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 He’s senior______his sister ______ two years.

A.by; to    B. in; to     C. to; by      D. by; by


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Cole Bettles had been rejected by a number of universities when he received an e-mail from the University of California, San Diego, last month, congratulating him on his admission and inviting him to tour the campus. His mother booked a hotel in San Diego, and the 18-year-old Ojai high school senior arranged for his grandfather, uncle and other family members to meet them at the campus for lunch during the Saturday tour.

“They were like ‘Oh my God, that’s so awesome (棒的)’, ” Bettles said. Right before he got in bed, he checked his e-mail one last time and found another message saying the school had made a mistake and his application had been denied.

In fact, all 28, 000 students turned away from UC San Diego, in one of the toughest college entrance seasons on record, had received the same incorrect message. The students’ hopes had been raised and then dashed (破灭) in a cruel twist that shows the danger of instant communications in the Internet age.

UCSD admissions director Mae Brown called it an “administrative error” but refused to say who had made the mistake, or if those responsible would be disciplined (受训)。

The e-mail, which began, “We’re thrilled that you’ve been admitted to UC San Diego, and we’re showcasing (展示) our beautiful campus on Admit Day, ” was sent to the full 46, 000 students who had applied, instead of just the 18, 000 who got in, Brown said.

The error was discovered almost immediately by her staff, who sent an apology within hours.

“It was really thrilling for a few hours; now he’s crushed (压垮), ” said Cole’s mother, Tracy Bettles. “It’s really tough on them.”

The admissions director said she was in the office on Monday until midnight answering e-mails and phone calls from disappointed students and their parents. She said she took full responsibility for the error. “We accessed the wrong database. We recognize the incredible pain receiving this false encouragement caused. It was not our intent.”

How many students received an admission e-mail from the University of California, San Diego (UCSD)?

A. 18, 000     B. 28, 000   C. 46, 000    D. 18

Which of the following statements is TRUE about the wrong e-mail message?

A. The mistake was made on purpose to cause pain among the applicants.

B. It was UCSD admissions director Mae Brown who made the mistake.

C. UCSD admissions staff got information from the wrong database.

D. Staff did not discover the mistake until next Monday.

The admissions director Mae Brown did what she could to __________.

A. protect the person who made the mistake

B. punish herself for the mistake

C. make up for the mistake

D. help the disappointed students enter the university

What does the passage mainly talk about?

A. Cole Bettles was admitted to the UCSD.

B. Cole Bettles was rejected y a famous university.

C. USCD admissions office often makes “administration errors”。

D. False admission information raised the students’ hopes and then dashed them.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015届四川省高二上学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

He is a real turtle(海龟).

         Someone who always moves very slowly.

         She is such a sheep.

         A follower; someone who can’t think for him or herself.

         He’s being an ostrich(鸵鸟).

         Someone who hides his/her head in the sand and refuses to face problems or reality.

         He’s a lamb.

         A gentle, patient, understanding person. Nice and considerate.

         What a crab(蟹) he is!

         A grouchy(发牢骚的) person; someone who is often angry and in a bad mood.

1.In which of the following situations are the people acting like sheep?

A. A teenager tells a small child to stop bothering an animal.

B. A young man is driving fast because all his friends do.

C. Someone runs for monitor of the senior class in the school.

D. People are walking and singing together along the road.

2.If a person is like a turtle, which of these is most likely to be a problem to him or her?

A. Keeping the house clean.               B. Learning a new language.

C. Getting to school on time.               D. Saving money for future use.

3.Buddy hates to wake up on Monday morning. He doesn’t speak to his wife or children, and he often shouts at the other drivers on his way to work. Everybody stays out of his way at least until noon time. After that he’s all right. Buddy’s boss says, “ Buddy is a good guy, but on Monday morning, he’s an absolute _________.”

A. crab                         B. lamb                        C. turtle                                D. ostrich

4.Jerry has not been well for weeks. He knows he has a problem but he is afraid to see a doctor .If he is sick, he doesn’t want to know about it. His wife says, “ Jerry, don’t be a(n) __________. Go to the doctor. She can help you get of your illness.

A. crab                         B. lamb                        C. sheep                               D. ostrich



科目:高中英语 来源:2014届福建省高二上学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Derrius Quarles, 19, had an unhappy childhood. But the Chicago teen didn’t give up. He tried his best and won $1 million in college scholarships (奖学金)! Now Derrius is a successful college student with a bright future.

