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While _____ music is just so-so, _____ story in this TV play is quite moving.

A. /; a         B. the; the          C. the; /           D. /; the


科目:高中英语 来源:北京市丰台区2010届高三下学期统一练习(二)英语 题型:完型填空

Mum keeps telling me “Turn the radio down!” or “Can’t you listen to anything else” or “I don’t know how you can  36  with all noises.” Even my friends at school don’t appreciate the  37  I love, and my best friend told me I am a ‘radio junkie.’
I thought about the music that  38  me each day. It represented a wide range of music  39  ——I certainly wasn’t narrow—minded. I don’t only listen to hard roc, but also to music from the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s, and it isn’t really that  40  . Perhaps my mum and dad aren’t as square as I thought they were, if that’s the sort of music they  41  .
While music is the most important  42  I listen to my radio, it’s not the only one. my favorite station has many  43  presenters, from the wake—up show to the latest night ‘stop—outs’, and with all sorts of up —beat variations in between. My ‘must—listen—to’  44  is the top 40 countdown where I get to   45  all the latest and very best music selections.
Do I learn anything form the  46  I listen to? Of course I do! If you listen   47  to the lyrics of most songs, they have something to  48  about every aspect of life. People who are sad, mad, glad or bad, all  49  their feelings in the songs they sing or in the music they play. You see, I’m learning  50  other people cope with these feelings, and in some small way, it’s helping me too.
Competitions, talk—back programs and the dreaded ‘ads’, are all  51  of radio, but it’s the music that attracts me most. I’ve   52  learned to do all sorts of things while listening to the music on the radio. I can do my homework, play sport, have a shower, get dressed,   53  while listening to the radio!
I’d rather not be  54  radio junkie, but if that’s the word that describes my radio listening  55  most exactly, then I guess I’ll have to live with it. my music suits me and I suit my music.
36.A.talk          B.think     C.listen         D.deal
37.A.noise         B.radio     C.music          D.thing
38.A.surrounds     B.encouragesC.educates      D.touches
39.A.lovers          B.boxes       C.lessons         D.styles
40.A.new         B.bad      C.perfect         D.particular
41.A.repeated      B.played      C.enjoyed       D.wrote
42.A.reason         B.thing     C.excuse         D.subject
43.A.experienced     B.different   C.popular        D.excellent
44.A.performance    B.record      C.edition         D.favorite
45.A.collect         B.see       C.hear         D.buy
46.A. songs         B.concerts    C.bands          D.programs
47.A.exactly        B.carefully   C.immediately     D.constantly
48.A.worry          B.argue     C.care          D.say
49.A.express        B.understandC.share         D.describe
50.A.whether       B.that      C.how         D.why
51.A.topics          B.sorts     C.value         D.part
52.A.even         B.ever     C.already        D.just
53.A.those         B.all        C.ones         D.everything
54.A.regarded      B.elected      C.called          D.named
55.A.stations        B.hobbies     C.selections      D.habits


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年北京市第六十六中学高二下学期期中考试英语卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

Throughout time, people have loved music for its ability to transport them into a world of rhythm and melody. Recently more and more hospitals and clinics have been tapping into the power of music –not only to comfort patients, but to help cure them as well. Welcome to the world of music therapy(疗法).
After each of the two world wars, musicians visited hospitals and played instruments for injured soldiers suffering from emotional and physical pain. Today's music therapists continue this practice, playing instruments such as guitars and harps to bring comfort to their audiences.
Therapist Eric Mammen encourages his patients at a children’s hospital to participate with him as he plays. During visits with 13-year-old cancer patient Lawrence Garcia, Mammen encourages Garcia to beat on electric drums while he plays the guitar. The therapy won’t cure his cancer, but it does, according to Garcia’s mom, take away much of the boy’s depression(沮丧).
Music therapy can put patients in better moods and ease the symptoms of depression according to the American Music Therapy Association. Other benefits include relieving pain, calming tension, aiding sleep, reducing worry or fear, and easing muscle tension.
Jose Haro personally experienced the benefits of music therapy when he was recovering from heart surgery. During his recovery, he played a piano whose keys lit up, indicating which keys to touch to play along with the background music. Soon he was playing tunes and noticing something strange. “I was searching for my pain.” He says of his experience, “but it was gone.”
While Haro's experience provides an evidence of the power of music to relieve pain, scientific research has proven music also helps patients with Alzheimer's disease and arthritis.
In addition, music therapy helps premature babies. Doctors are tapping into a powerful way to teach premature babies that haven’t yet learned how to suck. Doctors use a device that comforts the babies by playing music when they suck on a pacifier(奶嘴). Soon the babies learn to suck in return for music, gaining weight faster and going home earlier than those who do not use the device.
Even perfectly healthy people are discovering the power of music to calm and heal. Drum circles attract people who find stress relief in beating out rhythms. While music is not a cure-all, it does make life a little easier.
【小题1】In the first paragraph, the underlined phrase “ tapping into “ can be replaced by “_________”

A.discussing onB.looking for C.showing interest inD.making use of
【小题2】According to the passage, Jose Haro_______________.
A.went through an obvious effect of music on his recovery
B.was asked to play the piano with the background music
C.felt no pain in his surgery because of music therapy
D.recovered from heart disease completely
【小题3】From the passage, we know_________________.
A.music can prevent people from suffering from arthritis
B.Garcia found much comfort in music according to his mom
C.musicians cured many soldiers after each of the two world wars
D.the more music they listen to, the faster premature babies gain weight
【小题4】What is the best title for this passage?
A.Music to Patient EarsB.Music Popular in Hospitals
C.Musicians Work with DoctorsD.People's life Benefits from Music


