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When my twin sons, Chad and Brad, were born, I was concerned about everything. Five years later, our little girl, Becky, _________ our family.I wanted everybody to be healthy and happy.I worked hard to see that they _________

As the kids grew older, I worried about headaches, throat infections and many other _________ childhood illnesses.I didn't like it when the boys spent time "warming the bench " during Little League football games.I worried about Becky when she _________ the ball while playing softball.Before long, the teen years were upon us. I stayed _________ late night waiting for the boys to return home. Many times the _________ crossed my mind that I would call the police if they weren't home on time.__________, they always arrived home safe and sound _________ I had to take such measures.

"Please don't ever call the police," one of the boys said when I _________ him after a late arrival. The day the boys moved away to college was a _________ day indeed.I worried about their being able to take care of themselves.Would they starve?

A few months after the boys left college, our _________rang in the middle of the night. It startled (惊醒) us when we looked at the clock.It was 3 o'clock in the morning." _________ must be wrong," I shouted to my husband, Roy, as we both jumped up.We ran to the door, opened it, and there _________ a police officer.

"You need to _________ your sons," he seriously announced. I picked up the telephone, but unfortunately, it was _________. A line outside had been accidentally cut.Roy and I jumped into the car and _________ to the nearest telephone. My stomach ached.My husband was _________ so badly that he could hardly dial the number.

On the first _________ , Chad answered the telephone."What's wrong?" Roy shouted into the receiver.

"We were worried about you," Chad told him."We've been trying to call you all night, but you didn't _________ . We called the police and asked them to go and check on you."

For the first time in their lives, the boys were worried about us. And they were the ones who _________ had to call the police.

1.A.tested B.visited C.completed D.appreciated

2.A.were B.had C.did D.would

3.A.serious B.incurable C.unusual D.common

4.A.hit B.missed C.got D.threw

5.A.down B.in C.out D.up

6.A.plan B.thought C.worry D.advice

7.A.Luckily B.Probably C.Strangely D.Exactly

8.A.before B.when C.after D.since

9.A.surprised B.told C.threatened D.reminded

10.A.nice B.sad C.happy D.embarrassing

11.A.phone B.doorbell C.alarm D.clock

12.A.Everything B.Anything C.Something D.Nothing

13.A.came B.greeted C.turned D.stood

14.A.call B.email C.see D.educate

15.A.gone B.useless C.dead D.stolen

16.A.headed B.rushed C.went D.moved

17.A.shaking B.looking C.suffering D.seeing

18.A.night B.arrival C.ring D.try

19.A.talk B.care C.wake D.answer

20.A.frequently B.suddenly C.rarely D.actually


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届河南省八市高三英语第三次质量检测试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空


My dad always collected coins. He was delighted when the new U.S. state coins were ______ . He would walk to his long-time bankers and make sure they put at least a ______ of new coins aside for him. He gave them to every family member. It gradually became a special family ______ to get coins from Dad.

When my dad ______, I felt such a sense of emptiness. My father and I had been so close. I was lost without his ______ and support. I wondered if I would ever feel my dad around me again, ______ me. It was right after Hurricane Katrina and I was doing a motivational meeting for about three hundred volunteers. At the end of the event, I felt so grateful as I looked at these ______ individuals. To my ______, when I glanced at the floor, I saw nothing ______ a coin, from North Carolina, the state in which my dad was born and ______.

Then two months later, I went back to visit my mom. While I was there, I went to the bank to ______ a check. The bank manager, who had known me, called me into her office, showing me the coins for all the states my dad had ______.

Ever since that time, I have always found coins at the most ______ times, when I needed support the most. Amazingly, nowadays when I need emotional support during a ______ time, a coin will always show up in a(n) ______ place.

It has now become a tradition in my family. Every time a coin appears in our house, one of my kids says, “Oh, it’s ______! ”We all feel a sense of ______ every time a single coin turns up in an unexpected place. We have all ______ it as a ______ of love, guidance and support from Dad — and every new coin we find makes us ______.

