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1.Have you ever intended to be fully absorbed in your work but found yourself distracted (走神) by e-mail,the Internet and other things throughout the day?According to the survey made by a famous university in the USA,most people have the experience.
"People often lose their concentration when they are bored,of course,but also when they are engaged in challenging tasks,"says Peter Bregman,the head of the survey."They sometimes have a feeling to escape from what's difficult or boring,so they jump out,"he says.The part of the brain devoted to attention is connected to the brain's emotional center.Any strong emotion-quarrels with colleagues,problems at home-can interrupt our attention.Studies over the last decade have shown that too much work to do at a time can easily lead to distraction.
Refocusing is hard for many people.Robert Epstein suggests the following,"Stop and listen to some soft music for a few minutes.Find a good friend or a teacher and say out your matter on your mind.Go for a short walk or take a deep breath,where you breathe in deeply,count to five slowly,hold it and breathe out very slowly."This can"blow out all the tension and the unwanted in your mind to restore your focus."
Take more control by structuring your time and becoming more aware of your behaviors."Setting the phone alarm to go off every hour is my way of creating awareness,"Mr.Bregman says."You have to inform yourself that you've lost focus in order to do something about it."Starting the day with a to-do list is also important,such as when to eat,when to go to the gym or take a walk.But if it's overly ambitious,you will put yourself in a state of anxiety,which makes it hard for the brain to concentrate."Choosing three or four things as your priority (优先) for the day allows your brain to settle down and focus,"he says.

71.According to the passage,which is NOT the reason why some people can be distracted from their work?A
A.They don't want to be devoted to their work.
B.They are disturbed by the Internet and other things.
C.They can't find interest in their work.
D.They feel their work is too hard for them.
72.Which incident might not interrupt your attention?C
A.You were scolded by your teacher.
B.You had words with your good friend.
C.You went to school at six as usual.
D.Your mother and father had a quarrel.
73.According to Robert Epstein,how can we refocus on what we should do?B
A.Listen to rock music for some time.
B.Turn to your good friends or teachers for help.
C.Run around the playground for some time.
D.Take a breath from time to time.
74.What's the meaning of the underlined word"restore"in the passage?A
A.recover    B.reform   C.release  D.react
75.Why does the writer set the phone alarm to go off every hour?C
A.To blow out all the tension.
B.To become more aware of his behaviors.
C.To make a to-do list.
D.To remind him when to eat,when to go to the gym or take a walk.

分析 文章分析了"人们无法集中注意力工作或学习"的原因并给出部分建议.

解答 71.A.细节理解题由第二段They sometimes have a feeling to escape from what's difficult or boring,so they jump out,当遭遇困难或者很无聊的时候人们会走神,可知A项"他们不想认真工作"不在所提到范围内.故选A.
72.C.推理判断题.,由第二段举的例子来看,Any strong emotion-quarrels with colleagues,problems at home-can interrupt our attentionC,争吵,困难会影响情绪,而C选项是"如往常六点去学校"不是能够影响到情绪的情况,因此被排除在外.故选C.
74.A.词义猜测题 根据前文中听音乐等的一系列动作可以放松紧张情绪,这样就能让你的注意力重新回来,因此选A 即"从…中恢复".故选A.
75.C.细节理解题.由倒数第一段Setting the phone alarm to go off every hour is my way of creating awareness,设置闹钟是为了唤醒创造意识,可知选C

点评 本篇文章难点在推理判断题上.推理判断题要以表面文字为前提,以具体事实为依据进行推理,做出判断.这种推理方式比较直接,考生只要弄清事实,即可结合上下文推断出合理的结论


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

10.KFC opens concept store in Shanghai,which ______ to attract more young and middle class customers.(  )
A.will be expectedB.has been expected
C.was expectedD.is expected


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:短文改错

There are lots of experience in our life.The most unforgettable one for me is the speech competition holding last year.I'm interested in English.When my English teacher told me that I had chosen to take part in the speech competition,I devoted me to the preparation.I was determined to win the first prize.I was such nervous when I stood on the stage that I forgot everything.Not until I caught a sight of my teacher did I calm down.Finally,I do a good job.When I heard I got the first prize,my heart was filled in joy and tears rolled down.Through this speech competition,I understand that it is confidence which makes people succeeded..