科目:高中英语 来源:2010年上海市闵行区高三下学期质量调研考试(英语) 题型:阅读理解

Throughout time, people have loved music for its ability to transport them into a world of rhythm and melody. Recently more and more hospitals and clinics have been tapping into the power of music - not only to comfort patients, but to help them heal as well. Welcome to the world of music therapy.
After each of the two world wars, musicians visited hospitals and played instruments for injured soldiers suffering from emotional and physical pain. Today’s music therapists continue this practice, playing instruments such as guitars and harps to bring comfort to their audiences.
Therapist Eric Mammen encourages his patients at a children’s hospital to participate with him as he plays. During visits with 13-year-old cancer patient Lawrence Garcia, Mammen encourages Garcia to beat on electric drums while he plays the guitar. The therapy won’t cure his cancer, but it does, according to Garcia’s mom, take away much of the boy’s depression.
Music therapy can elevate patients’ moods and ease the symptoms of depression according to the American Music Therapy Association. Other benefits include relieving pain, calming tension, aiding sleep, counteracting worry or fear, and easing muscle tension.
Jose Haro personally experienced the benefits of music therapy when he was recovering from heart surgery. During his recovery, he played a piano whose keys lit up, indicating which keys to touch to play along with the background music. Soon, he was playing tunes and noticing something strange. “I was searching for my pain.” He says of his experience, “but it was gone.”
While Haro’s experience provides an evidence of the power of music to relieve pain, scientific research has proven music also helps patients with Alzheimer’s disease and arthritis.
In addition, music therapy helps premature (早产的) babies. Doctors are tapping into a powerful way to teach premature babies that haven’t yet learned how to suck. Doctors use a device that comforts the babies by playing music when they suck on a pacifier (奶嘴). Soon, the babies learn to suck in return for music, gaining weight faster and going home earlier than those who don’t use the device.
Even perfectly healthy people are discovering the power of music to calm and heal. Drum circles attract people who find stress relief in pounding out rhythms. While music isn’t a cure-all, it does make life a little easier.
68.   In the first paragraph, the underlined phrase “tapping into” can be replaced by “________”.
A. discussing on                                                      B. looking for
C. showing interest in                                           D. making use of
69.   According to the passage, Jose Haro ________.
A. went through an obvious effect of music on his recovery                    
B. recovered from heart disease completely
C. felt no pain in his surgery                      
D. was asked to play the piano by his doctors
70.   From the passage, we know ________.
A. musicians cured many soldiers after each of the two world wars
B. Garcia found much comfort in music according to his mom
C. music can prevent people from suffering from arthritis
D. the more music they listen to, the faster premature babies gain weight
71.   What is the best title for this passage?
A. Music Is Becoming Popular in Most Hospitals
B. Music Helps Patients Recover
C. Musicians Work with Doctors
D. People’s Life Benefits from Music


科目:高中英语 来源:2014届北京市高二下学期期中考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Throughout time, people have loved music for its ability to transport them into a world of rhythm and melody. Recently more and more hospitals and clinics have been tapping into the power of music –not only to comfort patients, but to help cure them as well. Welcome to the world of music therapy(疗法).

After each of the two world wars, musicians visited hospitals and played instruments for injured soldiers suffering from emotional and physical pain. Today's music therapists continue this practice, playing instruments such as guitars and harps to bring comfort to their audiences.

Therapist Eric Mammen encourages his patients at a children’s hospital to participate with him as he plays. During visits with 13-year-old cancer patient Lawrence Garcia, Mammen encourages Garcia to beat on electric drums while he plays the guitar. The therapy won’t cure his cancer, but it does, according to Garcia’s mom, take away much of the boy’s depression(沮丧).

Music therapy can put patients in better moods and ease the symptoms of depression according to the American Music Therapy Association. Other benefits include relieving pain, calming tension, aiding sleep, reducing worry or fear, and easing muscle tension.

Jose Haro personally experienced the benefits of music therapy when he was recovering from heart surgery. During his recovery, he played a piano whose keys lit up, indicating which keys to touch to play along with the background music. Soon he was playing tunes and noticing something strange. “I was searching for my pain.” He says of his experience, “but it was gone.”

While Haro's experience provides an evidence of the power of music to relieve pain, scientific research has proven music also helps patients with Alzheimer's disease and arthritis.

In addition, music therapy helps premature babies. Doctors are tapping into a powerful way to teach premature babies that haven’t yet learned how to suck. Doctors use a device that comforts the babies by playing music when they suck on a pacifier(奶嘴). Soon the babies learn to suck in return for music, gaining weight faster and going home earlier than those who do not use the device.

Even perfectly healthy people are discovering the power of music to calm and heal. Drum circles attract people who find stress relief in beating out rhythms. While music is not a cure-all, it does make life a little easier.

1.In the first paragraph, the underlined phrase “ tapping into “ can be replaced by “_________”

A.discussing on       B.looking for         C.showing interest in  D.making use of

2.According to the passage, Jose Haro_______________.

A.went through an obvious effect of music on his recovery

B.was asked to play the piano with the background music

C.felt no pain in his surgery because of music therapy

D.recovered from heart disease completely

3.From the passage, we know_________________.

A.music can prevent people from suffering from arthritis

B.Garcia found much comfort in music according to his mom

C.musicians cured many soldiers after each of the two world wars

D.the more music they listen to, the faster premature babies gain weight

4.What is the best title for this passage?

A.Music to Patient Ears                     B.Music Popular in Hospitals

C.Musicians Work with Doctors              D.People's life Benefits from Music



科目:高中英语 来源:2013届宁夏高二下学期期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

While _____ music is just so-so, _____ story in this TV play is quite moving.

A./; a

B.the; the

C.the; /

D./; the


