精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情

【题目】 People who are at your age, like your classmates, are called peers (同龄人). When they try to influence how you act or to get you to do something, it's called peer pressure.1

Some kids give in to peer pressure because they want to be liked, to fit in or because they worry that other kids might make fun of them if they don't go along with the group.2The idea that everyone's doing it can influence some kids to leave their better judgment or their common sense behind.

3But you can do it. Paying attention to your own feelings and beliefs about what is right and wrong can help you know the right thing to do.

It can really help to have at least one other peer or friend who is willing to say 'no' too.4It's great to have friends with values similar to yours. If you choose friends who don't use drugs, smoke cigarettes or lie to their parents, then you probably won't do these things either, even if other kids do.

Even if you're faced with peer pressure while you're alone, there are still things you can do. You can simply stay away from peers who pressure you to do things you know is wrong.5Better yet, find other friends and classmates.

A.Just believe in yourself.

B.You can tell them 'no' and walk away.

C.Peer pressure is not always a bad thing.

D.This makes it much easier to overcome peer pressure.

E.It's something everyone has to deal with - even adults.

F.It is hard to be the only one who says 'no' to peer pressure.

G.Others go along because they are curious to try something new.










上文When they try to influence how you act or to get you to do something, it's called peer pressure.(当他们试图影响你的行为,或者让你做某件事情时,这叫做同伴压力)E. It's something everyone has to deal with - even adults.(这是每个人都要面对的问题——即使成年人也是如此)承接自然,选项中的it就指代上文提到的“同伴压力”,故选E项。


上文Some kids give in to peer pressure because they want to be liked, to fit in or because they worry that other kids might make fun of them if they don't go along with the group.(有些孩子屈服于同伴压力,因为他们想要被喜欢,想要融入群体,或者因为他们担心如果他们不与群体合作,其他孩子会取笑他们)G. Others go along because they are curious to try something new.(一些人愿意去做,是因为他们对尝试新事物好奇)承接自然,上下文是并列关系,都讲述屈服于同伴压力的原因,someothers是关键词,故选G


下文But you can do it.(但是你可以做到)与F. It is hard to be the only one who says 'no' to peer pressure.(很难成为唯一一个对同伴压力说不的人)承接自然,下文的it就是选项所提到的“对同伴压力说不”,故选F项。


上文It can really help to have at least one other peer or friend who is willing to say 'no' too.(至少有一个愿意说“不”的同伴或朋友。)D. This makes it much easier to overcome peer pressure.(这使得克服同伴压力变得容易得多)承接自然,选项中的this就指代前文的“至少有一个愿意说不的同伴或朋友”这件事,故选D项。


上文You can simply stay away from peers who pressure you to do things you know is wrong.(你可以远离那些强迫你去做你知道是错事的同龄人)B. You can tell them 'no' and walk away.(你可以告诉他们“不”,然后走开)承接自然,stay awaywalk away是关键词,故选B项。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号( ),并在其下面写上该加的词。





How are things going? I'm glad you are interested in our cultural heritage protection.

Great progress has made in the past few years. Every year a lot of efforts are made and much money are spent researching and protecting it. People are more aware of the important of protecting the cultural heritage.

However, we are faced over greater challenges in protecting our cultural relics nowadays. We have to make a way for many new buildings. Even worse, a largely number of historic spots have already been destroyed, what worries us a lot.

Considered the factors above, I think more steps should be taken to protecting our cultural heritage. I hope the whole society should actively participate in protecting our cultural heritage.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 A person that’s enthusiastic, determined and prepared to hug life’s trials is a person we all want to be. If you want to be like that person then your first step is to always stay inspired. Taking the first step towards an inspired life is the most difficult part of the process, but after you take it you will never look back.1He/She is a person who wakes up every day more inspired than the next. Inspiration will lead you anywhere you want to go. 2

Inspiration breeds(培育) more inspiration. After you get a taste of the inspired life you'll never want to turn back. Wake up tomorrow morning inspired and watch your life change.3I’ll give you some names of people who have changed the path of history and I’ll let you determine if they were inspired. Albert Einstein, Steve Jobs,Mother Theresa.

Inspiration leads to hard work. Hard work leads to success. Success will be much more difficult to attain if you care little about what you want to be successful in.

4Mark Zuckerberg was inspired by the potential of a great social network. Four English musicians were inspired to create great music thereby creating the Beatles. Socrates was inspired by his own curiosity and ended up creating Western Philosophy as we know it today.

Inspiration and genius(天才)one and the same.5In fact, many who we consider geniuses today were nothing more than extremely inspired individuals.

A.The uninspired seldom change the world.

B.A genius is someone who was born intelligent.

C.Fear of failure will stop you from staying inspired.

D.Nothing great was ever created without inspiration.

E.You don't have to have an IQ of 150 to be considered a genius.

F.Here are four additional reasons why you should always stay inspired.

G.An inspired individual is someone who never backs away from a challenge.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 Sadly, bullying is really common. In a study of young people in the UK aged 12-20, half of them said they had been bullied.1They might lose interest in the activities they enjoy, avoid spending time with other people and not go to classes or school.

2Bullying can also be with words-saying or writing things that are not nice. Another type of bullying is social-embarrassing someone or telling other people not to be friends with them. Bullying involves an imbalance of power. Maybe one person has private information or is more popular, or maybe they are physically bigger and stronger.

