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----Did you see the film ______ was shown last night?

--- Yeah, it was really wonderful.

A. who B. what

C. which D. it


【解析】试题分析:考查定语从句。先行词是the film,从句缺主语,which可在定语从句中做主语、宾语;what不能领导定语从句,句意:—你看了昨晚上映的电影了吗?—是的,非常精彩。故选C



科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年云南省等)高三12月统考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

When I was 11, I threw a glance into Dad’s lunch box and made the unexpected discovery that my mother still showed her love towards my father. The evidence, a napkin resting on top of the sandwiches packed in wax paper, was certain “Love you!” she had written on the napkin. “Meat loaf for supper!”

Mom penned all kinds of messages to Dad on those paper napkins, and he saved a whole pile of them. What embarrassed me as a kid has become a precious memory of my parents.

It also started my own brand of lunch box notes. When my kids were young, I’d glue little drawings on their lunches. Lots of sketches (素描) of our dog, Max, along with smiling flowers. When they were teenagers, I’d copy words of wisdom from great people, Einstein, for example, or Bruce Springsteen. Then, my kids grew up making their own handwritten notes. And my husband writes me love notes on recycled paper, because he’s all about being green.

Friends who know about my lunch box notes eagerly share stories of their own family traditions. So many focus on food. Maura’s mom always drew hearts on the shells of hard-boiled eggs. Melinda wrote messages on her kids’ bananas.

We’re into the third generation of lunch box notes in our home. Whenever my 3-year-old grandson, Clayton, spends the night, he knows his lunch is going to have a napkin note from Grandma in the morning. Last week, I drew a picture of me, waving widely and shouting his name. He took one look at it and screamed, “Where’s Grandpa?” I added a man in a clean shirt. “You forgot his tie,” he said. I quickly drew a line of stripes (条纹) down the front of the shirt. Clayton smiled. “Grandpa,” he whispered, running his fingers across the napkin. “It’s you!”

1.When the author first saw Dad’s lunch box notes, she felt ______.

A. moved B. nervous

C. awkward D. proud

2.What did the author put in the lunch boxes when her kids were in their teens?

A. Words of love.

B. Famous words of wisdom.

C. Pictures of their pet and flowers.

D. Eggs painted with hearts.

3.It can be inferred that ________.

A. the author’s husband is an environmentalist.

B. the author’s children dislike making lunch box notes.

C. the author’s grandson likes drawing pictures on napkins.

D. the author’s friends all had their brand of lunch box notes.


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年浙江杭州求是高级中学高二上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解



Russian dances: The famous “Little White Birth” Dance Troupe will travel from Russia to present performances in Beijing.

The troupe, founded in 1948, is famous for their combination of Russian folk dances and classical dancing art.

It has been invited by the Beijing Foreign Culture Exchange Co. in order to give four performances in Beijing.

Tickets are available through ticket hotlines and website such as www. paio. com. cn, www. Chinaticket. com and www. ticket. elong. com.

* Time: 7: 30 pm, January 18 - 21

* Place: Beizhan Theatre, 135, Xiwai Dajie,

Xicheng District

* Tel: 6606-4258


Kite show: All together 81 kites collected by the China National Art Museum is on show in the Yanhuang Art Museum.

Kong Xiangze, an expert on Chinese kites, published a book on kites, explaining the origins of the kite-making process. The exhibited kites are made in a traditional Chinese style.

* Time: 9 am-5 pm until February 11

* Place: 9 Huizhong Lu

* Tel: 6491-2902


Folk music: A concert of classics of Chinese folk music will greet audiences on the first day of the Year of Snake at the Beijing Concert Hall.

The China Song and Dance Ensemble will perform dozens of traditional instrumental pieces, such as “Full of Joy”, “Colourful Cloud Chasing the Moon” and “Spring Festival Suite”.

* Time: 7: 30 pm, January 24

* Place: 1, Beixinhuajie, Xicheng District

* Tel: 6559-8285


Flower festival: The Beijing Botanical Garden is bringing people a blooming festival with the beautiful flowers in its tropical plants greenhouse.

The garden has introduced nearly 80 kinds of flowers abroad for the exhibition.

There is also an exhibition of potted narcissus (水仙) landscapes (盆景). More than 300 mini landscapes involving imported narcissus will be displayed, people can get a preview of the show by visiting www.beijingbd.com, the garden’s website.

* Time: 8:30 am-5 pm until January 28

* Place: Wofosi Lu near the Fragant Hills

* Tel: 8259-5547

1. Suppose you are too far away from Beijing or you can’t spare time to go there in person, which of the following shows can you enjoy all the same?

