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Everyone was born with his own built-in burglar alarm.It's called the sense of sight and sound.Unfortunately,many of us go around with the alarm switched off.
We don't see the stranger wandering outside the house next door.
We don't notice the sounds from the flat upstairs.
(Weren't they supposed to be on holiday?)
The police can only do so much to prevent crime.There never can be enough of them to guard every home in every town.So they need your help in fighting with the burglars(窃贼),the vandals,and the car thieves.
Not,of course,by setting out to have a go every time you see something suspicious.It'll always be the job of the police to arrest criminals.
But by acting as a line of communication between them and your community.For instance,you probably know far more about your immediate neighborhoods than the police ever could.
A stranger in someone's garden would probably be far more obvious to you than it would to even the local police,if,of course,you were on the lookout.
That's the whole idea behind the Neighborhood Watch schemes,springing up around the country to create a spirit of watchfulness within a community,anything suspicious being reported to the police.
It's early days yet,but results so far are very encouraging.The crime figures are already dropping in many of the areas running the scheme.And all due to people like you.
32.The underlined word"them"refers to"B".
A.criminals            B.the police         C.neighbours              D.strangers
33.The advertisement points out that many people.B
A.are not ready to help the police
B.are not as watchful as they could be
C.don't look after their gardens well
D.don't tell their neighbors about their holidays
34.One of the ways we could help prevent crime is to.C
A.turn on the alarm system in our home
B.try to stop criminals from escaping
C.look out for people behaving suspiciously
D.inform the police if we hear noises upstairs
35.The purpose of the advertisement is to in their neighborhood.D
A ask people to join the police force
B advise people how to protect their homes
C warn people about the increasing risk of crime
D  encourage people to be on watch for possible crime.

分析 本篇文章呼吁人们仅仅依赖警察来确保安全问题是不足的,人们需要提高安全警惕性,建立社区互助计划来维护安全.

解答 32.B.词义猜测题.根据语境可知,你对社区的了解可能要比警察多,所以你可以充当警察与社区之间的纽带,所以them在这里指的是警察,故选B.
33.B.判断推理题.根据第二段"We don't see the stranger wandering outside the house next door."和第三段"We don't notice the sounds from the flat upstairs."可知,人们对可疑的人和噪音都不注意,故选B.
34.C.细节理解题.根据倒数第三段"A stranger in someone's garden would probably be far more obvious to you than it would to even the local police,if,of course,you were on the lookout."可知,如果你很警惕的话,就会很容易发现花园里的陌生人,所以应该时刻保持警惕,故选C.
35.D.写作意图题.根据倒数第二段"That's the whole idea behind the Neighborhood Watch schemes,springing up around the country to create a spirit of watchfulness within a community,anything suspicious being reported to the police."可知,这则广告旨在提高人们的警惕性,如果发现可疑的人或事及时报告给警察,故选D

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科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

4.Last year I was put into a lower-level math class at school.The reason I was in this class had(21)Bto do with my intelligence.I am blind.The school(22)Cthat it would be better for me to learn at a lower level because it takes me a great deal longer to complete school tasks.
The only problem with being in this class was that I was(23)Dby"at-risk"students,who did not perform well in school and were(24)Ain trouble with the school and the law.On Monday mornings,the kids talked about what they had done during the past(25)C.I tried not to listen,but it was almost(26)Dnot to.I heard things in that classroom that shocked me.(27)Dthe teacher was in the room,that didn't stop my classmates from(28)Atheir stories of drugs and violence.
(29)BI was tired of their rude words.I even began to(30)Cthe fact that I had to be there.One Tuesday morning,I went to a Christian Student Union meeting before school,where a guest speaker talked to us about praying for our(31)Bno matter how much we hated them.I thought a lot and began to pray for the kids in my class,asking God to(32)Dthem for they weren't bad kids; they were just(33)A.
(34)Cwhat I did was automatic.When I heard their voices in class,I would pray,"Dear God,please bless so-and-so…"But as I continued,something was growing (35)Dmy heart for them.My classmates gradually became more than just annoying kids to me.They began to feel like family,and I was learning to love them in a way I(36)Athought possible.
I now see that praying is such a(37)Bact.When I pray for those around me,it also(38)Dmy life,and it changes my understanding of others.I realized God's blessings enabled me to see the world through(39)Aeyes.The prayers I said for others(40)Cto help me the most.
27.A.Only ifB.Now thatC.As thoughD.Even though
29.A.No wonderB.Without doubtC.Without delayD.No sense
34.A.In generalB.After allC.At firstD.On the whole
40.A.turned upB.turned awayC.turned outD.turned over


