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----Fang Yonggang was given _____honor of being one of the 10 yearly figures in China,2007.

―That’s really ______great encouragement to those serving in the army.

A.the;不填            B.a;a             C.the;a                   D.不填;the


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


-I           ,but I          anything unusual

         A.watched; have watched                            B.have watched; am not seeing

         C.was watching ; wasn’t seeing                 D.am watching; don’t see


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Remember when a trip to the supermarket was nothing more than a boring thing requiring little or no specialized knowledge? You could send your kids into a cart while you did shopping. You always bought the same brands,usually the brands your mother bought. You didn't know about unit pricing,and furthermore,you didn't care. It never occurred to you to read the labels on anything. After all,you'd bought these things a hundred times.

But now,I really look on those days with a feeling of yearn(怀旧). How innocent we were! How carefree were those trips to the supermarket. No worries. Today a trip to the supermarket is filled with social influence. Every time I buy pork chops I think about the years I'm shaving from my life. I keep a careful eye on the freshness date and examine the tamper-proof packaging. I am victim of that most dangerous social disease:shoppers' panic.

I didn't realize how serious my condition had become until the last time I needed laundry, soap. It seemed simple enough. Just run into the market,grab a box of the old reliable and pay for it. I hadn't planned on discovering Ecover,a new brand of laundry soap. It sat quietly on the shelf right next to my old reliable. “Healthy,gentle but effective. ”My respect for it deepened with each new claim as I read the entire package. Then I looked at the price:$5. 69 for 2 pound. $5. 69! I cast a quick glance at the old reliable,still on sale for$1. 39.

Six bucks for laundry soap! These people must be crazy! Who's going to pay six bucks for laundry soap? It's not as though I can't afford it. See,it's concentrated―use less,get more. BUT SIX BUCKS! And the box is made from recycled materials …This act went on for a solid half hour,after which I left the shelf without any soap at all.

Surely the meat department is most threatening place. Remember what protein was good for you? That's all over.  Every bite you take kills you.  I won't even mention meat's moral influence.

When all is said and done,we still must eat. I gather up my healthy-cooking oil and my recycled paper towels and head to the checkout counter.

57. In the first paragraph,the author mainly wants to tell us that in the past        .

    A. it was convenient to go shopping in the supermarket

    B. shopping in the supermarket was a very boring thing

    C. we never read the labels of commodities in the supermarket

    D. we used to buy the same brands of products in the supermarket

58. Recalling the old days' shopping in the supermarket,the author thinks it was        .

A. pleasant    B. fresh    C. dangerous   D. crazy

59. In the supermarket,the author was attracted by a new brand of laundry soap for its      .  

A. price     B. claim    C. package    D. shape

60. According to the passage,what's the author's problem?

    A. She was too poor to afford the new brands in the supermarket

    B. She could not find the right laundry soap in the supermarket.

    C. She had to use the most healthy things for her poor health.

    D. She was greatly affected by the social influence.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

We can no longer ________ to consider water an almost free resource that we can use as we like.

A. permit               B. afford               C. expect               D. spare


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Kids in a Sudanese refugee(难民)camp stir up a cloud of dust as they kick around a football. NBA superstar Tracy McCray watches from a distance before offering to buy the kids a grass pitch(运动场)for $1. 000.

Perhaps he sees a Ronaldinho rising up out of the African soil. Or maybe he just wants to do something ― anything ― to give these children some hope. But he is told, politely, that grass is not what the kids need.

This scene appears in 3 Point, a new documentary(纪录片), which shows the Houston Rockets star coming face to face with the reality that life is more than sport.

McGrady,29, writes on his website that he traveled to Africa because he was tired of only reading about it in news. “Who were the faces behind the numbers?” He said. “I needed to see it for myself.

And he did. He stepped out of his large house and flew to a place torn to bits by war and famine(饥荒). He slept in a tent. He kept away from minefields. He talked with people who have been suffering. And he swallowed(咽下)his pride.

But no one should blame McGrady for wanting to buy the kids a pitch of grass. Sports gave him a chance, so perhaps he thought it would do the same for the refugees.

McGrady was eyed by NBA managers as a teenager and he didn’t bother going to college.

Instead, he leaped right into the NBA. Since that move, basketball has given him a handsome living, but one very far removed from the lives of ordinary people.

As McGrady would learn in Africa, most people see sports as just a break from life’s difficulties. They don’t mistake it for 1ife itself.

Only McGrady knows how this Africa trip changed him, but I’d bet that, at the very least, it has given him a new sense for what is truly meaningful.

McGrady doesn’t own an NBA championship ring. He hasn’t risen to the heights of Kobe Bryant or Michael Jordan.

But, perhaps, now he knows he doesn’t have to in order to truly make a difference in the world.


49. Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A. While in Africa, McGrady behaved considerately.

B. The trip to Africa has changed McGrady’s life totally.

C. McGrady should be blamed for wanting to buy kids grass pitch.

D. McGrady suffered as much as the African kids in his childhood.

50. What does the underlined word “eyed” in Paragraph 7 probably mean?

A. Admired.           B. Selected.                  C. Examined.         D. Researched.

51. After becoming an NBA player, McGrady ________.

A. leads a different life from ordinary people

B. lives far away from other people

C. was once removed from NBA

D. refused to go to college

52. In this passage, the writer mainly tells us ________.

A. McGrady took a trip to Africa

B. African people lead a poor life today

C. African people don’t take sport for life

D. McGrady offered his help to African children


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

一Where is your new home now?

―In the new developed zone.But I ______downtown for five years.

A.have lived            B.had lived         C.1ived                     D.was living


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

All the preparations for the task________, and we’re ready to start.

A.completed                                          B.complete 

C.have been completed                           D.had been completed


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

We did not expect our offer _____ so quickly.

A. rejected   B. to reject   C. to be rejected   D. rejecting


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

――What do you know about Mike?

――Well, he got married and      in Australia.

A.settled down           B.got down  C.took down D.turned down