When Derrius was 4, his father was killed. His mother couldn’t take care of him because of taking drugs. Derrius and his 9-year-old brother sometimes had to steal food to eat. Derrius felt different from other kids. In seventh grade, Derrius went to live in a foster home (寄养家庭). His foster parents weren’t nice to him. They told him that he’d never be anything in life.

Derrius didn’t do his best in school. The summer after ninth grade, that changed. Derrius had signed up for a biology class. He didn’t go to class the first day. On the second day, he showed up late. His teacher took him outside. She told him he was smart, but that he was wasting his potential (潜力). The talk inspired him and he planned to prove that he could be anything if he worked hard enough.

Adults at a summer program helped Derrius find out about scholarships he could earn to pay for college. In his senior year, Derrius filled out lots of applications. He told his friends, “You’re not going to see me for a long time.” Derrius’s hard work paid off. He won more than $1 million in scholarships! He has a lot to be proud of. But he’s most proud of helping others. Derrius gives speeches to teens, telling them how to find scholarships. In high school, Derrius got help buying a computer. He wanted to help others who needed them. Last year, he gave two laptops to high schoolstudents. There’s a lot of work in his future. Derrius doesn’t mind — hard work has got him where he is today. He knows it can take him anywhere.

1. From Paragraphs 2 and 3, we can learn that Derrius _____.

A.always studied hard in school

B.lived in the same foster home with his brother

C.hated his parents very much

D.was encouraged a lot by his biology teacher

2.The underlined word “it” in the last paragraph refers to _____.

A.great success

B.a scholarship

C.hard work

D.a computer

3.What kind of person do you think Derrius is?

A.Lazy but kind-hearted.

B.Selfish and naughty.

C.Confident but troublesome(带来麻烦的).

D.Determined and generous(慷慨的).

4.What does the author want to tell us?

A.The way to win a scholarship to a college.

B.The importance of family background.

C.Never forget people who have helped you.

D.Hard work pays off sooner or later.



科目:高中英语 来源:2010届广东省高三上学期10月月考 题型:信息匹配


        第二节 信息匹配(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)



A. Black Snake Moan

     Rae has been left for dead on the roadside when Lazavas discovers her. The

God-fearing, middle-aged black man quickly learns that the young white woman

whom he's nursing back to health is none other than the town tramp from the small

Tennessee town where they live. Worse, she has an anxiety disorder.

     B. Blades of Glory

     When two figure skaters Chazz and Jimmy brawl (打架)  for the gold medal at

the World Championships, they are stripped (剥夺) of their gold medals and banned

from the sport for life.

      C. Mr. Brooks

Consider Mr. Brooks, a successful businessman, a generous philanthropist (慈善家), a loving father and devoted husband. Seemingly, he's perfect. But Mr. Brooks has a secret -- he is a cruel serial killer and no one knows it -- until now.

D. Evening

The film explores the romantic past and emotional present of Ann Grant and her daughters. As Ann lays dying, she reflects on the time in her youth when she met the love of her life, a man she has never forgotten. Her daughters learn that decisions made on impulse can affect a lifetime,and how important it is to know

true love when it finds you.

     E.Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

     Harry Potter retums for his fifth year of study at Hogwarts and discovers that

much of the wizard community has been denied the truth about the teenager's recent

encounter with the evil Lord Voldemort, preferring to turn a blind eye to the news that Voldemort has returned.

     F. The Invisible

     Nick is a high school senior with a bright future until, in a tragic case of

mistaken identity, he is wildly attacked by a troubled girl Annie, and his body is left for dead.


    56. Deeply moving  and extremely romantic, it is a film about the moments in life that define us, and the timeless love that binds mothers and daughters, sisters and friends.

    57. He decides to cure her both in body and in spirit. He uses unusual ways --

tying her to the radiator (电暖炉) . And by saving her,,the man might just save


    58. Now in limbo (中间过渡状态), he is not quite dead but invisible to the living,

and his spirit can only watch as his mother and the Police search for him, not knowing that he is only hours away from death.

    59. Fearing that Hogwarts' venerable (值得尊敬的)  headmaster, Albus

Dumbledore is lying about Voldemort's return in order to weaken his power and take

his job, the Minister for Magic, Cornelius Fudge, appoints a new teacher to keep

watch over Hogwarts' students.

    60. Now, three-and-a-half years on, they've found there will be some hope that

they will be allowed to compete again: if they can put aside their differences, they can skate together in pairs figure skating.


