This is how you learn your own language-constant exposure.
Mixed Classes   When you study in your own country,all the other students in your class speak your language,so you are not forced to use English.On a language holiday,students come from countries all over the world.It is possible that nobody in your class will speak your language,so you will just have to speak English!
Freedom From Pressure   On a language holiday you are away from home and can forget the everyday pressures of school or business.Your mind is more relaxed and you can learn more easily.
Cultural Understanding   Learning a language is not only about learning words.Different nations have different cultures.People think and behave differently.Their language is closely associated with their culture.By visiting and living in a foreign country,you learn to understand the culture and the people-and so better understand the language.
You'll find schools offering language holidays at EnglishClub.com ESL World.
68.You can have English language holidays in all the following countries except
A.America.B.Austria      C.England          D.Australia
69.Why are mixed classes good for English learning?D
A.Because you are forced to speak your language      
B.Because students come from English countries.
C.Because nobody in your class speaks your language.
D.Because you have no choice but to speak English.
70.Where can you probably find the passage?A
A.On the Internet.
B.In a science textbook.
C.In a travel guide.
D.In a medical newspaper.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

9.Dear friend,
For the past 17 years,you have been my best friend.I remember that you told me you were called Cigarette because of your features.You have seen me through difficult times,happy times and just about every stage of my life.You have always been here when I need you.Some of my family and friends didn't like you so much,but I've always been on your side.I thought you were a great friend,and I counted on you at all times,especially when I was not very happy.
It's hard for me to tell you this,but in the past few months,I have been seriously thinking about ending our relationship.I think that I‘ve just been too dependent on you,and I feel that at the age of 35 I should start being more independent.I thought about just maybe seeing you once in a while,but I don't think that would work.Eventually,I'd start relying on you all the time again.I feel the only way to end our relationship is to end it forever.
I've always included you in everything I've done.But next week,I'm going on a trip,and I've decided not to take you along.I feel this would be a good time to break up.I will be gone for a whole week without you and if I can make it on my own for that week,I know I can make it forever.
It is a little sad for me knowing that I won't be able to rely on you any more,but I think I will be a better person in the end.
61.By writing the letter,the author wants toD.
A.say goodbye to his girlfriend          
B.tell his friendship with Cigarette
C.tell his travelling plan                
D.give up smoking
62.The underlined phrase"counted on"in the first paragraph can be replaced by"C".
A.worried about    B.cared for     C.depended on    D.got along well with
63.According to the passage,the"letter-receiver"B.
A.is the author's girlfriend                 
B.has done harm to the author for years
C.will feel sad when reading the letter       
D.will never leave the author
64.The author decided to take a trip toD.
A.get away from his best friend       
B.relax himself for a while
C.reduce his sorrow for the break          
D.show that he is independent
65.Why does the author want to end his relationship with Cigarette?A
A.Because he wants to be more healthy.
B.Because they are going through difficult times.
C.Because his family and friends no longer like him.
D.Because he is going on a trip.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

19.When you make a mistake,big or small,cherish it like it's the most precious thing in the world.Because in some ways,it is.
Most of us feel bad when we make mistakes,beat ourselves up about it,feel like failures,get mad at ourselves.
And that's only natural:most of us have been taught from a young age that mistakes are bad,that we should try to avoid mistakes.We've been scolded when we make mistakes-at home,school and work.Maybe not always,but probably enough times to make feeling bad about mistakes an unconscious reaction.
Yet without mistakes,we could not learn or grow.If you think about it that way,mistakes should be cherished and celebrated for being one of the most amazing things in the world:they make learning possible; they make growth and improvement possible.
By trial and error-trying things,making mistakes,and learning from those mistakes-we have figured out how to make electric light,to paint the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel,to fly.
Mistakes make walking possible for the smallest toddler,make speech possible,make works of genius possible.
Think about how we learn:we don't just consume information about something and instantly know it or know how to do it.You don't just read about painting,or writing,or computer programming,or baking,or playing the piano,and know how to do them right away.Instead,you get information about something,from reading or from another person or from observing,then you make mistakes and repeat,making mistakes,learning from those mistakes,until you've pretty much learned how to do something.That's how we learn as babies and toddlers,and how we learn as adults.Mistakes are how we learn to do something new-because if you succeed at something,it's probably something you already knew how to do.You haven't really grown much from that success-at most it's the last step on your journey,not the whole journey.Most of the journey was made up of mistakes,if it's a good journey.
So if you value learning,if you value growing and improving,then you should value mistakes.They are amazing things that make a world of brilliance possible.
56.Why do most of us feel bad about making mistakes?C
A.Because mistakes make us suffer a lot.
B.Because it's a natural part in our life.
C.Because we've been taught so from a young age.
D.Because mistakes have ruined many people's careers.
57.According to the passage,what is the right attitude to mistakes?C
A.We should try to avoid making mistakes.
B.We should owe great inventions mainly to mistakes.
C.We should treat mistakes as good chances to learn.
D.We should make feeling bad about mistakes an unconscious reaction.
58.The underlined word"toddler"in Paragraph 6probably meansA.
A.a small child learning to walk            B.a kindergarten child learning to draw
C.a primary pupil learning to read          D.a school teenager learning to write
59.We can learn from the passage thatB.
A.most of us can really grow from success
B.growing and improving are based on mistakes
C.we learn to make mistakes by trial and error
D.we read about something and know how to do it right away.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

6.Young Louis Braille created a system with patterns of six raised dotsrepresenting (represent)each letter.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

3.The suggestion that the planbe delayed(delay)will be discussed tomorrow.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

4.Helen always helps her mother even though going to school   _____  most of her day.(  )
A.takes upB.makes upC.saves upD.puts up

