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9.Parents whose children show a special interest in a sport feel very difficult to make a decision about their children's careers.Should they allow their children to train to become top sports men or women?For many children it means starting schoolwork very young,and going out with friends and other interests have to take a second place.It's very difficult to explain to a young child why he or she has to train five hours a day,even at the weekend,when most of his or her friends are playing.
       Another problem is of course money.In many countries money for training is available from government for the best young sportsmen and sportswomen.If this help can not be given,it means that it is the parents who have to find the time and the money to support their child's development and sports clothes,transport to competitions,special equipment,etc.All can be expensive.
       Many parents are worried that it is dangerous to start serious training in a sport at an early age.Some doctors agree that young muscles may be damaged by training before they are properly developed.Professional trainers,however,believe that it is only by training young when young that you can reach the top as a successful sports person.It is clear that very few people do reach the top,and both parents and children should be prepared for failure even after many years of training.
49.Where can we most probably find this passage?C
A.An advertisement
B.A diary.
C.A newspaper
D.A notice board.
50.What does the underlined phrase"to take a second place"in the first paragraph mean?A
A.To become less important.
B.To put it at another place.
C.To happen again.
D.They are the most important of all the things.
51.Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?C
A.It's easy to make a decision when your children want to take up sports.
B.Most of the students may become top sports men after a long period of training.
C.Early training may damage young muscles
D.It's not very expensive for parents to support their children's development in sports.

分析 本文属于说明文阅读,作者通过这篇文章主要向我们描述了父母对孩子的职业做出决定的艰难,不仅要考虑金钱的问题还有孩子的生理和心理的接受能力.

解答 49.C.推理判断题.通读全文,可知文章主要讲了父母对孩子的职业做出决定的艰难,不仅要考虑金钱的问题还有孩子的生理和心理的接受能力;语言客观准确,可知文章是发布在报纸上的;故选C.
50.A.词义推断题.根据文章第一段"For many children it means starting schoolwork very young,and going out with friends and other interests have to take a second place"对于许多孩子来说,这意味着开始做作业很年轻,和朋友和其他爱好出去的人都要占第二名;可知意思为变得不重要;故选A.
51.C.细节理解题.根据文章第二段"Some doctors agree that young muscles may be damaged by training before they are properly developed"可知早期训练可能损伤年轻肌肉;故选C.

点评 考察学生的细节理解和推理判断能力,做细节理解题时一定要找到文章中的原句,和题干进行比较,再做出正确的选择.在做推理判断题不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

6.In March 2012,researchers in the United States announce that they have developed the first wirelessly controlled device that can supply a drug directly into the body.A small chip is implanted under the skin.It contains the medicine,which it releases at preset(预先设定的)times.
The developers say the device could improve the lives of millions of people who take medicine for long-term illnesses.
A company called MicroCHIPS began developing the device about fifteen years ago.Last month,the company released the results of its first successful tests in humans.The tests took place in Denmark with seven women with osteoporosis.
Osteoporosis causes bones to become weak and break easily.The disorder is common among older people,especially women.Many patients have to give themselves daily injections of medicine.One type of treatment requires injections for two years.
Robert farra is the president of MicroCHIPS.He says many patients stop taking the medicine because of the pain and stress of the injections and that only twenty-five percent of the patients will go through the entire twenty-four months of treatment.
The microchip is a few centimeters long.It has small sections that each hold a single dose(剂量)of medicine.Mr.Farra says the device has to be programmed with the times to release the drug and that doctors will be able to reprogram the device from a computer or even a cell phone.
The seven women in the study were aged sixty-five to seventy.The researchers say the implants were just as effective as daily injections.And they say the dosage amounts were more exact than patients often give themselves.
The microchips in the study held only twenty doses of medicine.Mr.Farra and his team are now designing a version that could hold a full year's worth of medicine.
Robert Farra says,"The new version may take us two years,and then we may be required to do two additional trials,taking about four years before the device is available on the commercial scale."