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

9.Up to 90% of school leavers in major Asian cities are suffering from myopia---short-sightedness,a study suggests.Researchers say the"extraordinary rise"in the problem is being caused by students working very hard in school and missing out on outdoor light.
Eye experts say that you are short-sighted if your vision is blurred(模糊的) beyond 2m.It is often caused by an elongation (拉抻)of the eyeball that happens when people are young.According to the research,the problem is being caused by a combination of factors-a commitment to education and lack of outdoor light.
Professor Morgan who led this study argues that many children in South East Asia spend long hours studying at school and doing their homework.This in itself puts pressure on the eyes,but exposure to between two and three hours of daylight helps maintain healthy eyes.
Cultural factors also seem to play a part.Across many parts of South East Asia9children often have a lunchtime nap.According to Professor Morgan they are missing out on natural light to prevent short-sightedness.
A big concern is the numbers of the students suffering from"high"myopia.One in five of these students could experience severe visual impairment(障碍)and even blindness.These people are at considerable risk-sometimes people are not told about it and are just given more powerful glasses-they need to be warned about the risk and given some self-testing measures so they can get to an ophthalmologist and get some help.
For decades,researchers believed there was a strong genetic component to the condition.But this study strongly suggests an alternative view."Any type of simple genetic explanation just doesn't fit with that speed of change; gene pools just don't change in two generations.Whether it's a purely environmental effect or an environmental effect playing a sensitive genome,it really doesn't matter,the thing that's changed is not the gene pool--it's the environment."

47.As is mentioned above,which factor mainly results in students'myopia in South East Asia?C
A.Genetic faults of the people.
B.Elongation of the eyeball.
C.The shortage of outdoor light.
D.Lack of research into the problem.
48.Which of the following statements do you think agrees with Professor Morgan?D
A.A lunchtime nap is helpful in reducing myopia.
B.Glasses keep myopia from getting even worse.
C.It's necessary to treat myopia with an operation.
D.It's of vital importance to reduce educational pressure.
49.What's the main idea of the last paragraph?B
A.Gene remains the main cause of the long-standing problem.
B.The environment is to blame for the extraordinary rise in myopia.
C.Short-sightedness has nothing to do with changes in gene pools.
D.An environmental effect playing a sensitive genome counts.
50.What's the best way to take care of your eyes according to the passage?D
A.Equip the classroom with better lights.
B.Look at the sun from time to time.
C.Do eyes exercise regularly.
D.Spend more time in the open air.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

16.Teenagers will be told to"stand up for their elders"on public transport-or risk losing their right to free travel.
London Mayor Boris Johnson will declare plans today to make youngsters sign a"courtesy pledge"(文明宣言) to promise to behave in a respectful manner when travelling in the capital.The three-point pledge states that they will give up their seats to the elderly,pregnant and disabled; keep from using offensive or threatening language; and be courteous and polite to fellow passengers and staff.
    Those who refuse,or are caught behaving in a loutish manner,will have their free travel passes removed.The plan-a key part of Mr Johnson's re-election bid-will initially affect the 400,000 ll-to-15-year-olds in London who qualify for free travel cards,but Tory sources believe the idea could be used across the country.
     A Conservative insider said:"The plan corresponds perfectly with the push to create a Big Society.It is about changing culture and expectations around behaviour to improve the atmosphere on buses and trains for everyone."
    Speaking before today's launch,Mr Johnson said he was determined to deal with the anti-social behaviour of a"minority of youngsters"on public transport."When I was a boy,I was taught to stand up for those less able to,"he said."Youngsters enjoy the privilege of free travel,which is paid for by Londoners,but they have to understand that with that privilege comes responsibility.Anyone who abuses this privilege will have it taken away,and will have to earn that right bach."
    Teenagers found guilty of a serious violation of the new behaviour rules will lose their travel passes,and will have to carry out unpaid community work to earn them back.
    Mr Johnson is also introducing a"two strikes and you're out"policy to deal with repeat offenders,under which those committing a second serious violation of the rules will lose their travel rights permanently.
61.Which of the following is NOT the content of the"courtesy pledge"?B
A.Teenagers should give up their seats to the old.
B.Teenagers shouldn't talk with strangers in public.
C.Teenagers mustn't use aggressive language in public.
D.Teenagers must be polite to people on public transport.A
A.rude        B.stupid       C.polite     D.calm
63.According to Mr Johnson,A.
A.youngsters should know duty comes with benefit
B.youngsters shouldn't use the privilege of free travel
C.anyone shouldn't make money with the privilege
D.youngsters should do some unpaid community work
64.The worst punishment teenagers can face isD.
A.to sign an agreement       B.to work in the community
C.to be fined               D.to lose their travel passes forever
65.Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?C
A.London Mayor Boris Johnson is a great person                 
B.The plan corresponds perfectly with the Big Society
C.Be polite and stand up for your elders or lose free travel
D.The"courtesy pledge"has been used across the country.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