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

5.A traveler was staying in an Egyptian village.One day,she held up her camera to take pictures of the children.Suddenly the young ones began to shout at her.The traveler's face turned red and she apologized to the head for what she was doing,and told him she had forgotten that people in some places believed a person would lose his soul(灵魂) if his picture was taken.She explained to him the operation of a camera for a long time.Several times the head tried to say something,but he couldn't.When she believed that the head didn't fear any longer,the traveler then let him speak.With a smile,he said,"The children were trying to tell you that you forgot to take off the lens(镜头) cap!"
46.The children shouted when the traveler was taking pictures of them becauseD.
A.they didn't want to stop playing                        
B.the traveler forgot to take off the cap on her head
C.they didn't want to have their pictures taken 
D.the traveler was not doing well with her camera
47.The traveler made an apology to (向…道歉) the head becauseA.
A.she thought it was not right to take people's pictures without telling them beforehand(事先)
B.the children would lose their souls   
C.she had stayed in the village too long
D.she didn't take a picture of the head first
48.The traveler explained how to use a camera to the head becauseD.
A.the head was very interested in her camera  
B.the head wanted to learn to take pictures
C.she was afraid of the head   
D.she wanted the head not to worry about what she was doing
49.When the head smiled,it's clear thatB.
A.the children wanted to play with her                       
B.the traveler didn't know what the children meant
C.he wanted the traveler to tell him something else
D.the traveler didn't let him speak
50.Which of the following is NOT right?C
A.The traveler knew something about people in some countries.
B.The children wouldn't mind if the traveler took pictures of them.
C.The head was afraid that the traveler's camera would hurt the children.
D.The traveler didn't understand why the children shouted.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

2.-Has Tom already finished his new story?
-I Have no idea.He       it last month.(  )
A.had writtenB.was writingC.would writeD.wrote


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

9.It is ____comfort for ______patients to be close to their loved ones.(  )
A.a; theB./,theC.a;/D.the,the


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

19.October 15,1970was declared International W hite Cane Safety Day (IWCSD) for the first time by the President of the International Federation of the Blind (IFB).This date was adopted at the first convention of the IFB,held in Colombo on October 4,1969.The object of  the exercise is to enable the general public to have a better understanding of blindness and visual handicap,and to make people more aware of the white cane as a mobility aid.
Peguilly d'Herbemont was born on 25th June 1888into an old French noble family of the same name.In her youth she led the conventional and protected existence,lack of great activity,of a girl from a"good family",an existence reminding of the life of the aristocracy(贵族) before the French Revolution.She never visited a public school,but was educated by German and English governesses and nuns.Her movements were restricted and were mainly confined to the family positions in Paris and Belgium,but she spent most of her time at the castle of Charmois not far from Verdun.
In the process of helping individual blind people across the road,Peguilly d'Herbemont was made aware by narrow scrapes(刮擦) which almost led to accidents,of the dangerous situation of the visually impaired brought about by the steadily increasing traffic on the roads.She first spoke about measures to protect the blind against street hazards to her mother in 1930,but she was of the opinion that it was unfit for a lady of good society to create a public outcry and advised her to stick to the transcription of books,a popular pastime of ladies of rank at the time.
But the idea did not leave her.The urgent wish to encourage the integration(成为一体) of the blind into society by providing them with a means of moving about more freely without endangering others,and at the same time attracting the attention of passers-by ready to offer assistance,caused her to take the unusual step of writing to the editor of the Paris dailyEcho de Paris in which she suggested issuing the blind of the Paris region with white sticks similar to those used by the traffic police.
The editor took up the idea,published it in November 1930and saw to it that the relevant authorities acted with atypical speed.Thus it was that the white cane received official backing,and on 7th February 1931.

41.The underlined words"the exercise"here refer toB.
A.the founding of the IFB        
B.the declaration of IWCSD
C.the convention of the IFB     
D.the first convention of the IFB
42.Which of the following is true about Peguilly d'Herbemont?A
A.She led a typical aristocrat life when she was young.
B.Though she could travel around Europe,she spent most time at Charmois.
C.She was taught German and English at a public school.
D.She worried about possible street hazards for the blind,witnessing many traffic accidents.
43.A gave her the white cane idea.
A.Her concern about the dangerous situation for the blind caused by the increasing traffic
B.The accident she had when helping blind people across the road
C.The scrapes she got when crossing the road
D.Her urgent wish to integrate into society together with the blind
44.According to the passage,which of the following statements is NOT true?B
A.Peguilly d'Herbemont's mother didn't want her to draw the public's attention.
B.It was common for people to write to newspapers to voice their opinion at the time.
C.Peguilly's strong desire to help the blind made her not a looker-on but an advocate.
D.The editor contributed a lot to the declaration of International White Cane Safety Day.
45.This passage mainly wants to tell usD.
A.Peguilly d'Herbemont's achievements
B.how to care for the blind
C.the function of the white cane
D.how International White Cane Safety Day came into being.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

6.It was exciting to meet Taylor Swift when she ________ her new album at the shopping center yesterday.(  )
A.was promotingB.is promotingC.had promotedD.has promoted


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

4.The wasteland used to be a pleasant,fertile (肥沃的)spot,well wooded and rich in various fruits.