71.Which of the following about the new device is right?D
A.It is of great use to all patients.
B.It is the first Microchip in the world.
C.It can cure long-term illnesses completely.
D.It can release medicine regularly as preset.
72.According to Paragraph 4,we knowB.
A.osteoporosis is believed to be a deadly disease
B.patients who suffer osteoporosis may easily break their bones
C.whoever suffers osteoporosis has to get daily injections
D.the only treatment of osteoporosis is injections for at least two years
73.Which of the following is TRUE?D
A.The seven women participants all got over the disease after the test.
B.The company MicroCHIPS began developing the device in about 1998.
C.the test with the women took seven years.
D.It may be six years before the device is put to commercial use.
74.Which is NOT the advantage of the device?C
A.It can release exact amount of medicine.
B.It can free patients the pain and stress of injections.
C.it held only twenty doses of medicine.
D.It is as effective as daily injections.
75.Which may be the best title of the passage?A
A.Taking medicine with a microchip under the skin
B.A successful test with seven women
C.Microchips are very useful
D.A new treatment of osteoporosis.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

7.Each morning Grandpa was up early sitting at the kitchen table,reading his book.His grandson wanted to be just like him and tried to copy him in every way he could.
One day the grandson asked,"Grandpa,I try to read the book just like you,but I don't understand it,and I forget what I understand as soon as I close the book.What good does reading the book do?"
The grandpa quietly turned from putting coal in the stove and replied,"Take this coal basket down to the river and bring me back a basket of water."
The boy did as he was told,but all the water leaked out before he got back to the house.The grandpa laughed and said,"You'll have to move a little faster next time,"and sent him back to the river with the basket to try again.
This time the boy ran faster,but again the basket was empty before he returned.Out of breath,he told his grandpa that it was impossible to carry water in a basket,so he went to get a bucket instead.
The grandpa said,"I don't want a bucket of water; I want a basket of water.You're just not trying hard enough."
The boy again dipped the basket into the river and ran hard,but when he reached his grandpa the basket was empty again.Out of breath,he said,"Grandpa,it's useless!"
"So,you think it is useless?"the grandpa said,"Look at the basket."
The boy looked at the basket and for the first time he realized that the basket was different.It had been transformed from a dirty old coal basket and was now clean.
"Grandson,that's what happens when you read the book.You might not understand or remember everything,but when you read it,you'll be changed,inside and out."

21.What puzzled the grandson most wasB.
A.why he forgot what he read soon
B.whether it was useful to read books
C.what kind of book he could understand
D.how he could read books like his grandpa
22.Why did Grandpa ask his grandson to fetch a basket of water?A
A.To get him to realize the use of reading books.
B.To punish him for not reading carefully.
C.To clean the dirty basket in the river.
D.To train him to run faster.
23.What lesson can we learn from the story?D
A.The old are always wiser than the young.
B.It is foolish to carry water with a basket.
C.You can't expect to remember all you read.
D.Reading books can change a person gradually.
24.What can be the best title for the text?D
A.Grandpa and grandson
B.Carrying water in a basket
C.Baskets and books
D.Reading for total changing.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

4.ONE morning last week I looked out of my study window and saw that it was a fine day.No,it was a glorious (极好的) day:the sun shone down from a sky with not even a single cloud.
But later that day,hard at work at my desk,I heard a loud drumming noise on the roof.Turning to the window,I saw that the sky was now the color of charcoal (木炭).Rain was beginning to fall; two minutes later the rain became hail (冰雹); at some point,the hail became snow.Rain,hail or snow,it was all wet,making rivers of water.
This story will give you some idea about weather in Britain.It's extremely variable.Go ahead with your picnic in the local park by all means,but don't assume that because the sun is shining now,it will be when you open your pack of sandwiches; better take an umbrella,just in case.
The weather in Britain is by no means always bad.The weather can just seem a lot like a person who has a lot of mood swings.
This is one of the biggest reasons why the British talk so often about the weather:it's handy.Wherever there are strangers standing or sitting close together,and talk cannot be avoided,the conversation focuses on the weather:"Yes,the weather has been good,hasn't it?Three whole days of sunshine this May!"or"What shocking weather we've been having!"The unreliability  of the weather is something that every Brit can agree on.That makes it a safe topic of conversation.
Thus,the weather's unpredictability  is actually a plus for the British,a very useful bit of our culture.Even those with different opinions on everything else in the world,such as the current argument in the UK about membership of the European Union,can talk about the weather without it leading to a shouting match.Long live rainstorms in mid-July!
25.The writer wrote the article mainly toD.
A.describe his own experiences of the different weather in Britain
B.remind people to take an umbrella whenever they have to go out in Britain
C.prove the uncertainty of the weather in Britain
D.describe the weather and the way people talk about weather in Britain
26.The main characteristic of British weather isA.
C.lack of sunshine    
D.continuous rain
27.The British often start conversations by talking about the weather becauseB.
A.they seldom trust the weather forecast
B.the variable weather is a safe topic of conversation
C.they are all interested in predicting weather
D.they like complaining about the terrible weather
28.It can be inferred from the article that the author holds a(n)D attitude toward the weather in Britain.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

