精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情

The biggest safety threat(威胁)facing airlines today may not be a man with a gun ,but the man with portable(便携式)computer in business class .In the past 15 years ,pilots have reported about over 100 incidents that could have been caused by electro-magnetic interference(电磁干扰) .The source of this interference remain unclear ,but increasingly ,experts are pointing the blame at portable electronic devices(设备)such as portable computers ,radio and mobile telephones .
RTCA ,an organization which advises the aviation industry ,has suggested that all airlines ban, such devices from being used during “key” stages of flight ,particularly take-off and landing .Some experts have gone further ,calling for a total ban during all flights .Nowadays ,rules on using these devices are left up to airlines. And although some airlines ban passengers from using such equipment during take-off and landing ,most are not willing to exercise a total ban ,if many passengers want to work during flights .
The difficulty is understanding how electromagnetic fields might affect an aircraft’s computers .Experts know that portable devices give off radiation which affects those wave lengths which aircraft uses for communication .But because they have not been able to reproduce these effects in a laboratory ,they have no way of knowing whether the interference might be dangerous or not .
The fact that aircraft may be in trouble because of the interference raises the danger
that some people may use radio systems in order to damage navigation(导航)equipment .As worrying ,though ,is the passenger who can’t hear the instruction to turn off his radio because the music is too loud .
.What is said about over 100 aircraft incidents in the past 15 years ?
A They may have taken place during take-off and landing .
B They have been caused by the damage to the radio systems .
C They were said to have resulted from electro-magnetic interference .
D They were caused by the passengers’ portable computers .
. Few airlines want to refuse a total ban on their passengers because ____ .
A they have other effective safety measures to fall back on
B they don’t believe there is such a danger as radio interference
C the effect of electromagnetic interference is yet to be proved
D most passengers refuse to take a plane which bans the use of radio 
. Why is it difficult to see the effects of electromagnetic fields on computers ?
A Experts lack proper equipment to such research .
B It is dangerous to carry out such research on an airplane .
C It remains a question what wave lengths are to be interfered with .
D Scientists are not able to produce the same effects in laboratory .
It can be inferred from the passage that the author ___ .
A hasn’t formed his own opinion on this problem
B has fully understood the danger of electromagnetic interference
C regards it is as unreasonable to exercise a total ban during flight
D is in favor of banning passengers’ use of electronic devices




科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

A study of English learning problems was carried out among a total of 106 foreign students.It shows that most students considered understanding spokeu English to be their bigges problern on asrival.This was followed by speaking,Writing increased as a problem as students discovered difficulties in writing papers that they were now expected to hand in.Reading remained as a signifioant(显著的)problem.

The information gsined helped up in determining where special attention should be paid in our course.Although many atudents have chosen to join the course with a reasonnble motivation(动机),we considered it important to note what seemed to encourage inleresl.Neady all the students have experienced some kind of grammar-based English teaching in their own country.To use the sarnc method would be self-defeating because it might reduce motivation,especially if it has failed in the pest.Thereforc a different method may help henause it is different.

Variety of activity was also seen as a way of maintsining(保持)or incressing motivation.Several years ago we had one timetable that operated throughout,but we soon found that both the students and the teachers lost interest by about halfway through the ten weeks.This led up to a majoc re-taink,so finally we hrought it into line with the expressed language needs of the students.

1.What is the text mainly about?

A.Foreign students have more problems.

B.There are many ways to improve English.

C.Tesching should meet students’needs.

D.English learning probles should be studied again.

2.Writing became a bigger problem when foreign students       .

A.had to writs their paers

B.became better at speaking

C.became less interested in reading

D.had fewer problems with listening

3.We may infer from the last lwo paragraphs that           .

A.different teaching methods should be used

B.grammar-hased teaching seems to be encouraging

C.English courses are necessary for foreign students

D.teaching content should be changed halfway

4.The word“it” underlined in the last paragraph refers to“           ”.