1.A. Delivered B. sold C. discovered D. issued

2.A. pack B. Roll C. bunch D. pile

3.A. Tradition B. memory C. decision D. interest

4.A. Missed B. disappeared C. died D. dropped

5.A. guidance B. promise C. expectation D. belief

6.A. watching over B. bringing up C. waiting for D. listening to

7.A. concerned B. devoted C. embarrassed D. relaxed

8.A. delight B. confusion C. astonishment D. relief

9.A. from B. but C. with D. for

10.A. raised B. brought C. grown D. played

11.A. spend B. sign C. pay D. cash

12.A. ordered B. collected C. received D. shared

13.A. boring B. adventurous C. precious D. extraordinary

14.A. complicated B. nervous C. disturbed D. tough

15.A. strange B. annoying C. satisfying D. hard

16.A. money B. Grandpa C. toy D. belief

17.A. proud B. comfort C. success D. inspiration

18.A. thought B. explained C. accepted D. consulted

19.A. result B. praise C. message D. need

20.A. change B. gain C. improve D. Smile


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年福建莆田六中高二下期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:短文改错






注意: 1. 每句不超过两个错误;

2. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一次;

3. 只允许修改10出,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

One afternoon, I was wandering on the street when I saw my brother by the chance. He was behaving very strange. He looked around before going quickly into a shop. When he came down, he had a box in his hand. I knew some villagers turned to steal because of poverty. The thought whether my brother could be one of them drove me crazily. I was determined to find out the truth. When he questioned, tears filled his eyes. He said he was collecting beer bottle from kind shopkeepers, but would feel embarrassing if he was seen by others. I was very sorry that I have misunderstood my brother.


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届湖南长沙长郡中学高三模底测试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达








Save Water, Save Life

Dear students,











Thank you!

Student Union


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届湖南长沙长郡中学高三模底测试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

In August 2015, President Obama announced that North America’s highest mountain, Mount McKinley, would be renamed. Its new moniker(名字), Denali, was actually its original Aleut name, meaning “the high one”. The previous name, on the other hand, only dates back to 1896—the year when it was named in honour of William McKinley(1843—1901), who was shortly to become President of the United States. Denali is of course not the only mountain with an interesting linguistic history, so let’s travel to Asia, and across Europe, to explore the naming of those continents’ most famous peaks and mountain ranges.

The Nepalese name Himalaya comes from a Sanskrit word meaning “Abode of Snow”, from hima for “snow” and ālaya for “abode”. In Buddhist sources, Himalaya is known by various names such as Himavā and Himavanta.

In 1856, Mount Everest was named after Sir George Everest (1790—1866), who was the superintendent (负责人) of the Trigonometrical Survey of India. Everest himself was initially displeased by the naming, since he feared that local inhabitants might not be able to pronounce it.

K2 stands for Karakoram 2, because it was the second peak to be surveyed in the Trigonometrical Survey in the Karakoram system. It was also formerly known as Mount Godwin Austen after Col. H. H. Godwin Austen, who first surveyed it. Another alternative name for the mountain is Chhogori.

Annapurna is a household Goddess for Hindus, who guarantees to her worshippers (崇拜者)that food will not fail. The name derives(源出) from a Sanskrit word meaning “one who gives nourishment”.

The Matterhorn’s name derives from the name of the nearby town of Zermatt, the second element of which is apparently Matte “meadow”, and Horn, “horn”. Horn is not an unusual element in German names of mountains with jutting(突出的)peaks. The mountain is called Mont Cervin in French and Monte Cervino in Italian, from the Italian adjective cervino “deer-like”, which conjures up (使想起)a deer’s antlers.

Ben Nevis is the Anglicized form of the Scottish Gaelic name Beinn Nibheis, which means“Mountain by the(River)Nevis”. The name of the river apparently derives from a Celtic root for “water”.

1.How many continents’ mountains are mentioned in the passage?

A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5

2.Himalaya is a mountain also named ________.

A. Nepalese B. Abode of Snow C. Alaya D. Himavā

3.Which of the following is FALSE according to the passage?