Bullying usually involves more people than you think.3Sometimes other people help the bully or join in. Then there are the kids that support-they support the bullying by being an audience. They laugh or encourage the children who are bullying in other ways. Some children see what is happening and want to help. Others may comfort and defend the person being bullied.

Does your school do anything to prevent bullying? Why don’t you create a student anti-bullying group? This group can do many things. Let the head teacher know how well the school is doing with fighting bullying and give them advice.4Make posters and displays or take over the school’s social media for a week to send out anti-bullying messages.

Bullying is a social problem and it needs a solution from society. The next time you see someone being cruel to someone else, take a stand! Don’t laugh or ignore what’s happening-tell an adult as soon as possible and help everyone to realize that bullying is not OK.5

A.Choose an anti-bullying slogan for your school.

B.There are the people who bully and those who are bullied.

C.Bullying is not just physical, like hitting or kicking someone.

D.To stop bullying we need everyone to be brave and take a stand.

E.Bullying behaviors have the potential to happen more than once.

F.Power imbalances can change over time and in different situations.

G.People who are bullied are more likely to suffer from depression and anxiety.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


An emotional reunion has been 75 years in the making. Two WWII 1 (survive) , 87-year-old Morris Sana and 85-year-old Simon Mairowitz, are cousins 2grew up together in Romania. The boys had been the best friends until the war broke out in 1940, which led to both families 3 (flee) the country in separate directions.

Since the cousins had no way of communicating with each other after they fled their home nation, both of 4assumed that the other had fallen victim to the war. While Sana ended up settling down in Israel, Mairowitz and his family built a new home in the UK.

Decades later, Sana’s daughter began using the Internet 5 (track) down and befriend all of her father’s long-lost cousins and family members. When she told her dad that his beloved cousin 6 (find), a meeting between the two was set up. Sana’s granddaughter Leetal Ofer recorded their reunion and published the footage to Facebook. In the video, Sana and Mairowitz are 7(tearful) hugging each other and 8 (express) their gratitude for the meeting. Ofer later described the reunion 9one of the most moving things she had ever seen. “The war tore so many families apart and bringing them together in Israel is so 10 (magic),” she said.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】假如英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中 共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增 :在缺词处加一个漏词符号(∧,并在其下面写出该加的词。





I still well remember it was that I was in Senior Grade One. Every one of my class said I was smart and clever, but I fancied myself too. But to my great disappoint, I failed in a very important test. See through my puzzle, my head teacher said me, " Failure comes from lack of efforts rather than lack of ability. " It was his word that woke me up. From now on I spared no efforts to study and made a great progress in the end. I have realized that we failed because we don't try your best rather than we are not intelligent.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】假定你是李华,泉州市图书馆将举办中英双语中国茶文化展。你的外教Mr.Smith是中国茶文化的爱好者,请给他写一-封邮件, 邀请他一起参观。 内容包括:



注意: 1.词数100左右;


参考词汇:茶具tea set

Dear Mr. Smith,


Looking forward to your reply.


Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。 文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除 或修改。

增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧ ),并在其下面写出该加的词。





Patsy Smith has raised ducks for many years. One of her ducks, Peg, losing one of his legs from a fight with a tortoise. Mrs. Smith calls for help to see if anyone could create new leg for Peg. Three students thought they would probable use their 3D printer to create a leg for him! They spent several months creating and testing different model. It turned out to be a lot more difficult than they had thought! Luckily, their hard work was paid off and they created a model who fitted Peg's leg perfectly! Now, Peg can walk or even run just like her duck partners! And Mrs. Smith is very thankful for them.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


Before she was crowned (加冕) Miss Amazing National in Chicago? US, Vanessa Cleary had never thought of herself as a beauty pageant (选美) competitor.

Yet the way in which Vanessa told the story of her birth mother’s struggle to help her with her disabilities and the positive impact the adoption had on her life helped her win over the judges last month. After the pageant, in which she took top honors in the junior teen division, the 15-year-old girl said she’s looking forward to telling her friends about her experience so they can join in as well. “I want everyone to have the experience I had,” Vanessa said. “It was really fun and I really enjoyed it.”

Miss Amazing is a pageant for girls with learning disabilities. In the ten years since it began, 1700 girls with disabilities have benefited from it. The pageant is designed to help the girls who participate to build sisterhoods, develop life skills, and so on.

The main event of the pageant is the stage performance, in which participants get to showcase a talent of their choice. When Vanessa’s mother first heard about Miss Amazing, she thought the pageant would be a great opportunity for Vanessa to showcase her skill for public speaking. Vanessa wants to be a teacher to teach other students who have disabilities like her.

Vanessa’s hearing is impaired, and she has a disability that makes reading difficult for her. Despite these, she is very active and loves public speaking. For Vanessa, it wasn’t about winning the pageant. It was about the opportunity for her to participate and feel supported.

1Who is Vanessa Cleary? (no more than 15 words)

2What’s the aim of the pageant? (no more than 20 words)

3What’s the meaning of the underlined word “impaired”? (no more than 3 words)

4What is Vanessa’s talent show in the pageant? (no more than 5 words)

5What do you think is the most important for Vanessa’s winning this year’s Miss Amazing pageant? (no more than 10 words)

