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阅读下面短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C知D) 中,备出最佳选项。

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            You will probably never find his name in a history book,but to this day,Walker Lee continues to contribute to American heritage (遗产) .Walter Lee is an old-fashioned,modern-day blacksmith(who makes and repairs things made of iron) , still practicing the fine art of shaping metal over a hot fire.

            Walker Lee began his career in hand-forged (手工锻造的) ironwork at the age of 30.The idea of creating an object out of iron,an extremely hard material,appealed to him. He started on this new business by collecting and reading every book he could find that described the process of black-smithing,including its history,its practical and decorative uses,and the equipment.

            During the course of his research,Lee discovered a tool necessary for the success of any blacksmith: the anvil,a heavy block of iron or steel on which a blacksmith shapes the hot metal with a hammer(锤子) .

            Lee bought his first anvil from 84-year-old Hurley Alford Templeton of Philadelphia. It weighed 100 pounds. The anvil cost him $100,and four months later,he paid $75 for another anvil from Cornell University in New York.

            When building his blacksmith shop,in the interest of economy,he constructed it out of inexpensive wood. It was a simple little building that stood for only nine years. Lee replaced his first shop with a finer one made of more expensive wood.

            The very first object Lee forged in his shop was a long,pointed Hudson Bay knife. As he recalls that event he says, “From the minute I first saw the thing take shape,I was attracted ...still am. There's something magic in it. You heat it up and pound it with a hammer and it goes where you want it to go."

             Years later,at a family event,Lee,discovered that his Italian ancestors were expert coppersmiths (铜匠) .During the gathering,Lee's great uncle Johnny said that Lee’s love for blacksmithing was “in the blood,” and he happily presented Lee with a new 125-pound anvil.

1. Why did Lee choose to be a blacksmith?

   A. He hoped to protect American heritage.

   B. He wanted to experience a new career.

   C. He needed to support his family.

   D. He took a great interest in it.

2. Lee learned blacksmithing.

   A. by teaching himself

   B. from his great uncle

   C. from an 84-year-old man

   D. by studying at a university

3. How do blacksmiths use the anvil?

   A. They put it on a hammer and hit hot iron.

   B. They place iron on it and shape the iron.

   C. They use it to produce a hot fire.

   D. They use it to make hammers.

4. The underlined words “that event” refer to.

   A. the family event 

   B. the meeting with Johnny

   C. the making of the Hudson Bay knife

   D. the construction of his blacksmith shop

5. Why does the author write the article?

   A. To advertise hand-forged objects.

   B. To describe a modem blacksmith.

   C. To teach basic blacksmithing skills.

   D. To introduce the art of blacksmithing.

1. D 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. B



1. D. 细节理解题。由第二段中的The idea of creating an object out of iron,an extremely hard material,appealed to him 可知,Lee选择当一名铁匠是因为对此感兴趣。

2. A. 细节理解题。由第二段中的沿started on this new …the equipment 可知,Lee通过自学掌握了锻造技术。

3. B. 细理解题。由第二段可知,anvil是“铁砧”的意思,铁匠把铁放到铁砧上,然后用锤子锻造铁。 

4. C. 篇章结构题。由倒数第二段可知,that event指的是Lee锻造哈得孙湾短刀的过程。

5. B. 写作目的题。通读全文可知,本文主要描写了一名当代的美国铁匠。

题目来源:2016年英语周报高二新课标 > 第50期 2015-2016学年高二课标


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1. Passengers may be and picked up only at the official stops.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



1. 表明写信目的;2. 说明应征条件或优势;3. 提出活动方案设想。

注意:1. 词数100左右(开头和结尾己给出,但不计入总词数) ;

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Dear Sir or Madam,

              I am glad to hear that you re calling for volunteers to do something for the elderly in nursing homes.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Yours,

                                                             Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



                                Classical music 

             The term classical music has several meanings. Many countries call their own traditional or ancient music classical music. However,in Western parts of the world people use the term classical music to refer to art music.

             36 Classical music is more complex. It is usually written down in a form that classical :musicians can read off the page. Classical musicians do not frequently improvise(即兴创作).To improvise means to make up music while playing it.

             People called composers(作曲家) write classical music. 37 The music may require stringed mstruments, windinstruments, keyboardinstru-ments,or percussion instruments(打击乐器) ,or a

combination of any of these.

             38 A musical work may be written for only one instrument,a few instruments,or a large group of instruments. An orchestra is a large group of instruments.

             Classical music developed in Europe over hundreds of years. Much of the earliest classical music was used in religious ceremonies. Later,nonreligious music became more popular.

             Classical music grew and changed rapidly from the late 1500s to the mid-1700s. The modem orchestra was formed during this time. 39

             Music experts call the time from'about 1750 to 1820 the classical age. In this period,musicians developed a number of musical forms. One of them was the symphony,a long musical composition for an orchestra.

             The 1900s were a time of great experimentation in classical music. 40 For example,electronic instruments opened up new ways of expression for composers and musicians.

   A. Much classical music was emotional.

   B. Composers used new forms and even new instruments.

   C. They write classical music for different types of instruments.

   D. Also,musicians created new types of classical music,such as opera.

   E. Art music,or classical music,is different from popular music and folk music.

   F. Composers usually decide how many instruments should play a musical work.

   G. Musicians often performed classical music to entertain audience in royal courts.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   Finding jobs continues to be 1.(extreme) difficult for young people graduating from college. The job market has been 2.(unbelievable) slow to improve. Those people who do find jobs have to be clever 3. e to get into a company for an interview. Many are happy to take non-paying internships(实习生的职位) in order to get work experience.After the internship,an intern hopes to be hired or at least be recommended for another job.

   The intern's presence in the office can be helpful. In a good internship,an intern is treated with respect,does a wide variety of tasks,and leams 4. (high) useful job skills. In a bad internship,an intern is treated 5. (rude) , asked to do rather ordinary tasks,and receives very little compensation(补偿) .After the internship is over,the intern may or may not be in a very much better position to find a handsomely paying job.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

3. I'm afraid the work is beyond his c .It's too difficult for him.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

4. Chemicals are very dangerous,so we’d better keep them out of r of the children.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

4. The forest and the land left their (impress) on the people.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

6. I'd prefer to (reserve / pass) my judge- ment untill find all the evidence.