A. Everest was unhappy about the name of Mount Everest at first.

B. K2 was once called Col. H. H. Godwin.

C. Annapurna means “one who offers food”.

D. Matterhorn comes from the name of the nearby town of Zermatt.

4.The above mountains’ names come from sources other than _________.

A. color B. a Sanskrit word

C. a person’s name D. geographic name


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届河北邯郸大名县一中高三上学期第一次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Discounts at various bicycle shops.

Why Cycle with a Group? Getting to work by bicycle has never been more popular. Governments and nations are transforming their cities and highways to meet the needs of this new generation of cycling enthusiasts,and in a world where green choices are the new must-have, average citizens are eagerly seizing their chance to help make their bodies cleaner than ever before.

Become an EBTC Member. Year round, organized by members like you!

The Edmonton Bicycle and Touring Club(EBTC)is a recreational not-for-profit volunteer-run group devoted to promoting its members to cooperatively run bicycling trips during the spring, summer and fall, cross-country skiing trips in the winter, and social events all the year round. We welcome both road bike and mountain bike riders!

Benefits of Joining EBTC:

Opportunity to create the kinds of events you like:enjoy dozens of events.

Participation in the local cycling community.

Use of club bicycle tools on tour and library materials.

It’s more FUN!

It encourages you to come out often and get healthy exercise without going to a gym.

Develop skills and gain through the experience of others.

Meet new and interesting people with a common interest in cycling.

Meet a fun-loving,energetic and different group of individuals who enjoy a healthy lifestyle.

Enjoy the outdoor experience with the companionship and security of a group.

For more information on the EBTC:

Phone the Club Hotline at 780-424-2453


Mail us at:

Edmonton Bicycle & Touring Club

P.O.Box 52017

Garneau Postal Stn.

Edmonton,AB T6G 2T5 Canada

1.What’s the advantage of cycling with a group?

A.Meeting more new people.

B.Participating in whatever events.

C.Having bicycles free of charge.

D.Enjoying discounts in a gym.

2.We can infer from the passage that the aim of EBTC is ________.

A.to call for governments to produce more bicycles

B.to make money by organizing bicycling trips

C.to popularize cycling by attracting more members

D.to look for young volunteers for sporting events

3.How many ways can people gain more information from EBTC according to the passage?

A.Two. B.Three. C.Four. D.Five.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届云南昆明高三适应性检测(三)英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Imagine picking apples on Christmas or going skating on May Day. What about going for a swim on Thanksgiving? Without Leap Day(闰日),which takes place every four years, that could happen.

Our calendar is normally 365 days long. It was created to match the cycles of the seasons. But Roman ruler Julius Caesar noticed a problem: The earth doesn't circle the sun in exactly 365 days. It actually cakes 365 and one-quarter days. He figured out that the extra part of a day would cause the calendar to grow apart from the seasons over time. Over 100 years, the seasons would shift (推移)about 24 days. Spring would start on April 13 instead of March 20.

Caesar used math to figure out a way to stop the calendar from shifting. He decided to add an extra day to the month of February every four years. His idea helped keep the seasons and calendar matched up. Even so, it still wasn’t perfect—his calendar was adding too many days.

In 1582, Pope Gregory XIII worked on Caesar's idea. His calendar, called the Gregorian calendar, declares that every year that is equally divided by 400 is a leap year. Turn-of-the-century years, or years ending in “00”, would not be leap years unless they could be divided equally by 400. These complicated equations(等式)help keep the calendar in balance with the orbit of the earth. Today, we still use the Gregorian calendar. In about 3,000 years, the calendar will be only one day out of step with the seasons, It's still not perfect, but mathematicians decided it was as close as we could get.

1.Why was Julius Caesar's calendar not good enough?

A.Spring would start twenty-four days later than usual

B.It would be only one day out of step with the seasons.

C.There would be too many days on the calendar.

D.Leap Day would take place every other year.

2.It can be inferred from the text that ________.