4.To his delight,Tom quickly earned the trust of his girl friend and then _____ of her parents.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

14."Tweenager"is the new term being used in the UK to describe kids at either 8-12or 10-13years old.
More and more companies are beginning to create products and services for tweenagers.The Disney company sells music and films to tweenagers and their parents.You can get everything from branded lunchboxes and mobile phone covers,to monthly fan magazines and clothing.It's all about sales,which suggests that tweenagers must have more money,freedom and influence upon their parents than they've ever had before.
Most kids in the UK today get more pocket money than kids did a decade ago.Parents have more money to give their kids than previously,since parents are having fewer children.In addition,the divorce rate in the UK is continually rising and parents spend less time with their children than they used to,so many parents try to compensate by buying presents for their children.It's a bad habit for both parents and kids to get into,but parents are under constant pressure from commercial marketing and the pleas of their children.
UK kids today are very media and computer-literate.A lot of kids have a TV,if not a computer,in their bedrooms.They have access to much more information about life and the world.They may have experienced a lot in life as well,since 24% of UK kids live in single-parent families,so people now say that"Kids are getting older younger".With such maturity at such a young age,it's no wonder tweenagers are able to influence their parents and have more freedom than previous generations.
UK tweenagers never used to be worried about spending money on clothes.That's changed.Now,they are much more fashion conscious and concerned about their image.Many tweenagers outgrow the bright colours and fashions of their tweenage years and go for something darker and more rebellious.
Surely none of the above is a good thing.The UK government is certainly concerned,and for that reason has strict laws preventing companies from explicitly marketing their products and services at children.

36.Why are more products and services created for tweenagers?B
A.Because children education is becoming more important.
B.Because children have more money to buy them.
C.Because it is better to study music from an early age.
D.Because more companies are creating products and services.
37.Kids today can get more money partly becauseC.
A.parents always accompany their kids
B.parents have more expectation of kids
C.more and more parents divorce nowadays
D.kids know how to make money
38.Tweenagers have more freedom due to the following facts EXCEPT thatA.
A.their parents can not influence them any more
B.they know more information than kids before
C.they become mature at a younger age
D.they have a lot of experience in life
39.Which is true about kids in the past?D
A.They used to have more money to spend.
B.They couldn't influence their parents.
C.They looked older than their age.
D.They preferred to wear brighter clothes.
40.What is the purpose of the passage?B
A.To teach a new word"tweenager".
B.To introduce a new phenomenon.
C.To urge parents to care about their kids.
D.To blame today's young people.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

1.I once had my Chinese MBA students brainstorming on"two-hour business plans".I separated them into six groups and gave them an example:a restaurant chain.The more original their idea,the better,I said.Finally,five of the six groups presented plans for restaurant chains.The sixth proposed a catering(餐饮) service.Though I admitted the time limit had been difficult,I expressed my disappointment.
My students were middle managers,financial analysts and financiers from state-owned enterprises and global companies.They were not without talent or opinions,but they had been shaped by an educational system that rarely stressed or rewarded critical thinking or inventiveness.The scene I just described came in different forms during my two years'teaching at the school.Papers were often copied from the Web and the Harvard Business Review.Case study debates were written up and just memorized.Students frequently said that copying is a superior business strategy,better than inventing and creating.
In China,every product you can imagine has been made and sold.But so few well-developed marketing and management minds have been raised that it will be a long time before most people in the world can name a Chinese brand.
With this problem in mind,partnerships with institutions like Yale and MIT have been established.And then there's the"thousand-talent  scheme":this new government program is intended to improve technological modernization by attracting top foreign-trained scientists to the mainland with big money.But there are worries about China's research environment.It's hardly known for producing independent thinking and openness,and even big salary offers may not be attractive enough to overcome this.
At last,for China,becoming a major world creator is not just about setting up partnerships with top Western universities.Nor is it about gathering a group of well-educated people and telling them to think creatively.It's about establishing a rich learning environment for young minds.It's not that simple.

