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 Fishing by oneself can be good for ______ building as well as being good for health.

A. atmosphere      B. pressure  C. relationship  D. character


科目:高中英语 来源:读想用 高二英语(上) 题型:056


假定你叫宋平,你的前英语教师John Smith在南京大学教英语.下面是他给你的来信.

Nanjing University


June 1st

Dear Song Ping,

  It's so long since we saw you in Beijing and we are eager to hear about your life and study at school.We would be very happy if you could come and spend several days here during the coming summer vacation.There will be no one here except Tom, you and me, so we can have a really good English talk together, and hear some American music.Besides, we can go boating on the Xuanwu Lake and go fishing by the Changjiang River.Do hope you can come.

  Looking forward very much to seeing you.

Yours sincerely,

John Smith






科目:高中英语 来源:黄冈题库 练考新课堂 高二英语(下) 题型:050


  Yellowstone is the United States' first and most famous national park. This large wilderness area is very high in the Rocky Mountains of the northwestern US. It is bigger than the smallest state in the US.

  Yellowstone became the world's first national park in 1872.

  Yellowstone has many different kinds of unusual scenery:Although millions of people visit the park, the land remains unchanged-still a wilderness. The valley of the Yellowstone River has beautiful coloured rocks and three large waterfalls. In the early morning or evening, visitors sometimes see large deer-like animals, or buffalo(水牛)eating grass along the shores of Lake Yellowstone. The high mountains around Yellowstone are covered with evergreen forests.

  Yellowstone Park has many areas with hot springs. These are caused by heat from the hot centre of the earth. Old Faithful is the most famous. Every 70 minutes, old Faithful sends hot water about 150 feet high into the air.

  Here, hot spring water runs down over rocks into deep pools. It looks rather like a wonderful white cake.

  When you visit Yellowstone, why not live like a cowboy? You can stay at an Old West country hotel. You'll enjoy typical cowboy food outdoors. You can ride a horse along one of the many paths or tralils.

  There are over 1,000 miles of trails around Yellowstone. If you like excitement, take a boat trip down the fast Snake River, or spend a quiet summer day fishing by a river or a blue mountain lake.

  In winter, Yellowstone Park is covered with heavy snow, but visitors still come to skate. With clouds of steam above them and snow all around, Yellowstone's hot springs look even more wonderful.

1.Which of the following is not true?

[  ]

A.Yellowstone Park has the longest history in US.

B.Yellowstone has a beautiful scenery.

C.There are forests in the park.

D.There are all kinds of birds in the park.

2.Visitors in the park can see animals eating grass ________.

[  ]

A.wherever they go

B.whenever they go

C.from time to time

D.on the top of the mountains

3.In this passage, the writer advises us to ________.

[  ]

A.become a cowboy

B.spend nights outdoors

C.do something as a cowboy did

D.drive along the paths

4.One of the most exciting activities in the park in summer is ________.

[  ]



科目:高中英语 来源:三点一测丛书 高中英语 必修2(北教育版课标本) 北教育版课标本 题型:001


1.Where will the two speakers probably go this morning?

A.The park.

B.The zoo.

C.The museum.

2.Why is the man sad?

A.He is out of work.

B.He is in poor health

C.His son is ill.

3.What is happening to the two speakers?

A.They are in a fire.

B.They are on a sinking ship.

C.They are held up in the snow.

4.What's the matter with the man's watch?

A.It was stolen.

B.It was left at home.

C.It stopped.

5.What will the two speakers do after supper?

A.Go shopping.

B.Go fishing by the river.

C.Go to the riverside for a walk.



6.What are the two speakers talking about?

A.A book.

B.A story.

C.A character.

7.What does the woman think about the persons in the story?

A.They are poor.

B.They are active.

C.They are like paper dolls.

8.What does the man think about the books he has read written by that writer?



C.Some good, some bad.


9.What's wrong with the two speakers' house?

A.The washing machine is broken.

B.The electric wires are broken.

C.Other things.

10.Which of the following about Mr.Smith is TRUE?

A.He is the two speakers' new neighbor.

B.He asked for too much money from them for the work.

C.He could solve the whole problem that day.

11.Why does the man think it will cost him dearly?

A.Because he wants to buy a car.

B.Because their car needs repairing.

C.Because he is going to find a job.


12.What's the man looking for?

A.Some records of guitar music.

B.Some tapes of modern music.

C.Some records of modern piano music.

13.Why does he want to buy them?

A.He enjoys them.

B.He damaged the records his father gave him in his suitcase.

C.He saw them in the shop window the week before.

14.What happened to the records in the window?

A.They were moved to a shelf.

B.They were broken.

C.They were sold out.


15.What does the man want to do?

A.Go to Japan by air.

B.Buy some Japanese stamps.

C.Send a letter to Japan.

16.How much is it to send a letter to Japan, if it's not overweight?




17.Why should the man pay extra?

A.Because he chooses airmail.

B.Because his letter is overweight.

C.Because the Chinese money is worth more than the Japanese money.


18.What's the weather like in the afternoon?

A.Cold, rainy, and windy.

B.Cold, windy, and snowy.

C.Cold, rainy, and snowy.

19.What will the low temperature be tonight?

A.Near ten degrees.

B.Around twenty-four degrees.

C.Thirty-three degrees.

20.When is it likely to snow?

A.Until the weekend.

B.On Thursday.

C.On Wednesday.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:




76. Diana is a _________ (体贴的) boss who is always willing to listen.

77. The great flood ________ (淹没) many houses.

78. He was ________ (选举) chairman of the meeting.

79. She ________ (值得) a reward for her efforts.

80. She was still________ (烦恼) about the argument she had had with Mary.

81. At night they crossed the river and took p_______ of the village.

82. He was a_______ as chairman of the committee.

83. He is old but he is as i_______ as a baby.

84. Do you have much f_______ fishing by the river?

85. The speech l_______ an hour and as a result, I felt bored and tired.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


76. Diana is a _________ (体贴的) boss who is always willing to listen.

77. The great flood ________ (淹没) many houses.

78. He was ________ (选举) chairman of the meeting.

79. She ________ (值得) a reward for her efforts.

80. She was still________ (烦恼) about the argument she had had with Mary.

81. At night they crossed the river and took p_______ of the village.

82. He was a_______ as chairman of the committee.

83. He is old but he is as i_______ as a baby.

84. Do you have much f_______ fishing by the river?

85. The speech l_______ an hour and as a result, I felt bored and tired.