A.the earth circles the sun in exactly 365 days

B.Gregorian calendar is more scientific than Caesar's

C.Pope's calendar has been used for 3,000 years

D.Caesar added an extra day to every February

3.Which of the following years is a leap year according to Pope?

A.The year 2100.

B. The year 2200.

C. The year 2300.

D. The year 2400.

4.In which section of a website can you probably read this text?

A. Opinion. B. Policy. C. Entertainment. D. Science.


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届河南洛阳一中高三上期第一次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Is traditional fairytales good all the time? Recent research found one in five parents have abandoned those old classics such as Snow White and the Seven Dwarves and Hansel and Gretel and they’re in favor of more modern books.

One third of parents said their children have been left in tears after hearing the terrible details of Little Red Riding Hood. The survey of 2,000 adults was carried out to mark the launch of the hit US drama GRIMM, which starts tonight at 9:00 pm on Watch, and sees six series based on traditional fairytales. The research found a quarter of parents wouldn’t consider reading a fairytale to their child until they had reached the age of five, as they cause too many awkward questions. And 52 percent of the parents said Cinderella didn’t send a good message to their children as it portrays (描绘) a young woman doing housework all day. Similarly, Goldilocks and the Three Bears was also a tale likely to be left on the book shelf as parents felt it condones (宽恕) stealing.

Steve Hornsey, General Manager of Watch, said: “Bedtime stories are supposed to relax the children and send them off to sleep soundly. But as we see in GRIMM, fairytales can be dark and dramatic tales so it’s understandable that parents worry about reading them to young children. As adults we can see the innocence in fairytales, but a five year old with an over active imagination could think they are true. Despite the dark nature of classic fairytales, as we see in GRIMM, good will defeat evil and there is always a moral to the story.”

Though half of parents said traditional tales are more likely to have a strong moral message than a lot of modern kids’ books, two thirds of mums and dads said they were no longer appropriate to soothe youngsters before bed. On the contrary, they might give their children nightmares.

1.Why aren’t some traditional fairytales read by parents to children?

A. They are forbidden to read according to the rules.

B. They are difficult for their children to understand.

C. They are too scary for their young children to hear.

D. They don’t have any strong moral messages in them.

2.Which of the traditional fairytales tells one can get away with stealing?

A. Snow White and the Seven Dwarves.

B. Little Red Riding Hood.

C. Goldilocks and the Three Bears.

D. Hansel and Gretel.

3.What’s the author’s attitude towards traditional fairytales?

A. Objective.B. Supporting.C. Disapproving.D. Doubtful.

4.The underlined word “soothe” in the last paragraph means “________”.

A. surprise B. astonish C. stress D. comfort


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年西藏拉萨北京实验中学高二下期末英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

One day a poor man was cutting a big piece of wood near a river. Suddenly his old axe fell into the water. He felt very sad because he lost his only axe. Then all at once a beautiful fairy came out and asked the man what was the matter.

“I have lost my axe, ”he said. It fell into the water when I was cutting the wood.

The fairy showed him a gold axe and asked, “Is this yours?”.

“No,” said the man.

The fairy then showed him a silver axe and asked again, “Is this yours?” “No,” again answered the man.

Then she showed him the old axe.

“Yes, that is mine,”called out the happy man.

“I know that well enough,” said the fairy.“I only wanted to see if you would tell me the truth, and now I'll give you the gold axe and the silver axe besides your own one.”

1.One day when the man was cutting something, ________.

A. he fell into the water

B. his axe dropped into the river

C. his axe fell into a lake

D. he saw a beautiful fairy

2.The man was sad because ________.

A. he was poor and had no other axes

B. he could not go on working

C. he liked his axe very much

D. his axe was a gold axe

3.The fairy gave him a gold axe and a silver axe but he didn't take them, because he ________.

A. did not like them

B. did not know they were made of gold and silver

C. was very rich

D. knew these axes were not his

4.At the end of the story the man had ________.

A. only one axeB. two axes

C. three axesD. many axes

5.The fairy helped the man because he was ________ man.

A. an old B. a young C. a poor D. an honest