A. Russian dances.B. Kite show

C. Folk music D. Flower festival

2.The phrase “get a preview of” used in the passage means ______.

A. watch in advance B. see more clearly

C. get good position of D. get a general idea of

3. If you and your classmates have a free evening to spend on the 19th of January, which is a useful number to call?

A. 6606-4258 B. 6491-2902

C. 6559-8285 D. 8259-5547


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年云南腾冲第六中学高二上教学质检英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题


My mother is a diligent and kind woman. She is very busy from morning till night. As a teacher, she works hard. 1. Both my brother and I love her dearly as she loves us.

My mother has been teaching math at a middle school in my hometown. She goes to work early in the morning and does not return home until late in the afternoon. 2. She treats them with patience and teaches them well. For her excellent quality and very good teaching results, she has been elected as a model teacher several times.

3. Every day, when she comes back home from work, she sets about doing housework, sweeping the living room and bedrooms or cleaning the furniture, and putting everything in good order. She seems to be busy all the time. As she has been very busy working every day, she looks older than her age. But she looks as cheerful and happy as ever. Mother never buys expensive dresses for herself, but she often buys some inexpensive but high quality clothes for us. 4. She just eats a plain meal outside when she is too busy to cook herself. She lives a busy yet simple life, without any complaints.

Often she says to us, “work while you work, and play while you play. That is the way to be happy and gay. If you do not work, you will become lazy and be of no use to society”. What a piece of good advice this is! 5. This advice of hers will always serve as a guide to my behavior. My mother is great indeed, and I always feel proud of her.

A. She enjoys listening to classic music.

B. As a mother, she takes good care of us and gives us every comfort.

C. She loves her students and cares for them.

D. She never goes to expensive restaurants to enjoy meals.

E. My mother is hard-working and never wastes money.

F. I never forget it and always bear it in my mind.

G. Can you tell us something about your mother?


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年温州市高一上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

People travel for a lot of reasons. Some tourists go to see battlefields or other historic remains(遗址). Others are looking for culture, or simply want to have their pictures taken in front of famous places. Most European tourists are looking for a sunny beach to lie on.

Northern Europeans are willing to pay a lot of money for the sun because they have so little of it. People of cities like London, Copenhagen and Amsterdam spend much of their winter in the dark because the days are so short, and much of the rest of the year are in the rain. This is the reason why the Mediterranean has always attracted them. Every summer many people travel to Mediterranean resorts(度假胜地) and beaches for their vacation. They all come for the same reason: sun!

The huge crowds mean lots of money for the economics of Mediterranean countries. Italy's 30, 000 hotels are booked without a break every summer. And 13 million people camp out on French beaches, parks, and roadsides. Spain's long sandy coastline attracts more people than anywhere else. 37 million tourists visit there yearly, or one tourist for each person living in Spain.

But there are signs that the area is getting more tourism than it can deal with. The Mediterranean is already one of the most polluted seas on earth. None of these, however, is ruining anyone's fun. Obviously, they don't go there for clean water. They allow traffic jams and seem to like crowded beaches. They don't even mind the pollution. No matter how dirty the water is, the coastline still looks beautiful. And as long as the sun shines, it's still better than sitting in the cold, rainy in Berlin, London, or Oslo.

1.The writer seems to imply(暗示) that Europeans travel mostly for the reason that ______.

A.they want to see historic remains

B.they wish to escape from cold, dark and rainy days

C.they would like to take pictures in front of famous places

D.they are interested in different cultural and social customs

2.According to the passage, which of the following countries attracts more tourists than the others?

A.Italy. B.Greece

C.France. D.Spain.

3.The underlined part in the last sentence in paragraph 3 means ______.

A.all the 37 million people living in Spain are tourists

B.every person living in Spain has to take care of a tourist

C.every year almost as many tourists visit Spain as there are people living in that country

D.every family in Spain is visited by a tourist every year

4.According to the passage, which of the following might ruin the tourists' fun at Mediterranean resorts and beaches?

A.Polluted water. B.Crowded buses.

C.Rainy weather. D.Traffic jams.


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年温州市高一上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

The maths teacher told the naughty boys _____ so much noise in class.

A. not making B. not to make

C. don’t make D. didn’t make


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年温州市高一上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

It was in the lab __________ my father did the experiment yesterday evening.

A. that B. since

C. which D. before


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年天津宝坻四校高一11月联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

It’s known to us all that the deeper you dive, ________ you can breathe.

A. the difficult B. more difficult

C. most difficult D. the more difficult


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年山东淄博市高二上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

My mom suggests that we ________ eat out for a change this weekend.

A. should B. might

C. could D. would