68.Which of the following scenes is NOT considered as lack of creation?D
A.Papers were often downloaded from the Internet.
B.Students often said that copying is a preferable business strategy.
C.Case study debates were written up as well as recited.
D.Students combine knowledge and critical thoughts to solve a problem.
69.The underlined word"scheme"in the forth paragraph meansC.
A.timetable   B.theme   C.project   D.policy
70.We can infer from the passage thatB.
A.China can make and sell any product all over the world
B.high pay may not solve the problem of China's research environment
C.cooperation with institutions has been set up to make a Chinese brand
D.the new government program are aimed at encouraging imagination
71.Which is the best title of the passage?A
A.Look for a New Way of Learning
B.Reward Creative Thinking
C.How to Become a Creator
D.Establish a Technical Environment.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

18.-Why don't you have an apple?
-Thanks,but I have just had ______.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

19.Are you a problem shopper?The answer is"Yes",if you or someone else thinks that you sometimes get carried away with shopping.In other words,do you or does someone else think you are occupied in extreme shopping?If people have regrets later about their shopping,or have an"out-of-control"feeling about the quantities of what they buy or the amount of credit they use,they may be considered to be problem shoppers.
    Extreme shopping can lead to a more serious problem-addictive shopping.Addictive shoppers feel driven by the desire to shop and spend money.They experience great tension which drives them to shop and spend money and they feel a"rush"during the time they are occupied with the shopping activity.
    Extreme or addictive shopping may result from long-time unpleasant feelings,of which anxiety,pain and shame are common ones.When we feel bad inside,we often do something to make ourselves feel better.In this case,we often go shopping.
    A few people shop to relieve their boredom or emptiness.For some people,the motivation is a desire for status,power,beauty or success.Some love to shop as it makes them feel valued in the eyes of the shop assistants.Others shop simply because it makes them forget,at least temporarily,tension,fear or unhappiness in their life.
    Besides,shopping malls are designed to encourage continual shopping.For instance,there are some malls where you can't see clocks displaying the time because they don't want you to become too aware of the time you spend there.What's more,food courts,coffee shops and restrooms are provided,so you don't have to leave the mall because of your physical needs.
    Therefore,once you become aware of how market forces work,you will certainly come to control your shopping behavior.For example,how much time you will spend and what areas you will visit can be decided before you enter the mall.Keep a written account of what items you will buy and how much money you will spend.Make a plan for what you are going to buy before you feel the urge to shop and then stick to it.That is vital for gaining self-control.
54.Which of the following people may not be problem shoppers?B
A.Those who cannot control the amount of credit they use.
B.Those who just walk around the shopping malls.
C.Those who are occupied in too much shopping.
D.Those who feel sorry for their shopping.
55.According to the passage,what may not result in addictive shopping?A
A.The awareness of how market forces work.
B.The desire for status,power,beauty or success.
C.Boredom,emptiness,tension,fear or unhappiness in people's life.
D.Long-time bad feelings of anxiety,pain and shame.
56.What does the author suggest to control our shopping behaviour?D
A.Never going to the shopping malls because there are many tricks.
B.Applying for a credit card before we go shopping.
C.Making the shopping time as short as possible.
D.Making a shopping list before we go shopping.
57.The author writes this passage to.B
A.inform the shopping malls how to attract more shoppers
B.provide solutions to the problem shopping.
C.scold the problem shoppers
D.tell a shopping story.