6.The art of reading fiction is largely a matter of inferring meanings.To infer means to understand facts which are not directly stated-only suggested.Inference is one of the commonest ways of knowing things a child holds his knee and cries; this action implies his feeling; aji observer infers that the child hurt.To infer accurately in everyday life requires caution in observing; to infer skillfully in fiction requires caution in reading; both require disciplined imagination.
The short-story reader can expect to find certain basic elements in any story.For example,all stories involve a person or persons,in a particular setting,faced with a demand for a response.The response called for may be a physical action,such as defeating an adversary (对手) or escaping from a danger; or it may be a mental action,such as adjusting to others or within oneself.In either case,the short story is a description in two ways first,it shows the motives for a given,human action; second,it makes a point about the general human situation.Such descriptions,however,rather than being stated directly,usually are implied by the elements of the story.
When the reader of a story understands all the facts and their interrelationships,he is ready to infer the significance of the story as a whole-its comment on the human situation.This comment,or theme,is the seed from which the story grew.It is also the idea by which all the separate elements of the story are governed,while these in turn further shape and modify the theme.In addition to action,character,and setting,these elements include structure,mood,tone,and point of view.
Fiction reading requires an awareness of all the ways in which a story communicates.It also requires attention to detail.What the author provides is a network of points which serve as clues to his meaning.He invites the"reader to develop the meaning by inference,actually to create much of the story himself and so make it part of his own experience.
67.According to the author,"infer"meansA.
A.knowing facts beyond the statement
B.looking for more evidences for the statement
C.finding out a different meaning from the statement
D.adding some facts to the statement 68.Wh
68.t is inferring in fiction based on?B
B.The basic elements of the story.
C.The setting of the story.
D.The interrelationships between people in the story.
69.What is the implied meaning of the last sentence?A
A.Inferring can really help the reader develop imagination and enrich himself.
B Inferring can help the reader write a story of his own.
C.The reader should look for an experience described in the story he reads.
D.The experience described in the story will leave a great impact on its reader.
70.What is the main idea of this passage?C
A.Inferring is an art of writing.
B.Inferring is a need in fiction writing.
C.Inferring is the basic skill in reading fiction.
D.Inferring is common in reading.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

13.Three Apple engineers and three Microsoft employees are traveling by train to a conference.The Microsoft engineers each buy tickets but the Apple engineers buy only a(1)B ticket.
"How are three people going to travel on only one (2)A?"asks a Microsoft employee."Watch and you'll see,"answers an Apple engineer.
They all board the train.The Microsoft employees take their (3)D but all three Apple engineers cram(拥挤) into a restroom and close the door behind them.
(4)B after the train has departed,the conductor comes around (5)C tickets.He knocks on the restroom door and says,"Ticket,please."The door opens just a crack(缝) and an arm (6)A,ticket in hand.The (7)C takes it and moves on.The Microsoft employees see this and agree it is quite a (8)D idea.
So after the conference,the Microsoft employees decide to (9)B the Apple engineers (as they always do) on the return trip and save some (10)A.When they get to the station,they buy one ticket.To their (11)D,the Apple engineers don't buy any ticket at all.
"How are you going to travel without a ticket?"asks one (12)B Microsoft employee."Watch and you'll see,"answers an Apple engineer.
When they board the train,the Microsoft employees cram into a (13)C and the Apple engineers cram into another one nearby.The train departs.Soon one of the Apple engineers (14)C his restroom and walks over to where the Microsoft employees are (15)A.
He knocks on the door and says,"Ticket,please…"



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

10.Unsatisfied ________ with the payment,he took the job just to get some work experience.(  )
A.though was heB.though he wasC.he was thoughD.was he though


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

11.Sometimes young people can have good andreasonable (reason) ideas.

