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This March is a busy moth in Shanghai. There’s a lot to do. Here are the highlights.

Live Music Late Night Jazz

Enjoy real American jazz from Herbie Davis, the famous trumpet player. He’s coming with his new 7 piece band, Herbie’s Heroes. Herbie is known to play well into the early hours, so don’t expect to get much sleep. This is Herbie’s third visit to Shanghai. The first two were sold out, so get your tickets quickly.

PLACE:  The Jazz Club          DATES:15 23 March           PRICE:¥80

TIME: 10:00 p.m. till late!         TEL:6466 8736 

Scottish dancing

Take your partners and get ready to dance till you drop. Scottish dancing is fun and easy to learn. Instructors will demonstrate the dances. The live band, Gordon Stroppie and the Weefrees, are also excellent.

PLACE:  Jack Stein’s       DATES: every Monday        PRICE:¥60 including one drink

TIME: 7:00 00:00 p.m.        TEL:6402 1877  

Exhibitions Shanghai Museum

There are 120,000 pieces on show here. You can see the whole of Chinese history under one roof. It’s always interesting to visit, but doubly so at the moment with the Egyptian Tombs exhibition. There are lots of mummies and more gold than you’ve ever seen before. Let us know if you see a mummy move!

PLACE:  Shanghai Museum           PRICE:¥30(¥15 for students)

TEL:6888 6888                     DATES: daily

TIME: Monday Friday 9:00 a. m. 5:00 p. m., Weekends 9:00 a. m. 9:00p.m. 

Dining Sushi chef in town

Sushi is getting really big in Shanghai. In Japan, it’s become an art form. The most famous Sushi ‘artist’ is Yuki Kamura. She’s also one of the few female chefs in Japan. She’ll be at Sushi Scene all of this month.

PLACE: Suhai Scene in the Shanghai Hotel       DATES: all month          

PRICE:¥200                  TIME: lunchtime TEL: 6690 3211       

For a full listing of events, see our website.


50.Suppose you are going to attend an activity at 11:00 p.m. on Saturday, which one can you choose?

       A.Live Music Late Night Jazz                B.Scottish dancing  

       C.Exhibitions Shanghai Museum            D.Dinning Sushi chef in town

51.From the text we may learn that Sushi is          .

       A.a cook                B.a kind of food      C.an instructor        D.an artist

52.Which is not true about the ads?

       A.Yuki Kamura will stay in Shanghai in March for a whole month.

       B.A family of parents with 15 year old twins should pay 75 yuan for the Shanghai museum admission.

       C.You will probably be taught to dance if you go to Jack Stein’s.

       D.American jazz from Herbie Davis is popular in Shanghai.

53.Where are the ads available to people?

       A.Newspaper          B.Magazine             C.TV                     D.Internet

50.A   51.B   52.B   53.D

科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

1. An a ______happened yesterday. A man was knocked down by a car.

2.When the performance finished, the audience c__________for a while.

3.News that China was to h_____ the 2008 Olympic Games excited every Chinese.

4.We had a heavy snow this March, which was most u_________ here.

5.A high-speed maglev train has no w________ and no engine.

6.For your safety, please get your seatbelt ___________ (系紧) before the plane takes off.

7.A deer behind the tree looked at us c__________ (好奇) .

8.Would you like to listen to my exciting a      (冒险)in the Himalayas?

9.I have plenty of _________ (幽默的)tales.

10.It is difficult to find space to _________ (掩埋) waste in modern society.


科目:高中英语 来源:2013年全国普通高等学校招生统一考试英语(湖北卷带解析) 题型:阅读理解

A German study suggests that people who were too optimistic about their future actually faced greater risk of disability or death within 10 years than those pessimists who expected their future to be worse.
The paper, published this March in Psychology and Aging, examined health and welfare surveys from roughly 40,000 Germans between ages 18 and 96. The surveys were conducted every year from 1993 to 2003.
Survey respondents (受访者) were asked to estimate their present and future life satisfaction on a scale of 0 to 10, among other questions.
The researchers found that young adults (age 18 to 39) routinely overestimated their future life satisfaction, while middle-aged adults (age 40 to 64) more accurately predicted how they would feel in the future. Adults of 65 and older, however, were far more likely to underestimate their future life satisfaction. Not only did they feel more satisfied than they thought they would, the older pessimists seemed to suffer a lower ratio (比率) of disability and death for the study period.
“We observed that being too optimistic in predicting a better future than actually observed was associated with a greater risk of disability and a greater risk of death within the following decade,” wrote Frieder R. Lang, a professor at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg.
Lang and his colleagues believed that people who were pessimistic about their future may be more careful about their actions than people who expected a rosy future.
“Seeing a dark future may encourage positive evaluations of the actual self and may contribute to taking improved precautions (预防措施),” the authors wrote.
Surprisingly, compared with those in poor health or who had low incomes, respondents who enjoyed good health or income were associated with expecting a greater decline. Also, the researchers said that higher income was related to a greater risk of disability.
The authors of the study noted that there were limitations to their conclusions. Illness, medical treatment and personal loss could also have driven health outcomes.
However, the researchers said a pattern was clear. “We found that from early to late adulthood, individuals adapt their expectations of future life satisfaction from optimistic, to accurate, to pessimistic,” the authors concluded.
【小题1】According to the study, who made the most accurate prediction of their future life satisfaction?

A.Optimistic adults.B.Middle-aged adults.
C.Adults in poor health.D.Adults of lower income.
【小题2】Pessimism may be positive in some way because it causes people ______.
A.to fully enjoy their present life
B.to estimate their contribution accurately
C.to take measures against potential risks
D.to value health more highly than wealth
【小题3】How do people of higher income see their future?
A.They will earn less money.
B.They will become pessimistic.
C.They will suffer mental illness.
D.They will have less time to enjoy life.
【小题4】 What is the clear conclusion of the study?
A.Pessimism guarantees chances of survival.
B.Good financial condition leads to good health.
C.Medical treatment determines health outcomes.
D.Expectations of future life satisfaction decline with age.


