精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情

【题目】Alice: Mr. Black, this is Alice speaking. I’m calling to ask you 【1】 I can take the afternoon off today.

Black: Well, of course. 2 can you tell me what the problem is, Alice?

Alice: OK, Mr. Black. My son is going to take part in a singing 3 (compete) to be held in Washington tomorrow. He’s got so many things to take that he can’t go there alone.

Black: So you want to take 4 there in your minibus?

Alice: Yes. And as soon as I put him up in the hotel, I 5 (drive) back.

Black: well, that would be too 6 (tire) a journey. It’s nearly 300 kilometers away and it will take you at least six hours 7 (travel) to and from Washington. Why don’t you stay there until you have seen your son perform.

Alice: But I have two 8 tomorrow morning.

Black: Don’t worry. I’ll tell Mary to take your classes 9 . She’s always willing to help.

Alice: That’ll be nice. Thank you and give my thanks to Mary.

Black: You’re welcome, and have 【10 good trip.






【5】will drive


【7】to travel






【1】if/whether 考查宾语从句引导词句子意思为:我现在打电话是要问你我今天下午能否请假是否:whether/if,引导宾语从句,故答案为:whether/if。

【2】But 考查连词。句子意思为:当然可以,但是你能告诉我是什么事吗?转折关系,用转折连词But。

【3】competition 考查名词。句子意思为:我儿子要去参加明天在华盛顿举行的歌唱比赛。用名词作宾语,所以填名词competition。

【4】him 考查代词。句子意思为:所以你想开车带他去那儿? 这里指代的是她儿子,用代词him指代,作take的宾语。

【5will drive考查动词时态句子意思为:我一安排好他的住宿,我就开车回来。用一般将来时,故填will drive。

【6】tiring 考查形容词修饰journey,表示太累人的行程,指令人劳累的,用ing形式形容词,填tiring。

【7】to travel考查非谓语动词。考查句式结构It will take/takes/took sb some time to do,其中,it是形式主语,后面用不定式作真正主语,故填to travel.


【9】instead 考查副词根据理解,句子意思为:我会告诉玛丽,让她代替你上课。instead:代替,故填instead。

【10】a 考查冠词。have a good journey为固定句式,表示祝你旅途愉快!用不定冠词a。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】I went online to check if my pay was in my bank account. To my amazement I discovered that not only had I been paid, a company I’d never worked for had also paid me! I knew I’d have been beside myself if my own salary was not in my account, so I tried to get the money back to the right person. Easier said than done.

The bank couldn’t help as it wasn’t a bank problem. The human resources department at the company that paid me was unable to help as I didn’t have enough details. I rang the bank again. Thankfully, I had a sympathetic call operator who gave me a name, so I again rang the company “Daniel” worked for.

I expected the bank would contact me to arrange to take the money from my account and repay Daniel. I heard nothing for a month and the money remained in my account when Daniel called, explaining he’d tried to get back his money but had been unsuccessful as neither the bank nor his company felt it was their error. He had rung to ask if I could speak to the bank, but after chatting for a few minutes we realized we could probably fix this problem ourselves.

We decided I would take the money from my account and he would pick it up from me. Due to my busy job I was unable to meet Daniel personally but he left me a lovely bottle of wine in exchange for what was rightfully his. I never had any intention of keeping Daniel’s pay but red tape(繁琐手续) made it difficult to do the right thing. It all came down to two people being able to do what a huge bank and a large company couldn’t do--admit a mistake has occurred and fix it.

【1】What was the attitude of the author towards the extra money in his bank account?

A. He didn’t know what to do with it.

B. He felt lucky to get it.

C. He thought of keeping it for himself.

D. He wanted to return it to the right person.

【2】The underlined phrase “beside myself”(in Paragraph1) probably


A. very fortunate B. very angry

C. really thankful D. at ease

【3】How was the problem solved in the end?

A. The author and Daniel solved the problem themselves.

B. It cost Daniel a lovely bottle of wine to get back his money.

C. The author gave the money back to the company.

D. The call operator offered to solve their problem

【4】From the passage we can infer that___________.

A. the bank could solve the problem soon and easily with the red tape

B. some large organizations usually have troublesome official rules

C. Daniel didn’t know the error before he contacted the author

D. the company gave the wrong account to the bank


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】I was about to leave __________ someone knocked at the door.

A. when

B. while

C. since

D. once


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Celebrating Valentine’s Day came into __________ fashion many years ago in China, and flower shops can sell dozens of roses __________.

A. a; at a time B. /; at a time

C. /; at one time D. the; at times


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Walking alone in the dark, the boy whistled to __________ his courage.

A. hold up

B. keep up

C. set up

D. take up


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】The hat looks more beautiful than that one which costs almost twice __________.

A. as much B. as many C. so much D. so many


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】— Do you think I should apply for the job?

__________you’ve got such an opportunity, you might as well take advantage of it. As long as you make an effort, the __________are you’ll be employed.

A. Since; chances

B. While; conditions

C. Even if; effects

D. Now that; consequences


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Are you ready for Spain?

Yes, I want the girls to experience that __________ they are young.

A. while

B. until

C. if

D. before


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:







Our school has had a survey on reading. It shows that 55 percent the students spend our time reading textbooks after the school. Only 10 percent enjoy read literature. Why are so many students unwilling to read serious works? According to the survey, they have no enough time because they have too many homework to do. Some complain that literary works are so thick that they have hardly enough patient to finish it. Others who only concentrates on how to get high scores simply admit that reading literature won’t help them at all with their exams. What’s more, some students show no interest in literature. In fact, books play important role in our life. Not only can reading make us relaxing, but also it can help us to learn customs and culture in the past and at present at home and abroad.