科目:高中英语 来源:江西省于都中学2009-2010学年度高二下学期周练二英语试卷(B) 题型:阅读理解

SINGAPOREAN singer JJ Lam,29,admitted that this March couldn’t be better:He outshined Taiwanese superstar Jay Chou and bagged four awards at the China Original Music Pop Chart Award(中国原创音乐流行榜) ceremony,including the most coveted(最渴望得到的)best male singer title.
Yet the trophies(奖杯)were only part of an exciting month.Knowing that he has an O1ympic champion fan,Lam was so happy that he prepared his own gifts for Zhou Yang,the speed skating gold medalist:an autographed(签名的)CD and a Mickey Mouse doll.He even invited Zhou to his birthday party on March 26 after Zhou told him that it was a great pity she had had to miss Lam's Beijing concert last year.
Lam showed his love and talent for music as early as middle school,but it doesn't mean he easily got to where he is now.Like many young men his age,Lam was once hooked(沉迷)on video games.“One in particular,World of Warcraft,obsessed(迷住)me,” he said.“I made up my own stories and characters and once I even composed(编曲)a soundtrack for the game.”
But luckily Lam soon realized things would have to change.“There was no future in playing games and I had to think about the years ahead,” he said.
After finishing high school,Lam joined the army. On the small island where he was stationed,he wrote dozens of songs.Still,his ambition of one day being a pop singer seemed an unrealistic dream to others.“Later,when my former officers heard my songs being played on the radio, they couldn’t believe it.” he said.
Not that the road to success wasn't a rocky one.When Lam went to Taiwan to develop his career, he felt lonely at first.He started playing computer games again.“I indulged(沉溺) myself in games day and night," he said.“But I came to realize that I mustn’t 1et the games take over my 1ife.I had to go out,see people and meet life’s challenges head on.”
61.JJ Lam outshone Jay Chou by___________.
A.winning four awards at a ceremony
B.being the gold medalist Zhou Yang’s favorite singer
C.winning the award for best new artist
D.writing more popular original songs
62.Which of the following statements about JJ Lam is FALSE?
A.His parents guided him through success.
B.He was once obsessed with video games.
C.He wrote a song for the game WOW.
D.He understood that playing games would not give him a secure future.
63.The last paragraph tells us that___________ 
A.lam has a talent for different music styles
B.lam became famous overnight
C.playing video games helps Lam release pressure
D.lam went through hard times before he became successful
64.Which of the following elements has NOT contributed to Lam’s success,according to the article?
A.His passion for music.     B.His song-writing talent.
C.Support from fans.        D.The skills he learned in the army.


科目:高中英语 来源:江西省2009-2010学年度高二下学期周练二英语试卷(B) 题型:阅读理解




SINGAPOREAN singer JJ Lam,29,admitted that this March couldn’t be better:He outshined Taiwanese superstar Jay Chou and bagged four awards at the China Original Music Pop Chart Award(中国原创音乐流行榜) ceremony,including the most coveted(最渴望得到的)best male singer title.

Yet the trophies(奖杯)were only part of an exciting month.Knowing that he has an O1ympic champion fan,Lam was so happy that he prepared his own gifts for Zhou Yang,the speed skating gold medalist:an autographed(签名的)CD and a Mickey Mouse doll.He even invited Zhou to his birthday party on March 26 after Zhou told him that it was a great pity she had had to miss Lam's Beijing concert last year.

Lam showed his love and talent for music as early as middle school,but it doesn't mean he easily got to where he is now.Like many young men his age,Lam was once hooked(沉迷)on video games.“One in particular,World of Warcraft,obsessed(迷住)me,” he said.“I made up my own stories and characters and once I even composed(编曲)a soundtrack for the game.”

But luckily Lam soon realized things would have to change.“There was no future in playing games and I had to think about the years ahead,” he said.

After finishing high school,Lam joined the army. On the small island where he was stationed,he wrote dozens of songs.Still,his ambition of one day being a pop singer seemed an unrealistic dream to others.“Later,when my former officers heard my songs being played on the radio, they couldn’t believe it.” he said.

Not that the road to success wasn't a rocky one.When Lam went to Taiwan to develop his career, he felt lonely at first.He started playing computer games again.“I indulged(沉溺) myself in games day and night," he said.“But I came to realize that I mustn’t 1et the games take over my 1ife.I had to go out,see people and meet life’s challenges head on.”

61.JJ Lam outshone Jay Chou by___________.

A.winning four awards at a ceremony

B.being the gold medalist Zhou Yang’s favorite singer

C.winning the award for best new artist

D.writing more popular original songs

62.Which of the following statements about JJ Lam is FALSE?

A.His parents guided him through success.

B.He was once obsessed with video games.

C.He wrote a song for the game WOW.

D.He understood that playing games would not give him a secure future.

63.The last paragraph tells us that___________ 

A.lam has a talent for different music styles

B.lam became famous overnight

C.playing video games helps Lam release pressure

D.lam went through hard times before he became successful

64.Which of the following elements has NOT contributed to Lam’s success,according to the article?

A.His passion for music.     B.His song-writing talent.

C.Support from fans.        D.The skills he learned in the army.



科目:高中英语 来源:20102011江西吉安一中高二下学期第二次月考英语试题 题型:单项填空

This March Japan was struck by earthquake, from ______ impacts the people are still suffering.

A.what             B.which            C.whose            D.that   


